blob: abc309206b583dd466081e545878b083e9fcc8a4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.pig.PigException;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.FrontendException;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.LogicalExpression;
* Schema, from a logical perspective.
public class LogicalSchema {
public static class LogicalFieldSchema {
public String alias;
public byte type;
public long uid;
public LogicalSchema schema;
public LogicalFieldSchema(String alias, LogicalSchema schema, byte type) {
this(alias, schema, type, -1);
public LogicalFieldSchema(LogicalFieldSchema fs) {
this(fs.alias, fs.schema, fs.type, fs.uid);
public LogicalFieldSchema(String alias, LogicalSchema schema, byte type, long uid) {
this.alias = alias;
this.type = type;
this.schema = schema;
this.uid = uid;
* Equality is defined as having the same type and either the same schema
* or both null schema. Alias and uid are not checked.
public boolean isEqual(Object other) {
return isEqual(other, false);
* Equality is defined as having the same type and either the same schema
* or both null schema. if compareAlias argument is set to true, alias
* is also compared.
* @param other
* @param compareAlias
* @return true if equal
public boolean isEqual(Object other, boolean compareAlias) {
if (other instanceof LogicalFieldSchema) {
LogicalFieldSchema ofs = (LogicalFieldSchema)other;
if(alias != null && !alias.equals(ofs.alias))
return false;
if (type != ofs.type) return false;
if (schema == null && ofs.schema == null) return true;
if (schema == null) return false;
else return schema.isEqual(ofs.schema, compareAlias);
} else {
return false;
public String toString(boolean verbose) {
String uidString = "";
if (verbose)
uidString="#" + uid;
String aliasToPrint = "";
if (alias!=null)
aliasToPrint = alias;
if( type == DataType.BAG ) {
if( schema == null ) {
return ( aliasToPrint + uidString + ":bag{}" );
return ( aliasToPrint + uidString + ":bag{" + schema.toString(verbose) + "}" );
} else if( type == DataType.TUPLE ) {
if( schema == null ) {
return ( aliasToPrint + uidString + ":tuple()" );
return ( aliasToPrint + uidString + ":tuple(" + schema.toString(verbose) + ")" );
} else if (type == DataType.MAP) {
if (schema == null ) {
return (aliasToPrint + uidString + ":map");
} else {
return (aliasToPrint + uidString + ":map(" + schema.toString(verbose) + ")");
return ( aliasToPrint + uidString + ":" + DataType.findTypeName(type) );
public String toString() {
return toString(true);
* Give new value for uid if uid of field schema or those in fields schema
* of inner schema are -1.
public void stampFieldSchema() {
if (uid==-1)
uid = LogicalExpression.getNextUid();
if (schema!=null) {
for (LogicalFieldSchema fs : schema.getFields()) {
private boolean compatible(LogicalFieldSchema uidOnlyFieldSchema) {
if (uidOnlyFieldSchema==null)
return false;
if (this.schema==null && uidOnlyFieldSchema.schema!=null ||
this.schema!=null && uidOnlyFieldSchema.schema==null)
return false;
if (this.schema!=null) {
if (this.schema.size()!=uidOnlyFieldSchema.schema.size())
return false;
for (int i=0;i<this.schema.size();i++) {
boolean comp = schema.getField(i).compatible(uidOnlyFieldSchema.schema.getField(i));
if (!comp) return false;
return true;
// Check if fs1 is equal to fs2 with regard to type
public static boolean typeMatch(LogicalFieldSchema fs1, LogicalFieldSchema fs2) {
if (fs1==null && fs2==null) {
return true;
if (fs1==null || fs2==null) {
return false;
if (fs1.type!=fs2.type) {
return false;
