blob: 5102dc8ae692b19b6273092f13325e6ba90583a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.covered.example;
import static org.apache.phoenix.query.BaseTest.initAndRegisterTestDriver;
import static org.apache.phoenix.query.BaseTest.setUpConfigForMiniCluster;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HColumnDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ResultScanner;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair;
import org.apache.phoenix.end2end.NeedsOwnMiniClusterTest;
import org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.IndexTestingUtils;
import org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.Indexer;
import org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.TableName;
import org.apache.phoenix.query.QueryServices;
import org.apache.phoenix.query.QueryServicesOptions;
import org.apache.phoenix.util.PhoenixRuntime;
import org.apache.phoenix.util.ReadOnlyProps;
import org.apache.phoenix.util.TestUtil;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
* Test Covered Column indexing in an 'end-to-end' manner on a minicluster. This covers cases where
* we manage custom timestamped updates that arrive in and out of order as well as just using the
* generically timestamped updates.
public class EndToEndCoveredIndexingIT {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(EndToEndCoveredIndexingIT.class);
protected static final HBaseTestingUtility UTIL = new HBaseTestingUtility();
private static final String FAM_STRING = "FAMILY";
private static final byte[] FAM = Bytes.toBytes(FAM_STRING);
private static final String FAM2_STRING = "FAMILY2";
private static final byte[] FAM2 = Bytes.toBytes(FAM2_STRING);
private static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTES = new byte[0];
private static final byte[] indexed_qualifer = Bytes.toBytes("indexed_qual");
private static final byte[] regular_qualifer = Bytes.toBytes("reg_qual");
private static final byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
private static final byte[] value1 = Bytes.toBytes("val1");
private static final byte[] value2 = Bytes.toBytes("val2");
private static final byte[] value3 = Bytes.toBytes("val3");
// match a single family:qualifier pair
private static final CoveredColumn col1 = new CoveredColumn(FAM_STRING, indexed_qualifer);
// matches the family2:* columns
private static final CoveredColumn col2 = new CoveredColumn(FAM2_STRING, null);
private static final CoveredColumn col3 = new CoveredColumn(FAM2_STRING, indexed_qualifer);
public TableName TestTable = new TableName();
private ColumnGroup fam1;
private ColumnGroup fam2;
// setup a couple of index columns
private void setupColumns() {
fam1 = new ColumnGroup(getIndexTableName());
fam2 = new ColumnGroup(getIndexTableName() + "2");
// values are [col1][col2_1]...[col2_n]
// value is [col2]
private String getIndexTableName() {
return Bytes.toString(TestTable.getTableName()) + "_index";
protected static void setupConfig() throws Exception {
Configuration conf = UTIL.getConfiguration();
// disable version checking, so we can test against whatever version of HBase happens to be
// installed (right now, its generally going to be SNAPSHOT versions).
conf.setBoolean(Indexer.CHECK_VERSION_CONF_KEY, false);
protected static void initDriver() throws Exception {
Configuration conf = UTIL.getConfiguration();
String zkQuorum = TestUtil.LOCALHOST + PhoenixRuntime.JDBC_PROTOCOL_SEPARATOR + UTIL.getZkCluster().getClientPort();
String url = PhoenixRuntime.JDBC_PROTOCOL +
PhoenixRuntime.JDBC_PROTOCOL_SEPARATOR + zkQuorum +
initAndRegisterTestDriver(url, ReadOnlyProps.EMPTY_PROPS);
public static void setupCluster() throws Exception {
public static void teardownCluster() throws Exception {
public void setup() throws Exception {
* Test that a bunch of puts with a single timestamp across all the puts builds and inserts index
* entries as expected
* @throws Exception on failure
public void testSimpleTimestampedUpdates() throws Exception {
HTable primary = createSetupTables(fam1);
// do a put to the primary table
Put p = new Put(row1);
long ts = 10;
p.add(FAM, indexed_qualifer, ts, value1);
p.add(FAM, regular_qualifer, ts, value2);
// read the index for the expected values
HTable index1 = new HTable(UTIL.getConfiguration(), getIndexTableName());
// build the expected kvs
List<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>> pairs = new ArrayList<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>>();
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value1, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(EMPTY_BYTES, col2));
List<KeyValue> expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts, pairs);
// verify that the index matches
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts, value1);
// cleanup
closeAndCleanupTables(primary, index1);
* Test that the multiple timestamps in a single put build the correct index updates.
