blob: 0701c10611ecffdcbf8b986aa2b6f27499daa9f3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.phoenix.query;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import org.apache.http.annotation.Immutable;
import org.apache.phoenix.iterate.SpoolTooBigToDiskException;
import org.apache.phoenix.memory.MemoryManager;
import org.apache.phoenix.optimize.QueryOptimizer;
import org.apache.phoenix.util.ReadOnlyProps;
import org.apache.phoenix.util.SQLCloseable;
* Interface to group together services needed during querying. The
* parameters that may be set in {@link org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration}
* are documented here:
* @since 0.1
public interface QueryServices extends SQLCloseable {
public static final String KEEP_ALIVE_MS_ATTRIB = "phoenix.query.keepAliveMs";
public static final String THREAD_POOL_SIZE_ATTRIB = "phoenix.query.threadPoolSize";
public static final String QUEUE_SIZE_ATTRIB = "phoenix.query.queueSize";
public static final String THREAD_TIMEOUT_MS_ATTRIB = "phoenix.query.timeoutMs";
public static final String SPOOL_THRESHOLD_BYTES_ATTRIB = "phoenix.query.spoolThresholdBytes";
public static final String HBASE_CLIENT_KEYTAB = "hbase.myclient.keytab";
public static final String HBASE_CLIENT_PRINCIPAL = "hbase.myclient.principal";
public static final String SPOOL_DIRECTORY = "";
public static final String AUTO_COMMIT_ATTRIB = "phoenix.connection.autoCommit";
// consistency configuration setting
public static final String CONSISTENCY_ATTRIB = "phoenix.connection.consistency";
// joni byte regex engine setting
public static final String USE_BYTE_BASED_REGEX_ATTRIB = "phoenix.regex.byteBased";
public static final String DRIVER_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_MS = "phoenix.shutdown.timeoutMs";
* max size to spool the the result into
* ${}/ResultSpoolerXXX.bin if
* {@link QueryServices#SPOOL_THRESHOLD_BYTES_ATTRIB } is reached.
* <p>
* default is unlimited(-1)
* <p>
* if the threshold is reached, a {@link SpoolTooBigToDiskException } will be thrown
public static final String MAX_SPOOL_TO_DISK_BYTES_ATTRIB = "phoenix.query.maxSpoolToDiskBytes";
* Number of records to read per chunk when streaming records of a basic scan.
public static final String SCAN_RESULT_CHUNK_SIZE = "phoenix.query.scanResultChunkSize";
public static final String MAX_MEMORY_PERC_ATTRIB = "phoenix.query.maxGlobalMemoryPercentage";
public static final String MAX_MEMORY_WAIT_MS_ATTRIB = "phoenix.query.maxGlobalMemoryWaitMs";
public static final String MAX_TENANT_MEMORY_PERC_ATTRIB = "phoenix.query.maxTenantMemoryPercentage";
public static final String MAX_SERVER_CACHE_SIZE_ATTRIB = "phoenix.query.maxServerCacheBytes";
public static final String DATE_FORMAT_TIMEZONE_ATTRIB = "phoenix.query.dateFormatTimeZone";
public static final String DATE_FORMAT_ATTRIB = "phoenix.query.dateFormat";
public static final String TIME_FORMAT_ATTRIB = "phoenix.query.timeFormat";
public static final String TIMESTAMP_FORMAT_ATTRIB = "phoenix.query.timestampFormat";
public static final String NUMBER_FORMAT_ATTRIB = "phoenix.query.numberFormat";
public static final String CALL_QUEUE_ROUND_ROBIN_ATTRIB = "ipc.server.callqueue.roundrobin";
public static final String SCAN_CACHE_SIZE_ATTRIB = "hbase.client.scanner.caching";
public static final String MAX_MUTATION_SIZE_ATTRIB = "phoenix.mutate.maxSize";
public static final String MUTATE_BATCH_SIZE_ATTRIB = "phoenix.mutate.batchSize";
public static final String MAX_SERVER_CACHE_TIME_TO_LIVE_MS_ATTRIB = "phoenix.coprocessor.maxServerCacheTimeToLiveMs";
@Deprecated // Use FORCE_ROW_KEY_ORDER instead.
