blob: 7430a1f3ca14f26f5a403363343f6bfb7d8351a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.omid.transaction;
import static org.apache.omid.committable.CommitTable.CommitTimestamp.Location.CACHE;
import static org.apache.omid.committable.CommitTable.CommitTimestamp.Location.COMMIT_TABLE;
import static org.apache.omid.committable.CommitTable.CommitTimestamp.Location.NOT_PRESENT;
import static org.apache.omid.committable.CommitTable.CommitTimestamp.Location.SHADOW_CELL;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.any;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.doReturn;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.doThrow;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Table;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.omid.committable.CommitTable;
import org.apache.omid.committable.CommitTable.CommitTimestamp;
import org.apache.omid.metrics.NullMetricsProvider;
import org.apache.omid.transaction.HBaseTransactionManager.CommitTimestampLocatorImpl;
import org.testng.ITestContext;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
@Test(groups = "sharedHBase")
public class TestHBaseTransactionClient extends OmidTestBase {
private static final byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("test-is-committed1");
private static final byte[] row2 = Bytes.toBytes("test-is-committed2");
private static final byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes(TEST_FAMILY);
private static final byte[] qualifier = Bytes.toBytes("testdata");
private static final byte[] data1 = Bytes.toBytes("testWrite-1");
@Test(timeOut = 30_000)
public void testIsCommitted(ITestContext context) throws Exception {
TransactionManager tm = newTransactionManager(context);
Table htable = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(TEST_TABLE));
SnapshotFilterImpl snapshotFilter = new SnapshotFilterImpl(new HTableAccessWrapper(htable, htable),
TTable table = spy(new TTable(htable, snapshotFilter, false));
HBaseTransaction t1 = (HBaseTransaction) tm.begin();
Put put = new Put(row1);
put.addColumn(family, qualifier, data1);
table.put(t1, put);
HBaseTransaction t2 = (HBaseTransaction) tm.begin();
put = new Put(row2);
put.addColumn(family, qualifier, data1);
table.put(t2, put);
HBaseTransaction t3 = (HBaseTransaction) tm.begin();
put = new Put(row2);
put.addColumn(family, qualifier, data1);
table.put(t3, put);
HBaseCellId hBaseCellId1 = new HBaseCellId(table, row1, family, qualifier, t1.getStartTimestamp());
HBaseCellId hBaseCellId2 = new HBaseCellId(table, row2, family, qualifier, t2.getStartTimestamp());
HBaseCellId hBaseCellId3 = new HBaseCellId(table, row2, family, qualifier, t3.getStartTimestamp());
assertTrue(snapshotFilter.isCommitted(hBaseCellId1, 0, false), "row1 should be committed");
assertFalse(snapshotFilter.isCommitted(hBaseCellId2, 0, false), "row2 should not be committed for kv2");
assertTrue(snapshotFilter.isCommitted(hBaseCellId3, 0, false), "row2 should be committed for kv3");
@Test(timeOut = 30_000)
public void testCrashAfterCommit(ITestContext context) throws Exception {
PostCommitActions syncPostCommitter =
spy(new HBaseSyncPostCommitter(new NullMetricsProvider(), getCommitTable(context).getClient(), connection));
AbstractTransactionManager tm = (AbstractTransactionManager) newTransactionManager(context, syncPostCommitter);
// The following line emulates a crash after commit that is observed in (*) below
doThrow(new RuntimeException()).when(syncPostCommitter).updateShadowCells(any(HBaseTransaction.class));
Table htable = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(TEST_TABLE));
SnapshotFilterImpl snapshotFilter = new SnapshotFilterImpl(new HTableAccessWrapper(htable, htable),
TTable table = spy(new TTable(htable, snapshotFilter, false));