* @throws Exception on failure
public void testMultipleTimestampsInSinglePut() throws Exception {
HTable primary = createSetupTables(fam1);
// do a put to the primary table
Put p = new Put(row1);
long ts1 = 10;
long ts2 = 11;
p.add(FAM, indexed_qualifer, ts1, value1);
p.add(FAM, regular_qualifer, ts1, value2);
// our group indexes all columns in the this family, so any qualifier here is ok
p.add(FAM2, regular_qualifer, ts2, value3);
// read the index for the expected values
HTable index1 = new HTable(UTIL.getConfiguration(), getIndexTableName());
// build the expected kvs
List<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>> pairs = new ArrayList<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>>();
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value1, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(EMPTY_BYTES, col2));
// check the first entry at ts1
List<KeyValue> expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts1, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts1, value1);
// check the second entry at ts2
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value1, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value3, col2));
expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts2, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts2, value1);
// cleanup
closeAndCleanupTables(primary, index1);
* Test that we make updates to multiple {@link ColumnGroup}s across a single put/delete
* @throws Exception on failure
public void testMultipleConcurrentGroupsUpdated() throws Exception {
HTable primary = createSetupTables(fam1, fam2);
// do a put to the primary table
Put p = new Put(row1);
long ts = 10;
p.add(FAM, indexed_qualifer, ts, value1);
p.add(FAM, regular_qualifer, ts, value2);
p.add(FAM2, indexed_qualifer, ts, value3);
// read the index for the expected values
HTable index1 = new HTable(UTIL.getConfiguration(), fam1.getTable());
HTable index2 = new HTable(UTIL.getConfiguration(), fam2.getTable());
// build the expected kvs
List<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>> pairs = new ArrayList<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>>();
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value1, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value3, col2));
List<KeyValue> expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts, value1);
// and check the second index as well
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value3, col3));
expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index2, expected, ts, value3);
// cleanup
closeAndCleanupTables(primary, index1, index2);
* HBase has a 'fun' property wherein you can completely clobber an existing row if you make a
* {@link Put} at the exact same dimension (row, cf, cq, ts) as an existing row. The old row
* disappears and the new value (since the rest of the row is the same) completely subsumes it.
* This test ensures that we remove the old entry and put a new entry in its place.
* @throws Exception on failure
public void testOverwritingPutsCorrectlyGetIndexed() throws Exception {
HTable primary = createSetupTables(fam1);
// do a put to the primary table
Put p = new Put(row1);
long ts = 10;
p.add(FAM, indexed_qualifer, ts, value1);
p.add(FAM, regular_qualifer, ts, value2);
// read the index for the expected values
HTable index1 = new HTable(UTIL.getConfiguration(), fam1.getTable());
// build the expected kvs
List<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>> pairs = new ArrayList<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>>();
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value1, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(EMPTY_BYTES, col2));
// check the first entry at ts
List<KeyValue> expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts, value1);
// now overwrite the put in the primary table with a new value
p = new Put(row1);
p.add(FAM, indexed_qualifer, ts, value3);
pairs = new ArrayList<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>>();
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value3, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(EMPTY_BYTES, col2));
// check the first entry at ts
expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts, value3);
// and verify that a scan at the first entry returns nothing (ignore the updated row)
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, Collections.<KeyValue> emptyList(), ts,
value1, value2);
// cleanup
closeAndCleanupTables(primary, index1);
public void testSimpleDeletes() throws Exception {
HTable primary = createSetupTables(fam1);
// do a simple Put
long ts = 10;
Put p = new Put(row1);
p.add(FAM, indexed_qualifer, ts, value1);
p.add(FAM, regular_qualifer, ts, value2);
Delete d = new Delete(row1);
HTable index = new HTable(UTIL.getConfiguration(), fam1.getTable());
List<KeyValue> expected = Collections.<KeyValue> emptyList();
// scan over all time should cause the delete to be covered
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index, expected, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE, value1,
// scan at the older timestamp should still show the older value
List<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>> pairs = new ArrayList<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>>();
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value1, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(EMPTY_BYTES, col2));
expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index, expected, ts, value1);
// cleanup
closeAndCleanupTables(index, primary);
* If we don't have any updates to make to the index, we don't take a lock on the WAL. However, we
* need to make sure that we don't try to unlock the WAL on write time when we don't write
* anything, since that will cause an java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
* @throws Exception on failure
public void testDeletesWithoutPreviousState() throws Exception {
HTable primary = createSetupTables(fam1);
// do a delete on the primary table (no data, so no index updates...hopefully).
