blob: f752230068026a8a3b9e80dc19bad25aa25bf57a [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
import logging
import uuid
import weakref
from phoenixdb import errors
from phoenixdb.cursor import Cursor
from phoenixdb.errors import ProgrammingError
from phoenixdb.meta import Meta
__all__ = ['Connection']
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
AVATICA_PROPERTIES = ('autoCommit', 'autocommit', 'readOnly', 'readonly', 'transactionIsolation',
'catalog', 'schema')
class Connection(object):
"""Database connection.
You should not construct this object manually, use :func:`~phoenixdb.connect` instead.
cursor_factory = None
The default cursor factory used by :meth:`cursor` if the parameter is not specified.
def __init__(self, client, cursor_factory=None, **kwargs):
self._client = client
self._closed = False
if cursor_factory is not None:
self.cursor_factory = cursor_factory
self.cursor_factory = Cursor
self._cursors = []
self._phoenix_props, avatica_props_init = Connection._map_conn_props(kwargs)
# TODO we could probably optimize it away if the defaults are not changed
def __del__(self):
if not self._closed:
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
if not self._closed:
def _default_avatica_props():
return {'autoCommit': False,
'readOnly': False,
'transactionIsolation': 0,
'catalog': '',
'schema': ''}
def _map_conn_props(conn_props):
"""Sorts and prepocesses args that should be passed to Phoenix and Avatica"""
avatica_props = dict([(k, conn_props[k]) for k in conn_props.keys() if k in AVATICA_PROPERTIES])
phoenix_props = dict([(k, conn_props[k]) for k in conn_props.keys() if k not in AVATICA_PROPERTIES])
avatica_props = Connection._map_legacy_avatica_props(avatica_props)
return (phoenix_props, avatica_props)
def _map_legacy_avatica_props(props):
if 'autocommit' in props:
props['autoCommit'] = bool(props.pop('autocommit'))
if 'readonly' in props:
props['readOnly'] = bool(props.pop('readonly'))
return props
def open(self):
"""Opens the connection."""
self._id = str(uuid.uuid4())
self._client.open_connection(self._id, info=self._phoenix_props)
def close(self):
"""Closes the connection.
No further operations are allowed, either on the connection or any
of its cursors, once the connection is closed.
If the connection is used in a ``with`` statement, this method will
be automatically called at the end of the ``with`` block.
if self._closed:
raise ProgrammingError('The connection is already closed.')
for cursor_ref in self._cursors:
cursor = cursor_ref()
if cursor is not None and not cursor._closed:
self._closed = True
def closed(self):
"""Read-only attribute specifying if the connection is closed or not."""
return self._closed
def commit(self):
if self._closed:
raise ProgrammingError('The connection is already closed.')
def rollback(self):
if self._closed:
raise ProgrammingError('The connection is already closed.')
def cursor(self, cursor_factory=None):
"""Creates a new cursor.
:param cursor_factory:
This argument can be used to create non-standard cursors.
The class returned must be a subclass of
:class:`~phoenixdb.cursor.Cursor` (for example :class:`~phoenixdb.cursor.DictCursor`).
A default factory for the connection can also be specified using the
:attr:`cursor_factory` attribute.
A :class:`~phoenixdb.cursor.Cursor` object.
if self._closed:
raise ProgrammingError('The connection is already closed.')
cursor = (cursor_factory or self.cursor_factory)(self)
self._cursors.append(weakref.ref(cursor, self._cursors.remove))
return cursor
def set_session(self, **props):
"""Sets one or more parameters in the current connection.
:param autocommit:
Switch the connection to autocommit mode.
:param readonly:
Switch the connection to read-only mode.
props = Connection._map_legacy_avatica_props(props)
self._avatica_props = self._client.connection_sync_dict(self._id, props)
def autocommit(self):
"""Read/write attribute for switching the connection's autocommit mode."""
return self._avatica_props['autoCommit']
def autocommit(self, value):
if self._closed:
raise ProgrammingError('The connection is already closed.')
self._avatica_props = self._client.connection_sync_dict(self._id, {'autoCommit': bool(value)})
def readonly(self):
"""Read/write attribute for switching the connection's readonly mode."""
return self._avatica_props['readOnly']
def readonly(self, value):
if self._closed:
raise ProgrammingError('The connection is already closed.')
self._avatica_props = self._client.connection_sync_dict(self._id, {'readOnly': bool(value)})
def transactionisolation(self):
return self._avatica_props['_transactionIsolation']
def transactionisolation(self, value):
if self._closed:
raise ProgrammingError('The connection is already closed.')
self._avatica_props = self._client.connection_sync_dict(self._id, {'transactionIsolation': bool(value)})
def meta(self):
"""Creates a new meta.
A :class:`~phoenixdb.meta` object.
if self._closed:
raise ProgrammingError('The connection is already closed.')
meta = Meta(self)
return meta
for name in errors.__all__:
setattr(Connection, name, getattr(errors, name))