blob: 80ded6069785413aac46ceb16ff4323a68e757a8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.phoenix.end2end;
import static org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.LINK_TYPE;
import static org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME;
import static org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CHILD_LINK_NAME;
import static org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.TABLE_SCHEM;
import static org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.TABLE_TYPE;
import static org.apache.phoenix.util.PhoenixRuntime.TENANT_ID_ATTRIB;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.phoenix.mapreduce.OrphanViewTool;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTableType;
import org.apache.phoenix.util.SchemaUtil;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class OrphanViewToolIT extends ParallelStatsDisabledIT {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OrphanViewToolIT.class);
private final boolean isMultiTenant;
private static final long fanout = 2;
private static final long childCount = fanout;
private static final long grandChildCount = fanout * fanout;
private static final long grandGrandChildCount = fanout * fanout * fanout;
private static final String filePath = "/tmp/";
private static final String viewFileName = "/tmp/" + OrphanViewTool.fileName[OrphanViewTool.VIEW];
private static final String physicalLinkFileName = "/tmp/" + OrphanViewTool.fileName[OrphanViewTool.PHYSICAL_TABLE_LINK];
private static final String parentLinkFileName = "/tmp/" + OrphanViewTool.fileName[OrphanViewTool.PARENT_TABLE_LINK];
private static final String childLinkFileName = "/tmp/" + OrphanViewTool.fileName[OrphanViewTool.CHILD_TABLE_LINK];
protected static String SCHEMA1 = "SCHEMA1";
protected static String SCHEMA2 = "SCHEMA2";
protected static String SCHEMA3 = "SCHEMA3";
protected static String SCHEMA4 = "SCHEMA4";
private final String TENANT_SPECIFIC_URL = getUrl() + ';' + TENANT_ID_ATTRIB + "=tenant";
private static final String createBaseTableFirstPartDDL = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s";
private static final String createBaseTableSecondPartDDL = "(%s PK2 VARCHAR NOT NULL, V1 VARCHAR, V2 VARCHAR " +
private static final String createBaseTableIndexDDL = "CREATE INDEX %s ON %s (V1)";
private static final String deleteTableRows = "DELETE FROM " + SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME +
" WHERE " + TABLE_SCHEM + " %s AND " +
TABLE_TYPE + " = '" + PTableType.TABLE.getSerializedValue() + "'";
private static final String createViewDDL = "CREATE VIEW %s AS SELECT * FROM %s";
private static final String countAllViewsQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME +
" WHERE " + TABLE_TYPE + " = '" + PTableType.VIEW.getSerializedValue() + "'";
private static final String countViewsQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME +
" WHERE " + TABLE_SCHEM + " %s AND " +
TABLE_TYPE + " = '" + PTableType.VIEW.getSerializedValue() + "'";
private static final String deleteViewRows = "DELETE FROM " + SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME +
" WHERE " + TABLE_SCHEM + " %s AND " +
TABLE_TYPE + " = '" + PTableType.VIEW.getSerializedValue() + "'";
private static final String countChildLinksQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + SYSTEM_CHILD_LINK_NAME +
" WHERE " + TABLE_SCHEM + " %s AND " +
LINK_TYPE + " = " + PTable.LinkType.CHILD_TABLE.getSerializedValue();
private static final String deleteChildLinks = "DELETE FROM " + SYSTEM_CHILD_LINK_NAME +
" WHERE " + TABLE_SCHEM + " %s AND " +
LINK_TYPE + " = " + PTable.LinkType.CHILD_TABLE.getSerializedValue();
private static final String countParentLinksQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME +
" WHERE " + TABLE_SCHEM + " %s AND " +
LINK_TYPE + " = " + PTable.LinkType.PARENT_TABLE.getSerializedValue();
private static final String deleteParentLinks = "DELETE FROM " + SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME +
" WHERE " + TABLE_SCHEM + " %s AND " +
LINK_TYPE + " = " + PTable.LinkType.PARENT_TABLE.getSerializedValue();
private static final String countPhysicalLinksQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME +
" WHERE " + TABLE_SCHEM + " %s AND " +
LINK_TYPE + " = " + PTable.LinkType.PHYSICAL_TABLE.getSerializedValue();
private static final String deletePhysicalLinks = "DELETE FROM " + SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME +
" WHERE " + TABLE_SCHEM + " %s AND " +
LINK_TYPE + " = " + PTable.LinkType.PHYSICAL_TABLE.getSerializedValue();
private static final String deleteSchemaRows = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE " + TABLE_SCHEM + " %s";
public OrphanViewToolIT(boolean isMultiTenant) {
this.isMultiTenant = isMultiTenant;
@Parameters(name="OrphanViewToolIT_multiTenant={0}") // name is used by failsafe as file name in reports
public static synchronized Collection<Boolean> data() {
return Arrays.asList(false, true);
public static synchronized void cleanUp() {
for (int i = OrphanViewTool.VIEW; i < OrphanViewTool.ORPHAN_TYPE_COUNT; i++) {
File file = new File(filePath + OrphanViewTool.fileName[i]);
if (file.exists()) {
private String generateDDL(String format) {
return generateDDL("", format);
private String generateDDL(String options, String format) {
StringBuilder optionsBuilder = new StringBuilder(options);
if (isMultiTenant) {
if (optionsBuilder.length()!=0)
return String.format(format, isMultiTenant ? "TENANT_ID VARCHAR NOT NULL, " : "",
isMultiTenant ? "TENANT_ID, " : "", optionsBuilder.toString());
private void deleteRowsFrom(Connection connection, String systemTableName, String baseTableSchema,
String childViewSchemaName,
String grandchildViewSchemaName, String grandGrandChildViewSchemaName)
throws SQLException {
connection.createStatement().execute(String.format(deleteSchemaRows, systemTableName,
baseTableSchema == null ? "IS NULL" : " = '" + baseTableSchema + "'"));
connection.createStatement().execute(String.format(deleteSchemaRows, systemTableName,
childViewSchemaName == null ? "IS NULL" : " = '" + childViewSchemaName + "'"));
connection.createStatement().execute(String.format(deleteSchemaRows, systemTableName,
grandchildViewSchemaName == null ? "IS NULL" : " = '" + grandchildViewSchemaName + "'"));
connection.createStatement().execute(String.format(deleteSchemaRows, systemTableName,
grandGrandChildViewSchemaName == null ? "IS NULL" : " = '" + grandGrandChildViewSchemaName + "'"));
private void deleteAllRows(Connection connection, String baseTableSchema,
String childViewSchemaName,
String grandchildViewSchemaName, String grandGrandChildViewSchemaName) throws SQLException {
deleteRowsFrom(connection, SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME, baseTableSchema, childViewSchemaName,
grandchildViewSchemaName, grandGrandChildViewSchemaName);
deleteRowsFrom(connection, SYSTEM_CHILD_LINK_NAME, baseTableSchema, childViewSchemaName,
grandchildViewSchemaName, grandGrandChildViewSchemaName);
private void createBaseTableIndexAndViews(Connection baseTableConnection, String baseTableFullName,
Connection viewConnection, String childViewSchemaName,
String grandchildViewSchemaName, String grandGrandChildViewSchemaName)
throws SQLException {
baseTableFullName) + createBaseTableSecondPartDDL));
generateUniqueName(), baseTableFullName));
// Create a view tree (i.e., tree of views) with depth of 3
for (int i = 0; i < fanout; i++) {
String childView = SchemaUtil.getTableName(childViewSchemaName, generateUniqueName());
viewConnection.createStatement().execute(String.format(createViewDDL, childView, baseTableFullName));
for (int j = 0; j < fanout; j++) {
String grandchildView = SchemaUtil.getTableName(grandchildViewSchemaName, generateUniqueName());
viewConnection.createStatement().execute(String.format(createViewDDL, grandchildView, childView));
for (int k = 0; k < fanout; k++) {
SchemaUtil.getTableName(grandGrandChildViewSchemaName, generateUniqueName()),