long ts = 10;
Delete d = new Delete(row1);
HTable index1 = new HTable(UTIL.getConfiguration(), fam1.getTable());
List<KeyValue> expected = Collections.<KeyValue> emptyList();
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts, value1);
// a delete of a specific family/column should also not show any index updates
d = new Delete(row1);
d.deleteColumn(FAM, indexed_qualifer);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts, value1);
// also just a family marker should have the same effect
d = new Delete(row1);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts, value1);
// also just a family marker should have the same effect
d = new Delete(row1);
d.deleteColumns(FAM, indexed_qualifer);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts, value1);
// cleanup
closeAndCleanupTables(primary, index1);
* Similar to the {@link #testMultipleTimestampsInSinglePut()}, this check the same with deletes
* @throws Exception on failure
public void testMultipleTimestampsInSingleDelete() throws Exception {
HTable primary = createSetupTables(fam1);
// do a put to the primary table
Put p = new Put(row1);
long ts1 = 10, ts2 = 11, ts3 = 12;
p.add(FAM, indexed_qualifer, ts1, value1);
// our group indexes all columns in the this family, so any qualifier here is ok
p.add(FAM2, regular_qualifer, ts2, value3);
// check to make sure everything we expect is there
HTable index1 = new HTable(UTIL.getConfiguration(), fam1.getTable());
// ts1, we just have v1
List<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>> pairs = new ArrayList<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>>();
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value1, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(EMPTY_BYTES, col2));
List<KeyValue> expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts1, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts1, value1);
// at ts2, don't have the above anymore
expected = Collections.emptyList();
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts2, ts2 + 1, value1, value1);
// but we do have the new entry at ts2
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value1, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value3, col2));
expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts2, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts2, value1);
// now build up a delete with a couple different timestamps
Delete d = new Delete(row1);
// these deletes have to match the exact ts since we are doing an exact match (deleteColumn).
d.deleteColumn(FAM, indexed_qualifer, ts1);
// since this doesn't match exactly, we actually shouldn't see a change in table state
d.deleteColumn(FAM2, regular_qualifer, ts3);
// at ts1, we should have the put covered exactly by the delete and into the entire future
expected = Collections.emptyList();
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts1, Long.MAX_VALUE, value1,
// at ts2, we should just see value3
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(EMPTY_BYTES, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value3, col2));
expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts2, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts2, value1);
// the later delete is a point delete, so we shouldn't see any change at ts3
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts2, ts3, value1,
// cleanup
closeAndCleanupTables(primary, index1);
* Covering deletes (via {@link Delete#deleteColumns}) cover everything back in time from the
* given time. If its modifying the latest state, we don't need to do anything but add deletes. If
* its modifying back in time state, we need to just fix up the surrounding elements as anything
* else ahead of it will be fixed up by later updates.
* <p>
* similar to {@link #testMultipleTimestampsInSingleDelete()}, but with covering deletes.
