blob: 66f99ada69a0a515db3284b6db091aefbdb6e808 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.phoenix.hive;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.phoenix.end2end.NeedsOwnMiniClusterTest;
import org.apache.phoenix.util.StringUtil;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
* Test methods only. All supporting methods should be placed to BaseHivePhoenixStoreIT
@Ignore("This class contains only test methods and should not be executed directly")
public class HivePhoenixStoreIT extends BaseHivePhoenixStoreIT {
* Create a table with two column, insert 1 row, check that phoenix table is created and
* the row is there
* @throws Exception
public void simpleTest() throws Exception {
String testName = "simpleTest";
hbaseTestUtil.getTestFileSystem().createNewFile(new Path(hiveLogDir, testName + ".out"));
createFile(StringUtil.EMPTY_STRING, new Path(hiveLogDir, testName + ".out").toString());
createFile(StringUtil.EMPTY_STRING, new Path(hiveOutputDir, testName + ".out").toString());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("CREATE TABLE phoenix_table(ID STRING, SALARY STRING)" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" STORED BY \"org.apache.phoenix.hive.PhoenixStorageHandler\"" + HiveTestUtil
" ''='phoenix_table'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.znode.parent'='/hbase'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.quorum'='localhost'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.client.port'='" +
hbaseTestUtil.getZkCluster().getClientPort() + "'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.rowkeys'='id');");
sb.append("INSERT INTO TABLE phoenix_table" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
"VALUES ('10', '1000');" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF);
String fullPath = new Path(hbaseTestUtil.getDataTestDir(), testName).toString();
createFile(sb.toString(), fullPath);
runTest(testName, fullPath);
String phoenixQuery = "SELECT * FROM phoenix_table";
PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(phoenixQuery);
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery();
assert (rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount() == 2);
assert (rs.getString(1).equals("10"));
assert (rs.getString(2).equals("1000"));
* Create hive table with custom column mapping
* @throws Exception
public void simpleColumnMapTest() throws Exception {
String testName = "cmTest";
hbaseTestUtil.getTestFileSystem().createNewFile(new Path(hiveLogDir, testName + ".out"));
createFile(StringUtil.EMPTY_STRING, new Path(hiveLogDir, testName + ".out").toString());
createFile(StringUtil.EMPTY_STRING, new Path(hiveOutputDir, testName + ".out").toString());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("CREATE TABLE column_table(ID STRING, P1 STRING, p2 STRING)" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" STORED BY \"org.apache.phoenix.hive.PhoenixStorageHandler\"" + HiveTestUtil
" ''='column_table'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.znode.parent'='/hbase'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.column.mapping' = 'id:C1, p1:c2, p2:C3'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.quorum'='localhost'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.client.port'='" +
hbaseTestUtil.getZkCluster().getClientPort() + "'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.rowkeys'='id');");
sb.append("INSERT INTO TABLE column_table" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
"VALUES ('1', '2', '3');" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF);
String fullPath = new Path(hbaseTestUtil.getDataTestDir(), testName).toString();
createFile(sb.toString(), fullPath);
runTest(testName, fullPath);
String phoenixQuery = "SELECT C1, \"c2\", C3 FROM column_table";
PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(phoenixQuery);
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery();
assert (rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount() == 3);
assert (rs.getString(1).equals("1"));
assert (rs.getString(2).equals("2"));
assert (rs.getString(3).equals("3"));
* Datatype Test
* @throws Exception
public void dataTypeTest() throws Exception {
String testName = "dataTypeTest";
hbaseTestUtil.getTestFileSystem().createNewFile(new Path(hiveLogDir, testName + ".out"));
createFile(StringUtil.EMPTY_STRING, new Path(hiveLogDir, testName + ".out").toString());
createFile(StringUtil.EMPTY_STRING, new Path(hiveOutputDir, testName + ".out").toString());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("CREATE TABLE phoenix_datatype(ID int, description STRING, ts TIMESTAMP, db " +
"DOUBLE,fl FLOAT, us INT)" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" STORED BY \"org.apache.phoenix.hive.PhoenixStorageHandler\"" + HiveTestUtil
" ''='phoenix_datatype'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.znode.parent'='/hbase'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.quorum'='localhost'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.client.port'='" +
hbaseTestUtil.getZkCluster().getClientPort() + "'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.rowkeys'='id');");
