blob: 50b4649e8769c29f08e956e0b0b31d9c4109d881 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "parquet/arrow/writer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "arrow/api.h"
#include "arrow/compute/api.h"
#include "arrow/util/bit-util.h"
#include "arrow/visitor_inline.h"
#include "parquet/arrow/schema.h"
#include "parquet/util/logging.h"
using arrow::Array;
using arrow::BinaryArray;
using arrow::BooleanArray;
using arrow::ChunkedArray;
using arrow::Decimal128Array;
using arrow::Field;
using arrow::FixedSizeBinaryArray;
using arrow::Int16Array;
using arrow::Int16Builder;
using arrow::ListArray;
using arrow::MemoryPool;
using arrow::NumericArray;
using arrow::PoolBuffer;
using arrow::PrimitiveArray;
using arrow::Status;
using arrow::Table;
using arrow::TimeUnit;
using arrow::compute::Cast;
using arrow::compute::CastOptions;
using arrow::compute::FunctionContext;
using parquet::ParquetFileWriter;
using parquet::ParquetVersion;
using parquet::schema::GroupNode;
namespace parquet {
namespace arrow {
namespace BitUtil = ::arrow::BitUtil;
std::shared_ptr<ArrowWriterProperties> default_arrow_writer_properties() {
static std::shared_ptr<ArrowWriterProperties> default_writer_properties =
return default_writer_properties;
namespace {
class LevelBuilder {
explicit LevelBuilder(MemoryPool* pool)
: def_levels_(::arrow::int16(), pool), rep_levels_(::arrow::int16(), pool) {}
Status VisitInline(const Array& array);
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<::arrow::FlatArray, T>::value, Status>::type
Visit(const T& array) {
values_array_ = std::make_shared<T>(;
return Status::OK();
Status Visit(const ListArray& array) {
min_offset_idx_ = array.value_offset(min_offset_idx_);
max_offset_idx_ = array.value_offset(max_offset_idx_);
return VisitInline(*array.values());
#define NOT_IMPLEMENTED_VISIT(ArrowTypePrefix) \
Status Visit(const ::arrow::ArrowTypePrefix##Array& array) { \
return Status::NotImplemented("Level generation for " #ArrowTypePrefix \
" not supported yet"); \
Status GenerateLevels(const Array& array, const std::shared_ptr<Field>& field,
int64_t* values_offset, int64_t* num_values, int64_t* num_levels,
const std::shared_ptr<PoolBuffer>& def_levels_scratch,
std::shared_ptr<Buffer>* def_levels_out,
std::shared_ptr<Buffer>* rep_levels_out,
std::shared_ptr<Array>* values_array) {
// Work downwards to extract bitmaps and offsets
min_offset_idx_ = 0;
max_offset_idx_ = array.length();
*num_values = max_offset_idx_ - min_offset_idx_;
*values_offset = min_offset_idx_;
*values_array = values_array_;
// Walk downwards to extract nullability
std::shared_ptr<Field> current_field = field;
while (current_field->type()->num_children() > 0) {
if (current_field->type()->num_children() > 1) {
return Status::NotImplemented(
"Fields with more than one child are not supported.");
} else {
current_field = current_field->type()->child(0);
// Generate the levels.
if (nullable_.size() == 1) {
// We have a PrimitiveArray
*rep_levels_out = nullptr;
if (nullable_[0]) {
def_levels_scratch->Resize(array.length() * sizeof(int16_t), false));
auto def_levels_ptr =
if (array.null_count() == 0) {
std::fill(def_levels_ptr, def_levels_ptr + array.length(), 1);
} else if (array.null_count() == array.length()) {
std::fill(def_levels_ptr, def_levels_ptr + array.length(), 0);
} else {
::arrow::internal::BitmapReader valid_bits_reader(
array.null_bitmap_data(), array.offset(), array.length());
for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) {
def_levels_ptr[i] = valid_bits_reader.IsSet() ? 1 : 0;
*def_levels_out = def_levels_scratch;
} else {
*def_levels_out = nullptr;
*num_levels = array.length();
} else {
RETURN_NOT_OK(HandleListEntries(0, 0, 0, array.length()));
std::shared_ptr<Array> def_levels_array;
std::shared_ptr<Array> rep_levels_array;
*def_levels_out = static_cast<PrimitiveArray*>(def_levels_array.get())->values();
*rep_levels_out = static_cast<PrimitiveArray*>(rep_levels_array.get())->values();
*num_levels = rep_levels_array->length();
return Status::OK();
Status HandleList(int16_t def_level, int16_t rep_level, int64_t index) {
if (nullable_[rep_level]) {
if (null_counts_[rep_level] == 0 ||
BitUtil::GetBit(valid_bitmaps_[rep_level], index + array_offsets_[rep_level])) {
return HandleNonNullList(static_cast<int16_t>(def_level + 1), rep_level, index);
} else {
return def_levels_.Append(def_level);
} else {
return HandleNonNullList(def_level, rep_level, index);
Status HandleNonNullList(int16_t def_level, int16_t rep_level, int64_t index) {
const int32_t inner_offset = offsets_[rep_level][index];
const int32_t inner_length = offsets_[rep_level][index + 1] - inner_offset;
const int64_t recursion_level = rep_level + 1;
if (inner_length == 0) {
return def_levels_.Append(def_level);
if (recursion_level < static_cast<int64_t>(offsets_.size())) {
return HandleListEntries(static_cast<int16_t>(def_level + 1),
static_cast<int16_t>(rep_level + 1), inner_offset,
} else {
// We have reached the leaf: primitive list, handle remaining nullables