* @throws Exception on failure
public void testDeleteColumnsInThePast() throws Exception {
HTable primary = createSetupTables(fam1);
// do a put to the primary table
Put p = new Put(row1);
long ts1 = 10, ts2 = 11, ts3 = 12;
p.add(FAM, indexed_qualifer, ts1, value1);
p.add(FAM2, regular_qualifer, ts2, value3);
// now build up a delete with a couple different timestamps
Delete d = new Delete(row1);
// these deletes don't need to match the exact ts because they cover everything earlier
d.deleteColumns(FAM, indexed_qualifer, ts2);
d.deleteColumns(FAM2, regular_qualifer, ts3);
// read the index for the expected values
HTable index1 = new HTable(UTIL.getConfiguration(), fam1.getTable());
// build the expected kvs
List<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>> pairs = new ArrayList<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>>();
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value1, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(EMPTY_BYTES, col2));
// check the first entry at ts1
List<KeyValue> expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts1, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts1, value1);
// delete at ts2 changes what the put would insert
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(EMPTY_BYTES, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value3, col2));
expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts2, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts2, value1);
// final delete clears out everything
expected = Collections.emptyList();
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts3, value1);
// cleanup
closeAndCleanupTables(primary, index1);
* If the client is using custom timestamps is possible that the updates come out-of-order (i.e.
* update to ts 10 comes after the update to ts 12). In the case, we need to be sure that the
* index is correctly updated when the out of order put arrives.
* @throws Exception
public void testOutOfOrderUpdates() throws Exception {
HTable primary = createSetupTables(fam1);
// do a put to the primary table
Put p = new Put(row1);
long ts = 12;
p.add(FAM, indexed_qualifer, ts, value1);
// read the index for the expected values
HTable index1 = new HTable(UTIL.getConfiguration(), fam1.getTable());
// build the expected kvs
List<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>> pairs = new ArrayList<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>>();
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value1, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(EMPTY_BYTES, col2));
// check the first entry at ts
List<KeyValue> expectedTs1 = CoveredColumnIndexCodec
.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expectedTs1, ts, value1);
// now make a put back in time
long ts2 = ts - 2;
p = new Put(row1);
p.add(FAM, indexed_qualifer, ts2, value2);
pairs = new ArrayList<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>>();
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value2, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(EMPTY_BYTES, col2));
// check to make sure the back in time entry exists
List<KeyValue> expectedTs2 = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts2,
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expectedTs2, ts2, value2);
// then it should be gone at the newer ts (because it deletes itself)
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, Collections.<KeyValue> emptyList(), ts2,
ts + 1, value2, HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW);
// but that the original index entry is still visible at ts, just fine
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expectedTs1, ts, value1);
// cleanup
closeAndCleanupTables(primary, index1);
* Its possible (i.e. from a fast, frequently writing client) that they put more than the
* 'visible' number of versions in a row before a client make a put 'back in time' on that row. If
* we don't scan the current table properly, we won't see an index update for that 'back in time'
* update since the usual lookup will only see the regular number of versions. This ability to see
* back in time depends on running HBase 0.94.9
* @throws Exception on failure
public void testExceedVersionsOutOfOrderPut() throws Exception {
// setup the index
HTable primary = createSetupTables(fam2);
// do a put to the primary table
Put p = new Put(row1);
long ts1 = 1, ts2 = 2, ts3 = 3, ts4 = 4, ts5 = 5;
byte[] value4 = Bytes.toBytes("val4");
byte[] value5 = Bytes.toBytes("val5");
p.add(FAM2, indexed_qualifer, ts1, value1);
p = new Put(row1);
p.add(FAM2, indexed_qualifer, ts3, value3);
p = new Put(row1);
p.add(FAM2, indexed_qualifer, ts4, value4);
p = new Put(row1);
p.add(FAM2, indexed_qualifer, ts5, value5);
// read the index for the expected values
HTable index = new HTable(UTIL.getConfiguration(), fam2.getTable());
// do a raw scan of everything in the table
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
// the whole table, all the keys
Scan s = new Scan();
ResultScanner scanner = index.getScanner(s);
for (Result r : scanner) {
LOG.debug("Found row:" + r);
* now we have definitely exceeded the number of versions visible to a usual client of the