public static final String ROW_KEY_ORDER_SALTED_TABLE_ATTRIB = "phoenix.query.rowKeyOrderSaltedTable";
public static final String USE_INDEXES_ATTRIB = "phoenix.query.useIndexes";
public static final String IMMUTABLE_ROWS_ATTRIB = "phoenix.mutate.immutableRows";
public static final String INDEX_MUTATE_BATCH_SIZE_THRESHOLD_ATTRIB = "phoenix.index.mutableBatchSizeThreshold";
public static final String DROP_METADATA_ATTRIB = "phoenix.schema.dropMetaData";
public static final String GROUPBY_SPILLABLE_ATTRIB = "phoenix.groupby.spillable";
public static final String GROUPBY_SPILL_FILES_ATTRIB = "phoenix.groupby.spillFiles";
public static final String GROUPBY_MAX_CACHE_SIZE_ATTRIB = "phoenix.groupby.maxCacheSize";
public static final String GROUPBY_ESTIMATED_DISTINCT_VALUES_ATTRIB = "phoenix.groupby.estimatedDistinctValues";
public static final String MASTER_INFO_PORT_ATTRIB = "";
public static final String REGIONSERVER_INFO_PORT_ATTRIB = "";
public static final String REGIONSERVER_LEASE_PERIOD_ATTRIB = "";
public static final String RPC_TIMEOUT_ATTRIB = "hbase.rpc.timeout";
public static final String DYNAMIC_JARS_DIR_KEY = "hbase.dynamic.jars.dir";
public static final String ZOOKEEPER_QUARUM_ATTRIB = "hbase.zookeeper.quorum";
public static final String ZOOKEEPER_PORT_ATTRIB = "";
public static final String ZOOKEEPER_ROOT_NODE_ATTRIB = "zookeeper.znode.parent";
public static final String DISTINCT_VALUE_COMPRESS_THRESHOLD_ATTRIB = "phoenix.distinct.value.compress.threshold";
public static final String SEQUENCE_CACHE_SIZE_ATTRIB = "phoenix.sequence.cacheSize";
public static final String INDEX_MAX_FILESIZE_PERC_ATTRIB = "phoenix.index.maxDataFileSizePerc";
public static final String MAX_SERVER_METADATA_CACHE_TIME_TO_LIVE_MS_ATTRIB = "phoenix.coprocessor.maxMetaDataCacheTimeToLiveMs";
public static final String MAX_SERVER_METADATA_CACHE_SIZE_ATTRIB = "phoenix.coprocessor.maxMetaDataCacheSize";
public static final String MAX_CLIENT_METADATA_CACHE_SIZE_ATTRIB = "phoenix.client.maxMetaDataCacheSize";
public static final String AUTO_UPGRADE_WHITELIST_ATTRIB = "phoenix.client.autoUpgradeWhiteList";
// Mainly for testing to force spilling
public static final String MAX_MEMORY_SIZE_ATTRIB = "phoenix.query.maxGlobalMemorySize";
// The following config settings is to deal with SYSTEM.CATALOG moves(PHOENIX-916) among region servers
public static final String CLOCK_SKEW_INTERVAL_ATTRIB = "phoenix.clock.skew.interval";
// A master switch if to enable auto rebuild an index which failed to be updated previously
public static final String INDEX_FAILURE_HANDLING_REBUILD_ATTRIB = "phoenix.index.failure.handling.rebuild";
// Time interval to check if there is an index needs to be rebuild
// A master switch if to block writes when index build failed
public static final String INDEX_FAILURE_BLOCK_WRITE = "phoenix.index.failure.block.write";
// Index will be partially re-built from index disable time stamp - following overlap time
public static final String INDEX_PRIOIRTY_ATTRIB = "phoenix.index.rpc.priority";
public static final String METADATA_PRIOIRTY_ATTRIB = "phoenix.metadata.rpc.priority";
public static final String ALLOW_LOCAL_INDEX_ATTRIB = "phoenix.index.allowLocalIndex";
// Config parameters for for configuring tracing
public static final String TRACING_FREQ_ATTRIB = "phoenix.trace.frequency";
public static final String TRACING_PAGE_SIZE_ATTRIB = "";
public static final String TRACING_PROBABILITY_THRESHOLD_ATTRIB = "phoenix.trace.probability.threshold";
public static final String TRACING_STATS_TABLE_NAME_ATTRIB = "phoenix.trace.statsTableName";
public static final String TRACING_CUSTOM_ANNOTATION_ATTRIB_PREFIX = "phoenix.trace.custom.annotation.";
public static final String USE_REVERSE_SCAN_ATTRIB = "phoenix.query.useReverseScan";
// Config parameters for stats collection
public static final String STATS_UPDATE_FREQ_MS_ATTRIB = "phoenix.stats.updateFrequency";
public static final String MIN_STATS_UPDATE_FREQ_MS_ATTRIB = "phoenix.stats.minUpdateFrequency";
public static final String STATS_GUIDEPOST_WIDTH_BYTES_ATTRIB = "phoenix.stats.guidepost.width";
public static final String STATS_GUIDEPOST_PER_REGION_ATTRIB = "phoenix.stats.guidepost.per.region";
public static final String STATS_USE_CURRENT_TIME_ATTRIB = "phoenix.stats.useCurrentTime";
public static final String STATS_ENABLED_ATTRIB = "phoenix.stats.enabled";
public static final String RUN_UPDATE_STATS_ASYNC = "phoenix.update.stats.command.async";
public static final String STATS_SERVER_POOL_SIZE = "phoenix.stats.pool.size";
public static final String COMMIT_STATS_ASYNC = "phoenix.stats.commit.async";
public static final String SEQUENCE_SALT_BUCKETS_ATTRIB = "phoenix.sequence.saltBuckets";
public static final String COPROCESSOR_PRIORITY_ATTRIB = "phoenix.coprocessor.priority";
public static final String EXPLAIN_CHUNK_COUNT_ATTRIB = "phoenix.explain.displayChunkCount";
public static final String EXPLAIN_ROW_COUNT_ATTRIB = "phoenix.explain.displayRowCount";
public static final String ALLOW_ONLINE_TABLE_SCHEMA_UPDATE = "";
public static final String NUM_RETRIES_FOR_SCHEMA_UPDATE_CHECK = "phoenix.schema.change.retries";
public static final String DELAY_FOR_SCHEMA_UPDATE_CHECK = "phoenix.schema.change.delay";
public static final String DEFAULT_KEEP_DELETED_CELLS_ATTRIB = "phoenix.table.default.keep.deleted.cells";
public static final String DEFAULT_STORE_NULLS_ATTRIB = "";
public static final String DEFAULT_TABLE_ISTRANSACTIONAL_ATTRIB = "phoenix.table.istransactional.default";
public static final String GLOBAL_METRICS_ENABLED = "";
// Transaction related configs
public static final String TRANSACTIONS_ENABLED = "phoenix.transactions.enabled";
// Controls whether or not uncommitted data is automatically sent to HBase
// at the end of a statement execution when transaction state is passed through.