const bool nullable_level = nullable_[recursion_level];
const int64_t level_null_count = null_counts_[recursion_level];
const uint8_t* level_valid_bitmap = valid_bitmaps_[recursion_level];
for (int64_t i = 0; i < inner_length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(rep_levels_.Append(static_cast<int16_t>(rep_level + 1)));
if (level_null_count && level_valid_bitmap == nullptr) {
// Special case: this is a null array (all elements are null)
RETURN_NOT_OK(def_levels_.Append(static_cast<int16_t>(def_level + 1)));
} else if (nullable_level && ((level_null_count == 0) ||
inner_offset + i + array_offsets_[recursion_level]))) {
// Non-null element in a null level
RETURN_NOT_OK(def_levels_.Append(static_cast<int16_t>(def_level + 2)));
} else {
// This can be produced in two case:
// * elements are nullable and this one is null (i.e. max_def_level = def_level
// + 2)
// * elements are non-nullable (i.e. max_def_level = def_level + 1)
RETURN_NOT_OK(def_levels_.Append(static_cast<int16_t>(def_level + 1)));
return Status::OK();
Status HandleListEntries(int16_t def_level, int16_t rep_level, int64_t offset,
int64_t length) {
for (int64_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(HandleList(def_level, rep_level, offset + i));
return Status::OK();
Int16Builder def_levels_;
Int16Builder rep_levels_;
std::vector<int64_t> null_counts_;
std::vector<const uint8_t*> valid_bitmaps_;
std::vector<const int32_t*> offsets_;
std::vector<int32_t> array_offsets_;
std::vector<bool> nullable_;
int64_t min_offset_idx_;
int64_t max_offset_idx_;
std::shared_ptr<Array> values_array_;
Status LevelBuilder::VisitInline(const Array& array) {
return VisitArrayInline(array, this);
struct ColumnWriterContext {
ColumnWriterContext(MemoryPool* memory_pool, ArrowWriterProperties* properties)
: memory_pool(memory_pool), properties(properties) {
this->data_buffer = std::make_shared<PoolBuffer>(memory_pool);
this->def_levels_buffer = std::make_shared<PoolBuffer>(memory_pool);
template <typename T>
Status GetScratchData(const int64_t num_values, T** out) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(this->data_buffer->Resize(num_values * sizeof(T), false));
*out = reinterpret_cast<T*>(this->data_buffer->mutable_data());
return Status::OK();
MemoryPool* memory_pool;
ArrowWriterProperties* properties;
// Buffer used for storing the data of an array converted to the physical type
// as expected by parquet-cpp.
std::shared_ptr<PoolBuffer> data_buffer;
// We use the shared ownership of this buffer
std::shared_ptr<PoolBuffer> def_levels_buffer;
Status GetLeafType(const ::arrow::DataType& type, ::arrow::Type::type* leaf_type) {
if ( == ::arrow::Type::LIST || == ::arrow::Type::STRUCT) {
if (type.num_children() != 1) {
return Status::Invalid("Nested column branch had multiple children");
return GetLeafType(*type.child(0)->type(), leaf_type);
} else {
*leaf_type =;
return Status::OK();
class ArrowColumnWriter {
ArrowColumnWriter(ColumnWriterContext* ctx, ColumnWriter* column_writer,
const std::shared_ptr<Field>& field)
: ctx_(ctx), writer_(column_writer), field_(field) {}
Status Write(const Array& data);
Status Write(const ChunkedArray& data, int64_t offset, const int64_t size) {
int64_t absolute_position = 0;
int chunk_index = 0;
int64_t chunk_offset = 0;
while (chunk_index < data.num_chunks() && absolute_position < offset) {
const int64_t chunk_length = data.chunk(chunk_index)->length();
if (absolute_position + chunk_length > offset) {
// Relative offset into the chunk to reach the desired start offset for
// writing
chunk_offset = offset - absolute_position;
} else {
absolute_position += chunk_length;
if (absolute_position >= data.length()) {
return Status::Invalid("Cannot write data at offset past end of chunked array");
int64_t values_written = 0;
while (values_written < size) {
const Array& chunk = *data.chunk(chunk_index);
const int64_t available_values = chunk.length() - chunk_offset;
const int64_t chunk_write_size = std::min(size - values_written, available_values);
// The chunk offset here will be 0 except for possibly the first chunk
// because of the advancing logic above
std::shared_ptr<Array> array_to_write = chunk.Slice(chunk_offset, chunk_write_size);
if (chunk_write_size == available_values) {
chunk_offset = 0;
values_written += chunk_write_size;
return Status::OK();
Status Close() {
return Status::OK();
template <typename ParquetType, typename ArrowType>
Status TypedWriteBatch(const Array& data, int64_t num_levels, const int16_t* def_levels,
const int16_t* rep_levels);
Status WriteTimestamps(const Array& data, int64_t num_levels, const int16_t* def_levels,
const int16_t* rep_levels);
Status WriteTimestampsCoerce(const Array& data, int64_t num_levels,
const int16_t* def_levels, const int16_t* rep_levels);
template <typename ParquetType, typename ArrowType>
Status WriteNonNullableBatch(const ArrowType& type, int64_t num_values,
int64_t num_levels, const int16_t* def_levels,
const int16_t* rep_levels,
const typename ArrowType::c_type* values);
