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* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.phoenix.compile;
import static org.apache.phoenix.execute.MutationState.RowTimestampColInfo.NULL_ROWTIMESTAMP_INFO;
import static org.apache.phoenix.util.NumberUtil.add;
import java.sql.ParameterMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair;
import org.apache.phoenix.cache.ServerCacheClient;
import org.apache.phoenix.cache.ServerCacheClient.ServerCache;
import org.apache.phoenix.compile.GroupByCompiler.GroupBy;
import org.apache.phoenix.compile.OrderByCompiler.OrderBy;
import org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.BaseScannerRegionObserver;
import org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.MetaDataProtocol;
import org.apache.phoenix.exception.SQLExceptionCode;
import org.apache.phoenix.exception.SQLExceptionInfo;
import org.apache.phoenix.execute.AggregatePlan;
import org.apache.phoenix.execute.MutationState;
import org.apache.phoenix.execute.MutationState.MultiRowMutationState;
import org.apache.phoenix.execute.MutationState.RowMutationState;
import org.apache.phoenix.filter.SkipScanFilter;
import org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.ValueGetter;
import org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.covered.update.ColumnReference;
import org.apache.phoenix.hbase.index.util.ImmutableBytesPtr;
import org.apache.phoenix.index.IndexMaintainer;
import org.apache.phoenix.index.PhoenixIndexCodec;
import org.apache.phoenix.iterate.ResultIterator;
import org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixConnection;
import org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixResultSet;
import org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixStatement;
import org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixStatement.Operation;
import org.apache.phoenix.optimize.QueryOptimizer;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.AliasedNode;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.DeleteStatement;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.HintNode;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.HintNode.Hint;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.NamedTableNode;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.ParseNode;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.ParseNodeFactory;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.SelectStatement;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.TableName;
import org.apache.phoenix.query.ConnectionQueryServices;
import org.apache.phoenix.query.KeyRange;
import org.apache.phoenix.query.QueryConstants;
import org.apache.phoenix.query.QueryServices;
import org.apache.phoenix.query.QueryServicesOptions;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.DelegateColumn;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PColumn;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PIndexState;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PName;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PRow;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable.IndexType;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTableImpl;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTableType;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.ReadOnlyTableException;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.SortOrder;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.TableRef;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.tuple.Tuple;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.types.PLong;
import org.apache.phoenix.transaction.PhoenixTransactionProvider.Feature;
import org.apache.phoenix.util.ByteUtil;
import org.apache.phoenix.util.IndexUtil;
import org.apache.phoenix.util.ScanUtil;
import com.sun.istack.NotNull;
public class DeleteCompiler {
private static ParseNodeFactory FACTORY = new ParseNodeFactory();
private final PhoenixStatement statement;
private final Operation operation;
public DeleteCompiler(PhoenixStatement statement, Operation operation) {
this.statement = statement;
this.operation = operation;
* Handles client side deletion of rows for a DELETE statement. We determine the "best" plan to drive the query using
* our standard optimizer. The plan may be based on using an index, in which case we need to translate the index row
* key to get the data row key used to form the delete mutation. We always collect up the data table mutations, but we
* only collect and send the index mutations for global, immutable indexes. Local indexes and mutable indexes are always
* maintained on the server side.
* @param context StatementContext for the scan being executed
* @param iterator ResultIterator for the scan being executed
* @param bestPlan QueryPlan used to produce the iterator
* @param projectedTableRef TableRef containing all indexed and covered columns across all indexes on the data table
* @param otherTableRefs other TableRefs needed to be maintained apart from the one over which the scan is executing.
* Might be other index tables (if we're driving off of the data table table), the data table (if we're driving off of
* an index table), or a mix of the data table and additional index tables.
* @return MutationState representing the uncommitted data across the data table and indexes. Will be joined with the
* MutationState on the connection over which the delete is occurring.