public static final String AUTO_FLUSH_ATTRIB = "phoenix.transactions.autoFlush";
// rpc queue configs
public static final String INDEX_HANDLER_COUNT_ATTRIB = "phoenix.rpc.index.handler.count";
public static final String METADATA_HANDLER_COUNT_ATTRIB = "phoenix.rpc.metadata.handler.count";
public static final String FORCE_ROW_KEY_ORDER_ATTRIB = "phoenix.query.force.rowkeyorder";
public static final String ALLOW_USER_DEFINED_FUNCTIONS_ATTRIB = "phoenix.functions.allowUserDefinedFunctions";
public static final String COLLECT_REQUEST_LEVEL_METRICS = "phoenix.query.request.metrics.enabled";
public static final String ALLOW_VIEWS_ADD_NEW_CF_BASE_TABLE = "phoenix.schema.view.newcf";
public static final String RETURN_SEQUENCE_VALUES_ATTRIB = "phoenix.sequence.returnValues";
public static final String EXTRA_JDBC_ARGUMENTS_ATTRIB = "phoenix.jdbc.extra.arguments";
public static final String MAX_VERSIONS_TRANSACTIONAL_ATTRIB = "phoenix.transactions.maxVersions";
// queryserver configuration keys
public static final String QUERY_SERVER_SERIALIZATION_ATTRIB = "phoenix.queryserver.serialization";
public static final String QUERY_SERVER_META_FACTORY_ATTRIB = "phoenix.queryserver.metafactory.class";
public static final String QUERY_SERVER_HTTP_PORT_ATTRIB = "phoenix.queryserver.http.port";
public static final String QUERY_SERVER_ENV_LOGGING_ATTRIB = "phoenix.queryserver.envvars.logging.disabled";
public static final String QUERY_SERVER_ENV_LOGGING_SKIPWORDS_ATTRIB = "phoenix.queryserver.envvars.logging.skipwords";
public static final String QUERY_SERVER_KEYTAB_FILENAME_ATTRIB = "phoenix.queryserver.keytab.file";
public static final String QUERY_SERVER_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL_ATTRIB = "phoenix.queryserver.kerberos.principal";
public static final String QUERY_SERVER_DNS_NAMESERVER_ATTRIB = "phoenix.queryserver.dns.nameserver";
public static final String QUERY_SERVER_DNS_INTERFACE_ATTRIB = "phoenix.queryserver.dns.interface";
public static final String QUERY_SERVER_HBASE_SECURITY_CONF_ATTRIB = "";
public static final String RENEW_LEASE_ENABLED = "";
public static final String RENEW_LEASE_THRESHOLD_MILLISECONDS = "";
public static final String RENEW_LEASE_THREAD_POOL_SIZE = "";
public static final String HCONNECTION_POOL_CORE_SIZE = "hbase.hconnection.threads.core";
public static final String HCONNECTION_POOL_MAX_SIZE = "hbase.hconnection.threads.max";
public static final String HTABLE_MAX_THREADS = "hbase.htable.threads.max";
// time to wait before running second index population upsert select (so that any pending batches of rows on region server are also written to index)
public static final String INDEX_POPULATION_SLEEP_TIME = "phoenix.index.population.wait.time";
* Get executor service used for parallel scans
public ThreadPoolExecutor getExecutor();
* Get the memory manager used to track memory usage
public MemoryManager getMemoryManager();
* Get the properties from the HBase configuration in a
* read-only structure that avoids any synchronization
public ReadOnlyProps getProps();
* Get query optimizer used to choose the best query plan
public QueryOptimizer getOptimizer();