if (DataType.isComplex(fs1.type)) {
LogicalSchema s1 = fs1.schema;
LogicalSchema s2 = fs2.schema;
if (s1==null && s2==null) {
return true;
if (fs1==null || fs2==null) {
return false;
if (s1.size()!=s2.size()) {
return false;
for (int i=0;i<s1.size();i++) {
if (!typeMatch(s1.getField(i), s2.getField(i))) {
return false;
return true;
* Adds the uid from FieldSchema argument to this FieldSchema
* If the argument is null, it stamps this FieldSchema with uid
* @param uidOnlyFieldSchema
* @return FieldSchema
* @throws FrontendException
public LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema mergeUid(LogicalFieldSchema uidOnlyFieldSchema) throws FrontendException {
if (uidOnlyFieldSchema!=null && compatible(uidOnlyFieldSchema)) {
this.uid = uidOnlyFieldSchema.uid;
if (this.schema!=null) {
for (int i=0;i<this.schema.size();i++) {
return uidOnlyFieldSchema;
else {
if (uidOnlyFieldSchema==null) {
else {
this.uid = uidOnlyFieldSchema.uid;
if (this.schema!=null) {
for (int i=0;i<this.schema.size();i++) {
LogicalFieldSchema clonedUidOnlyCopy = cloneUid();
return clonedUidOnlyCopy;
* Rest uid of this fieldschema and inner schema
public void resetUid(){
uid = -1;
if(schema != null){
public LogicalFieldSchema cloneUid() {
LogicalFieldSchema resultFs = null;
if (schema==null) {
resultFs = new LogicalFieldSchema(null, null, type, uid);
else {
LogicalSchema newSchema = new LogicalSchema();
resultFs = new LogicalFieldSchema(null, newSchema, type, uid);
for (int i=0;i<schema.size();i++) {
LogicalFieldSchema fs = schema.getField(i).cloneUid();
return resultFs;
public LogicalFieldSchema deepCopy() {
LogicalFieldSchema newFs = new LogicalFieldSchema(alias!=null?alias:null, schema!=null?schema.deepCopy():null,
type, uid);
return newFs;
* Compare two field schema for equality
* @param relaxInner If true, we don't check inner tuple schemas
* @param relaxAlias If true, we don't check aliases
* @return true if FieldSchemas are equal, false otherwise
public static boolean equals(LogicalFieldSchema fschema,
LogicalFieldSchema fother,
boolean relaxInner,
boolean relaxAlias) {
if( fschema == null || fother == null ) {
return false ;
if( fschema.type != fother.type ) {
return false ;
if (!relaxAlias) {
if ( fschema.alias == null && fother.alias == null ) {
// good
} else if ( fschema.alias == null ) {
return false ;
} else if( !fschema.alias.equals( fother.alias ) ) {
return false ;
if ( (!relaxInner) && (DataType.isSchemaType(fschema.type))) {
// Don't do the comparison if both embedded schemas are
// null. That will cause Schema.equals to return false,
// even though we want to view that as true.
if (!(fschema.schema == null && fother.schema == null)) {
// compare recursively using schema
if (!LogicalSchema.equals(fschema.schema, fother.schema, false, relaxAlias)) {
return false ;
return true ;
* Check if FieldSchema inFs is castable to outFs
* @param inFs
* @param outFs
* @return true if it is castable
public static boolean castable(LogicalFieldSchema inFs,
LogicalFieldSchema outFs) {
if(outFs == null && inFs == null) {
return false;
if (outFs == null) {
return false ;
if (inFs == null) {
return false ;
byte inType = inFs.type;
byte outType = outFs.type;
if (DataType.isSchemaType(outFs.type)) {
if(inType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) {
// good
} else if (inType == outType) {
// Don't do the comparison if either input inner schema
// is null/empty or both inner schemas are
// null. That will cause Schema.equals to return false,
// even though we want to view that as true.
