blob: 69bac3286c602f93e8e985eb914acd86869faaa5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "arrow/util/bit-stream-utils.h"
#include "arrow/util/bit-util.h"
#include "arrow/util/cpu-info.h"
#include "arrow/util/hash-util.h"
#include "arrow/util/rle-encoding.h"
#include "parquet/encoding.h"
#include "parquet/exception.h"
#include "parquet/schema.h"
#include "parquet/types.h"
#include "parquet/util/memory.h"
namespace parquet {
namespace BitUtil = ::arrow::BitUtil;
using HashUtil = ::arrow::HashUtil;
class ColumnDescriptor;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Encoding::PLAIN decoder implementation
template <typename DType>
class PlainDecoder : public Decoder<DType> {
typedef typename DType::c_type T;
using Decoder<DType>::num_values_;
explicit PlainDecoder(const ColumnDescriptor* descr)
: Decoder<DType>(descr, Encoding::PLAIN), data_(NULL), len_(0) {
if (descr_ && descr_->physical_type() == Type::FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY) {
type_length_ = descr_->type_length();
} else {
type_length_ = -1;
virtual void SetData(int num_values, const uint8_t* data, int len) {
num_values_ = num_values;
data_ = data;
len_ = len;
virtual int Decode(T* buffer, int max_values);
using Decoder<DType>::descr_;
const uint8_t* data_;
int len_;
int type_length_;
// Decode routine templated on C++ type rather than type enum
template <typename T>
inline int DecodePlain(const uint8_t* data, int64_t data_size, int num_values,
int type_length, T* out) {
int bytes_to_decode = num_values * sizeof(T);
if (data_size < bytes_to_decode) {
memcpy(out, data, bytes_to_decode);
return bytes_to_decode;
// Template specialization for BYTE_ARRAY. The written values do not own their
// own data.
template <>
inline int DecodePlain<ByteArray>(const uint8_t* data, int64_t data_size, int num_values,
int type_length, ByteArray* out) {
int bytes_decoded = 0;
int increment;
for (int i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
uint32_t len = out[i].len = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(data);
increment = sizeof(uint32_t) + len;
if (data_size < increment) ParquetException::EofException();
out[i].ptr = data + sizeof(uint32_t);
data += increment;
data_size -= increment;
bytes_decoded += increment;
return bytes_decoded;
// Template specialization for FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY. The written values do not
// own their own data.
template <>
inline int DecodePlain<FixedLenByteArray>(const uint8_t* data, int64_t data_size,
int num_values, int type_length,
FixedLenByteArray* out) {
int bytes_to_decode = type_length * num_values;
if (data_size < bytes_to_decode) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
out[i].ptr = data;
data += type_length;
data_size -= type_length;
return bytes_to_decode;
template <typename DType>
inline int PlainDecoder<DType>::Decode(T* buffer, int max_values) {
max_values = std::min(max_values, num_values_);
int bytes_consumed = DecodePlain<T>(data_, len_, max_values, type_length_, buffer);
data_ += bytes_consumed;
len_ -= bytes_consumed;
num_values_ -= max_values;
return max_values;
template <>
class PlainDecoder<BooleanType> : public Decoder<BooleanType> {
explicit PlainDecoder(const ColumnDescriptor* descr)
: Decoder<BooleanType>(descr, Encoding::PLAIN) {}
virtual void SetData(int num_values, const uint8_t* data, int len) {
num_values_ = num_values;
bit_reader_ = ::arrow::BitReader(data, len);
// Two flavors of bool decoding
int Decode(uint8_t* buffer, int max_values) {
max_values = std::min(max_values, num_values_);
bool val;
for (int i = 0; i < max_values; ++i) {
if (!bit_reader_.GetValue(1, &val)) {
BitUtil::SetArrayBit(buffer, i, val);
num_values_ -= max_values;
return max_values;
virtual int Decode(bool* buffer, int max_values) {
max_values = std::min(max_values, num_values_);
if (bit_reader_.GetBatch(1, buffer, max_values) != max_values) {
num_values_ -= max_values;
return max_values;
::arrow::BitReader bit_reader_;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Encoding::PLAIN encoder implementation
template <typename DType>
class PlainEncoder : public Encoder<DType> {
typedef typename DType::c_type T;
explicit PlainEncoder(const ColumnDescriptor* descr,
::arrow::MemoryPool* pool = ::arrow::default_memory_pool())
: Encoder<DType>(descr, Encoding::PLAIN, pool) {
values_sink_.reset(new InMemoryOutputStream(pool));
