blob: 9bc930052a8c4d35feb81c840fa46890eb950b66 [file] [log] [blame]
Release Notes -- Apache PDFBox -- Version 2.0.26
The Apache PDFBox library is an open source Java tool for working with PDF documents.
This is an incremental bugfix release based on the earlier 2.0.25 release. It contains
a couple of fixes and small improvements.
For more details on these changes and all the other fixes and improvements
included in this release, please refer to the following issues on the
PDFBox issue tracker at
[PDFBOX-4623] - COSParser: Infinite recursion
[PDFBOX-5203] - TestCreateSignature.testCreateSignedTimeStamp checkLTV build test fail
[PDFBOX-5283] - No Content - xRef / Obj Parsing
[PDFBOX-5305] - Pdf-A/1b Validation
[PDFBOX-5339] - A list of bugs found (70 bugs in total)
[PDFBOX-5342] - Text size option for PDFBox Debugger
[PDFBOX-5345] - IllegalArgumentException: Input buffer too short in StandardSecurityHandler.computeRC4key
[PDFBOX-5352] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in PDSeparation.tintTransform()
[PDFBOX-5360] - EOFException: Can't read 20 bytes
[PDFBOX-5361] - Wrong datatype for OPM in PDExtendedGraphicsState
[PDFBOX-5366] - Unhandled IOException thrown from BaseParser creates issue in PDFStreamEngine.processStreamOperators
[PDFBOX-5372] - *LOADS of* "WARNING: key node000xxxxx already exists in destination IDTree"
[PDFBOX-5373] - NullPointerException in PDRange.getMin()
[PDFBOX-5376] - Image interpolation when there shouldn't be
[PDFBOX-5377] - pDAcroForm.flatten() does not remove /SigFlags in /Catalog object
[PDFBOX-5380] - Could not read embedded TTF for font
[PDFBOX-5387] - ToUnicodeWriter.writeTo allows byte overflow in bfrange operator
[PDFBOX-5390] - TextToPDF appends space to each line
[PDFBOX-5393] - NegativeArraySizeException in pfb parser with 0 byte pfb font file
[PDFBOX-5395] - Hangup in COSFilterInputStream.nextRange
[PDFBOX-5397] - Certain PDF cannot be processed
[PDFBOX-5398] - Parsing fails in 2.0.26 that worked in 2.0.25
[PDFBOX-5399] - Object must be defined and must not be compressed object
[PDFBOX-5400] - Page tree root must be a dictionary
[PDFBOX-5401] - A carefully crafted pdf can trigger an infinite loop while parsing
[PDFBOX-5402] - POCIDFontType2 (Wingdings) encode throws a NullPointerException
[PDFBOX-5410] - Possible loop detection is triggered in 2.0.26 but file works in 2.0.25
[PDFBOX-5412] - IOException: object reference 112 0 R at offset 18355 in content stream
[PDFBOX-5413] - Field text missing
[PDFBOX-5418] - NPE during page render
[PDFBOX-5419] - Parsing shows 1 empty page with 2.0.26 and 7 with 2.0.25
[PDFBOX-5347] - Create push button example
[PDFBOX-5348] - FontMapper should also take into account the user's font directory on Windows operating systems
[PDFBOX-5363] - Don't log warnings if there are not fonts to cache
[PDFBOX-5379] - support multiple widgets in PDTerminalField.importFDF()
[PDFBOX-5385] - Improve AddValidationInformation to handle exceptional situations better
[PDFBOX-5388] - Avoid duplicate certificates in AddValidation example
[PDFBOX-5394] - Render symbol for file attachment annotations
[PDFBOX-5356] - Add test of PFB font
[PDFBOX-5396] - Add maven enforcer rule to ensure that JAVA_HOME is set
Release Contents
This release consists of a single source archive packaged as a zip file.
The archive can be unpacked with the jar tool from your JDK installation.
See the README.txt file for instructions on how to build this release.
The source archive is accompanied by a SHA512 checksum and a PGP signature
that you can use to verify the authenticity of your download.
The public key used for the PGP signature can be found at
About Apache PDFBox
Apache PDFBox is an open source Java library for working with PDF documents.
This project allows creation of new PDF documents, manipulation of existing
documents and the ability to extract content from documents. Apache PDFBox
also includes several command line utilities. Apache PDFBox is published
under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
For more information, visit
About The Apache Software Foundation
Established in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation provides organizational,
legal, and financial support for more than 100 freely-available,
collaboratively-developed Open Source projects. The pragmatic Apache License
enables individual and commercial users to easily deploy Apache software;
the Foundation's intellectual property framework limits the legal exposure
of its 2,500+ contributors.
For more information, visit