Preparing phoenix release 4.16.0RC1; tagging and updates to and
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 # PHOENIX Changelog
-## Release 4.16.0 - Unreleased (as of 2021-01-28)
+## Release 4.16.0 - Unreleased (as of 2021-02-02)
@@ -45,7 +45,10 @@
 | JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
 |:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
+| [PHOENIX-6182]( | IndexTool to verify and repair every index row |  Major | . |
+| [PHOENIX-6349]( | Add and use commons-cli to phoenix-thirdparty |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6250]( | Fix ViewMetadataIT test flapper |  Major | . |
+| [PHOENIX-6327]( | Consolidate Junit test categories |  Minor | core |
 | [PHOENIX-6276]( | Log when hconnection is getting closed in ConnectionQueryServicesImpl |  Major | core |
 | [PHOENIX-5841]( | When data columns get TTLed, we need inline index validation to publish a metric for this |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6307]( | Build and release official binary distributions with each HBase profile |  Major | core |
@@ -77,13 +80,16 @@
 | [PHOENIX-6167]( | Adding maxMutationCellSizeBytes config and exception |  Trivial | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6181]( | IndexRepairRegionScanner to verify and repair every global index row |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6129]( | Optimize tableExists() call while retrieving correct MUTEX table |  Major | . |
+| [PHOENIX-6202]( | New column in index gets added as PK with CASCADE INDEX |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6172]( | Updating VIEW\_INDEX\_ID column type and ts in Syscat with a 4.16 upgrade script |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6189]( | DATA\_EXCEEDS\_MAX\_CAPACITY exception error string should contain column name instead of actual value |  Trivial | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6125]( | Make sure SYSTEM.TASK does not split |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6151]( | Switch phoenix-client to shade-by-default mode |  Major | core |
 | [PHOENIX-6185]( | OPERATION\_TIMED\_OUT#newException method swallows the exception message and root cause exception. |  Major | core |
+| [PHOENIX-6160]( | Simplifying concurrent mutation handling for global Indexes |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6173]( | Archive test artifacts in Jenkins multibranch postcommit job |  Major | core |
 | [PHOENIX-6128]( | Remove unused getAdmin() call inside CQSI.init() |  Minor | . |
+| [PHOENIX-6055]( | Improve error reporting for index validation when there are "Not matching index rows" |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5909]( | Table and index-level metrics for indexing coprocs |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6112]( | Coupling of two classes only use logger |  Minor | core |
 | [PHOENIX-5957]( | Index rebuild should remove old index rows with higher timestamp |  Major | . |
@@ -91,6 +97,7 @@
 | [PHOENIX-6093]( | adding hashcode to phoenix pherf Column class |  Minor | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6102]( | Better isolation for CI jobs an ASF Jenkins |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6034]( | Optimize InListIT |  Major | core |
+| [PHOENIX-6059]( | Adding more pagination tests |  Minor | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6063]( | Remove bugus jline and sqlline dependency from phoenix-core |  Major | core |
 | [PHOENIX-5928]( | Index rebuilds without replaying data table mutations |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6037]( | Change default HBase profile to 1.3 in 4.x |  Major | core |
@@ -115,17 +122,21 @@
 | [PHOENIX-4521]( | Allow Pherf scenario to define per query max allowed query execution duration after which thread is interrupted |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5748]( | Simplify index update generation code for consistent global indexes |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5794]( | Create a threshold for non async index creation, that can be modified in configs |  Major | . |
+| [PHOENIX-5814]( | disable trimStackTrace |  Major | connectors, core, omid, queryserver, tephra |
 | [PHOENIX-5746]( | Update release documentation to include versions information |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5734]( | IndexScrutinyTool should not report rows beyond maxLookBack age |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5751]( | Remove redundant IndexUtil#isGlobalIndexCheckEnabled() calls for immutable data tables |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5641]( | Decouple phoenix-queryserver from phoenix-core |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5633]( | Add table name info to scan logging |  Major | . |
+| [PHOENIX-5720]( | Multiple scans on the same table region cause incorrect IndexTool counters |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5697]( | Avoid resource leakage with try-with-resources |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5703]( | Add MAVEN\_HOME toPATH in jenkins build |  Major | . |