* @throws SQLException
private static MutationState deleteRows(StatementContext context, ResultIterator iterator, QueryPlan bestPlan, TableRef projectedTableRef, List<TableRef> otherTableRefs) throws SQLException {
RowProjector projector = bestPlan.getProjector();
TableRef tableRef = bestPlan.getTableRef();
PTable table = tableRef.getTable();
PhoenixStatement statement = context.getStatement();
PhoenixConnection connection = statement.getConnection();
PName tenantId = connection.getTenantId();
byte[] tenantIdBytes = null;
if (tenantId != null) {
tenantIdBytes = ScanUtil.getTenantIdBytes(table.getRowKeySchema(), table.getBucketNum() != null, tenantId, table.getViewIndexId() != null);
// we automatically flush the mutations when either auto commit is enabled, or
// the target table is transactional (in that case changes are not visible until we commit)
final boolean autoFlush = connection.getAutoCommit() || tableRef.getTable().isTransactional();
ConnectionQueryServices services = connection.getQueryServices();
final int maxSize = services.getProps().getInt(QueryServices.MAX_MUTATION_SIZE_ATTRIB,QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_MAX_MUTATION_SIZE);
final int maxSizeBytes = services.getProps().getInt(QueryServices.MAX_MUTATION_SIZE_BYTES_ATTRIB,QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_MAX_MUTATION_SIZE_BYTES);
final int batchSize = Math.min(connection.getMutateBatchSize(), maxSize);
MultiRowMutationState mutations = new MultiRowMutationState(batchSize);
List<MultiRowMutationState> otherMutations = null;
// If otherTableRefs is not empty, we're deleting the rows from both the index table and
// the data table through a single query to save executing an additional one (since we
// can always get the data table row key from an index row key).
if (!otherTableRefs.isEmpty()) {
otherMutations = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(otherTableRefs.size());
for (int i = 0; i < otherTableRefs.size(); i++) {
otherMutations.add(new MultiRowMutationState(batchSize));
List<PColumn> pkColumns = table.getPKColumns();
boolean isMultiTenant = table.isMultiTenant() && tenantIdBytes != null;
boolean isSharedViewIndex = table.getViewIndexId() != null;
int offset = (table.getBucketNum() == null ? 0 : 1);
byte[][] values = new byte[pkColumns.size()][];
if (isSharedViewIndex) {
values[offset++] = table.getviewIndexIdType().toBytes(table.getViewIndexId());
if (isMultiTenant) {
values[offset++] = tenantIdBytes;
try (final PhoenixResultSet rs = new PhoenixResultSet(iterator, projector, context)) {
ValueGetter getter = null;
if (!otherTableRefs.isEmpty()) {
getter = new ValueGetter() {
final ImmutableBytesWritable valuePtr = new ImmutableBytesWritable();
final ImmutableBytesWritable rowKeyPtr = new ImmutableBytesWritable();
public ImmutableBytesWritable getLatestValue(ColumnReference ref, long ts) throws IOException {
Cell cell = rs.getCurrentRow().getValue(ref.getFamily(), ref.getQualifier());
if (cell == null) {
return null;
valuePtr.set(cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength());
return valuePtr;
public byte[] getRowKey() {
return ByteUtil.copyKeyBytesIfNecessary(rowKeyPtr);
IndexMaintainer scannedIndexMaintainer = null;
IndexMaintainer[] maintainers = null;
PTable dataTable = table;
if (table.getType() == PTableType.INDEX) {
if (!otherTableRefs.isEmpty()) {
// The data table is always the last one in the list if it's
// not chosen as the best of the possible plans.
dataTable = otherTableRefs.get(otherTableRefs.size()-1).getTable();
scannedIndexMaintainer = IndexMaintainer.create(dataTable, table, connection);
maintainers = new IndexMaintainer[otherTableRefs.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < otherTableRefs.size(); i++) {
// Create IndexMaintainer based on projected table (i.e. SELECT expressions) so that client-side
// expressions are used instead of server-side ones.
PTable otherTable = otherTableRefs.get(i).getTable();
if (otherTable.getType() == PTableType.INDEX) {
// In this case, we'll convert from index row -> data row -> other index row
maintainers[i] = IndexMaintainer.create(dataTable, otherTable, connection);
} else {
maintainers[i] = scannedIndexMaintainer;
} else if (!otherTableRefs.isEmpty()) {
dataTable = table;
maintainers = new IndexMaintainer[otherTableRefs.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < otherTableRefs.size(); i++) {
// Create IndexMaintainer based on projected table (i.e. SELECT expressions) so that client-side
// expressions are used instead of server-side ones.
maintainers[i] = IndexMaintainer.create(projectedTableRef.getTable(), otherTableRefs.get(i).getTable(), connection);
byte[][] viewConstants = IndexUtil.getViewConstants(dataTable);
int rowCount = 0;
while ( {
ImmutableBytesPtr rowKeyPtr = new ImmutableBytesPtr(); // allocate new as this is a key in a Map
// When issuing deletes, we do not care about the row time ranges. Also, if the table had a row timestamp column, then the
// row key will already have its value.
