blob: 00e662f9f04ef878a3819465103e899f3073c14d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.phoenix.filter;
import static;
import static org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable.QualifierEncodingScheme.NON_ENCODED_QUALIFIERS;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions.DeserializationException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Writables;
import org.apache.phoenix.expression.Expression;
import org.apache.phoenix.expression.KeyValueColumnExpression;
import org.apache.phoenix.expression.visitor.ExpressionVisitor;
import org.apache.phoenix.expression.visitor.StatelessTraverseAllExpressionVisitor;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable.QualifierEncodingScheme;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.tuple.BaseTuple;
* Filter used for tables that use number based column qualifiers generated by one of the encoding schemes in
* {@link QualifierEncodingScheme}. Because the qualifiers are number based, instead of using a map of cells to track
* the columns that have been found, we can use an array of cells where the index into the array would be derived by the
* number based column qualifier. See {@link EncodedCQIncrementalResultTuple}. Using this filter helps us to directly
* seek to the next row when the column qualifier that we have encountered is greater than the maxQualifier that we
* expect. This helps in speeding up the queries filtering on key value columns.
public class MultiEncodedCQKeyValueComparisonFilter extends BooleanExpressionFilter {
// Smallest qualifier for the columns that are being projected and filtered on
private int minQualifier;
// Largest qualifier for the columns that are being projected and filtered on
private int maxQualifier;
private QualifierEncodingScheme encodingScheme;
// Smallest qualifier for the columns in where expression
private int whereExpressionMinQualifier;
// Largest qualifier for the columns in where expression
private int whereExpressionMaxQualifier;
private FilteredKeyValueHolder filteredKeyValues;
// BitSet to track the qualifiers in where expression that we expect to find while filtering a row
private BitSet whereExpressionQualifiers;
// Set to track the column families of the columns in where expression
private TreeSet<byte[]> cfSet;
// Boolean that tells us whether the result of expression evaluation as and when we filter key values in a row
private Boolean matchedColumn;
// Tuple used to store the relevant key values found while filtering a row
private EncodedCQIncrementalResultTuple inputTuple = new EncodedCQIncrementalResultTuple();
// Member variable to cache the size of whereExpressionQualifiers
private int expectedCardinality;
private static final byte[] UNITIALIZED_KEY_BUFFER = new byte[0];
public MultiEncodedCQKeyValueComparisonFilter() {}
public MultiEncodedCQKeyValueComparisonFilter(Expression expression, QualifierEncodingScheme scheme) {
checkArgument(scheme != NON_ENCODED_QUALIFIERS, "Filter can only be used for encoded qualifiers");
this.encodingScheme = scheme;
private final class FilteredKeyValueHolder {
// Cell values corresponding to columns in where expression that were found while filtering a row.
private Cell[] filteredCells;
// BitSet to track whether qualifiers in where expression were found when filtering a row
private BitSet filteredQualifiers;
// Using an explicit counter instead of relying on the cardinality of the bitset as computing the
// cardinality could be slightly more expensive than just incrementing an integer
private int numKeyValues;
private FilteredKeyValueHolder(int size) {
filteredCells = new Cell[size];
filteredQualifiers = new BitSet(size);
private void setCell(int qualifier, Cell c) {
int index = qualifier - whereExpressionMinQualifier;
filteredCells[index] = c;
private Cell getCell(int qualifier) {
int index = qualifier - whereExpressionMinQualifier;
return filteredQualifiers.get(index) ? filteredCells[index] : null;
private void clear() {
// Note here that we are only clearing out the filteredQualifiers bitset. We are not setting all the
// entries in filteredKeyValues to null or allocating a new Cell array as that would be expensive.
numKeyValues = 0;
* This method really shouldn't be the way for getting hold of cells. It was
* just added to keep the tuple.get(index) method happy.