HBaseTransaction t1 = (HBaseTransaction) tm.begin();
// Test shadow cell are created properly
Put put = new Put(row1);
put.addColumn(family, qualifier, data1);
table.put(t1, put);
try {
} catch (Exception e) { // (*) crash
// Do nothing
assertTrue(CellUtils.hasCell(row1, family, qualifier, t1.getStartTimestamp(), new TTableCellGetterAdapter(table)),
"Cell should be there");
assertFalse(CellUtils.hasShadowCell(row1, family, qualifier, t1.getStartTimestamp(), new TTableCellGetterAdapter(table)),
"Shadow cell should not be there");
HBaseCellId hBaseCellId = new HBaseCellId(table, row1, family, qualifier, t1.getStartTimestamp());
HBaseTransactionClient hbaseTm = (HBaseTransactionClient) newTransactionManager(context);
assertTrue(snapshotFilter.isCommitted(hBaseCellId, 0, false), "row1 should be committed");
@Test(timeOut = 30_000)
public void testReadCommitTimestampFromCommitTable(ITestContext context) throws Exception {
//connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(hbaseConf);
final long NON_EXISTING_CELL_TS = 1000L;
PostCommitActions syncPostCommitter =
spy(new HBaseSyncPostCommitter(new NullMetricsProvider(), getCommitTable(context).getClient(), connection));
AbstractTransactionManager tm = (AbstractTransactionManager) newTransactionManager(context, syncPostCommitter);
// The following line emulates a crash after commit that is observed in (*) below
doThrow(new RuntimeException()).when(syncPostCommitter).updateShadowCells(any(HBaseTransaction.class));
// Test that a non-existing cell timestamp returns an empty result
Optional<CommitTimestamp> optionalCT = tm.commitTableClient.getCommitTimestamp(NON_EXISTING_CELL_TS).get();
try (TTable table = spy(new TTable(connection, TEST_TABLE, tm.getCommitTableClient()))) {
// Test that we get an invalidation mark for an invalidated transaction
// Start a transaction and invalidate it before commiting it
HBaseTransaction tx1 = (HBaseTransaction) tm.begin();
Put put = new Put(row1);
put.addColumn(family, qualifier, data1);
table.put(tx1, put);
optionalCT = tm.commitTableClient.getCommitTimestamp(tx1.getStartTimestamp()).get();
CommitTimestamp ct = optionalCT.get();
assertEquals(ct.getValue(), CommitTable.INVALID_TRANSACTION_MARKER);
assertTrue(ct.getLocation().compareTo(COMMIT_TABLE) == 0);
// Finally test that we get the right commit timestamp for a committed tx
// that couldn't get
HBaseTransaction tx2 = (HBaseTransaction) tm.begin();
Put otherPut = new Put(row1);
otherPut.addColumn(family, qualifier, data1);
table.put(tx2, otherPut);
try {
} catch (Exception e) { // (*) crash
// Do nothing
optionalCT = tm.commitTableClient.getCommitTimestamp(tx2.getStartTimestamp()).get();
ct = optionalCT.get();
assertEquals(ct.getValue(), tx2.getCommitTimestamp());
assertTrue(ct.getLocation().compareTo(COMMIT_TABLE) == 0);
@Test(timeOut = 30_000)
public void testReadCommitTimestampFromShadowCell(ITestContext context) throws Exception {
final long NON_EXISTING_CELL_TS = 1L;
HBaseTransactionManager tm = (HBaseTransactionManager) newTransactionManager(context);
Table htable = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(TEST_TABLE));
SnapshotFilterImpl snapshotFilter = new SnapshotFilterImpl(new HTableAccessWrapper(htable, htable),
try (TTable table = spy(new TTable(htable, snapshotFilter, false))) {
// Test first we can not found a non-existent cell ts
HBaseCellId hBaseCellId = new HBaseCellId(table, row1, family, qualifier, NON_EXISTING_CELL_TS);
// Set an empty cache to allow to bypass the checking
CommitTimestampLocator ctLocator = new CommitTimestampLocatorImpl(hBaseCellId,
Maps.<Long, Long>newHashMap());
Optional<CommitTimestamp> optionalCT = snapshotFilter
.readCommitTimestampFromShadowCell(NON_EXISTING_CELL_TS, ctLocator);
// Then test that for a transaction committed, we get the right CT
