blob: 74ff67e3482ef04826913cc6976992231a208ec7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.phoenix.spark
import java.sql.Timestamp
import java.text.Format
import org.apache.phoenix.util.{DateUtil, SchemaUtil}
import org.apache.phoenix.util.StringUtil.escapeStringConstant
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._
class FilterExpressionCompiler() {
val timeformatter:Format = DateUtil.getTimestampFormatter(DateUtil.DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT, DateUtil.DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE_ID)
* Attempt to create Phoenix-accepted WHERE clause from Spark filters,
* mostly inspired from Spark SQL JDBCRDD and the couchbase-spark-connector
* @return tuple representing where clause (derived from supported filters),
* array of unsupported filters and array of supported filters
def pushFilters(filters: Array[Filter]): (String, Array[Filter], Array[Filter]) = {
if (filters.isEmpty) {
return ("" , Array[Filter](), Array[Filter]())
val filter = new StringBuilder("")
val unsupportedFilters = Array[Filter]();
var i = 0
filters.foreach(f => {
// Assume conjunction for multiple filters, unless otherwise specified
if (i > 0) {
filter.append(" AND")
f match {
// Spark 1.3.1+ supported filters
case And(leftFilter, rightFilter) => {
val(whereClause, currUnsupportedFilters, _) = pushFilters(Array(leftFilter, rightFilter))
if (currUnsupportedFilters.isEmpty)
unsupportedFilters :+ f
case Or(leftFilter, rightFilter) => {
val(whereLeftClause, leftUnsupportedFilters, _) = pushFilters(Array(leftFilter))
val(whereRightClause, rightUnsupportedFilters, _) = pushFilters(Array(rightFilter))
if (leftUnsupportedFilters.isEmpty && rightUnsupportedFilters.isEmpty) {
filter.append(whereLeftClause + " OR " + whereRightClause)
else {
unsupportedFilters :+ f
case Not(aFilter) => {
val(whereClause, currUnsupportedFilters, _) = pushFilters(Array(aFilter))
if (currUnsupportedFilters.isEmpty)
filter.append(" NOT " + whereClause)
unsupportedFilters :+ f
case EqualTo(attr, value) => filter.append(s" ${escapeKey(attr)} = ${compileValue(value)}")
case GreaterThan(attr, value) => filter.append(s" ${escapeKey(attr)} > ${compileValue(value)}")
case GreaterThanOrEqual(attr, value) => filter.append(s" ${escapeKey(attr)} >= ${compileValue(value)}")
case LessThan(attr, value) => filter.append(s" ${escapeKey(attr)} < ${compileValue(value)}")
case LessThanOrEqual(attr, value) => filter.append(s" ${escapeKey(attr)} <= ${compileValue(value)}")
case IsNull(attr) => filter.append(s" ${escapeKey(attr)} IS NULL")
case IsNotNull(attr) => filter.append(s" ${escapeKey(attr)} IS NOT NULL")
case In(attr, values) => filter.append(s" ${escapeKey(attr)} IN ${"(", ",", ")")}")
case StringStartsWith(attr, value) => filter.append(s" ${escapeKey(attr)} LIKE ${compileValue(value + "%")}")
case StringEndsWith(attr, value) => filter.append(s" ${escapeKey(attr)} LIKE ${compileValue("%" + value)}")
case StringContains(attr, value) => filter.append(s" ${escapeKey(attr)} LIKE ${compileValue("%" + value + "%")}")
case _ => unsupportedFilters :+ f
i = i + 1
(filter.toString(), unsupportedFilters, filters diff unsupportedFilters)
// Helper function to escape string values in SQL queries
private def compileValue(value: Any): Any = value match {
case stringValue: String => s"'${escapeStringConstant(stringValue)}'"
case timestampValue: Timestamp => getTimestampString(timestampValue)
// Borrowed from 'elasticsearch-hadoop', support these internal UTF types across Spark versions
// Spark 1.4
case utf if (isClass(utf, "org.apache.spark.sql.types.UTF8String")) => s"'${escapeStringConstant(utf.toString)}'"
// Spark 1.5
case utf if (isClass(utf, "org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String")) => s"'${escapeStringConstant(utf.toString)}'"
// Pass through anything else
case _ => value
private def getTimestampString(timestampValue: Timestamp): String = {
"TO_TIMESTAMP('%s', '%s', '%s')".format(timeformatter.format(timestampValue),
// Helper function to escape column key to work with SQL queries
private def escapeKey(key: String): String = SchemaUtil.getEscapedFullColumnName(key)
private def isClass(obj: Any, className: String) = {