// Check for otherTableRefs being empty required when deleting directly from the index
if (otherTableRefs.isEmpty() || isMaintainedOnClient(table)) {
mutations.put(rowKeyPtr, new RowMutationState(PRow.DELETE_MARKER, 0, statement.getConnection().getStatementExecutionCounter(), NULL_ROWTIMESTAMP_INFO, null));
for (int i = 0; i < otherTableRefs.size(); i++) {
PTable otherTable = otherTableRefs.get(i).getTable();
ImmutableBytesPtr otherRowKeyPtr = new ImmutableBytesPtr(); // allocate new as this is a key in a Map
// Translate the data table row to the index table row
if (table.getType() == PTableType.INDEX) {
otherRowKeyPtr.set(scannedIndexMaintainer.buildDataRowKey(rowKeyPtr, viewConstants));
if (otherTable.getType() == PTableType.INDEX) {
otherRowKeyPtr.set(maintainers[i].buildRowKey(getter, otherRowKeyPtr, null, null, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP));
} else {
otherRowKeyPtr.set(maintainers[i].buildRowKey(getter, rowKeyPtr, null, null, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP));
otherMutations.get(i).put(otherRowKeyPtr, new RowMutationState(PRow.DELETE_MARKER, 0, statement.getConnection().getStatementExecutionCounter(), NULL_ROWTIMESTAMP_INFO, null));
if (mutations.size() > maxSize) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("MutationState size of " + mutations.size() + " is bigger than max allowed size of " + maxSize);
// Commit a batch if we are flushing automatically and we're at our batch size
if (autoFlush && rowCount % batchSize == 0) {
MutationState state = new MutationState(tableRef, mutations, 0, maxSize, maxSizeBytes, connection);
for (int i = 0; i < otherTableRefs.size(); i++) {
MutationState indexState = new MutationState(otherTableRefs.get(i), otherMutations.get(i), 0, maxSize, maxSizeBytes, connection);
if (otherMutations != null) {
for (MultiRowMutationState multiRowMutationState : otherMutations) {
// If auto flush is true, this last batch will be committed upon return
int nCommittedRows = autoFlush ? (rowCount / batchSize * batchSize) : 0;
MutationState state = new MutationState(tableRef, mutations, nCommittedRows, maxSize, maxSizeBytes, connection);
for (int i = 0; i < otherTableRefs.size(); i++) {
MutationState indexState = new MutationState(otherTableRefs.get(i), otherMutations.get(i), 0, maxSize, maxSizeBytes, connection);
return state;
private static class DeletingParallelIteratorFactory extends MutatingParallelIteratorFactory {
private QueryPlan queryPlan;
private List<TableRef> otherTableRefs;
private TableRef projectedTableRef;
private DeletingParallelIteratorFactory(PhoenixConnection connection) {
protected MutationState mutate(StatementContext parentContext, ResultIterator iterator, PhoenixConnection connection) throws SQLException {
PhoenixStatement statement = new PhoenixStatement(connection);
* We don't want to collect any read metrics within the child context. This is because any read metrics that
* need to be captured are already getting collected in the parent statement context enclosed in the result
* iterator being used for reading rows out.
StatementContext context = new StatementContext(statement, false);
MutationState state = deleteRows(context, iterator, queryPlan, projectedTableRef, otherTableRefs);
return state;
public void setQueryPlan(QueryPlan queryPlan) {
this.queryPlan = queryPlan;
public void setOtherTableRefs(List<TableRef> otherTableRefs) {
this.otherTableRefs = otherTableRefs;
public void setProjectedTableRef(TableRef projectedTableRef) {
this.projectedTableRef = projectedTableRef;
private List<PTable> getClientSideMaintainedIndexes(TableRef tableRef) {
PTable table = tableRef.getTable();
if (!table.getIndexes().isEmpty()) {
List<PTable> nonDisabledIndexes = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(table.getIndexes().size());
for (PTable index : table.getIndexes()) {
if (index.getIndexState() != PIndexState.DISABLE && isMaintainedOnClient(index)) {
return nonDisabledIndexes;
return Collections.emptyList();
private class MultiRowDeleteMutationPlan implements MutationPlan {
private final List<MutationPlan> plans;
private final MutationPlan firstPlan;
private final QueryPlan dataPlan;
public MultiRowDeleteMutationPlan(QueryPlan dataPlan, @NotNull List<MutationPlan> plans) {
this.plans = plans;
this.firstPlan = plans.get(0);
this.dataPlan = dataPlan;
public StatementContext getContext() {
return firstPlan.getContext();
public ParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData() {
return firstPlan.getParameterMetaData();
public ExplainPlan getExplainPlan() throws SQLException {
return firstPlan.getExplainPlan();
public MutationState execute() throws SQLException {
MutationState state = firstPlan.execute();
for (MutationPlan plan : plans.subList(1, plans.size())) {
return state;
public TableRef getTargetRef() {
return firstPlan.getTargetRef();
public Set<TableRef> getSourceRefs() {
return firstPlan.getSourceRefs();
public Operation getOperation() {
return operation;
public Long getEstimatedRowsToScan() throws SQLException {
Long estRows = null;
for (MutationPlan plan : plans) {
* If any of the plan doesn't have estimate information available, then we cannot
* provide estimate for the overall plan.