HBaseTransaction tx1 = (HBaseTransaction) tm.begin();
Put put = new Put(row1);
put.addColumn(family, qualifier, data1);
table.put(tx1, put);
// Upon commit, the commit data should be in the shadow cells, so test it
optionalCT = snapshotFilter.readCommitTimestampFromShadowCell(tx1.getStartTimestamp(), ctLocator);
CommitTimestamp ct = optionalCT.get();
assertEquals(ct.getValue(), tx1.getCommitTimestamp());
assertTrue(ct.getLocation().compareTo(SHADOW_CELL) == 0);
// Tests step 1 in AbstractTransactionManager.locateCellCommitTimestamp()
@Test(timeOut = 30_000)
public void testCellCommitTimestampIsLocatedInCache(ITestContext context) throws Exception {
final long CELL_ST = 1L;
final long CELL_CT = 2L;
HBaseTransactionManager tm = (HBaseTransactionManager) newTransactionManager(context);
// Pre-load the element to look for in the cache
Table htable = hBaseUtils.getConnection().getTable(TableName.valueOf(TEST_TABLE));
SnapshotFilterImpl snapshotFilter = new SnapshotFilterImpl(new HTableAccessWrapper(htable, htable),
TTable table = new TTable(htable, snapshotFilter, false);
HBaseCellId hBaseCellId = new HBaseCellId(table, row1, family, qualifier, CELL_ST);
Map<Long, Long> fakeCache = Maps.newHashMap();
fakeCache.put(CELL_ST, CELL_CT);
// Then test that locator finds it in the cache
CommitTimestampLocator ctLocator = new CommitTimestampLocatorImpl(hBaseCellId, fakeCache);
CommitTimestamp ct = snapshotFilter.locateCellCommitTimestamp(CELL_ST, tm.tsoClient.getEpoch(), ctLocator,
assertEquals(ct.getValue(), CELL_CT);
assertTrue(ct.getLocation().compareTo(CACHE) == 0);
// Tests step 2 in AbstractTransactionManager.locateCellCommitTimestamp()
// Note: This test is very similar to testCrashAfterCommit() above so
// maybe we should merge them in this test, adding the missing assertions
@Test(timeOut = 30_000)
public void testCellCommitTimestampIsLocatedInCommitTable(ITestContext context) throws Exception {
PostCommitActions syncPostCommitter =
spy(new HBaseSyncPostCommitter(new NullMetricsProvider(), getCommitTable(context).getClient(), connection));
AbstractTransactionManager tm = (AbstractTransactionManager) newTransactionManager(context, syncPostCommitter);
// The following line emulates a crash after commit that is observed in (*) below
doThrow(new RuntimeException()).when(syncPostCommitter).updateShadowCells(any(HBaseTransaction.class));
Table htable = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(TEST_TABLE));
SnapshotFilterImpl snapshotFilter = new SnapshotFilterImpl(new HTableAccessWrapper(htable, htable),
try (TTable table = spy(new TTable(htable, snapshotFilter, false))) {
// Commit a transaction that is broken on commit to avoid
// write to the shadow cells and avoid cleaning the commit table
HBaseTransaction tx1 = (HBaseTransaction) tm.begin();
Put put = new Put(row1);
put.addColumn(family, qualifier, data1);
table.put(tx1, put);
try {
} catch (Exception e) { // (*) crash
// Do nothing
// Test the locator finds the appropriate data in the commit table
HBaseCellId hBaseCellId = new HBaseCellId(table, row1, family, qualifier,
CommitTimestampLocator ctLocator = new CommitTimestampLocatorImpl(hBaseCellId,
Maps.<Long, Long>newHashMap());
CommitTimestamp ct = snapshotFilter.locateCellCommitTimestamp(tx1.getStartTimestamp(), tm.tsoClient.getEpoch(),
ctLocator, false);
long expectedCommitTS = tx1.getStartTimestamp() + CommitTable.MAX_CHECKPOINTS_PER_TXN;
assertEquals(ct.getValue(), expectedCommitTS);
assertTrue(ct.getLocation().compareTo(COMMIT_TABLE) == 0);
// Tests step 3 in AbstractTransactionManager.locateCellCommitTimestamp()
@Test(timeOut = 30_000)
public void testCellCommitTimestampIsLocatedInShadowCells(ITestContext context) throws Exception {
HBaseTransactionManager tm = (HBaseTransactionManager) newTransactionManager(context);