sb.append("INSERT INTO TABLE phoenix_datatype" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
"VALUES (10, \"foodesc\", \"2013-01-05 01:01:01\", 200,2.0,-1);" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF);
String fullPath = new Path(hbaseTestUtil.getDataTestDir(), testName).toString();
createFile(sb.toString(), fullPath);
runTest(testName, fullPath);
String phoenixQuery = "SELECT * FROM phoenix_datatype";
PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(phoenixQuery);
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery();
assert (rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount() == 6);
while ( {
assert (rs.getInt(1) == 10);
assert (rs.getString(2).equalsIgnoreCase("foodesc"));
assert (rs.getDouble(4) == 200);
assert (rs.getFloat(5) == 2.0);
assert (rs.getInt(6) == -1);
* Datatype Test
* @throws Exception
public void MultiKey() throws Exception {
String testName = "MultiKey";
hbaseTestUtil.getTestFileSystem().createNewFile(new Path(hiveLogDir, testName + ".out"));
createFile(StringUtil.EMPTY_STRING, new Path(hiveLogDir, testName + ".out").toString());
createFile(StringUtil.EMPTY_STRING, new Path(hiveOutputDir, testName + ".out").toString());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("CREATE TABLE phoenix_MultiKey(ID int, ID2 String,description STRING," +
"db DOUBLE,fl FLOAT, us INT)" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" STORED BY \"org.apache.phoenix.hive.PhoenixStorageHandler\"" + HiveTestUtil
" ''='phoenix_MultiKey'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.znode.parent'='/hbase'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.quorum'='localhost'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.client.port'='" +
hbaseTestUtil.getZkCluster().getClientPort() + "'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.rowkeys'='id,id2');" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF);
sb.append("INSERT INTO TABLE phoenix_MultiKey VALUES (10, \"part2\",\"foodesc\",200,2.0,-1);" +
String fullPath = new Path(hbaseTestUtil.getDataTestDir(), testName).toString();
createFile(sb.toString(), fullPath);
runTest(testName, fullPath);
String phoenixQuery = "SELECT * FROM phoenix_MultiKey";
PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(phoenixQuery);
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery();
assert (rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount() == 6);
while ( {
assert (rs.getInt(1) == 10);
assert (rs.getString(2).equalsIgnoreCase("part2"));
assert (rs.getString(3).equalsIgnoreCase("foodesc"));
assert (rs.getDouble(4) == 200);
assert (rs.getFloat(5) == 2.0);
assert (rs.getInt(6) == -1);
* Test that hive is able to access Phoenix data during MR job (creating two tables and perform join on it)
* @throws Exception
public void testJoinNoColumnMaps() throws Exception {
String testName = "testJoin";
hbaseTestUtil.getTestFileSystem().createNewFile(new Path(hiveLogDir, testName + ".out"));
createFile(StringUtil.EMPTY_STRING, new Path(hiveLogDir, testName + ".out").toString());
new Path(hiveOutputDir, testName + ".out").toString());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("CREATE TABLE joinTable1(ID int, ID2 String,description STRING," +
"db DOUBLE,fl FLOAT, us INT)" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" STORED BY \"org.apache.phoenix.hive.PhoenixStorageHandler\"" + HiveTestUtil
" ''='joinTable1'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.znode.parent'='/hbase'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.quorum'='localhost'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.client.port'='" +
hbaseTestUtil.getZkCluster().getClientPort() + "'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.rowkeys'='id,id2');" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF);
sb.append("CREATE TABLE joinTable2(ID int, ID2 String,description STRING," +
"db DOUBLE,fl FLOAT, us INT)" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" STORED BY \"org.apache.phoenix.hive.PhoenixStorageHandler\"" + HiveTestUtil
" ''='joinTable2'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.znode.parent'='/hbase'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.quorum'='localhost'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.client.port'='" +
hbaseTestUtil.getZkCluster().getClientPort() + "'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.rowkeys'='id,id2');" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF);
sb.append("INSERT INTO TABLE joinTable1 VALUES (5, \"part2\",\"foodesc\",200,2.0,-1);" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF);
sb.append("INSERT INTO TABLE joinTable1 VALUES (10, \"part2\",\"foodesc\",200,2.0,-1);" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF);
sb.append("INSERT INTO TABLE joinTable2 VALUES (5, \"part2\",\"foodesc\",200,2.0,-1);" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF);
sb.append("INSERT INTO TABLE joinTable2 VALUES (10, \"part2\",\"foodesc\",200,2.0,-1);" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF);
sb.append("SELECT * from joinTable1 A join joinTable2 B on A.ID = B.ID WHERE A.ID=10;" +