template <typename ParquetType, typename ArrowType>
Status WriteNullableBatch(const ArrowType& type, int64_t num_values, int64_t num_levels,
const int16_t* def_levels, const int16_t* rep_levels,
const uint8_t* valid_bits, int64_t valid_bits_offset,
const typename ArrowType::c_type* values);
template <typename ParquetType>
Status WriteBatch(int64_t num_levels, const int16_t* def_levels,
const int16_t* rep_levels,
const typename ParquetType::c_type* values) {
auto typed_writer = static_cast<TypedColumnWriter<ParquetType>*>(writer_);
typed_writer->WriteBatch(num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels, values));
return Status::OK();
template <typename ParquetType>
Status WriteBatchSpaced(int64_t num_levels, const int16_t* def_levels,
const int16_t* rep_levels, const uint8_t* valid_bits,
int64_t valid_bits_offset,
const typename ParquetType::c_type* values) {
auto typed_writer = static_cast<TypedColumnWriter<ParquetType>*>(writer_);
num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels, valid_bits, valid_bits_offset, values));
return Status::OK();
ColumnWriterContext* ctx_;
ColumnWriter* writer_;
std::shared_ptr<Field> field_;
template <typename ParquetType, typename ArrowType>
Status ArrowColumnWriter::TypedWriteBatch(const Array& array, int64_t num_levels,
const int16_t* def_levels,
const int16_t* rep_levels) {
using ArrowCType = typename ArrowType::c_type;
const auto& data = static_cast<const PrimitiveArray&>(array);
auto values =
reinterpret_cast<const ArrowCType*>(data.values()->data()) + data.offset();
if (writer_->descr()->schema_node()->is_required() || (data.null_count() == 0)) {
// no nulls, just dump the data
RETURN_NOT_OK((WriteNonNullableBatch<ParquetType, ArrowType>(
static_cast<const ArrowType&>(*array.type()), array.length(), num_levels,
def_levels, rep_levels, values)));
} else {
const uint8_t* valid_bits = data.null_bitmap_data();
RETURN_NOT_OK((WriteNullableBatch<ParquetType, ArrowType>(
static_cast<const ArrowType&>(*array.type()), data.length(), num_levels,
def_levels, rep_levels, valid_bits, data.offset(), values)));
return Status::OK();
template <typename ParquetType, typename ArrowType>
Status ArrowColumnWriter::WriteNonNullableBatch(
const ArrowType& type, int64_t num_values, int64_t num_levels,
const int16_t* def_levels, const int16_t* rep_levels,
const typename ArrowType::c_type* values) {
using ParquetCType = typename ParquetType::c_type;
ParquetCType* buffer;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ctx_->GetScratchData<ParquetCType>(num_values, &buffer));
std::copy(values, values + num_values, buffer);
return WriteBatch<ParquetType>(num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels, buffer);
template <>
Status ArrowColumnWriter::WriteNonNullableBatch<Int32Type, ::arrow::Date64Type>(
const ::arrow::Date64Type& type, int64_t num_values, int64_t num_levels,
const int16_t* def_levels, const int16_t* rep_levels, const int64_t* values) {
int32_t* buffer;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ctx_->GetScratchData<int32_t>(num_levels, &buffer));
for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
buffer[i] = static_cast<int32_t>(values[i] / 86400000);
return WriteBatch<Int32Type>(num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels, buffer);
template <>
Status ArrowColumnWriter::WriteNonNullableBatch<Int32Type, ::arrow::Time32Type>(
const ::arrow::Time32Type& type, int64_t num_values, int64_t num_levels,
const int16_t* def_levels, const int16_t* rep_levels, const int32_t* values) {
int32_t* buffer;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ctx_->GetScratchData<int32_t>(num_levels, &buffer));
if (type.unit() == TimeUnit::SECOND) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
buffer[i] = values[i] * 1000;
} else {
std::copy(values, values + num_values, buffer);
return WriteBatch<Int32Type>(num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels, buffer);
#define NONNULLABLE_BATCH_FAST_PATH(ParquetType, ArrowType, CType) \
template <> \
Status ArrowColumnWriter::WriteNonNullableBatch<ParquetType, ArrowType>( \
const ArrowType& type, int64_t num_values, int64_t num_levels, \
const int16_t* def_levels, const int16_t* rep_levels, const CType* buffer) { \
return WriteBatch<ParquetType>(num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels, buffer); \
NONNULLABLE_BATCH_FAST_PATH(Int32Type, ::arrow::Int32Type, int32_t)
NONNULLABLE_BATCH_FAST_PATH(Int32Type, ::arrow::Date32Type, int32_t)
NONNULLABLE_BATCH_FAST_PATH(Int64Type, ::arrow::Int64Type, int64_t)
NONNULLABLE_BATCH_FAST_PATH(Int64Type, ::arrow::Time64Type, int64_t)
NONNULLABLE_BATCH_FAST_PATH(FloatType, ::arrow::FloatType, float)
NONNULLABLE_BATCH_FAST_PATH(DoubleType, ::arrow::DoubleType, double)
template <typename ParquetType, typename ArrowType>
Status ArrowColumnWriter::WriteNullableBatch(
const ArrowType& type, int64_t num_values, int64_t num_levels,
const int16_t* def_levels, const int16_t* rep_levels, const uint8_t* valid_bits,