int64_t EstimatedDataEncodedSize() override { return values_sink_->Tell(); }
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> FlushValues() override;
void Put(const T* src, int num_values) override;
std::unique_ptr<InMemoryOutputStream> values_sink_;
template <>
class PlainEncoder<BooleanType> : public Encoder<BooleanType> {
explicit PlainEncoder(const ColumnDescriptor* descr,
::arrow::MemoryPool* pool = ::arrow::default_memory_pool())
: Encoder<BooleanType>(descr, Encoding::PLAIN, pool),
bits_available_(kInMemoryDefaultCapacity * 8),
bits_buffer_(AllocateBuffer(pool, kInMemoryDefaultCapacity)),
values_sink_(new InMemoryOutputStream(pool)) {
bit_writer_.reset(new ::arrow::BitWriter(bits_buffer_->mutable_data(),
int64_t EstimatedDataEncodedSize() override {
return values_sink_->Tell() + bit_writer_->bytes_written();
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> FlushValues() override {
if (bits_available_ > 0) {
values_sink_->Write(bit_writer_->buffer(), bit_writer_->bytes_written());
bits_available_ = static_cast<int>(bits_buffer_->size()) * 8;
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer = values_sink_->GetBuffer();
values_sink_.reset(new InMemoryOutputStream(this->pool_));
return buffer;
#define PLAINDECODER_BOOLEAN_PUT(input_type, function_attributes) \
void Put(input_type src, int num_values) function_attributes { \
int bit_offset = 0; \
if (bits_available_ > 0) { \
int bits_to_write = std::min(bits_available_, num_values); \
for (int i = 0; i < bits_to_write; i++) { \
bit_writer_->PutValue(src[i], 1); \
} \
bits_available_ -= bits_to_write; \
bit_offset = bits_to_write; \
if (bits_available_ == 0) { \
bit_writer_->Flush(); \
values_sink_->Write(bit_writer_->buffer(), bit_writer_->bytes_written()); \
bit_writer_->Clear(); \
} \
} \
int bits_remaining = num_values - bit_offset; \
while (bit_offset < num_values) { \
bits_available_ = static_cast<int>(bits_buffer_->size()) * 8; \
int bits_to_write = std::min(bits_available_, bits_remaining); \
for (int i = bit_offset; i < bit_offset + bits_to_write; i++) { \
bit_writer_->PutValue(src[i], 1); \
} \
bit_offset += bits_to_write; \
bits_available_ -= bits_to_write; \
bits_remaining -= bits_to_write; \
if (bits_available_ == 0) { \
bit_writer_->Flush(); \
values_sink_->Write(bit_writer_->buffer(), bit_writer_->bytes_written()); \
bit_writer_->Clear(); \
} \
} \
PLAINDECODER_BOOLEAN_PUT(const bool*, override)
PLAINDECODER_BOOLEAN_PUT(const std::vector<bool>&, )
int bits_available_;
std::unique_ptr<::arrow::BitWriter> bit_writer_;
std::shared_ptr<PoolBuffer> bits_buffer_;
std::unique_ptr<InMemoryOutputStream> values_sink_;
template <typename DType>
inline std::shared_ptr<Buffer> PlainEncoder<DType>::FlushValues() {
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer = values_sink_->GetBuffer();
values_sink_.reset(new InMemoryOutputStream(this->pool_));
return buffer;
template <typename DType>
inline void PlainEncoder<DType>::Put(const T* buffer, int num_values) {
values_sink_->Write(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(buffer), num_values * sizeof(T));
template <>
inline void PlainEncoder<ByteArrayType>::Put(const ByteArray* src, int num_values) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
// Write the result to the output stream
values_sink_->Write(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&src[i].len), sizeof(uint32_t));
if (src[i].len > 0) {
DCHECK(nullptr != src[i].ptr) << "Value ptr cannot be NULL";
values_sink_->Write(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(src[i].ptr), src[i].len);
template <>
inline void PlainEncoder<FLBAType>::Put(const FixedLenByteArray* src, int num_values) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
// Write the result to the output stream
if (descr_->type_length() > 0) {
DCHECK(nullptr != src[i].ptr) << "Value ptr cannot be NULL";
values_sink_->Write(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(src[i].ptr),
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dictionary encoding and decoding
template <typename Type>
class DictionaryDecoder : public Decoder<Type> {
typedef typename Type::c_type T;
// Initializes the dictionary with values from 'dictionary'. The data in
// dictionary is not guaranteed to persist in memory after this call so the
// dictionary decoder needs to copy the data out if necessary.