* primary table, so we should try doing a put 'back in time' an make sure that has the correct
* index values and cleanup
p = new Put(row1);
p.add(FAM2, indexed_qualifer, ts2, value2);
// // read the index for the expected values
// HTable index = new HTable(UTIL.getConfiguration(), fam2.getTable());
// do a raw scan of everything in the table
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
// the whole table, all the keys
Scan s = new Scan();
ResultScanner scanner = index.getScanner(s);
for (Result r : scanner) {
LOG.debug("Found row:" + r);
// build the expected kvs
List<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>> pairs = new ArrayList<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>>();
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value1, col3));
// check the value1 should be present at the earliest timestamp
List<KeyValue> expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts1, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index, expected, ts1, value1, value2);
// and value1 should be removed at ts2 (even though it came later)
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index, Collections.<KeyValue> emptyList(), ts1,
ts2 + 1, value1, value2); // timestamp + 1 since its exclusive end timestamp
// late added column should be there just fine at its timestamp
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value2, col3));
expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts2, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index, expected, ts2, value2);
// and check that the late entry also removes its self at the next timestamp up
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index, Collections.<KeyValue> emptyList(), ts3,
value2, value3);
// then we should have the rest of the inserts at their appropriate timestamps. Everything else
// should be exactly the same, except we shouldn't see ts0 anymore at ts2
// check the third entry
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value3, col3));
expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts3, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index, expected, ts3, value3);
// check the fourth entry
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value4, col3));
expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts4, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index, expected, ts4, value4);
// check the first entry at ts4
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value2, col3));
expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts2, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index, expected, ts2, value2);
// verify that we remove the entry, even though its too far 'back in time'
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index, Collections.<KeyValue> emptyList(), ts3,
// cleanup
closeAndCleanupTables(primary, index);
* Similar to {@link #testExceedVersionsOutOfOrderPut()}, but mingles deletes and puts.
* @throws Exception on failure
public void testExceedVersionsOutOfOrderUpdates() throws Exception {
HTable primary = createSetupTables(fam1);
// setup the data to store
long ts1 = 1, ts2 = 2, ts3 = 3, ts4 = 4, ts5 = 5, ts6 = 6;
byte[] value4 = Bytes.toBytes("val4"), value5 = Bytes.toBytes("val5"), value6 =
// values for the other column to index
byte[] v1_1 = ArrayUtils.addAll(value1, Bytes.toBytes("_otherCol")), v3_1 =
ArrayUtils.addAll(value3, Bytes.toBytes("_otherCol")), v5_1 =
ArrayUtils.addAll(value5, Bytes.toBytes("_otherCol")), v6_1 =
ArrayUtils.addAll(value6, Bytes.toBytes("_otherCol"));
// make some puts to the primary table
Put p = new Put(row1);
p.add(FAM, indexed_qualifer, ts1, value1);
p.add(FAM2, indexed_qualifer, ts1, v1_1);
p = new Put(row1);
p.add(FAM, indexed_qualifer, ts3, value3);
p.add(FAM2, indexed_qualifer, ts3, v3_1);
p = new Put(row1);
p.add(FAM, indexed_qualifer, ts5, value5);
p.add(FAM2, indexed_qualifer, ts5, v5_1);
p = new Put(row1);
p.add(FAM, indexed_qualifer, ts6, value6);
p.add(FAM2, indexed_qualifer, ts6, v6_1);
* now we have definitely exceeded the number of versions visible to a usual client of the
* primary table, so we should try doing a put 'back in time' an make sure that has the correct
* index values and cleanup
p = new Put(row1);
p.add(FAM, indexed_qualifer, ts2, value2);
// read the index for the expected values
HTable index1 = new HTable(UTIL.getConfiguration(), fam1.getTable());
// do a raw scan of everything in the table
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
Scan s = new Scan();
ResultScanner scanner = index1.getScanner(s);
for (Result r : scanner) {
LOG.debug("Found row:" + r);
// build the expected kvs
List<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>> pairs = new ArrayList<Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>>();
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value1, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(v1_1, col2));
// check the value1 should be present at the earliest timestamp
List<KeyValue> expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts1, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts1, value1, value2);
// and value1 should be removed at ts2 (even though it came later)
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, Collections.<KeyValue> emptyList(), ts1,