int64_t valid_bits_offset, const typename ArrowType::c_type* values) {
using ParquetCType = typename ParquetType::c_type;
ParquetCType* buffer;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ctx_->GetScratchData<ParquetCType>(num_levels, &buffer));
for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
buffer[i] = static_cast<ParquetCType>(values[i]);
return WriteBatchSpaced<ParquetType>(num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels, valid_bits,
valid_bits_offset, buffer);
template <>
Status ArrowColumnWriter::WriteNullableBatch<Int32Type, ::arrow::Date64Type>(
const ::arrow::Date64Type& type, int64_t num_values, int64_t num_levels,
const int16_t* def_levels, const int16_t* rep_levels, const uint8_t* valid_bits,
int64_t valid_bits_offset, const int64_t* values) {
int32_t* buffer;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ctx_->GetScratchData<int32_t>(num_values, &buffer));
for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
// Convert from milliseconds into days since the epoch
buffer[i] = static_cast<int32_t>(values[i] / 86400000);
return WriteBatchSpaced<Int32Type>(num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels, valid_bits,
valid_bits_offset, buffer);
template <>
Status ArrowColumnWriter::WriteNullableBatch<Int32Type, ::arrow::Time32Type>(
const ::arrow::Time32Type& type, int64_t num_values, int64_t num_levels,
const int16_t* def_levels, const int16_t* rep_levels, const uint8_t* valid_bits,
int64_t valid_bits_offset, const int32_t* values) {
int32_t* buffer;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ctx_->GetScratchData<int32_t>(num_values, &buffer));
if (type.unit() == TimeUnit::SECOND) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
buffer[i] = values[i] * 1000;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
buffer[i] = values[i];
return WriteBatchSpaced<Int32Type>(num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels, valid_bits,
valid_bits_offset, buffer);
#define NULLABLE_BATCH_FAST_PATH(ParquetType, ArrowType, CType) \
template <> \
Status ArrowColumnWriter::WriteNullableBatch<ParquetType, ArrowType>( \
const ArrowType& type, int64_t num_values, int64_t num_levels, \
const int16_t* def_levels, const int16_t* rep_levels, const uint8_t* valid_bits, \
int64_t valid_bits_offset, const CType* values) { \
return WriteBatchSpaced<ParquetType>(num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels, valid_bits, \
valid_bits_offset, values); \
NULLABLE_BATCH_FAST_PATH(Int32Type, ::arrow::Int32Type, int32_t)
NULLABLE_BATCH_FAST_PATH(Int32Type, ::arrow::Date32Type, int32_t)
NULLABLE_BATCH_FAST_PATH(Int64Type, ::arrow::Int64Type, int64_t)
NULLABLE_BATCH_FAST_PATH(Int64Type, ::arrow::Time64Type, int64_t)
NULLABLE_BATCH_FAST_PATH(FloatType, ::arrow::FloatType, float)
NULLABLE_BATCH_FAST_PATH(DoubleType, ::arrow::DoubleType, double)
NULLABLE_BATCH_FAST_PATH(Int64Type, ::arrow::TimestampType, int64_t)
NONNULLABLE_BATCH_FAST_PATH(Int64Type, ::arrow::TimestampType, int64_t)
template <>
Status ArrowColumnWriter::WriteNullableBatch<Int96Type, ::arrow::TimestampType>(
const ::arrow::TimestampType& type, int64_t num_values, int64_t num_levels,
const int16_t* def_levels, const int16_t* rep_levels, const uint8_t* valid_bits,
int64_t valid_bits_offset, const int64_t* values) {
Int96* buffer;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ctx_->GetScratchData<Int96>(num_values, &buffer));
if (type.unit() == TimeUnit::NANO) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
internal::NanosecondsToImpalaTimestamp(values[i], &buffer[i]);
} else {
return Status::NotImplemented("Only NANO timestamps are supported for Int96 writing");
return WriteBatchSpaced<Int96Type>(num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels, valid_bits,
valid_bits_offset, buffer);
template <>
Status ArrowColumnWriter::WriteNonNullableBatch<Int96Type, ::arrow::TimestampType>(
const ::arrow::TimestampType& type, int64_t num_values, int64_t num_levels,
const int16_t* def_levels, const int16_t* rep_levels, const int64_t* values) {
Int96* buffer;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ctx_->GetScratchData<Int96>(num_values, &buffer));
if (type.unit() == TimeUnit::NANO) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_values; i++) {
internal::NanosecondsToImpalaTimestamp(values[i], buffer + i);
} else {
return Status::NotImplemented("Only NANO timestamps are supported for Int96 writing");
return WriteBatch<Int96Type>(num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels, buffer);
Status ArrowColumnWriter::WriteTimestamps(const Array& values, int64_t num_levels,
const int16_t* def_levels,
const int16_t* rep_levels) {
const auto& type = static_cast<const ::arrow::TimestampType&>(*values.type());
const bool is_nanosecond = type.unit() == TimeUnit::NANO;
// In the case where support_deprecated_int96_timestamps was specified
// and coerce_timestamps_enabled was specified, a nanosecond column
// will have a physical type of int64. In that case, we fall through
// to the else if below.