+| [PHOENIX-5694]( | Add MR job counters for IndexTool inline verification |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5634]( | Use 'phoenix.default.update.cache.frequency' from connection properties at query time |  Minor | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5645]( | BaseScannerRegionObserver should prevent compaction from purging very recently deleted cells |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5674]( | IndexTool to not write already correct index rows |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5454]( | Phoenix scripts start foreground java processes as child processes |  Minor | . |
+| [PHOENIX-5658]( | IndexTool to verify index rows inline |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5630]( | MAX\_MUTATION\_SIZE\_EXCEEDED and MAX\_MUTATION\_SIZE\_BYTES\_EXCEEDED SQLExceptions should print existing size |  Minor | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5646]( | Correct and update the release documentation |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5614]( | Remove unnecessary instances of ClassNotFoundException thrown stemming from various QueryUtil APIs |  Minor | . |
@@ -135,9 +146,15 @@
 | JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
 |:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
+| [PHOENIX-5874]( | IndexTool does not set TTL on its log tables correctly |  Major | . |
+| [PHOENIX-6078]( | Remove Internal Phoenix Connections from parent LinkedQueue when closed |  Major | . |
+| [PHOENIX-5872]( | Close Internal Phoenix Connections that were running during cancel |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6339]( | Older client using aggregate queries shows incorrect results. |  Blocker | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6273]( | Add support to handle MR Snapshot restore externally |  Major | core |
+| [PHOENIX-6288]( | Minicluster startup problems on Jenkins |  Critical | . |
+| [PHOENIX-6330]( | SystemCatalogRegionObserver isn't added when cluster is initialized with isNamespaceMappingEnabled=true |  Critical | core |
 | [PHOENIX-6319]( | remove cp python logic from the release script |  Major | . |
+| [PHOENIX-3710]( | Cannot use lowername data table name with indextool |  Minor | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6298]( | Use timestamp of PENDING\_DISABLE\_COUNT to calculate elapse time for PENDING\_DISABLE state |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6148]( | [SchemaExtractionTool]DDL parsing exception in Phoenix in view name |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6295]( | Fix non-static inner classes for better memory management |  Major | . |
@@ -245,8 +262,11 @@
 | [PHOENIX-4753]( | Remove the need for users to have Write access to the Phoenix SYSTEM STATS TABLE to drop tables |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5580]( | Wrong values seen when updating a view for a table that has an index |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5864]( | RuleGeneratorTest unit test seem to be failing |  Major | . |
+| [PHOENIX-5743]( | Concurrent read repairs on the same index row should be idempotent |  Critical | . |
+| [PHOENIX-5807]( | Index rows without empty column should be treated as unverified |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5799]( | Inline Index Verification Output API |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5810]( | PhoenixMRJobSubmitter is not working on a cluster with a single yarn RM |  Major | . |
+| [PHOENIX-5816]( | IndexToolTimeRangeIT hangs forever |  Blocker | core |
 | [PHOENIX-5802]( | Connection leaks in UPSERT SELECT/DELETE paths due to MutatingParallelIteratorFactory iterator not being closed |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5801]( | Connection leak when creating a view with a where condition |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5776]( | Phoenix pherf unit tests failing |  Major | . |
@@ -258,7 +278,9 @@
 | [PHOENIX-5673]( | The mutation state is silently getting cleared on the execution of any DDL |  Critical | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5065]( | Inconsistent treatment of NULL and empty string |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5753]( | Fix erroneous query result when RVC is clipped with desc column |  Major | . |
+| [PHOENIX-5768]( | Supporting partial overwrites for immutable tables with indexes |  Critical | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5731]( | Loading bulkload hfiles should not be blocked if the upsert select happening for differet table. |  Major | . |
+| [PHOENIX-5766]( | PhoenixMetricsIT failure in 4.x for HBase 1.3 |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5636]( | Improve the error message when client connects to server with higher major version |  Minor | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5745]( | Fix QA false negatives |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5737]( | Hadoop QA run says no tests even though there are added IT tests |  Minor | . |
@@ -269,10 +291,13 @@
 | [PHOENIX-5691]( | create index is failing when phoenix acls enabled and ranger is enabled |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5440]( | multiple warnings when building phoenix |  Minor | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5704]( | Covered column updates are not generated for previously deleted data table row |  Critical | . |
+| [PHOENIX-5708]( | GlobalIndexChecker returns unverified index row cells |  Major | . |