if (plan.getEstimatedRowsToScan() == null) {
return null;
estRows = add(estRows, plan.getEstimatedRowsToScan());
return estRows;
public Long getEstimatedBytesToScan() throws SQLException {
Long estBytes = null;
for (MutationPlan plan : plans) {
* If any of the plan doesn't have estimate information available, then we cannot
* provide estimate for the overall plan.
if (plan.getEstimatedBytesToScan() == null) {
return null;
estBytes = add(estBytes, plan.getEstimatedBytesToScan());
return estBytes;
public Long getEstimateInfoTimestamp() throws SQLException {
Long estInfoTimestamp = Long.MAX_VALUE;
for (MutationPlan plan : plans) {
Long timestamp = plan.getEstimateInfoTimestamp();
* If any of the plan doesn't have estimate information available, then we cannot
* provide estimate for the overall plan.
if (timestamp == null) {
return timestamp;
estInfoTimestamp = Math.min(estInfoTimestamp, timestamp);
return estInfoTimestamp;
public QueryPlan getQueryPlan() {
return dataPlan;
public MutationPlan compile(DeleteStatement delete) throws SQLException {
final PhoenixConnection connection = statement.getConnection();
final boolean isAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
final boolean hasPostProcessing = delete.getLimit() != null;
final ConnectionQueryServices services = connection.getQueryServices();
List<QueryPlan> queryPlans;
boolean allowServerMutations =
NamedTableNode tableNode = delete.getTable();
String tableName = tableNode.getName().getTableName();
String schemaName = tableNode.getName().getSchemaName();
SelectStatement select = null;
ColumnResolver resolverToBe = null;
DeletingParallelIteratorFactory parallelIteratorFactoryToBe;
resolverToBe = FromCompiler.getResolverForMutation(delete, connection);
final TableRef targetTableRef = resolverToBe.getTables().get(0);
PTable table = targetTableRef.getTable();
// Cannot update:
// - read-only VIEW
// - transactional table with a connection having an SCN
// TODO: SchemaUtil.isReadOnly(PTable, connection)?
if (table.getType() == PTableType.VIEW && table.getViewType().isReadOnly()) {
throw new ReadOnlyTableException(schemaName,tableName);
else if (table.isTransactional() && connection.getSCN() != null) {
throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.CANNOT_SPECIFY_SCN_FOR_TXN_TABLE).setSchemaName(schemaName)
List<PTable> clientSideIndexes = getClientSideMaintainedIndexes(targetTableRef);
final boolean hasClientSideIndexes = !clientSideIndexes.isEmpty();
boolean isSalted = table.getBucketNum() != null;
boolean isMultiTenant = connection.getTenantId() != null && table.isMultiTenant();
boolean isSharedViewIndex = table.getViewIndexId() != null;
int pkColumnOffset = (isSalted ? 1 : 0) + (isMultiTenant ? 1 : 0) + (isSharedViewIndex ? 1 : 0);
final int pkColumnCount = table.getPKColumns().size() - pkColumnOffset;
int selectColumnCount = pkColumnCount;
for (PTable index : clientSideIndexes) {
selectColumnCount += index.getPKColumns().size() - pkColumnCount;
Set<PColumn> projectedColumns = new LinkedHashSet<PColumn>(selectColumnCount + pkColumnOffset);
List<AliasedNode> aliasedNodes = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(selectColumnCount);
for (int i = isSalted ? 1 : 0; i < pkColumnOffset; i++) {
PColumn column = table.getPKColumns().get(i);
for (int i = pkColumnOffset; i < table.getPKColumns().size(); i++) {
PColumn column = table.getPKColumns().get(i);
aliasedNodes.add(FACTORY.aliasedNode(null, FACTORY.column(null, '"' + column.getName().getString() + '"', null)));
// Project all non PK indexed columns so that we can do the proper index maintenance
for (PTable index : table.getIndexes()) {
IndexMaintainer maintainer = index.getIndexMaintainer(table, connection);
// Go through maintainer as it handles functional indexes correctly
for (Pair<String,String> columnInfo : maintainer.getIndexedColumnInfo()) {