// See
if (is_nanosecond && ctx_->properties->support_deprecated_int96_timestamps() &&
!ctx_->properties->coerce_timestamps_enabled()) {
return TypedWriteBatch<Int96Type, ::arrow::TimestampType>(values, num_levels,
def_levels, rep_levels);
} else if (is_nanosecond ||
(ctx_->properties->coerce_timestamps_enabled() &&
(type.unit() != ctx_->properties->coerce_timestamps_unit()))) {
// Casting is required. This covers several cases
// * Nanoseconds -> cast to microseconds
// * coerce_timestamps_enabled_, cast all timestamps to requested unit
return WriteTimestampsCoerce(values, num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels);
} else {
// No casting of timestamps is required, take the fast path
return TypedWriteBatch<Int64Type, ::arrow::TimestampType>(values, num_levels,
def_levels, rep_levels);
Status ArrowColumnWriter::WriteTimestampsCoerce(const Array& array, int64_t num_levels,
const int16_t* def_levels,
const int16_t* rep_levels) {
int64_t* buffer;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ctx_->GetScratchData<int64_t>(num_levels, &buffer));
const auto& data = static_cast<const ::arrow::TimestampArray&>(array);
auto values = data.raw_values();
const auto& type = static_cast<const ::arrow::TimestampType&>(*array.type());
TimeUnit::type target_unit = ctx_->properties->coerce_timestamps_enabled()
? ctx_->properties->coerce_timestamps_unit()
: TimeUnit::MICRO;
auto target_type = ::arrow::timestamp(target_unit);
auto DivideBy = [&](const int64_t factor) {
for (int64_t i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) {
if (!data.IsNull(i) && (values[i] % factor != 0)) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Casting from " << type.ToString() << " to " << target_type->ToString()
<< " would lose data: " << values[i];
return Status::Invalid(ss.str());
buffer[i] = values[i] / factor;
return Status::OK();
auto MultiplyBy = [&](const int64_t factor) {
for (int64_t i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) {
buffer[i] = values[i] * factor;
return Status::OK();
if (type.unit() == TimeUnit::NANO) {
if (target_unit == TimeUnit::MICRO) {
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(TimeUnit::MILLI, target_unit);
} else if (type.unit() == TimeUnit::SECOND) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(MultiplyBy(target_unit == TimeUnit::MICRO ? 1000000 : 1000));
} else if (type.unit() == TimeUnit::MILLI) {
DCHECK_EQ(TimeUnit::MICRO, target_unit);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(TimeUnit::MILLI, target_unit);
if (writer_->descr()->schema_node()->is_required() || (data.null_count() == 0)) {
// no nulls, just dump the data
RETURN_NOT_OK((WriteNonNullableBatch<Int64Type, ::arrow::TimestampType>(
static_cast<const ::arrow::TimestampType&>(*target_type), array.length(),
num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels, buffer)));
} else {
const uint8_t* valid_bits = data.null_bitmap_data();
RETURN_NOT_OK((WriteNullableBatch<Int64Type, ::arrow::TimestampType>(
static_cast<const ::arrow::TimestampType&>(*target_type), array.length(),
num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels, valid_bits, data.offset(), buffer)));
return Status::OK();
// This specialization seems quite similar but it significantly differs in two points:
// * offset is added at the most latest time to the pointer as we have sub-byte access
// * Arrow data is stored bitwise thus we cannot use std::copy to transform from
// ArrowType::c_type to ParquetType::c_type
template <>
Status ArrowColumnWriter::TypedWriteBatch<BooleanType, ::arrow::BooleanType>(
const Array& array, int64_t num_levels, const int16_t* def_levels,
const int16_t* rep_levels) {
bool* buffer;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ctx_->GetScratchData<bool>(array.length(), &buffer));
const auto& data = static_cast<const BooleanArray&>(array);
auto values = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(data.values()->data());
int buffer_idx = 0;
int64_t offset = array.offset();
for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) {
if (!data.IsNull(i)) {
buffer[buffer_idx++] = BitUtil::GetBit(values, offset + i);
return WriteBatch<BooleanType>(num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels, buffer);
template <>
Status ArrowColumnWriter::TypedWriteBatch<Int32Type, ::arrow::NullType>(
const Array& array, int64_t num_levels, const int16_t* def_levels,
const int16_t* rep_levels) {
return WriteBatch<Int32Type>(num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels, nullptr);
template <>
Status ArrowColumnWriter::TypedWriteBatch<ByteArrayType, ::arrow::BinaryType>(
const Array& array, int64_t num_levels, const int16_t* def_levels,
const int16_t* rep_levels) {
ByteArray* buffer;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ctx_->GetScratchData<ByteArray>(num_levels, &buffer));
const auto& data = static_cast<const BinaryArray&>(array);
// In the case of an array consisting of only empty strings or all null,
// points already to a nullptr, thus>data() will
// segfault.
