blob: 117214b5fb31a488bbc1d78a8a155d845ac2586b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.phoenix.util;
import static org.apache.phoenix.util.SchemaUtil.getEscapedFullColumnName;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.CompareFilter.CompareOp;
import org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.util.ImmutableBytesPtr;
import org.apache.phoenix.iterate.ResultIterator;
import org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixConnection;
import org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixEmbeddedDriver;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.HintNode;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.HintNode.Hint;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.WildcardParseNode;
import org.apache.phoenix.query.QueryConstants;
import org.apache.phoenix.query.QueryServices;
import org.apache.phoenix.query.QueryServicesOptions;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.SortOrder;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.tuple.Tuple;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.types.PInteger;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public final class QueryUtil {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QueryUtil.class);
* Column family name index within ResultSet resulting from {@link DatabaseMetaData#getColumns(String, String, String, String)}
public static final int COLUMN_FAMILY_POSITION = 25;
* Column name index within ResultSet resulting from {@link DatabaseMetaData#getColumns(String, String, String, String)}
public static final int COLUMN_NAME_POSITION = 4;
* Data type index within ResultSet resulting from {@link DatabaseMetaData#getColumns(String, String, String, String)}
public static final int DATA_TYPE_POSITION = 5;
* Index of the column containing the datatype name within ResultSet resulting from {@link
* DatabaseMetaData#getColumns(String, String, String, String)}.
public static final int DATA_TYPE_NAME_POSITION = 6;
private static final String SELECT = "SELECT";
private static final String FROM = "FROM";
private static final String WHERE = "WHERE";
private static final String AND = "AND";
private static final String[] CompareOpString = new String[CompareOp.values().length];
static {
CompareOpString[CompareOp.EQUAL.ordinal()] = "=";
CompareOpString[CompareOp.NOT_EQUAL.ordinal()] = "!=";
CompareOpString[CompareOp.GREATER.ordinal()] = ">";
CompareOpString[CompareOp.LESS.ordinal()] = "<";
CompareOpString[CompareOp.GREATER_OR_EQUAL.ordinal()] = ">=";
CompareOpString[CompareOp.LESS_OR_EQUAL.ordinal()] = "<=";
public static String toSQL(CompareOp op) {
return CompareOpString[op.ordinal()];
* Private constructor
private QueryUtil() {
* Generate an upsert statement based on a list of {@code ColumnInfo}s with parameter markers. The list of
* {@code ColumnInfo}s must contain at least one element.
* @param tableName name of the table for which the upsert statement is to be created
* @param columnInfos list of column to be included in the upsert statement
* @return the created {@code UPSERT} statement
public static String constructUpsertStatement(String tableName, List<ColumnInfo> columnInfos) {
if (columnInfos.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least one column must be provided for upserts");
final List<String> columnNames = Lists.transform(columnInfos, new Function<ColumnInfo,String>() {
public String apply(ColumnInfo columnInfo) {
return columnInfo.getColumnName();
return constructUpsertStatement(tableName, columnNames, null);
* Generate an upsert statement based on a list of {@code ColumnInfo}s with parameter markers. The list of
* {@code ColumnInfo}s must contain at least one element.
* @param tableName name of the table for which the upsert statement is to be created
* @param columns list of columns to be included in the upsert statement
* @param hint hint to be added to the UPSERT statement.
* @return the created {@code UPSERT} statement
public static String constructUpsertStatement(String tableName, List<String> columns, Hint hint) {
if (columns.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least one column must be provided for upserts");
String hintStr = "";
if(hint != null) {
final HintNode node = new HintNode(;
hintStr = node.toString();
List<String> parameterList = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) {
return String.format(
"UPSERT %s INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)",
Joiner.on(", ").join(
new Function<String, String>() {
public String apply(@Nullable String columnName) {
return getEscapedFullColumnName(columnName);
Joiner.on(", ").join(parameterList));
* Generate a generic upsert statement based on a number of columns. The created upsert statement will not include
* any named columns, but will include parameter markers for the given number of columns. The number of columns
* must be greater than zero.
* @param tableName name of the table for which the upsert statement is to be created
* @param numColumns number of columns to be included in the upsert statement
* @return the created {@code UPSERT} statement
public static String constructGenericUpsertStatement(String tableName, int numColumns) {
if (numColumns == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least one column must be provided for upserts");
List<String> parameterList = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(numColumns);
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
return String.format("UPSERT INTO %s VALUES (%s)", tableName, Joiner.on(", ").join(parameterList));
* @param fullTableName name of the table for which the select statement needs to be created.