if (!(inFs.schema == null || inFs.schema.size() == 0 ||
(outFs.schema == null && inFs.schema == null))) {
// compare recursively using schema
if (!LogicalSchema.castable(inFs.schema, outFs.schema)) {
return false ;
} else {
return false;
} else {
if (inType == outType) {
// good
else if (inType == DataType.BOOLEAN && (outType == DataType.CHARARRAY
|| outType == DataType.BYTEARRAY || DataType.isNumberType(outType))) {
// good
else if (DataType.isNumberType(inType) && (outType == DataType.CHARARRAY
|| outType == DataType.BYTEARRAY || DataType.isNumberType(outType))
|| outType == DataType.BOOLEAN) {
// good
else if (inType == DataType.CHARARRAY && (outType == DataType.BYTEARRAY
|| DataType.isNumberType(outType)) || outType == DataType.BOOLEAN) {
// good
else if (inType == DataType.BYTEARRAY) {
// good
else {
return false;
return true ;
* Merge two LogicalFieldSchema, the behavior of merge depends on mode.
* If mode==MergeType.LoadForEach or MergeType.LoadForEachInner, take left side if compatible, otherwise, throw exception.
* If mode==MergeType.UnionInner, if not same type, throw exception, end up with null inner schema.
* If mode==MergeType.Union, take more specific type.
* @param fs1 In Load/Foreach, fs1 is user declared schema; in Union, fs1 is left side
* @param fs2 In Load/Foreach, fs1 is inferred schema; in Union, fs1 is left side
* @param mode merge mode
public static LogicalFieldSchema merge(LogicalFieldSchema fs1, LogicalFieldSchema fs2, MergeMode mode) throws FrontendException {
// deal with null schema
if (mode==MergeMode.LoadForEach) {
if (fs1==null) throw new FrontendException("We cannot cast into null", 1031);
if (fs2==null) return fs1.deepCopy();
} else if (mode==MergeMode.LoadForEachInner) {
if (fs1==null)
return null;
if (fs2==null)
return fs1.deepCopy();
} else { // Union/UnionInner
return null;
String mergedAlias;
byte mergedType = DataType.UNKNOWN;
LogicalSchema mergedSubSchema = null;
// Infer merged data type
if (mode==MergeMode.UnionInner) {
if (fs1.type!=fs2.type)
// We don't merge inner schema of different type for union, throw exception
throw new FrontendException("Incompatible field schema: left is \"" + fs1.toString(false) + "\", right is \"" + fs2.toString(false) + "\"", 1031);
mergedType = fs1.type;
else if (mode==MergeMode.LoadForEach||mode==MergeMode.LoadForEachInner) {
if (fs1.type==DataType.NULL||fs1.type==DataType.BYTEARRAY) // If declared schema does not have type part
mergedType = fs2.type;
else if (!DataType.castable(fs1.type, fs2.type))
throw new FrontendException("Incompatible field schema: declared is \"" + fs1.toString(false) + "\", infered is \"" + fs2.toString(false) + "\"", 1031);
else mergedType = fs1.type; // If compatible type, we take the declared type
else {
// Union schema
if (fs1.type==DataType.BYTEARRAY) {
} else if (fs2.type==DataType.BYTEARRAY) {
mergedType = fs1.type;
else {
// Take the more specific type
mergedType = DataType.mergeType(fs1.type, fs2.type);
if (mergedType == DataType.ERROR) {
// True incompatible, set to bytearray
mergedType = DataType.BYTEARRAY;
if (fs1.alias==null)
mergedAlias = fs2.alias;
else if (fs2.alias==null)
mergedAlias = fs1.alias;
else {
mergedAlias = mergeNameSpacedAlias(fs1.alias, fs2.alias);
if (mergedAlias==null)
mergedAlias = fs1.alias;
if (DataType.isSchemaType(mergedType)) {
if (mode==MergeMode.Union) {
try {
if (fs1.type==DataType.BYTEARRAY) {
if (fs2.schema!=null)
mergedSubSchema = fs2.schema.deepCopy();
else if (fs2.type==DataType.BYTEARRAY) {