const uint8_t* values = nullptr;
if (data.value_data()) {
values = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(data.value_data()->data());
DCHECK(values != nullptr);
// Slice offset is accounted for in raw_value_offsets
const int32_t* value_offset = data.raw_value_offsets();
if (writer_->descr()->schema_node()->is_required() || (data.null_count() == 0)) {
// no nulls, just dump the data
for (int64_t i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) {
buffer[i] =
ByteArray(value_offset[i + 1] - value_offset[i], values + value_offset[i]);
} else {
int buffer_idx = 0;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) {
if (!data.IsNull(i)) {
buffer[buffer_idx++] =
ByteArray(value_offset[i + 1] - value_offset[i], values + value_offset[i]);
return WriteBatch<ByteArrayType>(num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels, buffer);
template <>
Status ArrowColumnWriter::TypedWriteBatch<FLBAType, ::arrow::FixedSizeBinaryType>(
const Array& array, int64_t num_levels, const int16_t* def_levels,
const int16_t* rep_levels) {
const auto& data = static_cast<const FixedSizeBinaryArray&>(array);
const int64_t length = data.length();
FLBA* buffer;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ctx_->GetScratchData<FLBA>(num_levels, &buffer));
if (writer_->descr()->schema_node()->is_required() || data.null_count() == 0) {
// no nulls, just dump the data
// todo(advancedxy): use a writeBatch to avoid this step
for (int64_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
buffer[i] = FixedLenByteArray(data.GetValue(i));
} else {
int buffer_idx = 0;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (!data.IsNull(i)) {
buffer[buffer_idx++] = FixedLenByteArray(data.GetValue(i));
return WriteBatch<FLBAType>(num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels, buffer);
template <>
Status ArrowColumnWriter::TypedWriteBatch<FLBAType, ::arrow::Decimal128Type>(
const Array& array, int64_t num_levels, const int16_t* def_levels,
const int16_t* rep_levels) {
const auto& data = static_cast<const Decimal128Array&>(array);
const int64_t length = data.length();
FLBA* buffer;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ctx_->GetScratchData<FLBA>(num_levels, &buffer));
const auto& decimal_type = static_cast<const ::arrow::Decimal128Type&>(*data.type());
const int32_t offset =
decimal_type.byte_width() - DecimalSize(decimal_type.precision());
const bool does_not_have_nulls =
writer_->descr()->schema_node()->is_required() || data.null_count() == 0;
// TODO(phillipc): This is potentially very wasteful if we have a lot of nulls
std::vector<uint64_t> big_endian_values(static_cast<size_t>(length) * 2);
// TODO(phillipc): Look into whether our compilers will perform loop unswitching so we
// don't have to keep writing two loops to handle the case where we know there are no
// nulls
if (does_not_have_nulls) {
// no nulls, just dump the data
// todo(advancedxy): use a writeBatch to avoid this step
for (int64_t i = 0, j = 0; i < length; ++i, j += 2) {
auto unsigned_64_bit = reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(data.GetValue(i));
big_endian_values[j] = ::arrow::BitUtil::ToBigEndian(unsigned_64_bit[1]);
big_endian_values[j + 1] = ::arrow::BitUtil::ToBigEndian(unsigned_64_bit[0]);
buffer[i] = FixedLenByteArray(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&big_endian_values[j]) + offset);
} else {
for (int64_t i = 0, buffer_idx = 0, j = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (!data.IsNull(i)) {
auto unsigned_64_bit = reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(data.GetValue(i));
big_endian_values[j] = ::arrow::BitUtil::ToBigEndian(unsigned_64_bit[1]);
big_endian_values[j + 1] = ::arrow::BitUtil::ToBigEndian(unsigned_64_bit[0]);
buffer[buffer_idx++] = FixedLenByteArray(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&big_endian_values[j]) + offset);
j += 2;
return WriteBatch<FLBAType>(num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels, buffer);
Status ArrowColumnWriter::Write(const Array& data) {
::arrow::Type::type values_type;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetLeafType(*data.type(), &values_type));
std::shared_ptr<Array> _values_array;
int64_t values_offset;
int64_t num_levels;
int64_t num_values;
LevelBuilder level_builder(ctx_->memory_pool);
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> def_levels_buffer, rep_levels_buffer;
data, field_, &values_offset, &num_values, &num_levels, ctx_->def_levels_buffer,
&def_levels_buffer, &rep_levels_buffer, &_values_array));
const int16_t* def_levels = nullptr;
if (def_levels_buffer) {
def_levels = reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(def_levels_buffer->data());
const int16_t* rep_levels = nullptr;
if (rep_levels_buffer) {
rep_levels = reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(rep_levels_buffer->data());
std::shared_ptr<Array> values_array = _values_array->Slice(values_offset, num_values);
#define WRITE_BATCH_CASE(ArrowEnum, ArrowType, ParquetType) \
case ::arrow::Type::ArrowEnum: \
return TypedWriteBatch<ParquetType, ::arrow::ArrowType>(*values_array, num_levels, \
def_levels, rep_levels);
switch (values_type) {
case ::arrow::Type::UINT32: {
if (writer_->properties()->version() == ParquetVersion::PARQUET_1_0) {
// Parquet 1.0 reader cannot read the UINT_32 logical type. Thus we need
// to use the larger Int64Type to store them lossless.