String familyName = columnInfo.getFirst();
if (familyName != null) {
String columnName = columnInfo.getSecond();
boolean hasNoColumnFamilies = table.getColumnFamilies().isEmpty();
PColumn column = hasNoColumnFamilies ? table.getColumnForColumnName(columnName) : table.getColumnFamily(familyName).getPColumnForColumnName(columnName);
if(!projectedColumns.contains(column)) {
aliasedNodes.add(FACTORY.aliasedNode(null, FACTORY.column(hasNoColumnFamilies ? null : TableName.create(null, familyName), '"' + columnName + '"', null)));
select =, delete.getHint(), false, aliasedNodes, delete.getWhere(),
Collections.<ParseNode> emptyList(), null, delete.getOrderBy(), delete.getLimit(), null,
delete.getBindCount(), false, false, Collections.<SelectStatement> emptyList(),
select = StatementNormalizer.normalize(select, resolverToBe);
SelectStatement transformedSelect = SubqueryRewriter.transform(select, resolverToBe, connection);
boolean hasPreProcessing = transformedSelect != select;
if (transformedSelect != select) {
resolverToBe = FromCompiler.getResolverForQuery(transformedSelect, connection, false, delete.getTable().getName());
select = StatementNormalizer.normalize(transformedSelect, resolverToBe);
final boolean hasPreOrPostProcessing = hasPreProcessing || hasPostProcessing;
boolean noQueryReqd = !hasPreOrPostProcessing;
// No limit and no sub queries, joins, etc in where clause
// Can't run on same server for transactional data, as we need the row keys for the data
// that is being upserted for conflict detection purposes.
// If we have immutable indexes, we'd increase the number of bytes scanned by executing
// separate queries against each index, so better to drive from a single table in that case.
boolean runOnServer = isAutoCommit && !hasPreOrPostProcessing && !table.isTransactional() && !hasClientSideIndexes;
HintNode hint = delete.getHint();
if (runOnServer && !delete.getHint().hasHint(Hint.USE_INDEX_OVER_DATA_TABLE)) {
select = SelectStatement.create(select, HintNode.create(hint, Hint.USE_DATA_OVER_INDEX_TABLE));
parallelIteratorFactoryToBe = hasPreOrPostProcessing ? null : new DeletingParallelIteratorFactory(connection);
QueryOptimizer optimizer = new QueryOptimizer(services);
QueryCompiler compiler = new QueryCompiler(statement, select, resolverToBe, Collections.<PColumn>emptyList(), parallelIteratorFactoryToBe, new SequenceManager(statement));
final QueryPlan dataPlan = compiler.compile();
// TODO: the select clause should know that there's a sub query, but doesn't seem to currently
queryPlans = Lists.newArrayList(!clientSideIndexes.isEmpty()
? optimizer.getApplicablePlans(dataPlan, statement, select, resolverToBe, Collections.<PColumn>emptyList(), parallelIteratorFactoryToBe)
: optimizer.getBestPlan(dataPlan, statement, select, resolverToBe, Collections.<PColumn>emptyList(), parallelIteratorFactoryToBe));
// Filter out any local indexes that don't contain all indexed columns.
// We have to do this manually because local indexes are still used
// when referenced columns aren't in the index, so they won't be
// filtered by the optimizer.
queryPlans = new ArrayList<>(queryPlans);
Iterator<QueryPlan> iterator = queryPlans.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
QueryPlan plan =;
if (plan.getTableRef().getTable().getIndexType() == IndexType.LOCAL) {
if (!plan.getContext().getDataColumns().isEmpty()) {
if (queryPlans.isEmpty()) {
queryPlans = Collections.singletonList(dataPlan);
runOnServer &= queryPlans.get(0).getTableRef().getTable().getType() != PTableType.INDEX;
runOnServer &= allowServerMutations;
// We need to have all indexed columns available in all immutable indexes in order
// to generate the delete markers from the query. We also cannot have any filters
// except for our SkipScanFilter for point lookups.