private void verifyLineCount(String fileName, long lineCount) throws IOException {
LineNumberReader reader = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(fileName));
while (reader.readLine() != null) {
int count = reader.getLineNumber();
if (count != lineCount)
LOGGER.debug(count + " != " + lineCount);
assertTrue(count == lineCount);
private void verifyCountQuery(Connection connection, String query, String schemaName, long count)
throws SQLException {
ResultSet rs = connection.createStatement().executeQuery(String.format(query,
schemaName == null ? "IS NULL" : "= '" + schemaName + "'"));
assertTrue(rs.getLong(1) == count);
public void testCreateTableAndViews() throws Exception {
String baseTableName = generateUniqueName();
String baseTableFullName = SchemaUtil.getTableName(SCHEMA1, baseTableName);
try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl());
Connection viewConnection =
isMultiTenant ? DriverManager.getConnection(TENANT_SPECIFIC_URL) : connection) {
createBaseTableIndexAndViews(connection, baseTableFullName, viewConnection, SCHEMA2, SCHEMA3, SCHEMA4);
// Run the orphan view tool to drop orphan views but no view should be dropped
runOrphanViewTool(true, false, true, false);
verifyOrphanFileLineCounts(0, 0, 0, 0);
// Verify that the views we have created are still in the system catalog table
ResultSet rs = connection.createStatement().executeQuery(countAllViewsQuery);
assertTrue(rs.getLong(1) == childCount + grandChildCount + grandGrandChildCount);
deleteAllRows(connection, SCHEMA1, SCHEMA2, SCHEMA3, SCHEMA4);
private void verifyNoChildLink(Connection connection, String viewSchemaName) throws Exception {
// Verify that there there is no link in the system child link table
verifyCountQuery(connection, countChildLinksQuery, viewSchemaName, 0);
private void verifyNoViewNoLinkInSystemCatalog(Connection connection, String viewSchemaName) throws Exception {
// Verify that the views and links have been removed from the system catalog table
verifyCountQuery(connection, countViewsQuery, viewSchemaName, 0);
verifyCountQuery(connection, countParentLinksQuery, viewSchemaName, 0);
verifyCountQuery(connection, countPhysicalLinksQuery, viewSchemaName, 0);
private void verifyOrphanFileLineCounts(long viewCount, long parentLinkCount,
long physicalLinkCount, long childLinkCount)
throws Exception {
verifyLineCount(viewFileName, viewCount);
verifyLineCount(parentLinkFileName, parentLinkCount);
verifyLineCount(physicalLinkFileName, physicalLinkCount);
verifyLineCount(childLinkFileName, childLinkCount);
private void executeDeleteQuery(Connection connection, String deleteQuery, String schemaName) throws Exception {
schemaName == null ? "IS NULL" : "= '" + schemaName + "'"));
public void testDeleteBaseTableRows() throws Exception {
String baseTableName = generateUniqueName();
String baseTableFullName = SchemaUtil.getTableName(SCHEMA1, baseTableName);
try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl());
Connection viewConnection =
isMultiTenant ? DriverManager.getConnection(TENANT_SPECIFIC_URL) : connection) {
createBaseTableIndexAndViews(connection, baseTableFullName, viewConnection, SCHEMA2, SCHEMA2, SCHEMA2);
// Delete the base table row from the system catalog
executeDeleteQuery(connection, deleteTableRows, SCHEMA1);
// Verify that the views we have created are still in the system catalog table
ResultSet rs = connection.createStatement().executeQuery(countAllViewsQuery);
assertTrue(rs.getLong(1) == childCount + grandChildCount + grandGrandChildCount);
// Run the orphan view tool to identify orphan views
runOrphanViewTool(false, true, true, false);
verifyOrphanFileLineCounts(childCount + grandChildCount + grandGrandChildCount,
childCount + grandChildCount + grandGrandChildCount,
// Verify that orphan views have not yet dropped as we just identified them
rs = connection.createStatement().executeQuery(countAllViewsQuery);
assertTrue(rs.getLong(1) == childCount + grandChildCount + grandGrandChildCount);