+| [PHOENIX-5706]( | IndexTool verification reports failure when data row has no covered column values |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5512]( | IndexTool returns error after rebuilding a DISABLED index |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5677]( | Replace System.currentTimeMillis with EnvironmentEdgeManager in non-test code |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5692]( | SCN verification breaks with non-default column families |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5676]( | Inline-verification from IndexTool does not handle TTL/row-expiry |  Major | . |
+| [PHOENIX-5666]( | IndexRegionObserver incorrectly updates PostIndexUpdateFailure metric |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5654]( | String values (ALWAYS and NEVER) don't work for connection level config phoenix.default.update.cache.frequency |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5650]( | IndexUpgradeTool does not rebuild view indexes |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5655]( | ServerCache using table map is not correctly removed |  Major | . |
@@ -286,6 +311,8 @@
 | JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
 |:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
+| [PHOENIX-5719]( | testIndexRebuildTask test is failing on pre-commit and master build |  Major | . |
+| [PHOENIX-5296]( | Ensure store file reader refcount is zero at end of relevant unit tests |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6300]( | Fix PartialIndexRebuilderIT.testIndexWriteFailureDisablingIndex test flapper |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6302]( | Fix ConcurrentUpsertsWithoutIndexedColsIT flapper |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6297]( | Fix IndexMetadataIT.testAsyncRebuildAll test flapper |  Major | . |
@@ -293,9 +320,11 @@
 | [PHOENIX-6289]( | Flaky test UpsertSelectIT.testUpsertSelectWithNoIndex |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6284]( | Flaky test UpgradeIT.testConcurrentUpgradeThrowsUpgradeInProgressException |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6183]( | Page size tests are not propagating test override values to server |  Major | . |
+| [PHOENIX-5747]( | Add upsert tests for immutable table indexes |  Minor | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6246]( | Flaky test PointInTimeQueryIT |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5973]( | IndexToolForNonTxGlobalIndexIT - Stabilize and speed up |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5607]( | Client-server backward compatibility tests |  Blocker | . |
+| [PHOENIX-5671]( | Add tests for ViewUtil |  Minor | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5616]( | Speed up ParameterizedIndexUpgradeToolIT |  Minor | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5617]( | Allow using the server side JDBC client in Phoenix Sandbox. |  Major | . |
@@ -304,6 +333,10 @@
 | JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component |
 |:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |
+| [PHOENIX-6342]( | RoundRobinResultIterator doesn't close itself when result size = fetchsize-1 |  Blocker | core |
+| [PHOENIX-6329]( | Eliminate or serialize minicluster restart operations in Integration tests |  Major | core |
+| [PHOENIX-6220]( | CREATE INDEX shouldn't ignore IMMUTABLE\_STORAGE\_SCHEME and COLUMN\_ENDCODED\_BYTES |  Major | . |
+| [PHOENIX-6120]( | Change IndexMaintainer for SINGLE\_CELL\_ARRAY\_WITH\_OFFSETS indexes. Currently it assumes data and index table having the same storage and encoding format. |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6219]( | GlobalIndexChecker should work for index:SINGLE\_CELL\_ARRAY\_WITH\_OFFSETS and data:ONE\_CELL\_PER\_COLUMN |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6292]( | Extend explain plan object based comparison to majority remaining tests |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5435]( | Annotate HBase WALs with Phoenix Metadata |  Major | . |
@@ -335,6 +368,7 @@
 | [PHOENIX-6196]( | Update phoenix.mutate.maxSizeBytes to accept long values |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-6146]( | Run precommit checks on github PRs |  Major | core |
 | [PHOENIX-5032]( | add Apache Yetus to Phoenix |  Major | . |
+| [PHOENIX-6056]( | Migrate from by August 15 |  Critical | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5962]( | Stabilize builds |  Major | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5818]( | Add documentation for query timeoutDuration attribute in Pherf scenarios |  Minor | . |
 | [PHOENIX-5825]( | Remove PhoenixCanaryTool and CanaryTestResult from phoenix repo |  Major | core, queryserver |
@@ -344,3 +378,4 @@
 | [PHOENIX-5721]( | Unify 4.x branches |  Major | . |
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+* [PHOENIX-6349]( | *Major* | **Add and use commons-cli to phoenix-thirdparty**
+Added phoenix-shaded-commons-cli to phoenix-thirdparty.
+This helps avoid classpath conflicts and includes a patch on top of commons-cli 1.4.0 that fixes CLI-254.
 * [PHOENIX-6273]( | *Major* | **Add support to handle MR Snapshot restore externally**
 Adds mapreduce configuration param "phoenix.mapreduce.external.snapshot.restore" which when set to true indicates that snapshot-based MapReduce jobs shouldn't try to restore the snapshot themselves, but assume an external application has already done so.