// A simple check of the non existence of a where clause in the parse node is not sufficient, as the where clause
// may have been optimized out. Instead, we check that there's a single SkipScanFilter
// If we can generate a plan for every index, that means all the required columns are available in every index,
// hence we can drive the delete from any of the plans.
noQueryReqd &= queryPlans.size() == 1 + clientSideIndexes.size();
int queryPlanIndex = 0;
while (noQueryReqd && queryPlanIndex < queryPlans.size()) {
QueryPlan plan = queryPlans.get(queryPlanIndex++);
StatementContext context = plan.getContext();
noQueryReqd &= (!context.getScan().hasFilter()
|| context.getScan().getFilter() instanceof SkipScanFilter)
&& context.getScanRanges().isPointLookup();
final int maxSize = services.getProps().getInt(QueryServices.MAX_MUTATION_SIZE_ATTRIB,QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_MAX_MUTATION_SIZE);
final int maxSizeBytes = services.getProps().getInt(QueryServices.MAX_MUTATION_SIZE_BYTES_ATTRIB,QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_MAX_MUTATION_SIZE_BYTES);
// If we're doing a query for a set of rows with no where clause, then we don't need to contact the server at all.
if (noQueryReqd) {
// Create a mutationPlan for each queryPlan. One plan will be for the deletion of the rows
// from the data table, while the others will be for deleting rows from immutable indexes.
List<MutationPlan> mutationPlans = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(queryPlans.size());
for (final QueryPlan plan : queryPlans) {
mutationPlans.add(new SingleRowDeleteMutationPlan(plan, connection, maxSize, maxSizeBytes));
return new MultiRowDeleteMutationPlan(dataPlan, mutationPlans);
} else if (runOnServer) {
// TODO: better abstraction
final StatementContext context = dataPlan.getContext();
Scan scan = context.getScan();
scan.setAttribute(BaseScannerRegionObserver.DELETE_AGG, QueryConstants.TRUE);
// Build an ungrouped aggregate query: select COUNT(*) from <table> where <where>
// The coprocessor will delete each row returned from the scan
// Ignoring ORDER BY, since with auto commit on and no limit makes no difference
SelectStatement aggSelect = SelectStatement.create(SelectStatement.COUNT_ONE, delete.getHint());
RowProjector projectorToBe = ProjectionCompiler.compile(context, aggSelect, GroupBy.EMPTY_GROUP_BY);
context.getAggregationManager().compile(context, GroupBy.EMPTY_GROUP_BY);
if (dataPlan.getProjector().projectEveryRow()) {
projectorToBe = new RowProjector(projectorToBe,true);
final RowProjector projector = projectorToBe;
final QueryPlan aggPlan = new AggregatePlan(context, select, dataPlan.getTableRef(), projector, null, null,
OrderBy.EMPTY_ORDER_BY, null, GroupBy.EMPTY_GROUP_BY, null, dataPlan);
return new ServerSelectDeleteMutationPlan(dataPlan, connection, aggPlan, projector, maxSize, maxSizeBytes);
} else {
final DeletingParallelIteratorFactory parallelIteratorFactory = parallelIteratorFactoryToBe;
List<PColumn> adjustedProjectedColumns = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(projectedColumns.size());
final int offset = table.getBucketNum() == null ? 0 : 1;
Iterator<PColumn> projectedColsItr = projectedColumns.iterator();
int i = 0;
while(projectedColsItr.hasNext()) {
final int position = i++;
adjustedProjectedColumns.add(new DelegateColumn( {
public int getPosition() {
return position + offset;
PTable projectedTable = PTableImpl.builderWithColumns(table, adjustedProjectedColumns)
final TableRef projectedTableRef = new TableRef(projectedTable, targetTableRef.getLowerBoundTimeStamp(), targetTableRef.getTimeStamp());
QueryPlan bestPlanToBe = dataPlan;
for (QueryPlan plan : queryPlans) {
PTable planTable = plan.getTableRef().getTable();
if (planTable.getIndexState() != PIndexState.BUILDING) {
bestPlanToBe = plan;
final QueryPlan bestPlan = bestPlanToBe;
final List<TableRef>otherTableRefs = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(clientSideIndexes.size());
for (PTable index : clientSideIndexes) {
if (!bestPlan.getTableRef().getTable().equals(index)) {
otherTableRefs.add(new TableRef(index, targetTableRef.getLowerBoundTimeStamp(), targetTableRef.getTimeStamp()));
if (!bestPlan.getTableRef().getTable().equals(targetTableRef.getTable())) {
return new ClientSelectDeleteMutationPlan(targetTableRef, dataPlan, bestPlan, hasPreOrPostProcessing,
parallelIteratorFactory, otherTableRefs, projectedTableRef, maxSize, maxSizeBytes, connection);
private class SingleRowDeleteMutationPlan implements MutationPlan {
private final QueryPlan dataPlan;
private final PhoenixConnection connection;
private final int maxSize;
