PARQUET-918: Keep ordering in column indices when converting Parquet Schema

This is a follow up fix for [PARQUET-918](, do I need to create another jira for this?

Looks like some .idea files are included by accident. It looks no harm. Do I need to revert them?@wesm

cc @wesm @itaiin  for reviewing

Author: Xianjin YE <>

Closes #297 from advancedxy/master and squashes the following commits:

e606d9d [Xianjin YE] Add .idea/ to .gitignore and make style check happy.
1adb192 [Xianjin YE] Add API doc for FromParquetSchema(parquet_schema, column_indices, out)
8de263b [Xianjin YE] Keep ordering in column indices when converting Parquet Schema to Arrow Schema
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index aeb80e1..9de56ea 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -13,3 +13,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/parquet/arrow/ b/src/parquet/arrow/
index 85578ac..0f6b455 100644
--- a/src/parquet/arrow/
+++ b/src/parquet/arrow/
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@
     for (int i = 0; i < expected_schema->num_fields(); ++i) {
       auto lhs = result_schema_->field(i);
       auto rhs = expected_schema->field(i);
-      EXPECT_TRUE(lhs->Equals(rhs)) << i << " " << lhs->ToString()
-                                    << " != " << rhs->ToString();
+      EXPECT_TRUE(lhs->Equals(rhs))
+          << i << " " << lhs->ToString() << " != " << rhs->ToString();
@@ -433,6 +433,54 @@
+TEST_F(TestConvertParquetSchema, ParquetNestedSchemaPartialOrdering) {
+  std::vector<NodePtr> parquet_fields;
+  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Field>> arrow_fields;
+  // Full Parquet Schema:
+  // required group group1 {
+  //   required int64 leaf1;
+  //   required int64 leaf2;
+  // }
+  // required group group2 {
+  //   required int64 leaf3;
+  //   required int64 leaf4;
+  // }
+  // required int64 leaf5;
+  //
+  // Expected partial arrow schema (columns 3, 4, 0):
+  // required group group2 {
+  //   required int64 leaf4;
+  // }
+  // required int64 leaf5;
+  // required group group1 {
+  //   required int64 leaf1;
+  // }
+  {
+    parquet_fields.push_back(GroupNode::Make("group1", Repetition::REQUIRED,
+        {PrimitiveNode::Make("leaf1", Repetition::REQUIRED, ParquetType::INT64),
+            PrimitiveNode::Make("leaf2", Repetition::REQUIRED, ParquetType::INT64)}));
+    parquet_fields.push_back(GroupNode::Make("group2", Repetition::REQUIRED,
+        {PrimitiveNode::Make("leaf3", Repetition::REQUIRED, ParquetType::INT64),
+            PrimitiveNode::Make("leaf4", Repetition::REQUIRED, ParquetType::INT64)}));
+    parquet_fields.push_back(
+        PrimitiveNode::Make("leaf5", Repetition::REQUIRED, ParquetType::INT64));
+    auto group1_fields = {std::make_shared<Field>("leaf1", INT64, false)};
+    auto arrow_group1_type = std::make_shared<::arrow::StructType>(group1_fields);
+    auto group2_fields = {std::make_shared<Field>("leaf4", INT64, false)};
+    auto arrow_group2_type = std::make_shared<::arrow::StructType>(group2_fields);
+    arrow_fields.push_back(std::make_shared<Field>("group2", arrow_group2_type, false));
+    arrow_fields.push_back(std::make_shared<Field>("leaf5", INT64, false));
+    arrow_fields.push_back(std::make_shared<Field>("group1", arrow_group1_type, false));
+  }
+  auto arrow_schema = std::make_shared<::arrow::Schema>(arrow_fields);
+  ASSERT_OK(ConvertSchema(parquet_fields, {3, 4, 0}));
+  CheckFlatSchema(arrow_schema);
 TEST_F(TestConvertParquetSchema, ParquetRepeatedNestedSchema) {
   std::vector<NodePtr> parquet_fields;
   std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Field>> arrow_fields;
diff --git a/src/parquet/arrow/ b/src/parquet/arrow/
index 2c74839..25713a7 100644
--- a/src/parquet/arrow/
+++ b/src/parquet/arrow/
@@ -330,21 +330,26 @@
     const std::vector<int>& column_indices, std::shared_ptr<::arrow::Schema>* out) {
   // TODO(wesm): Consider adding an arrow::Schema name attribute, which comes
   // from the root Parquet node
-  const GroupNode* schema_node = parquet_schema->group_node();
   // Put the right leaf nodes in an unordered set
+  // Index in column_indices should be unique, duplicate indices are merged into one and
+  // ordering by its first appearing.
   int num_columns = static_cast<int>(column_indices.size());
+  std::unordered_set<NodePtr> top_nodes;  // to deduplicate the top nodes
+  std::vector<NodePtr> base_nodes;        // to keep the ordering
   std::unordered_set<NodePtr> included_leaf_nodes(num_columns);
   for (int i = 0; i < num_columns; i++) {
     auto column_desc = parquet_schema->Column(column_indices[i]);
+    auto column_root = parquet_schema->GetColumnRoot(column_indices[i]);
+    auto insertion = top_nodes.insert(column_root);
+    if (insertion.second) { base_nodes.push_back(column_root); }
   std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Field>> fields;
   std::shared_ptr<Field> field;
-  for (int i = 0; i < schema_node->field_count(); i++) {
-        NodeToFieldInternal(schema_node->field(i), &included_leaf_nodes, &field));
+  for (auto node : base_nodes) {
+    RETURN_NOT_OK(NodeToFieldInternal(node, &included_leaf_nodes, &field));
     if (field != nullptr) { fields.push_back(field); }
diff --git a/src/parquet/arrow/schema.h b/src/parquet/arrow/schema.h
index b93f088..1866fea 100644
--- a/src/parquet/arrow/schema.h
+++ b/src/parquet/arrow/schema.h
@@ -39,6 +39,13 @@
 ::arrow::Status PARQUET_EXPORT NodeToField(
     const schema::NodePtr& node, std::shared_ptr<::arrow::Field>* out);
+/// Convert parquet schema to arrow schema with selected indices
+/// \param parquet_schema to be converted
+/// \param column_indices indices of leaf nodes in parquet schema tree. Appearing ordering
+///                       matters for the converted schema. Repeated indices are ignored
+///                       except for the first one
+/// \param out the corresponding arrow schema
+/// \return Status::OK() on a successful conversion.
 ::arrow::Status PARQUET_EXPORT FromParquetSchema(const SchemaDescriptor* parquet_schema,
     const std::vector<int>& column_indices, std::shared_ptr<::arrow::Schema>* out);