explicit DictionaryDecoder(const ColumnDescriptor* descr,
::arrow::MemoryPool* pool = ::arrow::default_memory_pool())
: Decoder<Type>(descr, Encoding::RLE_DICTIONARY),
dictionary_(0, pool),
byte_array_data_(AllocateBuffer(pool, 0)) {}
// Perform type-specific initiatialization
void SetDict(Decoder<Type>* dictionary);
void SetData(int num_values, const uint8_t* data, int len) override {
num_values_ = num_values;
if (len == 0) return;
uint8_t bit_width = *data;
idx_decoder_ = ::arrow::RleDecoder(data, len, bit_width);
int Decode(T* buffer, int max_values) override {
max_values = std::min(max_values, num_values_);
int decoded_values =
idx_decoder_.GetBatchWithDict(, buffer, max_values);
if (decoded_values != max_values) {
num_values_ -= max_values;
return max_values;
int DecodeSpaced(T* buffer, int num_values, int null_count, const uint8_t* valid_bits,
int64_t valid_bits_offset) override {
int decoded_values =
idx_decoder_.GetBatchWithDictSpaced(, buffer, num_values,
null_count, valid_bits, valid_bits_offset);
if (decoded_values != num_values) {
return decoded_values;
using Decoder<Type>::num_values_;
// Only one is set.
Vector<T> dictionary_;
// Data that contains the byte array data (byte_array_dictionary_ just has the
// pointers).
std::shared_ptr<PoolBuffer> byte_array_data_;
::arrow::RleDecoder idx_decoder_;
template <typename Type>
inline void DictionaryDecoder<Type>::SetDict(Decoder<Type>* dictionary) {
int num_dictionary_values = dictionary->values_left();
dictionary->Decode(&dictionary_[0], num_dictionary_values);
template <>
inline void DictionaryDecoder<BooleanType>::SetDict(Decoder<BooleanType>* dictionary) {
ParquetException::NYI("Dictionary encoding is not implemented for boolean values");
template <>
inline void DictionaryDecoder<ByteArrayType>::SetDict(
Decoder<ByteArrayType>* dictionary) {
int num_dictionary_values = dictionary->values_left();
dictionary->Decode(&dictionary_[0], num_dictionary_values);
int total_size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_dictionary_values; ++i) {
total_size += dictionary_[i].len;
PARQUET_THROW_NOT_OK(byte_array_data_->Resize(total_size, false));
int offset = 0;
uint8_t* bytes_data = byte_array_data_->mutable_data();
for (int i = 0; i < num_dictionary_values; ++i) {
memcpy(bytes_data + offset, dictionary_[i].ptr, dictionary_[i].len);
dictionary_[i].ptr = bytes_data + offset;
offset += dictionary_[i].len;
template <>
inline void DictionaryDecoder<FLBAType>::SetDict(Decoder<FLBAType>* dictionary) {
int num_dictionary_values = dictionary->values_left();
dictionary->Decode(&dictionary_[0], num_dictionary_values);
int fixed_len = descr_->type_length();
int total_size = num_dictionary_values * fixed_len;
PARQUET_THROW_NOT_OK(byte_array_data_->Resize(total_size, false));
uint8_t* bytes_data = byte_array_data_->mutable_data();
int offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_dictionary_values; ++i) {
memcpy(bytes_data + offset, dictionary_[i].ptr, fixed_len);
dictionary_[i].ptr = bytes_data + offset;
offset += fixed_len;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dictionary encoder
// Initially imported from Apache Impala on 2016-02-22, and has been modified
// since for parquet-cpp
// Initially 1024 elements
static constexpr int INITIAL_HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 1 << 10;
typedef int32_t hash_slot_t;
static constexpr hash_slot_t HASH_SLOT_EMPTY = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
// The maximum load factor for the hash table before resizing.