if (fs1.schema!=null)
mergedSubSchema = fs1.schema.deepCopy();
else {
mergedSubSchema = LogicalSchema.merge(fs1.schema, fs2.schema, MergeMode.UnionInner);
} catch (FrontendException e) {
if(fs1.type == DataType.BAG && fs2.type == DataType.BAG){
//create an empty tuple as subschema
mergedSubSchema = new LogicalSchema();
mergedSubSchema.addField(new LogicalFieldSchema(null, new LogicalSchema(), DataType.TUPLE));
}else if(fs1.type == DataType.TUPLE && fs2.type == DataType.TUPLE){
mergedSubSchema = new LogicalSchema();
// If inner schema is not compatible, mergedSubSchema set to null
else {
if (mode==MergeMode.UnionInner)
mergedSubSchema = LogicalSchema.merge(fs1.schema, fs2.schema, MergeMode.UnionInner);
else {
// LoadForEach/LoadForEachInner
if (fs1.type==DataType.BYTEARRAY)
mergedSubSchema = fs2.schema;
else {
try {
// Only check compatibility
mergedSubSchema = LogicalSchema.merge(fs1.schema, fs2.schema, MergeMode.LoadForEachInner);
} catch (FrontendException e) {
throw new FrontendException("Incompatible field schema: left is \"" + fs1.toString(false) + "\", right is \"" + fs2.toString(false) + "\"", 1031);
LogicalFieldSchema mergedFS = new LogicalFieldSchema(mergedAlias, mergedSubSchema, mergedType);
return mergedFS;
public static boolean isEqualUnlessUnknown(LogicalFieldSchema fs1, LogicalFieldSchema fs2) throws FrontendException {
if (fs1.type == DataType.BYTEARRAY) {
return true;
} else if (fs2.type == DataType.BYTEARRAY) {
return true;
} else if (fs1.type == fs2.type) {
if (DataType.isComplex(fs1.type)) {
return LogicalSchema.isEqualUnlessUnknown(fs1.schema, fs2.schema);
} else {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Old Pig field schema does not require a tuple schema inside a bag;
* Now it is required to have that; this method is to fill the gap
public void normalize() {
if (type==DataType.BAG) {
if (schema!=null) {
// Check if the BAG has a tuple field
if (schema.size()!=1 || schema.getField(0).type!=DataType.TUPLE) {
LogicalSchema tupleSchema = new LogicalSchema();
for (LogicalFieldSchema innerFs : schema.getFields()) {
schema = new LogicalSchema();
schema.addField(new LogicalFieldSchema(null, tupleSchema, DataType.TUPLE));
if (schema!=null) {
for (LogicalFieldSchema fs : schema.getFields()) {
private List<LogicalFieldSchema> fields;
public LogicalSchema() {
fields = new ArrayList<LogicalFieldSchema>();
* Reset uids of all fieldschema that the schema contains
public void resetUid() {
for(LogicalFieldSchema fs : fields){
* Recursively compare two schemas to check if the input schema
* can be cast to the cast schema
* @param inSch schema of the cast input
* @param outSch schema of the cast operator
* @return true if castable
public static boolean castable(LogicalSchema inSch, LogicalSchema outSch) {
// If both of them are null, they are castable
if ((outSch == null) && (inSch == null)) {
return false ;
// otherwise
if (outSch == null) {
return false ;
// Cast to a more specific type is good
if (inSch == null) {
return true ;
if (outSch.size() > inSch.size()) return false;
Iterator<LogicalFieldSchema> i = outSch.fields.iterator();
Iterator<LogicalFieldSchema> j = inSch.fields.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
//iterate only for the number of fields in cast
LogicalFieldSchema outFs = ;
LogicalFieldSchema inFs = ;
// Compare recursively using field schema
if (!LogicalFieldSchema.castable(inFs, outFs)) {
return false ;
return true;
* Add a field to this schema.
