blob: 0e6fa6de028ef4b4d8bf7b4f6fdc849de911e386 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Photark M3 Release Notes
Apache PhotArk will be a complete open source photo gallery
application including a content repository for the images,
a display piece, an access control layer, and upload capabilities.
The idea is to have a rigid design for the content repository
with a very flexible display piece. The images in the content
repository will be protected with granular access control.
Apache Photark M3 is the third Milestone release and incorporate
various new features such as Search and Tagging Functionality,
Integration with OpenId providers and album Access Control,
and general bug fixes reported by users and the community.
Installation Prerequisites
Before installing Apache Photark, make sure the following products,
with the specified versions, are installed on your system:
* Java 5 Development Kit
* Maven 2.2.1 or higher
PhotArk - Version M3 - January 2011
** New Features
PHOTARK-20 - Integrate OpenId with photark
PHOTARK-28 - Search and Tagging Functionality
** Improvements
PHOTARK-39 - Improve the PhotArk webapp and google appengine app UI
PHOTARK-49 - Create album extensibility based on service provider pattern
PHOTARK-57 - Create java doc for Access Control classes
PHOTARK-40 - Fix sca-contribution.xml fle for photark-jcr and add one for photark-filesystem
PHOTARK-38 - Change package and file names for file system to inline with jcr implementation for the photark components
PHOTARK-37 - Cleanup sca-contribution.xml file in photark
** Bug
PHOTARK-52 - Pkotark image upload broken
PHOTARK-58 - Sample "Vegas" album is not being visible by default
PHOTARK-50 - User Registration not working
PHOTARK-41 - Add HTML5 DOCTYPE to gallery.html and meta content type, also do fix missing images from upload.css
PHOTARK-56 - No search result returned
PHOTARK-60 - Search functionality is not secured
Photark - Version M2 - May 2010
** New Features
PHOTARK-1 - Provide Administration UI to allow user to create new album.
PHOTARK-5 - Add support for deploying PhotArk WebApp to Google AppEngine.
PHOTARK-11 - simple ui that allow you to create a new album and upload images to it.
PHOTARK-17 - Provide support for reading image EXIF metadata
PHOTARK-24 - slide show to PhotArk gallery.
PHOTARK-26 - Revamp Admin UI to support delete,edit and update albums and pictures.
** Improvements
PHOTARK-6 - Simplify PhotArk UI to use a well known JavaScript Framework.
PHOTARK-7 - Move to Latest Tuscany Release
PHOTARK-9 - JCR support for photark-webpp
PHOTARK-12 - Image content should be saved and read from in JCR Repository.
PHOTARK-13 - rest style uris.
PHOTARK-23 - Progress Bar support during image upload.
PHOTARK-25 - auho hide newAlbumNameField in the admin panel.
** Bug
PHOTARK-10 - Small issues with album navigation UI.
PHOTARK-15 - Add RAT profile to build and correct any license issues in current trunk code
PHOTARK-21 - Repeatedly call populateSelect method in upload.html
PHOTARK-30 - JDK1.5 compatibility not preserved
PHOTARK-31 - TopNavigator on the PhotArk website is broken and is pointing to a different project website