static constexpr double MAX_HASH_LOAD = 0.7;
/// See the dictionary encoding section of
/// The encoding supports streaming encoding. Values are encoded as they are added while
/// the dictionary is being constructed. At any time, the buffered values can be
/// written out with the current dictionary size. More values can then be added to
/// the encoder, including new dictionary entries.
template <typename DType>
class DictEncoder : public Encoder<DType> {
typedef typename DType::c_type T;
explicit DictEncoder(const ColumnDescriptor* desc, ChunkedAllocator* pool = nullptr,
::arrow::MemoryPool* allocator = ::arrow::default_memory_pool())
: Encoder<DType>(desc, Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY, allocator),
mod_bitmask_(hash_table_size_ - 1),
hash_slots_(0, allocator),
type_length_(desc->type_length()) {
hash_slots_.Assign(hash_table_size_, HASH_SLOT_EMPTY);
if (!::arrow::CpuInfo::initialized()) {
virtual ~DictEncoder() { DCHECK(buffered_indices_.empty()); }
// TODO(wesm): think about how to address the construction semantics in
// encodings/dictionary-encoding.h
void set_mem_pool(ChunkedAllocator* pool) { pool_ = pool; }
void set_type_length(int type_length) { type_length_ = type_length; }
/// Returns a conservative estimate of the number of bytes needed to encode the buffered
/// indices. Used to size the buffer passed to WriteIndices().
int64_t EstimatedDataEncodedSize() override {
// Note: because of the way RleEncoder::CheckBufferFull() is called, we have to
// reserve
// an extra "RleEncoder::MinBufferSize" bytes. These extra bytes won't be used
// but not reserving them would cause the encoder to fail.
return 1 + ::arrow::RleEncoder::MaxBufferSize(
bit_width(), static_cast<int>(buffered_indices_.size())) +
/// The minimum bit width required to encode the currently buffered indices.
int bit_width() const {
if (UNLIKELY(num_entries() == 0)) return 0;
if (UNLIKELY(num_entries() == 1)) return 1;
return BitUtil::Log2(num_entries());
/// Writes out any buffered indices to buffer preceded by the bit width of this data.
/// Returns the number of bytes written.
/// If the supplied buffer is not big enough, returns -1.
/// buffer must be preallocated with buffer_len bytes. Use EstimatedDataEncodedSize()
/// to size buffer.
int WriteIndices(uint8_t* buffer, int buffer_len);
int hash_table_size() { return hash_table_size_; }
int dict_encoded_size() { return dict_encoded_size_; }
/// Clears all the indices (but leaves the dictionary).
void ClearIndices() { buffered_indices_.clear(); }
/// Encode value. Note that this does not actually write any data, just
/// buffers the value's index to be written later.
void Put(const T& value);
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> FlushValues() override {
std::shared_ptr<PoolBuffer> buffer =
AllocateBuffer(this->allocator_, EstimatedDataEncodedSize());
int result_size = WriteIndices(buffer->mutable_data(),
PARQUET_THROW_NOT_OK(buffer->Resize(result_size, false));
return buffer;
void Put(const T* values, int num_values) override {
for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
void PutSpaced(const T* src, int num_values, const uint8_t* valid_bits,
int64_t valid_bits_offset) override {
INIT_BITSET(valid_bits, static_cast<int>(valid_bits_offset));
for (int32_t i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
if (bitset_valid_bits & (1 << bit_offset_valid_bits)) {
/// Writes out the encoded dictionary to buffer. buffer must be preallocated to
/// dict_encoded_size() bytes.
void WriteDict(uint8_t* buffer);
ChunkedAllocator* mem_pool() { return pool_; }
/// The number of entries in the dictionary.
int num_entries() const { return static_cast<int>(uniques_.size()); }
::arrow::MemoryPool* allocator_;
// For ByteArray / FixedLenByteArray data. Not owned
ChunkedAllocator* pool_;
/// Size of the table. Must be a power of 2.
