PHOENIX-6045 Delete that should qualify for index path does not use index when multiple indexes are available.
diff --git a/phoenix-core/src/it/java/org/apache/phoenix/end2end/ b/phoenix-core/src/it/java/org/apache/phoenix/end2end/
index 0bb201c..f6f99d9 100644
--- a/phoenix-core/src/it/java/org/apache/phoenix/end2end/
+++ b/phoenix-core/src/it/java/org/apache/phoenix/end2end/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 package org.apache.phoenix.end2end;
 import static org.apache.phoenix.util.TestUtil.TEST_PROPERTIES;
+import static org.apache.phoenix.util.TestUtil.printResultSet;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
@@ -881,6 +882,67 @@
+    @Test
+    public void testDeleteFilterWithMultipleIndexes() throws Exception {
+        String tableName = generateUniqueName();
+        String ddl = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + tableName +
+                " (PKEY1 CHAR(15) NOT NULL, PKEY2 CHAR(15) NOT NULL, VAL1 CHAR(15), VAL2 CHAR(15)," +
+                " CONSTRAINT PK PRIMARY KEY (PKEY1, PKEY2)) ";
+        String indexName1 = generateUniqueName();
+        String indexDdl1 = "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS " + indexName1 + " ON " + tableName + " (VAL1)";
+        String indexName2 = generateUniqueName();
+        String indexDdl2 = "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS " + indexName2 + " ON " + tableName + " (VAL2)";
+        String delete = "DELETE FROM " + tableName + " WHERE VAL1 = '000000000000000' limit 1";
+        Properties props = PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES);
+        try(Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), props)) {
+            conn.setAutoCommit(true);
+            try (Statement statement = conn.createStatement()) {
+                statement.execute(ddl);
+            }
+            conn.createStatement().execute("upsert into " + tableName +" values ('PKEY1', 'PKEY2', '000000000000000', 'VAL2')");
+            conn.commit();
+            try (Statement statement = conn.createStatement()) {
+                statement.execute(indexDdl1);
+            }
+        }
+        try(Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), props)) {
+            conn.setAutoCommit(true);
+            try (Statement statement = conn.createStatement()) {
+                ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("EXPLAIN " + delete);
+                String explainPlan = QueryUtil.getExplainPlan(rs);
+                // Verify index is used for the delete query
+                IndexToolIT.assertExplainPlan(false, explainPlan, tableName, indexName1);
+            }
+            // Created the second index
+            try (Statement statement = conn.createStatement()) {
+                statement.execute(indexDdl2);
+            }
+            try (Statement statement = conn.createStatement()) {
+                ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("EXPLAIN " + delete);
+                String explainPlan = QueryUtil.getExplainPlan(rs);
+                // Verify index is used for the delete query
+                IndexToolIT.assertExplainPlan(false, explainPlan, tableName, indexName1);
+                statement.executeUpdate(delete);
+                // Count the number of rows
+                String query = "SELECT COUNT(*) from " + tableName;
+                // There should be no rows on the data table
+                rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery(query);
+                assertTrue(;
+                assertEquals(0, rs.getInt(1));
+                query = "SELECT COUNT(*) from " + indexName1;
+                // There should be no rows on any of the index tables
+                rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery(query);
+                assertTrue(;
+                assertEquals(0, rs.getInt(1));
+                query = "SELECT COUNT(*) from " + indexName2;
+                // There should be no rows on any of the index tables
+                rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery(query);
+                assertTrue(;
+                assertEquals(0, rs.getInt(1));
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/phoenix-core/src/main/java/org/apache/phoenix/compile/ b/phoenix-core/src/main/java/org/apache/phoenix/compile/
index a03b786..141dfc0 100644
--- a/phoenix-core/src/main/java/org/apache/phoenix/compile/
+++ b/phoenix-core/src/main/java/org/apache/phoenix/compile/
@@ -89,12 +89,14 @@
 import org.apache.phoenix.transaction.PhoenixTransactionProvider.Feature;
 import org.apache.phoenix.util.ByteUtil;
 import org.apache.phoenix.util.IndexUtil;
+import org.apache.phoenix.util.PhoenixRuntime;
 import org.apache.phoenix.util.ScanUtil;
 import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull;
+import org.apache.phoenix.util.SchemaUtil;
 public class DeleteCompiler {
     private static ParseNodeFactory FACTORY = new ParseNodeFactory();
@@ -196,6 +198,12 @@
                     // The data table is always the last one in the list if it's
                     // not chosen as the best of the possible plans.
                     dataTable = otherTableRefs.get(otherTableRefs.size()-1).getTable();
+                    if (!isMaintainedOnClient(table)) {
+                        // dataTable is a projected table and may not include all the indexed columns and so we need to get
+                        // the actual data table
+                        dataTable = PhoenixRuntime.getTable(connection,
+                                SchemaUtil.getTableName(dataTable.getSchemaName().getString(), dataTable.getTableName().getString()));
+                    }
                     scannedIndexMaintainer = IndexMaintainer.create(dataTable, table, connection);
                 maintainers = new IndexMaintainer[otherTableRefs.size()];
@@ -487,19 +495,22 @@
             aliasedNodes.add(FACTORY.aliasedNode(null, FACTORY.column(null, '"' + column.getName().getString() + '"', null)));
-        // Project all non PK indexed columns so that we can do the proper index maintenance
+        // Project all non PK indexed columns so that we can do the proper index maintenance on the indexes for which
+        // mutations are generated on the client side. Indexed columns are needed to identify index rows to be deleted
         for (PTable index : table.getIndexes()) {
-            IndexMaintainer maintainer = index.getIndexMaintainer(table, connection);
-            // Go through maintainer as it handles functional indexes correctly
-            for (Pair<String,String> columnInfo : maintainer.getIndexedColumnInfo()) {
-                String familyName = columnInfo.getFirst();
-                if (familyName != null) {
-                    String columnName = columnInfo.getSecond();
-                    boolean hasNoColumnFamilies = table.getColumnFamilies().isEmpty();
-                    PColumn column = hasNoColumnFamilies ? table.getColumnForColumnName(columnName) : table.getColumnFamily(familyName).getPColumnForColumnName(columnName);
-                    if(!projectedColumns.contains(column)) {
-                        projectedColumns.add(column);
-                        aliasedNodes.add(FACTORY.aliasedNode(null, FACTORY.column(hasNoColumnFamilies ? null : TableName.create(null, familyName), '"' + columnName + '"', null)));
+            if (isMaintainedOnClient(index)) {
+                IndexMaintainer maintainer = index.getIndexMaintainer(table, connection);
+                // Go through maintainer as it handles functional indexes correctly
+                for (Pair<String, String> columnInfo : maintainer.getIndexedColumnInfo()) {
+                    String familyName = columnInfo.getFirst();
+                    if (familyName != null) {
+                        String columnName = columnInfo.getSecond();
+                        boolean hasNoColumnFamilies = table.getColumnFamilies().isEmpty();
+                        PColumn column = hasNoColumnFamilies ? table.getColumnForColumnName(columnName) : table.getColumnFamily(familyName).getPColumnForColumnName(columnName);
+                        if (!projectedColumns.contains(column)) {
+                            projectedColumns.add(column);
+                            aliasedNodes.add(FACTORY.aliasedNode(null, FACTORY.column(hasNoColumnFamilies ? null : TableName.create(null, familyName), '"' + columnName + '"', null)));
+                        }
@@ -970,4 +981,4 @@
                 table.getTransactionProvider().getTransactionProvider().isUnsupported(Feature.MAINTAIN_LOCAL_INDEX_ON_SERVER) ) );
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