* @param field to be added to the schema
public void addField(LogicalFieldSchema field) {
* Fetch a field by alias
* @param alias
* @return field associated with alias, or null if no such field
* @throws FrontendException
public LogicalFieldSchema getField(String alias) throws FrontendException {
LogicalFieldSchema result = null;
//first look for an exact match
for (LogicalFieldSchema fs : fields) {
if (fs.alias!=null && fs.alias.equals(alias) ) {
if (result==null) {
result = fs;
else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Found more than one match: " + result.alias + ", " + fs.alias);
throw new FrontendException(sb.toString(), 1025);
if(result != null){
return result;
//if no exact match is found, look for matches for scoped aliases
for (LogicalFieldSchema fs : fields) {
if (fs.alias!=null && fs.alias.matches(".*::"+alias+"$") ) {
if (result==null) {
result = fs;
else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Found more than one match: " + result.alias + ", " + fs.alias);
throw new FrontendException(sb.toString(), 1025);
return result;
* Given an alias name, find the associated LogicalFieldSchema. If exact name is
* not found see if any field matches the part of the 'namespaced' alias.
* eg. if given alias is nm::a , and schema is (a,b). It will return
* FieldSchema of a.
* if given alias is nm::a and schema is (nm2::a, b), it will return null
* @param alias Alias to look up.
* @return LogicalFieldSchema, or null if no such alias is in this tuple.
public LogicalFieldSchema getFieldSubNameMatch(String alias) throws FrontendException {
if(alias == null)
return null;
LogicalFieldSchema fs = getField(alias);
if(fs != null){
return fs;
//fs is null
final String sep = "::";
ArrayList<LogicalFieldSchema> matchedFieldSchemas = new ArrayList<LogicalFieldSchema>();
for(LogicalFieldSchema field : fields) {
if(alias.endsWith(sep + field.alias)){
if(matchedFieldSchemas.size() > 1){
boolean hasNext = false;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Found more than one " +
"sub alias name match: ");
for (LogicalFieldSchema matchFs : matchedFieldSchemas) {
if(hasNext) {
sb.append(", ");
} else {
hasNext = true;
int errCode = 1116;
throw new FrontendException(sb.toString(), errCode, PigException.INPUT);
}else if(matchedFieldSchemas.size() == 1){
fs = matchedFieldSchemas.get(0);
return fs;
public int getFieldPosition(String alias) {
LogicalFieldSchema fs = null;
try {
fs = getField(alias);
} catch (FrontendException e) {
if( fs == null ) {
return -1;
return fields.indexOf(fs);
* Fetch a field by field number
* @param fieldNum field number to fetch
* @return field
public LogicalFieldSchema getField(int fieldNum) {
return fields.get(fieldNum);
* Get all fields
* @return list of all fields
public List<LogicalFieldSchema> getFields() {
return fields;
* Get the size of the schema.
* @return size
public int size() {
return fields.size();
* Two schemas are equal if they are of equal size and their fields
* schemas considered in order are equal. This function does
* not compare the alias of the fields.
public boolean isEqual(Object other) {
return isEqual(other, false);
* Two schemas are equal if they are of equal size and their fields
* schemas considered in order are equal. If compareAlias argument is
* set to true, the alias of the fields are also compared.
* @param other
* @param compareAlias
* @return true if equal
public boolean isEqual(Object other, boolean compareAlias) {
if (other != null && other instanceof LogicalSchema) {
LogicalSchema os = (LogicalSchema)other;
if (size() != os.size()) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
if (!getField(i).isEqual(os.getField(i), compareAlias)) return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Look for the index of the field that contains the specified uid
* @param uid the uid to look for
* @return the index of the field, -1 if not found
public int findField(long uid) {
for(int i=0; i< size(); i++) {
LogicalFieldSchema f = getField(i);
// if this field has the same uid, then return this field
if (f.uid == uid) {
return i;
// if this field has a schema, check its schema
if (f.schema != null) {
if (f.schema.findField(uid) != -1) {
return i;
return -1;
public static enum MergeMode {
* Merge two schemas.