// Drop the previously identified orphan views
runOrphanViewTool(true, false, false, true);
// Verify that the orphan views and links have been removed from the system catalog table
verifyNoViewNoLinkInSystemCatalog(connection, SCHEMA2);
// Verify that there there is no link in the system child link table
verifyNoChildLink(connection, SCHEMA1);
deleteAllRows(connection, SCHEMA1, SCHEMA2, SCHEMA3, SCHEMA4);
public void testDeleteChildViewRows() throws Exception {
String baseTableName = generateUniqueName();
String baseTableFullName = SchemaUtil.getTableName(SCHEMA1, baseTableName);
try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl());
Connection viewConnection =
isMultiTenant ? DriverManager.getConnection(TENANT_SPECIFIC_URL) : connection) {
createBaseTableIndexAndViews(connection, baseTableFullName, viewConnection, null, SCHEMA3, SCHEMA3);
// Delete the rows of the immediate child views of the base table from the system catalog
executeDeleteQuery(connection, deleteViewRows, null);
// Verify that the other views we have created are still in the system catalog table
verifyCountQuery(connection, countViewsQuery, SCHEMA3, grandChildCount + grandGrandChildCount);
// Run the orphan view tool to clean up orphan views
runOrphanViewTool(true, false, true, false);
// Verify that the tool attempt to remove all orphan views and links
verifyOrphanFileLineCounts(grandChildCount + grandGrandChildCount,
childCount + grandChildCount);
// Verify that all views and links records of the views are removed from the system catalog table
verifyNoViewNoLinkInSystemCatalog(connection, null);
verifyNoViewNoLinkInSystemCatalog(connection, SCHEMA3);
// Verify that there there is no link in the system child link table
verifyNoChildLink(connection, SCHEMA1);
verifyNoChildLink(connection, null);
deleteAllRows(connection, SCHEMA1, null, SCHEMA3, SCHEMA4);
public void testDeleteGrandchildViewRows() throws Exception {
String baseTableName = generateUniqueName();
String baseTableFullName = SchemaUtil.getTableName(SCHEMA1, baseTableName);
try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl());
Connection viewConnection =
isMultiTenant ? DriverManager.getConnection(TENANT_SPECIFIC_URL) : connection) {
createBaseTableIndexAndViews(connection, baseTableFullName, viewConnection, SCHEMA2, SCHEMA3, null);
// Delete the grand child view rows from the system catalog
executeDeleteQuery(connection, deleteViewRows, SCHEMA3);
// Verify that grand grand child views are still in the system catalog table
verifyCountQuery(connection, countViewsQuery, null, grandGrandChildCount);
// Run the orphan view tool to clean up orphan views
runOrphanViewTool(true, false, true, false);
// Verify that the orphan views and links have been removed
grandChildCount + grandGrandChildCount,
grandChildCount + grandGrandChildCount);
// Verify that all views and links records for grand and grand grand child views are removed
// from the system catalog table
verifyNoViewNoLinkInSystemCatalog(connection, SCHEMA3);
verifyNoViewNoLinkInSystemCatalog(connection, null);
// Verify the child links are also removed
verifyNoChildLink(connection, SCHEMA2);
verifyNoChildLink(connection, SCHEMA3);
deleteAllRows(connection, SCHEMA1, SCHEMA2, SCHEMA3, null);
public void testDeleteParentChildLinkRows() throws Exception {
String baseTableName = generateUniqueName();
String baseTableFullName = SchemaUtil.getTableName(SCHEMA1, baseTableName);
try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl());
Connection viewConnection =
isMultiTenant ? DriverManager.getConnection(TENANT_SPECIFIC_URL) : connection) {
createBaseTableIndexAndViews(connection, baseTableFullName, viewConnection, SCHEMA2, SCHEMA3, SCHEMA4);
// Delete the CHILD_TABLE links to grand child views
executeDeleteQuery(connection, deleteChildLinks, SCHEMA2);
// Verify that grand grand child views are still in the system catalog table
verifyCountQuery(connection, countViewsQuery, SCHEMA4, grandGrandChildCount);