int hash_table_size_;
// Store hash_table_size_ - 1, so that j & mod_bitmask_ is equivalent to j %
// hash_table_size_, but uses far fewer CPU cycles
int mod_bitmask_;
// We use a fixed-size hash table with linear probing
// These values correspond to the uniques_ array
Vector<hash_slot_t> hash_slots_;
/// Indices that have not yet be written out by WriteIndices().
std::vector<int> buffered_indices_;
/// The number of bytes needed to encode the dictionary.
int dict_encoded_size_;
// The unique observed values
std::vector<T> uniques_;
bool SlotDifferent(const T& v, hash_slot_t slot);
void DoubleTableSize();
/// Size of each encoded dictionary value. -1 for variable-length types.
int type_length_;
/// Hash function for mapping a value to a bucket.
inline int Hash(const T& value) const;
/// Adds value to the hash table and updates dict_encoded_size_
void AddDictKey(const T& value);
template <typename DType>
inline int DictEncoder<DType>::Hash(const typename DType::c_type& value) const {
return HashUtil::Hash(&value, sizeof(value), 0);
template <>
inline int DictEncoder<ByteArrayType>::Hash(const ByteArray& value) const {
if (value.len > 0) {
DCHECK(nullptr != value.ptr) << "Value ptr cannot be NULL";
return HashUtil::Hash(value.ptr, value.len, 0);
template <>
inline int DictEncoder<FLBAType>::Hash(const FixedLenByteArray& value) const {
if (type_length_ > 0) {
DCHECK(nullptr != value.ptr) << "Value ptr cannot be NULL";
return HashUtil::Hash(value.ptr, type_length_, 0);
template <typename DType>
inline bool DictEncoder<DType>::SlotDifferent(const typename DType::c_type& v,
hash_slot_t slot) {
return v != uniques_[slot];
template <>
inline bool DictEncoder<FLBAType>::SlotDifferent(const FixedLenByteArray& v,
hash_slot_t slot) {
return 0 != memcmp(v.ptr, uniques_[slot].ptr, type_length_);
template <typename DType>
inline void DictEncoder<DType>::Put(const typename DType::c_type& v) {
int j = Hash(v) & mod_bitmask_;
hash_slot_t index = hash_slots_[j];
// Find an empty slot
while (HASH_SLOT_EMPTY != index && SlotDifferent(v, index)) {
// Linear probing
if (j == hash_table_size_) j = 0;
index = hash_slots_[j];
if (index == HASH_SLOT_EMPTY) {
// Not in the hash table, so we insert it now
index = static_cast<hash_slot_t>(uniques_.size());
hash_slots_[j] = index;
if (UNLIKELY(static_cast<int>(uniques_.size()) > hash_table_size_ * MAX_HASH_LOAD)) {
template <typename DType>
inline void DictEncoder<DType>::DoubleTableSize() {
int new_size = hash_table_size_ * 2;
Vector<hash_slot_t> new_hash_slots(0, allocator_);
new_hash_slots.Assign(new_size, HASH_SLOT_EMPTY);
hash_slot_t index, slot;
int j;
for (int i = 0; i < hash_table_size_; ++i) {
index = hash_slots_[i];
if (index == HASH_SLOT_EMPTY) {
// Compute the hash value mod the new table size to start looking for an
// empty slot
const typename DType::c_type& v = uniques_[index];
// Find an empty slot in the new hash table
j = Hash(v) & (new_size - 1);
slot = new_hash_slots[j];
while (HASH_SLOT_EMPTY != slot && SlotDifferent(v, slot)) {
if (j == new_size) j = 0;
slot = new_hash_slots[j];
// Copy the old slot index to the new hash table
new_hash_slots[j] = index;
hash_table_size_ = new_size;
mod_bitmask_ = new_size - 1;
template <typename DType>
inline void DictEncoder<DType>::AddDictKey(const typename DType::c_type& v) {
dict_encoded_size_ += sizeof(typename DType::c_type);
template <>
inline void DictEncoder<ByteArrayType>::AddDictKey(const ByteArray& v) {
uint8_t* heap = pool_->Allocate(v.len);
if (UNLIKELY(v.len > 0 && heap == nullptr)) {
throw ParquetException("out of memory");
memcpy(heap, v.ptr, v.len);
uniques_.push_back(ByteArray(v.len, heap));
dict_encoded_size_ += v.len + sizeof(uint32_t);
template <>
inline void DictEncoder<FLBAType>::AddDictKey(const FixedLenByteArray& v) {
uint8_t* heap = pool_->Allocate(type_length_);
if (UNLIKELY(type_length_ > 0 && heap == nullptr)) {