* @param columnInfos list of columns to be projected in the select statement.
* @param conditions The condition clause to be added to the WHERE condition
* @return Select Query
public static String constructSelectStatement(String fullTableName, List<ColumnInfo> columnInfos,final String conditions) {
List<String> columns = Lists.transform(columnInfos, new Function<ColumnInfo, String>(){
public String apply(ColumnInfo input) {
return input.getColumnName();
return constructSelectStatement(fullTableName, columns , conditions, null, false);
* @param fullTableName name of the table for which the select statement needs to be created.
* @param columns list of columns to be projected in the select statement.
* @param whereClause The condition clause to be added to the WHERE condition
* @param hint hint to use
* @param escapeCols whether to escape the projected columns
* @return Select Query
public static String constructSelectStatement(String fullTableName, List<String> columns,
final String whereClause, Hint hint, boolean escapeCols) {
return new QueryBuilder().setFullTableName(fullTableName).setSelectColumns(columns)
* Constructs parameterized filter for an IN clause e.g. passing in numWhereCols=2, numBatches=3
* results in ((?,?),(?,?),(?,?))
* @param numWhereCols number of WHERE columns
* @param numBatches number of column batches
* @return paramterized IN filter
public static String constructParameterizedInClause(int numWhereCols, int numBatches) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(numWhereCols > 0);
Preconditions.checkArgument(numBatches > 0);
String batch = "(" + StringUtils.repeat("?", ",", numWhereCols) + ")";
return "(" + StringUtils.repeat(batch, ",", numBatches) + ")";
* Create the Phoenix JDBC connection URL from the provided cluster connection details.
public static String getUrl(String zkQuorum) {
return getUrlInternal(zkQuorum, null, null, null);
* Create the Phoenix JDBC connection URL from the provided cluster connection details.
public static String getUrl(String zkQuorum, int clientPort) {
return getUrlInternal(zkQuorum, clientPort, null, null);
* Create the Phoenix JDBC connection URL from the provided cluster connection details.
public static String getUrl(String zkQuorum, String znodeParent) {
return getUrlInternal(zkQuorum, null, znodeParent, null);
* Create the Phoenix JDBC connection URL from the provided cluster connection details.
public static String getUrl(String zkQuorum, int port, String znodeParent, String principal) {
return getUrlInternal(zkQuorum, port, znodeParent, principal);
* Create the Phoenix JDBC connection URL from the provided cluster connection details.
public static String getUrl(String zkQuorum, int port, String znodeParent) {
return getUrlInternal(zkQuorum, port, znodeParent, null);
* Create the Phoenix JDBC connection URL from the provided cluster connection details.
public static String getUrl(String zkQuorum, Integer port, String znodeParent) {
return getUrlInternal(zkQuorum, port, znodeParent, null);
* Create the Phoenix JDBC connection URL from the provided cluster connection details.
public static String getUrl(String zkQuorum, Integer port, String znodeParent, String principal) {
return getUrlInternal(zkQuorum, port, znodeParent, principal);
private static String getUrlInternal(String zkQuorum, Integer port, String znodeParent, String principal) {
return new PhoenixEmbeddedDriver.ConnectionInfo(zkQuorum, port, znodeParent, principal, null).toUrl()
public static String getExplainPlan(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
while ( {
if (buf.length() > 0) {
return buf.toString();
public static String getExplainPlan(ResultIterator iterator) throws SQLException {
List<String> steps = Lists.newArrayList();
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for (String step : steps) {
if (buf.length() > 0) {
return buf.toString();
* @return {@link PhoenixConnection} with {@value UpgradeUtil#DO_NOT_UPGRADE} set so that we
* don't initiate metadata upgrade
public static Connection getConnectionOnServer(Configuration conf) throws ClassNotFoundException,
SQLException {
return getConnectionOnServer(new Properties(), conf);
public static void setServerConnection(Properties props){
props.setProperty(IS_SERVER_CONNECTION, Boolean.TRUE.toString());
public static boolean isServerConnection(ReadOnlyProps props) {
return props.getBoolean(IS_SERVER_CONNECTION, false);
* @return {@link PhoenixConnection} with {@value UpgradeUtil#DO_NOT_UPGRADE} set
* and with the upgrade-required flag cleared so that we don't initiate metadata upgrade.