Table htable = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(TEST_TABLE));
SnapshotFilterImpl snapshotFilter = new SnapshotFilterImpl(new HTableAccessWrapper(htable, htable),
try (TTable table = spy(new TTable(htable, snapshotFilter, false))) {
// Commit a transaction to addColumn ST/CT in commit table
HBaseTransaction tx1 = (HBaseTransaction) tm.begin();
Put put = new Put(row1);
put.addColumn(family, qualifier, data1);
table.put(tx1, put);
// Upon commit, the commit data should be in the shadow cells
// Test the locator finds the appropriate data in the shadow cells
HBaseCellId hBaseCellId = new HBaseCellId(table, row1, family, qualifier,
CommitTimestampLocator ctLocator = new CommitTimestampLocatorImpl(hBaseCellId,
Maps.<Long, Long>newHashMap());
CommitTimestamp ct = snapshotFilter.locateCellCommitTimestamp(tx1.getStartTimestamp(), tm.tsoClient.getEpoch(),
ctLocator, false);
assertEquals(ct.getValue(), tx1.getCommitTimestamp());
assertTrue(ct.getLocation().compareTo(SHADOW_CELL) == 0);
// Tests step 4 in AbstractTransactionManager.locateCellCommitTimestamp()
@Test(timeOut = 30_000)
public void testCellFromTransactionInPreviousEpochGetsInvalidComitTimestamp(ITestContext context) throws Exception {
CommitTable.Client commitTableClient = spy(getCommitTable(context).getClient());
AbstractTransactionManager tm = spy((AbstractTransactionManager) newTransactionManager(context, commitTableClient));
// The following lines allow to reach step 4)
// in AbstractTransactionManager.locateCellCommitTimestamp()
SettableFuture<Optional<CommitTimestamp>> f = SettableFuture.create();
Table htable = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(TEST_TABLE));
SnapshotFilterImpl snapshotFilter = new SnapshotFilterImpl(new HTableAccessWrapper(htable, htable),
try (TTable table = spy(new TTable(htable, snapshotFilter, false))) {
// Commit a transaction to addColumn ST/CT in commit table
HBaseTransaction tx1 = (HBaseTransaction) tm.begin();
Put put = new Put(row1);
put.addColumn(family, qualifier, data1);
table.put(tx1, put);
// Upon commit, the commit data should be in the shadow cells
// Test a transaction in the previous epoch gets an InvalidCommitTimestamp class
HBaseCellId hBaseCellId = new HBaseCellId(table, row1, family, qualifier,
CommitTimestampLocator ctLocator = new CommitTimestampLocatorImpl(hBaseCellId,
Maps.<Long, Long>newHashMap());
// Fake the current epoch to simulate a newer TSO
CommitTimestamp ct = snapshotFilter.locateCellCommitTimestamp(tx1.getStartTimestamp(), CURRENT_EPOCH_FAKE,
ctLocator, false);
assertEquals(ct.getValue(), CommitTable.INVALID_TRANSACTION_MARKER);
assertTrue(ct.getLocation().compareTo(COMMIT_TABLE) == 0);
// Tests step 5 in AbstractTransactionManager.locateCellCommitTimestamp()
@Test(timeOut = 30_000)
public void testCellCommitTimestampIsLocatedInCommitTableAfterNotBeingInvalidated(ITestContext context) throws Exception {
CommitTable.Client commitTableClient = spy(getCommitTable(context).getClient());
PostCommitActions syncPostCommitter =
spy(new HBaseSyncPostCommitter(new NullMetricsProvider(), commitTableClient, connection));
AbstractTransactionManager tm = spy((AbstractTransactionManager) newTransactionManager(context, syncPostCommitter));
// The following line emulates a crash after commit that is observed in (*) below
doThrow(new RuntimeException()).when(syncPostCommitter).updateShadowCells(any(HBaseTransaction.class));
// The next two lines avoid steps 2) and 3) and go directly to step 5)
// in AbstractTransactionManager.locateCellCommitTimestamp()
SettableFuture<Optional<CommitTimestamp>> f = SettableFuture.create();
Table htable = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(TEST_TABLE));