throw ParquetException("out of memory");
memcpy(heap, v.ptr, type_length_);
dict_encoded_size_ += type_length_;
template <typename DType>
inline void DictEncoder<DType>::WriteDict(uint8_t* buffer) {
// For primitive types, only a memcpy
memcpy(buffer,, sizeof(typename DType::c_type) * uniques_.size());
template <>
inline void DictEncoder<BooleanType>::WriteDict(uint8_t* buffer) {
// For primitive types, only a memcpy
// memcpy(buffer,, sizeof(typename DType::c_type) * uniques_.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < uniques_.size(); i++) {
buffer[i] = uniques_[i];
// ByteArray and FLBA already have the dictionary encoded in their data heaps
template <>
inline void DictEncoder<ByteArrayType>::WriteDict(uint8_t* buffer) {
for (const ByteArray& v : uniques_) {
memcpy(buffer, reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&v.len), sizeof(uint32_t));
buffer += sizeof(uint32_t);
if (v.len > 0) {
DCHECK(nullptr != v.ptr) << "Value ptr cannot be NULL";
memcpy(buffer, v.ptr, v.len);
buffer += v.len;
template <>
inline void DictEncoder<FLBAType>::WriteDict(uint8_t* buffer) {
for (const FixedLenByteArray& v : uniques_) {
if (type_length_ > 0) {
DCHECK(nullptr != v.ptr) << "Value ptr cannot be NULL";
memcpy(buffer, v.ptr, type_length_);
buffer += type_length_;
template <typename DType>
inline int DictEncoder<DType>::WriteIndices(uint8_t* buffer, int buffer_len) {
// Write bit width in first byte
*buffer = bit_width();
::arrow::RleEncoder encoder(buffer, buffer_len, bit_width());
for (int index : buffered_indices_) {
if (!encoder.Put(index)) return -1;
return 1 + encoder.len();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// DeltaBitPackDecoder
template <typename DType>
class DeltaBitPackDecoder : public Decoder<DType> {
typedef typename DType::c_type T;
explicit DeltaBitPackDecoder(const ColumnDescriptor* descr,
::arrow::MemoryPool* pool = ::arrow::default_memory_pool())
: Decoder<DType>(descr, Encoding::DELTA_BINARY_PACKED),
delta_bit_widths_(new PoolBuffer(pool)) {
if (DType::type_num != Type::INT32 && DType::type_num != Type::INT64) {
throw ParquetException("Delta bit pack encoding should only be for integer data.");
virtual void SetData(int num_values, const uint8_t* data, int len) {
num_values_ = num_values;
decoder_ = ::arrow::BitReader(data, len);
values_current_block_ = 0;
values_current_mini_block_ = 0;
virtual int Decode(T* buffer, int max_values) {
return GetInternal(buffer, max_values);
using Decoder<DType>::num_values_;
void InitBlock() {
int32_t block_size;
if (!decoder_.GetVlqInt(&block_size)) ParquetException::EofException();
if (!decoder_.GetVlqInt(&num_mini_blocks_)) ParquetException::EofException();
if (!decoder_.GetVlqInt(&values_current_block_)) {
if (!decoder_.GetZigZagVlqInt(&last_value_)) ParquetException::EofException();
PARQUET_THROW_NOT_OK(delta_bit_widths_->Resize(num_mini_blocks_, false));
uint8_t* bit_width_data = delta_bit_widths_->mutable_data();
if (!decoder_.GetZigZagVlqInt(&min_delta_)) ParquetException::EofException();
for (int i = 0; i < num_mini_blocks_; ++i) {
if (!decoder_.GetAligned<uint8_t>(1, bit_width_data + i)) {
values_per_mini_block_ = block_size / num_mini_blocks_;
mini_block_idx_ = 0;
delta_bit_width_ = bit_width_data[0];
values_current_mini_block_ = values_per_mini_block_;
template <typename T>
int GetInternal(T* buffer, int max_values) {
max_values = std::min(max_values, num_values_);
const uint8_t* bit_width_data = delta_bit_widths_->data();
for (int i = 0; i < max_values; ++i) {
if (UNLIKELY(values_current_mini_block_ == 0)) {
if (mini_block_idx_ < static_cast<size_t>(delta_bit_widths_->size())) {
delta_bit_width_ = bit_width_data[mini_block_idx_];
values_current_mini_block_ = values_per_mini_block_;
} else {
buffer[i] = last_value_;
// TODO: the key to this algorithm is to decode the entire miniblock at once.