String fullPath = new Path(hbaseTestUtil.getDataTestDir(), testName).toString();
createFile(sb.toString(), fullPath);
runTest(testName, fullPath);
* Test that hive is able to access Phoenix data during MR job (creating two tables and perform join on it)
* @throws Exception
public void testJoinColumnMaps() throws Exception {
String testName = "testJoin";
hbaseTestUtil.getTestFileSystem().createNewFile(new Path(hiveLogDir, testName + ".out"));
createFile("10\t200.0\tpart2\n", new Path(hiveOutputDir, testName + ".out").toString());
createFile(StringUtil.EMPTY_STRING, new Path(hiveLogDir, testName + ".out").toString());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("CREATE TABLE joinTable3(ID int, ID2 String,description STRING," +
"db DOUBLE,fl FLOAT, us INT)" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" STORED BY \"org.apache.phoenix.hive.PhoenixStorageHandler\"" + HiveTestUtil
" ''='joinTable3'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.znode.parent'='/hbase'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.quorum'='localhost'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.client.port'='" +
hbaseTestUtil.getZkCluster().getClientPort() + "'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.column.mapping' = 'id:i1, id2:I2'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.rowkeys'='id,id2');" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF);
sb.append("CREATE TABLE joinTable4(ID int, ID2 String,description STRING," +
"db DOUBLE,fl FLOAT, us INT)" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" STORED BY \"org.apache.phoenix.hive.PhoenixStorageHandler\"" + HiveTestUtil
" ''='joinTable4'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.znode.parent'='/hbase'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.quorum'='localhost'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.client.port'='" +
hbaseTestUtil.getZkCluster().getClientPort() + "'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.column.mapping' = 'id:i1, id2:I2'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.rowkeys'='id,id2');" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF);
sb.append("INSERT INTO TABLE joinTable3 VALUES (5, \"part1\",\"foodesc\",200,2.0,-1);" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF);
sb.append("INSERT INTO TABLE joinTable3 VALUES (10, \"part1\",\"foodesc\",200,2.0,-1);" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF);
sb.append("INSERT INTO TABLE joinTable4 VALUES (5, \"part2\",\"foodesc\",200,2.0,-1);" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF);
sb.append("INSERT INTO TABLE joinTable4 VALUES (10, \"part2\",\"foodesc\",200,2.0,-1);" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF);
sb.append("SELECT A.ID, a.db, B.ID2 from joinTable3 A join joinTable4 B on A.ID = B.ID WHERE A.ID=10;" +
String fullPath = new Path(hbaseTestUtil.getDataTestDir(), testName).toString();
createFile(sb.toString(), fullPath);
runTest(testName, fullPath);
//Test that Phoenix has correctly mapped columns. We are checking both, primary key and
// regular columns mapped and not mapped
String phoenixQuery = "SELECT \"i1\", \"I2\", \"db\" FROM joinTable3 where \"i1\" = 10 AND \"I2\" = 'part1' AND \"db\" = 200";
PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(phoenixQuery);
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery();
assert (rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount() == 3);
while ( {
assert (rs.getInt(1) == 10);
assert (rs.getString(2).equalsIgnoreCase("part1"));
assert (rs.getDouble(3) == 200);
public void testTimestampPredicate() throws Exception {
String testName = "testTimeStampPredicate";
hbaseTestUtil.getTestFileSystem().createNewFile(new Path(hiveLogDir, testName + ".out"));
createFile("10\t2013-01-02 01:01:01.123456\n", new Path(hiveOutputDir, testName + ".out").toString());
createFile(StringUtil.EMPTY_STRING, new Path(hiveLogDir, testName + ".out").toString());
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("CREATE TABLE timeStampTable(ID int,ts TIMESTAMP)" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" STORED BY \"org.apache.phoenix.hive.PhoenixStorageHandler\"" + HiveTestUtil
" ''='TIMESTAMPTABLE'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.znode.parent'='/hbase'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.quorum'='localhost'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.zookeeper.client.port'='" +
hbaseTestUtil.getZkCluster().getClientPort() + "'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.column.mapping' = 'id:ID, ts:TS'," + HiveTestUtil.CRLF +
" 'phoenix.rowkeys'='id');" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF);
sb.append("INSERT INTO TABLE timeStampTable VALUES (10, \"2013-01-02 01:01:01.123456\");" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF);
sb.append("SELECT * from timeStampTable WHERE ts between '2013-01-02 01:01:01.123455' and " +
" '2013-01-02 12:01:02.123457789' AND id = 10;" + HiveTestUtil.CRLF);
String fullPath = new Path(hbaseTestUtil.getDataTestDir(), testName).toString();
createFile(sb.toString(), fullPath);
runTest(testName, fullPath);