private final StatementContext context;
private final int maxSizeBytes;
public SingleRowDeleteMutationPlan(QueryPlan dataPlan, PhoenixConnection connection, int maxSize, int maxSizeBytes) {
this.dataPlan = dataPlan;
this.connection = connection;
this.maxSize = maxSize;
this.context = dataPlan.getContext();
this.maxSizeBytes = maxSizeBytes;
public ParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData() {
return context.getBindManager().getParameterMetaData();
public MutationState execute() throws SQLException {
// We have a point lookup, so we know we have a simple set of fully qualified
// keys for our ranges
ScanRanges ranges = context.getScanRanges();
Iterator<KeyRange> iterator = ranges.getPointLookupKeyIterator();
MultiRowMutationState mutation = new MultiRowMutationState(ranges.getPointLookupCount());
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
mutation.put(new ImmutableBytesPtr(,
new RowMutationState(PRow.DELETE_MARKER, 0,
statement.getConnection().getStatementExecutionCounter(), NULL_ROWTIMESTAMP_INFO, null));
return new MutationState(dataPlan.getTableRef(), mutation, 0, maxSize, maxSizeBytes, connection);
public ExplainPlan getExplainPlan() throws SQLException {
return new ExplainPlan(Collections.singletonList("DELETE SINGLE ROW"));
public QueryPlan getQueryPlan() {
return dataPlan;
public StatementContext getContext() {
return context;
public TableRef getTargetRef() {
return dataPlan.getTableRef();
public Set<TableRef> getSourceRefs() {
// Don't include the target
return Collections.emptySet();
public Operation getOperation() {
return operation;
public Long getEstimatedRowsToScan() throws SQLException {
return 0l;
public Long getEstimatedBytesToScan() throws SQLException {
return 0l;
public Long getEstimateInfoTimestamp() throws SQLException {
return 0l;
private class ServerSelectDeleteMutationPlan implements MutationPlan {
private final StatementContext context;
private final QueryPlan dataPlan;
private final PhoenixConnection connection;
private final QueryPlan aggPlan;
private final RowProjector projector;
private final int maxSize;
private final int maxSizeBytes;
public ServerSelectDeleteMutationPlan(QueryPlan dataPlan, PhoenixConnection connection, QueryPlan aggPlan,
RowProjector projector, int maxSize, int maxSizeBytes) {
this.context = dataPlan.getContext();
this.dataPlan = dataPlan;
this.connection = connection;
this.aggPlan = aggPlan;
this.projector = projector;
this.maxSize = maxSize;
this.maxSizeBytes = maxSizeBytes;
public ParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData() {
return context.getBindManager().getParameterMetaData();
public StatementContext getContext() {
return context;
public TableRef getTargetRef() {
return dataPlan.getTableRef();
public Set<TableRef> getSourceRefs() {
return dataPlan.getSourceRefs();
public Operation getOperation() {
return operation;
public MutationState execute() throws SQLException {
// TODO: share this block of code with UPSERT SELECT
ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = context.getTempPtr();
PTable table = dataPlan.getTableRef().getTable();
table.getIndexMaintainers(ptr, context.getConnection());
byte[] txState = table.isTransactional() ? connection.getMutationState().encodeTransaction() : ByteUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
ServerCache cache = null;
try {
if (ptr.getLength() > 0) {
byte[] uuidValue = ServerCacheClient.generateId();
context.getScan().setAttribute(PhoenixIndexCodec.INDEX_UUID, uuidValue);
context.getScan().setAttribute(PhoenixIndexCodec.INDEX_PROTO_MD, ptr.get());
context.getScan().setAttribute(BaseScannerRegionObserver.TX_STATE, txState);
ScanUtil.setClientVersion(context.getScan(), MetaDataProtocol.PHOENIX_VERSION);
ResultIterator iterator = aggPlan.iterator();
try {
Tuple row =;
final long mutationCount = (Long) projector.getColumnProjector(0).getValue(row, PLong.INSTANCE, ptr);
return new MutationState(maxSize, maxSizeBytes, connection) {
public long getUpdateCount() {
return mutationCount;
} finally {
} finally {
if (cache != null) {
public ExplainPlan getExplainPlan() throws SQLException {
List<String> queryPlanSteps = aggPlan.getExplainPlan().getPlanSteps();
List<String> planSteps = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(queryPlanSteps.size()+1);
planSteps.add("DELETE ROWS");
return new ExplainPlan(planSteps);
public Long getEstimatedRowsToScan() throws SQLException {
return aggPlan.getEstimatedRowsToScan();
public Long getEstimatedBytesToScan() throws SQLException {
return aggPlan.getEstimatedBytesToScan();
public Long getEstimateInfoTimestamp() throws SQLException {
return aggPlan.getEstimateInfoTimestamp();
public QueryPlan getQueryPlan() {