return TypedWriteBatch<Int64Type, ::arrow::UInt32Type>(*values_array, num_levels,
def_levels, rep_levels);
} else {
return TypedWriteBatch<Int32Type, ::arrow::UInt32Type>(*values_array, num_levels,
def_levels, rep_levels);
WRITE_BATCH_CASE(NA, NullType, Int32Type)
case ::arrow::Type::TIMESTAMP:
return WriteTimestamps(*values_array, num_levels, def_levels, rep_levels);
WRITE_BATCH_CASE(BOOL, BooleanType, BooleanType)
WRITE_BATCH_CASE(INT8, Int8Type, Int32Type)
WRITE_BATCH_CASE(INT16, Int16Type, Int32Type)
WRITE_BATCH_CASE(UINT16, UInt16Type, Int32Type)
WRITE_BATCH_CASE(INT32, Int32Type, Int32Type)
WRITE_BATCH_CASE(INT64, Int64Type, Int64Type)
WRITE_BATCH_CASE(UINT64, UInt64Type, Int64Type)
WRITE_BATCH_CASE(DOUBLE, DoubleType, DoubleType)
WRITE_BATCH_CASE(BINARY, BinaryType, ByteArrayType)
WRITE_BATCH_CASE(STRING, BinaryType, ByteArrayType)
WRITE_BATCH_CASE(DATE32, Date32Type, Int32Type)
WRITE_BATCH_CASE(DATE64, Date64Type, Int32Type)
WRITE_BATCH_CASE(TIME32, Time32Type, Int32Type)
WRITE_BATCH_CASE(TIME64, Time64Type, Int64Type)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Data type not supported as list value: " << values_array->type()->ToString();
return Status::NotImplemented(ss.str());
} // namespace
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// FileWriter implementation
class FileWriter::Impl {
Impl(MemoryPool* pool, std::unique_ptr<ParquetFileWriter> writer,
const std::shared_ptr<ArrowWriterProperties>& arrow_properties)
: writer_(std::move(writer)),
column_write_context_(pool, arrow_properties.get()),
closed_(false) {}
Status NewRowGroup(int64_t chunk_size) {
if (row_group_writer_ != nullptr) {
PARQUET_CATCH_NOT_OK(row_group_writer_ = writer_->AppendRowGroup());
return Status::OK();
Status Close() {
if (!closed_) {
// Make idempotent
closed_ = true;
if (row_group_writer_ != nullptr) {
return Status::OK();
Status WriteColumnChunk(const Array& data) {
// A bit awkward here since cannot instantiate ChunkedArray from const Array&
::arrow::ArrayVector chunks = {::arrow::MakeArray(};
auto chunked_array = std::make_shared<::arrow::ChunkedArray>(chunks);
return WriteColumnChunk(chunked_array, 0, data.length());
Status WriteColumnChunk(const std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray>& data, int64_t offset,
const int64_t size) {
// DictionaryArrays are not yet handled with a fast path. To still support
// writing them as a workaround, we convert them back to their non-dictionary
// representation.
if (data->type()->id() == ::arrow::Type::DICTIONARY) {
const ::arrow::DictionaryType& dict_type =
static_cast<const ::arrow::DictionaryType&>(*data->type());
// TODO(ARROW-1648): Remove this special handling once we require an Arrow
// version that has this fixed.