* @param s1 In Load/ForEach, s1 is user declared schema; In Union, s1 is left side.
* @param s2 In Load/ForEach, s2 is infered schema; In Union, s2 is right side.
* @param mode We merge schema in Load/Foreach/Union. In Load/Foreach, we always take s1 if compatible (s1 is set to be user defined schema),
* In union, we take more specific type (between numeric and string, we take string). In the case type mismatch in s1/s2,
* we expect TypeCheckingVisitor will fill the gap later.
* @return a merged schema, or null if the merge fails
public static LogicalSchema merge(LogicalSchema s1, LogicalSchema s2, MergeMode mode) throws FrontendException {
// If any of the schema is null, take the other party
if (s1==null || s2==null) {
if (mode==MergeMode.LoadForEach||mode==MergeMode.LoadForEachInner) {
if (s1!=null) return s1.deepCopy();
else if (s2!=null) return s2.deepCopy();
else return null;
else // Union/UnionInner, return null
return null;
if (s1.size()!=s2.size()) {
if (mode==MergeMode.Union) // In union, incompatible type result a null schema
return null;
throw new FrontendException("Incompatible schema: left is \"" + s1.toString(false) + "\", right is \"" + s2.toString(false) + "\"", 1031);
LogicalSchema mergedSchema = new LogicalSchema();
for (int i=0;i<s1.size();i++) {
LogicalFieldSchema fs1 = s1.getField(i);
LogicalFieldSchema fs2 = s2.getField(i);
LogicalFieldSchema mergedFS = LogicalFieldSchema.merge(fs1, fs2, mode);
return mergedSchema;
public static boolean isEqualUnlessUnknown(LogicalSchema s1, LogicalSchema s2) throws FrontendException {
if (s1 == null) {
return true;
} else if (s2 == null) {
return true;
} else if (s1.size() != s2.size()) {
return false;
} else {
for (int i=0;i<s1.size();i++) {
if (!LogicalFieldSchema.isEqualUnlessUnknown(s1.getField(i), s1.getField(i))) {
return false;
return true;
public String toString(boolean verbose) {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
for( LogicalFieldSchema field : fields ) {
str.append( field.toString(verbose) + "," );
if( fields.size() != 0 ) {
str.deleteCharAt( str.length() -1 );
return str.toString();
public String toString() {
return toString(true);
public LogicalSchema mergeUid(LogicalSchema uidOnlySchema) throws FrontendException {
if (uidOnlySchema!=null) {
if (size()!=uidOnlySchema.size()) {
throw new FrontendException("Structure of schema change. Original: " + uidOnlySchema + " Now: " + this, 2239);
for (int i=0;i<size();i++) {
return uidOnlySchema;
else {
LogicalSchema clonedUidOnlyCopy = new LogicalSchema();
for (int i=0;i<size();i++) {
return clonedUidOnlyCopy;
public LogicalSchema deepCopy() {
LogicalSchema newSchema = new LogicalSchema();
for (int i=0;i<size();i++)
return newSchema;
* Merges collection of schemas using their column aliases
* (unlike mergeSchema(..) functions which merge using positions)
* Schema will not be merged if types are incompatible,
* as per DataType.mergeType(..)
* For Tuples and Bags, SubSchemas have to be equal be considered compatible
* @param schemas - list of schemas to be merged using their column alias
* @return merged schema
public static LogicalSchema mergeSchemasByAlias(List<LogicalSchema> schemas)
throws FrontendException{
LogicalSchema mergedSchema = null;
// list of schemas that have currently been merged, used in error message
ArrayList<LogicalSchema> mergedSchemas = new ArrayList<LogicalSchema>(schemas.size());
for(LogicalSchema sch : schemas){
if(mergedSchema == null){
mergedSchema = sch.deepCopy();
mergedSchema = mergeSchemaByAlias( mergedSchema, sch );
}catch(FrontendException e){
String msg = "Error merging schema: (" + sch + ") with "
+ "merged schema: (" + mergedSchema + ")" + " of schemas : "
+ mergedSchemas;
throw new FrontendException(msg, e);
return mergedSchema;
* Merges two schemas using their column aliases
* (unlike mergeSchema(..) functions which merge using positions)
* Schema will not be merged if types are incompatible,
* as per DataType.mergeType(..)