public Cell getCellAtIndex(int index) {
int bitIndex;
for (bitIndex = filteredQualifiers.nextSetBit(0); bitIndex >= 0 && index >= 0; bitIndex = filteredQualifiers
.nextSetBit(bitIndex + 1)) {
if (bitIndex < 0) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); }
return filteredCells[bitIndex];
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100);
int length = filteredQualifiers.length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
return sb.toString();
private boolean allColumnsFound() {
return numKeyValues == expectedCardinality;
private int numKeyValues() {
return numKeyValues;
private void initFilter(Expression expression) {
cfSet = new TreeSet<byte[]>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
final BitSet expressionQualifiers = new BitSet(20);
final Pair<Integer, Integer> range = new Pair<>();
ExpressionVisitor<Void> visitor = new StatelessTraverseAllExpressionVisitor<Void>() {
public Void visit(KeyValueColumnExpression expression) {
int qualifier = encodingScheme.decode(expression.getColumnQualifier());
if (range.getFirst() == null) {
} else if (qualifier < range.getFirst()) {
} else if (qualifier > range.getSecond()) {
return null;
// Set min and max qualifiers for columns in the where expression
whereExpressionMinQualifier = range.getFirst();
whereExpressionMaxQualifier = range.getSecond();
int size = whereExpressionMaxQualifier - whereExpressionMinQualifier + 1;
filteredKeyValues = new FilteredKeyValueHolder(size);
// Initialize the bitset and mark the qualifiers for columns in where expression
whereExpressionQualifiers = new BitSet(size);
for (int i = whereExpressionMinQualifier; i <= whereExpressionMaxQualifier; i++) {
if (expressionQualifiers.get(i)) {
whereExpressionQualifiers.set(i - whereExpressionMinQualifier);
expectedCardinality = whereExpressionQualifiers.cardinality();
private boolean isQualifierForColumnInWhereExpression(int qualifier) {
return qualifier >= whereExpressionMinQualifier ? whereExpressionQualifiers.get(qualifier - whereExpressionMinQualifier) : false;
public ReturnCode filterKeyValue(Cell cell) {
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(this.matchedColumn)) {
// We already found and matched the single column, all keys now pass
return ReturnCode.INCLUDE_AND_NEXT_COL;
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(this.matchedColumn)) {
// We found all the columns, but did not match the expression, so skip to next row
return ReturnCode.NEXT_ROW;
int qualifier = encodingScheme.decode(cell.getQualifierArray(), cell.getQualifierOffset(), cell.getQualifierLength());
if (isQualifierForColumnInWhereExpression(qualifier)) {
filteredKeyValues.setCell(qualifier, cell);
// We found a new column, so we can re-evaluate
this.matchedColumn = this.evaluate(inputTuple);
if (this.matchedColumn == null) {
if (inputTuple.isImmutable()) {
this.matchedColumn = Boolean.FALSE;
} else {
return ReturnCode.INCLUDE_AND_NEXT_COL;
return this.matchedColumn ? ReturnCode.INCLUDE_AND_NEXT_COL : ReturnCode.NEXT_ROW;
// The qualifier is not one of the qualifiers in the expression. So decide whether
// we would need to include it in our result.
if (qualifier < minQualifier) {
// Qualifier is smaller than the minimum expected qualifier. Look at the next column.
return ReturnCode.NEXT_COL;
// TODO: I don't think we would ever hit this case of encountering a greater than what we expect.
// Leaving the code commented out here for future reference.
// if (qualifier > maxQualifier) {
// Qualifier is larger than the max expected qualifier. We are done looking at columns in this row.
// return ReturnCode.NEXT_ROW;
// }
return ReturnCode.INCLUDE_AND_NEXT_COL;
public boolean filterRow() {
if (this.matchedColumn == null && !inputTuple.isImmutable() && expression.requiresFinalEvaluation()) {
this.matchedColumn = this.evaluate(inputTuple);
return ! (Boolean.TRUE.equals(this.matchedColumn));
final class EncodedCQIncrementalResultTuple extends BaseTuple {
private final ImmutableBytesWritable keyPtr = new ImmutableBytesWritable(UNITIALIZED_KEY_BUFFER);
private boolean isImmutable;
public boolean isImmutable() {
return isImmutable || filteredKeyValues.allColumnsFound();
public void setImmutable() {
this.isImmutable = true;
private void setKey(Cell value) {
keyPtr.set(value.getRowArray(), value.getRowOffset(), value.getRowLength());
public void getKey(ImmutableBytesWritable ptr) {
public Cell getValue(byte[] cf, byte[] cq) {
int qualifier = encodingScheme.decode(cq);
return filteredKeyValues.getCell(qualifier);
public String toString() {
return filteredKeyValues.toString();
public int size() {
return filteredKeyValues.numKeyValues();
* This method doesn't perform well and shouldn't be the way of
* getting hold of elements in the tuple.
public Cell getValue(int index) {
return filteredKeyValues.getCellAtIndex(index);
public boolean getValue(byte[] family, byte[] qualifier,
ImmutableBytesWritable ptr) {
Cell cell = getValue(family, qualifier);
if (cell == null)
return false;
ptr.set(cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength());
return true;
void reset() {
isImmutable = false;
public void readFields(DataInput input) throws IOException {
this.minQualifier = WritableUtils.readVInt(input);
this.maxQualifier = WritableUtils.readVInt(input);
this.whereExpressionMinQualifier = WritableUtils.readVInt(input);
this.whereExpressionMaxQualifier = WritableUtils.readVInt(input);
this.encodingScheme = QualifierEncodingScheme.values()[WritableUtils.readVInt(input)];
public void write(DataOutput output) throws IOException {
WritableUtils.writeVInt(output, minQualifier);
WritableUtils.writeVInt(output, maxQualifier);
WritableUtils.writeVInt(output, whereExpressionMinQualifier);
WritableUtils.writeVInt(output, whereExpressionMaxQualifier);
WritableUtils.writeVInt(output, encodingScheme.ordinal());
public void setMinMaxQualifierRange(Pair<Integer, Integer> minMaxQualifiers) {
this.minQualifier = minMaxQualifiers.getFirst();
this.maxQualifier = minMaxQualifiers.getSecond();
public static MultiEncodedCQKeyValueComparisonFilter parseFrom(final byte [] pbBytes) throws DeserializationException {
try {
return (MultiEncodedCQKeyValueComparisonFilter)Writables.getWritable(pbBytes, new MultiEncodedCQKeyValueComparisonFilter());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DeserializationException(e);
public void reset() {
matchedColumn = null;
public boolean isFamilyEssential(byte[] name) {
// Only the column families involved in the expression are essential.
// The others are for columns projected in the select expression.
return cfSet.contains(name);