// Run the orphan view tool to clean up orphan views and links
runOrphanViewTool(true, false, true, false);
// Verify that the orphan views have been removed
verifyOrphanFileLineCounts(grandChildCount + grandGrandChildCount,
0, 0, 0);
// Verify that all views and links records for grand and grand grand child views are removed
// from the system catalog table
verifyNoViewNoLinkInSystemCatalog(connection, SCHEMA3);
verifyNoViewNoLinkInSystemCatalog(connection, SCHEMA4);
// Verify the child links are also removed
verifyNoChildLink(connection, SCHEMA2);
verifyNoChildLink(connection, SCHEMA3);
deleteAllRows(connection, SCHEMA1, SCHEMA2, SCHEMA3, SCHEMA4);
public void testDeleteChildParentLinkRows() throws Exception {
String baseTableName = generateUniqueName();
String baseTableFullName = SchemaUtil.getTableName(SCHEMA1, baseTableName);
try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl());
Connection viewConnection =
isMultiTenant ? DriverManager.getConnection(TENANT_SPECIFIC_URL) : connection) {
createBaseTableIndexAndViews(connection, baseTableFullName, viewConnection, SCHEMA2, SCHEMA3, SCHEMA4);
// Delete the PARENT_TABLE links from grand grand child views
executeDeleteQuery(connection, deleteParentLinks, SCHEMA4);
// Verify that grand grand child views are still in the system catalog table
verifyCountQuery(connection, countViewsQuery, SCHEMA4, grandGrandChildCount);
// Run the orphan view tool to clean up orphan views and links
runOrphanViewTool(true, false, true, false);
// Verify that orphan views and links have been removed
0, 0, 0);
// Verify that all views and links records for grand grand child views are removed
// from the system catalog table
verifyNoViewNoLinkInSystemCatalog(connection, SCHEMA4);
// Verify the child links to grand grand child views are also removed
verifyNoChildLink(connection, SCHEMA3);
deleteAllRows(connection, SCHEMA1, SCHEMA2, SCHEMA3, SCHEMA4);
public void testDeletePhysicalTableLinks() throws Exception {
String baseTableName = generateUniqueName();
String baseTableFullName = SchemaUtil.getTableName(SCHEMA1, baseTableName);
try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl());
Connection viewConnection =
isMultiTenant ? DriverManager.getConnection(TENANT_SPECIFIC_URL) : connection) {
createBaseTableIndexAndViews(connection, baseTableFullName, viewConnection, SCHEMA2, SCHEMA3, SCHEMA3);
// Delete the physical table link rows from the system catalog
executeDeleteQuery(connection, deletePhysicalLinks, SCHEMA2);
// Verify that the views we have created are still in the system catalog table
verifyCountQuery(connection, countViewsQuery, SCHEMA2, childCount);
verifyCountQuery(connection, countViewsQuery, SCHEMA3, grandChildCount + grandGrandChildCount);
// Run the orphan view tool to remove orphan views
runOrphanViewTool(true, false, true, false);
// Verify that the orphan views have been removed
verifyLineCount(viewFileName, childCount + grandChildCount + grandGrandChildCount);
verifyNoViewNoLinkInSystemCatalog(connection, SCHEMA2);
verifyNoViewNoLinkInSystemCatalog(connection, SCHEMA3);
// Verify that there there is no link in the system child link table
verifyNoChildLink(connection, SCHEMA1);
verifyNoChildLink(connection, SCHEMA2);
verifyNoChildLink(connection, SCHEMA3);
deleteAllRows(connection, SCHEMA1, SCHEMA2, SCHEMA3, SCHEMA4);
public static String[] getArgValues(boolean clean, boolean identify, boolean outputPath, boolean inputPath)
throws InterruptedException{
final List<String> args = Lists.newArrayList();
if (outputPath) {
if (inputPath) {
if (clean) {
if (identify) {
final long ageMs = 2000;
return args.toArray(new String[0]);
public static void runOrphanViewTool(boolean clean, boolean identify, boolean outputPath, boolean inputPath)
throws Exception {
OrphanViewTool orphanViewTool = new OrphanViewTool();
Configuration conf = new Configuration(getUtility().getConfiguration());
final String[] cmdArgs =
getArgValues(clean, identify, outputPath, inputPath);
int status =;
assertEquals(0, status);