* For Tuples and Bags, SubSchemas have to be equal be considered compatible
public static LogicalSchema mergeSchemaByAlias(LogicalSchema schema1, LogicalSchema schema2)
throws FrontendException{
LogicalSchema mergedSchema = new LogicalSchema();
HashSet<LogicalFieldSchema> schema2colsAdded = new HashSet<LogicalFieldSchema>();
// add/merge fields present in first schema
for(LogicalFieldSchema fs1 : schema1.getFields()){
checkNullAlias(fs1, schema1);
LogicalFieldSchema fs2 = schema2.getFieldSubNameMatch( fs1.alias );
if(fs2 != null){
// alias corresponds to multiple fields in schema1,
// just do a lookup on
// schema1 , that will throw the appropriate error.
schema1.getFieldSubNameMatch( fs2.alias );
LogicalFieldSchema mergedFs = LogicalFieldSchema.merge(fs1,fs2, MergeMode.Union);
mergedFs.alias = mergeNameSpacedAlias(fs1.alias, fs2.alias);
if (mergedFs.alias==null)
mergedFs.alias = fs1.alias;
mergedSchema.addField(new LogicalFieldSchema(fs1));
//add schemas from 2nd schema, that are not already present in
// merged schema
for(LogicalFieldSchema fs2 : schema2.getFields()){
checkNullAlias(fs2, schema2);
if(! schema2colsAdded.contains(fs2)){
mergedSchema.addField( new LogicalFieldSchema( fs2 ) );
return mergedSchema;
private static void checkNullAlias(LogicalFieldSchema fs, LogicalSchema schema)
throws FrontendException {
if(fs.alias == null){
throw new FrontendException(
"Schema having field with null alias cannot be merged " +
"using alias. Schema :" + schema
* If one of the aliases is of form 'nm::str1', and other is of the form
* 'str1', this returns str1
private static String mergeNameSpacedAlias(String alias1, String alias2)
throws FrontendException {
return alias1;
if(alias1.endsWith("::" + alias2)){
return alias2;
if(alias2.endsWith("::" + alias1)){
return alias1;
//the aliases are different, alias cannot be merged
return null;
* Recursively compare two schemas for equality
* @param schema
* @param other
* @param relaxInner if true, inner schemas will not be checked
* @param relaxAlias if true, aliases will not be checked
* @return true if schemas are equal, false otherwise
public static boolean equals(LogicalSchema schema,
LogicalSchema other,
boolean relaxInner,
boolean relaxAlias) {
// If both of them are null, they are equal
if ((schema == null) && (other == null)) {
return true ;
// otherwise
if (schema == null || other == null ) {
return false ;
if (schema.size() != other.size()) return false;
Iterator<LogicalFieldSchema> i = schema.fields.iterator();
Iterator<LogicalFieldSchema> j = other.fields.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
LogicalFieldSchema myFs = ;
LogicalFieldSchema otherFs = ;
if (!relaxAlias) {
if( myFs.alias == null && otherFs.alias == null ) {
// good
} else if( myFs.alias == null ) {
return false ;
} else if( !myFs.alias.equals(otherFs.alias) ) {
return false ;
if (myFs.type != otherFs.type) {
return false ;
if (!relaxInner && !LogicalFieldSchema.equals( myFs, otherFs, false, relaxAlias ) ) {
// Compare recursively using field schema
return false ;
return true;
* Old Pig schema does not require a tuple schema inside a bag;
* Now it is required to have that; this method is to fill the gap
public void normalize() {
for (LogicalFieldSchema fs : getFields()) {