return aggPlan;
private class ClientSelectDeleteMutationPlan implements MutationPlan {
private final StatementContext context;
private final TableRef targetTableRef;
private final QueryPlan dataPlan;
private final QueryPlan bestPlan;
private final boolean hasPreOrPostProcessing;
private final DeletingParallelIteratorFactory parallelIteratorFactory;
private final List<TableRef> otherTableRefs;
private final TableRef projectedTableRef;
private final int maxSize;
private final int maxSizeBytes;
private final PhoenixConnection connection;
public ClientSelectDeleteMutationPlan(TableRef targetTableRef, QueryPlan dataPlan, QueryPlan bestPlan,
boolean hasPreOrPostProcessing,
DeletingParallelIteratorFactory parallelIteratorFactory,
List<TableRef> otherTableRefs, TableRef projectedTableRef, int maxSize,
int maxSizeBytes, PhoenixConnection connection) {
this.context = bestPlan.getContext();
this.targetTableRef = targetTableRef;
this.dataPlan = dataPlan;
this.bestPlan = bestPlan;
this.hasPreOrPostProcessing = hasPreOrPostProcessing;
this.parallelIteratorFactory = parallelIteratorFactory;
this.otherTableRefs = otherTableRefs;
this.projectedTableRef = projectedTableRef;
this.maxSize = maxSize;
this.maxSizeBytes = maxSizeBytes;
this.connection = connection;
public ParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData() {
return context.getBindManager().getParameterMetaData();
public StatementContext getContext() {
return context;
public TableRef getTargetRef() {
return targetTableRef;
public Set<TableRef> getSourceRefs() {
return dataPlan.getSourceRefs();
public Operation getOperation() {
return operation;
public MutationState execute() throws SQLException {
ResultIterator iterator = bestPlan.iterator();
try {
// If we're not doing any pre or post processing, we can produce the delete mutations directly
// in the parallel threads executed for the scan
if (!hasPreOrPostProcessing) {
Tuple tuple;
long totalRowCount = 0;
if (parallelIteratorFactory != null) {
while (( != null) {// Runs query
Cell kv = tuple.getValue(0);
totalRowCount += PLong.INSTANCE.getCodec().decodeLong(kv.getValueArray(), kv.getValueOffset(), SortOrder.getDefault());
// Return total number of rows that have been deleted from the table. In the case of auto commit being off
// the mutations will all be in the mutation state of the current connection. We need to divide by the
// total number of tables we updated as otherwise the client will get an inflated result.
int totalTablesUpdateClientSide = 1; // data table is always updated
PTable bestTable = bestPlan.getTableRef().getTable();
// global immutable tables are also updated client side (but don't double count the data table)
if (bestPlan != dataPlan && isMaintainedOnClient(bestTable)) {
for (TableRef otherTableRef : otherTableRefs) {
PTable otherTable = otherTableRef.getTable();
// Don't double count the data table here (which morphs when it becomes a projected table, hence this check)
if (projectedTableRef != otherTableRef && isMaintainedOnClient(otherTable)) {
MutationState state = new MutationState(maxSize, maxSizeBytes, connection, totalRowCount/totalTablesUpdateClientSide);
// set the read metrics accumulated in the parent context so that it can be published when the mutations are committed.
return state;
} else {
// Otherwise, we have to execute the query and produce the delete mutations in the single thread
// producing the query results.
return deleteRows(context, iterator, bestPlan, projectedTableRef, otherTableRefs);
} finally {
public ExplainPlan getExplainPlan() throws SQLException {
List<String> queryPlanSteps = bestPlan.getExplainPlan().getPlanSteps();
List<String> planSteps = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(queryPlanSteps.size()+1);
planSteps.add("DELETE ROWS");
return new ExplainPlan(planSteps);
public Long getEstimatedRowsToScan() throws SQLException {
return bestPlan.getEstimatedRowsToScan();
public Long getEstimatedBytesToScan() throws SQLException {
return bestPlan.getEstimatedBytesToScan();
public Long getEstimateInfoTimestamp() throws SQLException {
return bestPlan.getEstimateInfoTimestamp();
public QueryPlan getQueryPlan() {
return bestPlan;
private static boolean isMaintainedOnClient(PTable table) {
// Test for not being local (rather than being GLOBAL) so that this doesn't fail
// when tested with our projected table.
return (table.getIndexType() != IndexType.LOCAL && (table.isTransactional() || table.isImmutableRows())) ||
(table.getIndexType() == IndexType.LOCAL && (table.isTransactional() &&
table.getTransactionProvider().getTransactionProvider().isUnsupported(Feature.MAINTAIN_LOCAL_INDEX_ON_SERVER) ) );