int64_t delta;
if (!decoder_.GetValue(delta_bit_width_, &delta)) ParquetException::EofException();
delta += min_delta_;
last_value_ += static_cast<int32_t>(delta);
buffer[i] = last_value_;
num_values_ -= max_values;
return max_values;
::arrow::BitReader decoder_;
int32_t values_current_block_;
int32_t num_mini_blocks_;
uint64_t values_per_mini_block_;
uint64_t values_current_mini_block_;
int32_t min_delta_;
size_t mini_block_idx_;
std::unique_ptr<PoolBuffer> delta_bit_widths_;
int delta_bit_width_;
int32_t last_value_;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder : public Decoder<ByteArrayType> {
explicit DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder(
const ColumnDescriptor* descr,
::arrow::MemoryPool* pool = ::arrow::default_memory_pool())
: Decoder<ByteArrayType>(descr, Encoding::DELTA_LENGTH_BYTE_ARRAY),
len_decoder_(nullptr, pool) {}
virtual void SetData(int num_values, const uint8_t* data, int len) {
num_values_ = num_values;
if (len == 0) return;
int total_lengths_len = *reinterpret_cast<const int*>(data);
data += 4;
len_decoder_.SetData(num_values, data, total_lengths_len);
data_ = data + total_lengths_len;
len_ = len - 4 - total_lengths_len;
virtual int Decode(ByteArray* buffer, int max_values) {
max_values = std::min(max_values, num_values_);
std::vector<int> lengths(max_values);
len_decoder_.Decode(, max_values);
for (int i = 0; i < max_values; ++i) {
buffer[i].len = lengths[i];
buffer[i].ptr = data_;
data_ += lengths[i];
len_ -= lengths[i];
num_values_ -= max_values;
return max_values;
using Decoder<ByteArrayType>::num_values_;
DeltaBitPackDecoder<Int32Type> len_decoder_;
const uint8_t* data_;
int len_;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class DeltaByteArrayDecoder : public Decoder<ByteArrayType> {
explicit DeltaByteArrayDecoder(
const ColumnDescriptor* descr,
::arrow::MemoryPool* pool = ::arrow::default_memory_pool())
: Decoder<ByteArrayType>(descr, Encoding::DELTA_BYTE_ARRAY),
prefix_len_decoder_(nullptr, pool),
suffix_decoder_(nullptr, pool) {}
virtual void SetData(int num_values, const uint8_t* data, int len) {
num_values_ = num_values;
if (len == 0) return;
int prefix_len_length = *reinterpret_cast<const int*>(data);
data += 4;
len -= 4;
prefix_len_decoder_.SetData(num_values, data, prefix_len_length);
data += prefix_len_length;
len -= prefix_len_length;
suffix_decoder_.SetData(num_values, data, len);
// TODO: this doesn't work and requires memory management. We need to allocate
// new strings to store the results.
virtual int Decode(ByteArray* buffer, int max_values) {
max_values = std::min(max_values, num_values_);
for (int i = 0; i < max_values; ++i) {
int prefix_len = 0;
prefix_len_decoder_.Decode(&prefix_len, 1);
ByteArray suffix = {0, NULL};
suffix_decoder_.Decode(&suffix, 1);
buffer[i].len = prefix_len + suffix.len;
uint8_t* result = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(malloc(buffer[i].len));
memcpy(result, last_value_.ptr, prefix_len);
memcpy(result + prefix_len, suffix.ptr, suffix.len);
buffer[i].ptr = result;
last_value_ = buffer[i];
num_values_ -= max_values;
return max_values;
using Decoder<ByteArrayType>::num_values_;
DeltaBitPackDecoder<Int32Type> prefix_len_decoder_;
DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder suffix_decoder_;
ByteArray last_value_;
} // namespace parquet