ts2 + 1, value1, value2); // timestamp + 1 since its exclusive end timestamp
// late added column should be there just fine at its timestamp
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value2, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(v1_1, col2));
expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts2, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts2, value2);
// and check that the late entry also removes its self at the next timestamp up
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, Collections.<KeyValue> emptyList(), ts3,
value2, value3);
// -----------------------------------------------
// Check Delete intermingled
// -----------------------------------------------
// verify that the old row is there
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value3, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(v3_1, col2));
expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts3, pairs);
// scan from the start key forward (should only include [value3][v3_3])
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts3, expected.get(0).getKey(),
// then do a delete of just one of the indexed columns. This should insert a delete for all just
// the single value, then a put & a later corresponding in the past for the new value
Delete d = new Delete(row1);
d.deleteColumn(FAM2, indexed_qualifer, ts3);
// we shouldn't find that entry, but we should find [value3][v1_1] since that is next entry back
// in time from the current
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value3, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(v1_1, col2));
expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts3, pairs);
// it should be re-written at 3
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts3, value3, value4);
// but we shouldn't find it at ts5 since it should be covered again
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, Collections.<KeyValue> emptyList(), ts5,
value3, value4);
// now remove all the older columns in FAM2 at 4
d = new Delete(row1);
d.deleteColumns(FAM2, indexed_qualifer, ts4);
// we shouldn't find that entry, but we should find [value3][null] since deleteColumns removes
// all the entries for that column
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value3, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(EMPTY_BYTES, col2));
expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts4, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts4, value3, value4);
// same as above, but now do it at 3 (on earlier)
d = new Delete(row1);
d.deleteColumns(FAM2, indexed_qualifer, ts3);
// we shouldn't find that entry, but we should find [value3][null] since deleteColumns removes
// all the entries for that column
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value3, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(EMPTY_BYTES, col2));
expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts3, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts3, value3, value4);
// -----------------------------------------------
// then we should have the rest of the inserts at their appropriate timestamps. Everything else
// should be exactly the same, except we shouldn't see ts0 anymore at ts2
// -----------------------------------------------
// check the entry at 5
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value5, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(v5_1, col2));
expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts5, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts5, value5);
// check the entry at 6
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(value6, col1));
pairs.add(new Pair<byte[], CoveredColumn>(v6_1, col2));
expected = CoveredColumnIndexCodec.getIndexKeyValueForTesting(row1, ts6, pairs);
IndexTestingUtils.verifyIndexTableAtTimestamp(index1, expected, ts6, value5);
// cleanup
closeAndCleanupTables(primary, index1);
* Create the primary table (to which you should write), setup properly for indexing the given
* {@link ColumnGroup}s. Also creates the necessary index tables to match the passes groups.
* @param groups {@link ColumnGroup}s to index, creating one index table per column group.
* @return reference to the primary table
* @throws IOException if there is an issue communicating with HBase
private HTable createSetupTables(ColumnGroup... groups) throws IOException {
HBaseAdmin admin = UTIL.getHBaseAdmin();
// setup the index
CoveredColumnIndexSpecifierBuilder builder = new CoveredColumnIndexSpecifierBuilder();
for (ColumnGroup group : groups) {
// create the index tables
CoveredColumnIndexer.createIndexTable(admin, group.getTable());
// setup the primary table
String indexedTableName = Bytes.toString(TestTable.getTableName());
HTableDescriptor pTable = new HTableDescriptor(indexedTableName);
pTable.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(FAM));
pTable.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(FAM2));;
// create the primary table
HTable primary = new HTable(UTIL.getConfiguration(), indexedTableName);
return primary;
private void closeAndCleanupTables(HTable... tables) throws IOException {
if (tables == null) {
for (HTable table : tables) {