public static Connection getConnectionOnServer(Properties props, Configuration conf)
throws ClassNotFoundException,
SQLException {
Connection conn = getConnection(props, conf);
return conn;
public static Connection getConnectionOnServerWithCustomUrl(Properties props, String principal)
throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
String url = getConnectionUrl(props, null, principal);"Creating connection with the jdbc url: " + url);
return DriverManager.getConnection(url, props);
public static Connection getConnection(Configuration conf) throws ClassNotFoundException,
SQLException {
return getConnection(new Properties(), conf);
private static Connection getConnection(Properties props, Configuration conf)
throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
String url = getConnectionUrl(props, conf);"Creating connection with the jdbc url: " + url);
props = PropertiesUtil.combineProperties(props, conf);
return DriverManager.getConnection(url, props);
public static String getConnectionUrl(Properties props, Configuration conf)
throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
return getConnectionUrl(props, conf, null);
* @return connection url using the various properties set in props and conf.
public static String getConnectionUrl(Properties props, Configuration conf, String principal)
throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
// read the hbase properties from the configuration
int port = getInt(HConstants.ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT, HConstants.DEFAULT_ZOOKEPER_CLIENT_PORT, props, conf);
// Build the ZK quorum server string with "server:clientport" list, separated by ','
final String server = getString(HConstants.ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM, HConstants.LOCALHOST, props, conf);
String znodeParent = getString(HConstants.ZOOKEEPER_ZNODE_PARENT, HConstants.DEFAULT_ZOOKEEPER_ZNODE_PARENT, props, conf);
String url = getUrl(server, port, znodeParent, principal);
if (url.endsWith(PhoenixRuntime.JDBC_PROTOCOL_TERMINATOR + "")) {
url = url.substring(0, url.length() - 1);
// Mainly for testing to tack on the test=true part to ensure driver is found on server
String defaultExtraArgs =
conf != null
? conf.get(QueryServices.EXTRA_JDBC_ARGUMENTS_ATTRIB,
// If props doesn't have a default for extra args then use the extra args in conf as default
String extraArgs =
props.getProperty(QueryServices.EXTRA_JDBC_ARGUMENTS_ATTRIB, defaultExtraArgs);
if (extraArgs.length() > 0) {
url +=
PhoenixRuntime.JDBC_PROTOCOL_TERMINATOR + extraArgs
} else {
return url;
private static int getInt(String key, int defaultValue, Properties props, Configuration conf) {
if (conf == null) {
return Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty(key, String.valueOf(defaultValue)));
return conf.getInt(key, defaultValue);
private static String getString(String key, String defaultValue, Properties props, Configuration conf) {
if (conf == null) {
return props.getProperty(key, defaultValue);
return conf.get(key, defaultValue);
public static String getViewStatement(String schemaName, String tableName, String where) {
// Only form we currently support for VIEWs: SELECT * FROM t WHERE ...
return SELECT + " " + WildcardParseNode.NAME + " " + FROM + " " +
(schemaName == null || schemaName.length() == 0 ? "" : ("\"" + schemaName + "\".")) +
("\"" + tableName + "\" ") +
(WHERE + " " + where);
public static Integer getOffsetLimit(Integer limit, Integer offset) {
if (limit == null) {
return null;
} else if (offset == null) {
return limit;
} else {
return limit + offset;
public static Integer getRemainingOffset(Tuple offsetTuple) {
if (offsetTuple != null) {
ImmutableBytesPtr rowKeyPtr = new ImmutableBytesPtr();
if (QueryConstants.OFFSET_ROW_KEY_PTR.compareTo(rowKeyPtr) == 0) {
Cell cell = offsetTuple.getValue(QueryConstants.OFFSET_FAMILY, QueryConstants.OFFSET_COLUMN);
return PInteger.INSTANCE.toObject(cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength(), PInteger.INSTANCE, SortOrder.ASC, null, null);
return null;
public static String getViewPartitionClause(String partitionColumnName, long autoPartitionNum) {
return partitionColumnName + " " + toSQL(CompareOp.EQUAL) + " " + autoPartitionNum;
public static Connection getConnectionForQueryLog(Configuration config) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
//we don't need this connection to upgrade anything or start dispatcher
return getConnectionOnServer(config);