if (dict_type.dictionary()->type()->id() == ::arrow::Type::NA) {
auto null_array = std::make_shared<::arrow::NullArray>(data->length());
return WriteColumnChunk(*null_array);
FunctionContext ctx(this->memory_pool());
::arrow::compute::Datum cast_input(data);
::arrow::compute::Datum cast_output;
RETURN_NOT_OK(Cast(&ctx, cast_input, dict_type.dictionary()->type(), CastOptions(),
return WriteColumnChunk(cast_output.chunked_array(), offset, size);
ColumnWriter* column_writer;
PARQUET_CATCH_NOT_OK(column_writer = row_group_writer_->NextColumn());
// TODO(wesm): This trick to construct a schema for one Parquet root node
// will not work for arbitrary nested data
int current_column_idx = row_group_writer_->current_column();
std::shared_ptr<::arrow::Schema> arrow_schema;
RETURN_NOT_OK(FromParquetSchema(writer_->schema(), {current_column_idx - 1},
writer_->key_value_metadata(), &arrow_schema));
ArrowColumnWriter arrow_writer(&column_write_context_, column_writer,
RETURN_NOT_OK(arrow_writer.Write(*data, offset, size));
return arrow_writer.Close();
const WriterProperties& properties() const { return *writer_->properties(); }
::arrow::MemoryPool* memory_pool() const { return column_write_context_.memory_pool; }
virtual ~Impl() {}
friend class FileWriter;
std::unique_ptr<ParquetFileWriter> writer_;
RowGroupWriter* row_group_writer_;
ColumnWriterContext column_write_context_;
std::shared_ptr<ArrowWriterProperties> arrow_properties_;
bool closed_;
Status FileWriter::NewRowGroup(int64_t chunk_size) {
return impl_->NewRowGroup(chunk_size);
Status FileWriter::WriteColumnChunk(const ::arrow::Array& data) {
return impl_->WriteColumnChunk(data);
Status FileWriter::WriteColumnChunk(const std::shared_ptr<::arrow::ChunkedArray>& data,
const int64_t offset, const int64_t size) {
return impl_->WriteColumnChunk(data, offset, size);
Status FileWriter::WriteColumnChunk(const std::shared_ptr<::arrow::ChunkedArray>& data) {
return WriteColumnChunk(data, 0, data->length());
Status FileWriter::Close() { return impl_->Close(); }
MemoryPool* FileWriter::memory_pool() const { return impl_->memory_pool(); }
FileWriter::~FileWriter() {}
FileWriter::FileWriter(MemoryPool* pool, std::unique_ptr<ParquetFileWriter> writer,
const std::shared_ptr<ArrowWriterProperties>& arrow_properties)
: impl_(new FileWriter::Impl(pool, std::move(writer), arrow_properties)) {}
Status FileWriter::Open(const ::arrow::Schema& schema, ::arrow::MemoryPool* pool,
const std::shared_ptr<OutputStream>& sink,
const std::shared_ptr<WriterProperties>& properties,
std::unique_ptr<FileWriter>* writer) {
return Open(schema, pool, sink, properties, default_arrow_writer_properties(), writer);
Status FileWriter::Open(const ::arrow::Schema& schema, ::arrow::MemoryPool* pool,
const std::shared_ptr<OutputStream>& sink,
const std::shared_ptr<WriterProperties>& properties,
const std::shared_ptr<ArrowWriterProperties>& arrow_properties,
std::unique_ptr<FileWriter>* writer) {
std::shared_ptr<SchemaDescriptor> parquet_schema;
ToParquetSchema(&schema, *properties, *arrow_properties, &parquet_schema));
auto schema_node = std::static_pointer_cast<GroupNode>(parquet_schema->schema_root());
std::unique_ptr<ParquetFileWriter> base_writer =
ParquetFileWriter::Open(sink, schema_node, properties, schema.metadata());
writer->reset(new FileWriter(pool, std::move(base_writer), arrow_properties));
return Status::OK();
Status FileWriter::Open(const ::arrow::Schema& schema, ::arrow::MemoryPool* pool,
const std::shared_ptr<::arrow::io::OutputStream>& sink,
const std::shared_ptr<WriterProperties>& properties,
std::unique_ptr<FileWriter>* writer) {
auto wrapper = std::make_shared<ArrowOutputStream>(sink);
return Open(schema, pool, wrapper, properties, writer);
Status FileWriter::Open(const ::arrow::Schema& schema, ::arrow::MemoryPool* pool,
const std::shared_ptr<::arrow::io::OutputStream>& sink,
const std::shared_ptr<WriterProperties>& properties,
const std::shared_ptr<ArrowWriterProperties>& arrow_properties,
std::unique_ptr<FileWriter>* writer) {
auto wrapper = std::make_shared<ArrowOutputStream>(sink);
return Open(schema, pool, wrapper, properties, arrow_properties, writer);
namespace {} // namespace
Status FileWriter::WriteTable(const Table& table, int64_t chunk_size) {
if (chunk_size <= 0) {
return Status::Invalid("chunk size per row_group must be greater than 0");
} else if (chunk_size > impl_->properties().max_row_group_length()) {
chunk_size = impl_->properties().max_row_group_length();
for (int chunk = 0; chunk * chunk_size < table.num_rows(); chunk++) {
int64_t offset = chunk * chunk_size;
int64_t size = std::min(chunk_size, table.num_rows() - offset);
for (int i = 0; i < table.num_columns(); i++) {
auto chunked_data = table.column(i)->data();
RETURN_NOT_OK_ELSE(WriteColumnChunk(chunked_data, offset, size),
return Status::OK();
Status WriteTable(const ::arrow::Table& table, ::arrow::MemoryPool* pool,
const std::shared_ptr<OutputStream>& sink, int64_t chunk_size,
const std::shared_ptr<WriterProperties>& properties,
const std::shared_ptr<ArrowWriterProperties>& arrow_properties) {
std::unique_ptr<FileWriter> writer;
RETURN_NOT_OK(FileWriter::Open(*table.schema(), pool, sink, properties,
arrow_properties, &writer));
RETURN_NOT_OK(writer->WriteTable(table, chunk_size));
return writer->Close();
Status WriteTable(const ::arrow::Table& table, ::arrow::MemoryPool* pool,
const std::shared_ptr<::arrow::io::OutputStream>& sink,
int64_t chunk_size, const std::shared_ptr<WriterProperties>& properties,
const std::shared_ptr<ArrowWriterProperties>& arrow_properties) {
auto wrapper = std::make_shared<ArrowOutputStream>(sink);
return WriteTable(table, pool, wrapper, chunk_size, properties, arrow_properties);
} // namespace arrow
} // namespace parquet