SnapshotFilterImpl snapshotFilter = new SnapshotFilterImpl(new HTableAccessWrapper(htable, htable),
try (TTable table = spy(new TTable(htable, snapshotFilter, false))) {
// Commit a transaction that is broken on commit to avoid
// write to the shadow cells and avoid cleaning the commit table
HBaseTransaction tx1 = (HBaseTransaction) tm.begin();
Put put = new Put(row1);
put.addColumn(family, qualifier, data1);
table.put(tx1, put);
try {
} catch (Exception e) { // (*) crash
// Do nothing
// Test the locator finds the appropriate data in the commit table
HBaseCellId hBaseCellId = new HBaseCellId(table, row1, family, qualifier,
CommitTimestampLocator ctLocator = new CommitTimestampLocatorImpl(hBaseCellId,
Maps.<Long, Long>newHashMap());
CommitTimestamp ct = snapshotFilter.locateCellCommitTimestamp(tx1.getStartTimestamp(), tm.tsoClient.getEpoch(),
ctLocator, false);
assertEquals(ct.getValue(), tx1.getCommitTimestamp());
assertTrue(ct.getLocation().compareTo(COMMIT_TABLE) == 0);
// Tests step 6 in AbstractTransactionManager.locateCellCommitTimestamp()
@Test(timeOut = 30_000)
public void testCellCommitTimestampIsLocatedInShadowCellsAfterNotBeingInvalidated(ITestContext context) throws Exception {
CommitTable.Client commitTableClient = spy(getCommitTable(context).getClient());
AbstractTransactionManager tm = spy((AbstractTransactionManager) newTransactionManager(context, commitTableClient));
// The next two lines avoid steps 2), 3) and 5) and go directly to step 6)
// in AbstractTransactionManager.locateCellCommitTimestamp()
SettableFuture<Optional<CommitTimestamp>> f = SettableFuture.create();
Table htable = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(TEST_TABLE));
SnapshotFilterImpl snapshotFilter = new SnapshotFilterImpl(new HTableAccessWrapper(htable, htable),
try (TTable table = spy(new TTable(htable, snapshotFilter, false))) {
// Commit a transaction to addColumn ST/CT in commit table
HBaseTransaction tx1 = (HBaseTransaction) tm.begin();
Put put = new Put(row1);
put.addColumn(family, qualifier, data1);
table.put(tx1, put);
// Upon commit, the commit data should be in the shadow cells
// Test the locator finds the appropriate data in the shadow cells
HBaseCellId hBaseCellId = new HBaseCellId(table, row1, family, qualifier,
CommitTimestampLocator ctLocator = new CommitTimestampLocatorImpl(hBaseCellId,
Maps.<Long, Long>newHashMap());
CommitTimestamp ct = snapshotFilter.locateCellCommitTimestamp(tx1.getStartTimestamp(), tm.tsoClient.getEpoch(),
assertEquals(ct.getValue(), tx1.getCommitTimestamp());
assertTrue(ct.getLocation().compareTo(SHADOW_CELL) == 0);
// Tests last step in AbstractTransactionManager.locateCellCommitTimestamp()
@Test(timeOut = 30_000)
public void testCTLocatorReturnsAValidCTWhenNotPresent(ITestContext context) throws Exception {
final long CELL_TS = 1L;
CommitTable.Client commitTableClient = spy(getCommitTable(context).getClient());
AbstractTransactionManager tm = spy((AbstractTransactionManager) newTransactionManager(context, commitTableClient));
// The following lines allow to reach the last return statement
SettableFuture<Optional<CommitTimestamp>> f = SettableFuture.create();
Table htable = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(TEST_TABLE));
SnapshotFilterImpl snapshotFilter = new SnapshotFilterImpl(new HTableAccessWrapper(htable, htable),
try (TTable table = spy(new TTable(htable, snapshotFilter, false))) {
HBaseCellId hBaseCellId = new HBaseCellId(table, row1, family, qualifier, CELL_TS);
CommitTimestampLocator ctLocator = new CommitTimestampLocatorImpl(hBaseCellId,
Maps.<Long, Long>newHashMap());
CommitTimestamp ct = snapshotFilter.locateCellCommitTimestamp(CELL_TS, tm.tsoClient.getEpoch(),
ctLocator, false);
assertEquals(ct.getValue(), -1L);
assertTrue(ct.getLocation().compareTo(NOT_PRESENT) == 0);