blob: e0c6585d938159e23de574d79c101f21ae9ff903 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <arrow/util/bit-util.h>
#include "parquet/column/levels.h"
#include "parquet/column/page.h"
#include "parquet/encoding.h"
#include "parquet/exception.h"
#include "parquet/schema.h"
#include "parquet/types.h"
#include "parquet/util/memory.h"
#include "parquet/util/visibility.h"
namespace parquet {
class PARQUET_EXPORT ColumnReader {
ColumnReader(const ColumnDescriptor*, std::unique_ptr<PageReader>,
::arrow::MemoryPool* pool = ::arrow::default_memory_pool());
virtual ~ColumnReader();
static std::shared_ptr<ColumnReader> Make(const ColumnDescriptor* descr,
std::unique_ptr<PageReader> pager,
::arrow::MemoryPool* pool = ::arrow::default_memory_pool());
// Returns true if there are still values in this column.
bool HasNext() {
// Either there is no data page available yet, or the data page has been
// exhausted
if (num_buffered_values_ == 0 || num_decoded_values_ == num_buffered_values_) {
if (!ReadNewPage() || num_buffered_values_ == 0) { return false; }
return true;
Type::type type() const { return descr_->physical_type(); }
const ColumnDescriptor* descr() const { return descr_; }
virtual bool ReadNewPage() = 0;
// Read multiple definition levels into preallocated memory
// Returns the number of decoded definition levels
int64_t ReadDefinitionLevels(int64_t batch_size, int16_t* levels);
// Read multiple repetition levels into preallocated memory
// Returns the number of decoded repetition levels
int64_t ReadRepetitionLevels(int64_t batch_size, int16_t* levels);
const ColumnDescriptor* descr_;
std::unique_ptr<PageReader> pager_;
std::shared_ptr<Page> current_page_;
// Not set if full schema for this field has no optional or repeated elements
LevelDecoder definition_level_decoder_;
// Not set for flat schemas.
LevelDecoder repetition_level_decoder_;
// The total number of values stored in the data page. This is the maximum of
// the number of encoded definition levels or encoded values. For
// non-repeated, required columns, this is equal to the number of encoded
// values. For repeated or optional values, there may be fewer data values
// than levels, and this tells you how many encoded levels there are in that
// case.
int num_buffered_values_;
// The number of values from the current data page that have been decoded
// into memory
int num_decoded_values_;
::arrow::MemoryPool* pool_;
// API to read values from a single column. This is the main client facing API.
template <typename DType>
class PARQUET_EXPORT TypedColumnReader : public ColumnReader {
typedef typename DType::c_type T;
TypedColumnReader(const ColumnDescriptor* schema, std::unique_ptr<PageReader> pager,
::arrow::MemoryPool* pool = ::arrow::default_memory_pool())
: ColumnReader(schema, std::move(pager), pool), current_decoder_(NULL) {}
virtual ~TypedColumnReader() {}
// Read a batch of repetition levels, definition levels, and values from the
// column.
// Since null values are not stored in the values, the number of values read
// may be less than the number of repetition and definition levels. With
// nested data this is almost certainly true.
// Set def_levels or rep_levels to nullptr if you want to skip reading them.
// This is only safe if you know through some other source that there are no
// undefined values.
// To fully exhaust a row group, you must read batches until the number of
// values read reaches the number of stored values according to the metadata.
// This API is the same for both V1 and V2 of the DataPage
// @returns: actual number of levels read (see values_read for number of values read)
int64_t ReadBatch(int batch_size, int16_t* def_levels, int16_t* rep_levels, T* values,
int64_t* values_read);
/// Read a batch of repetition levels, definition levels, and values from the
/// column and leave spaces for null entries on the lowest level in the values
/// buffer.
/// In comparision to ReadBatch the length of repetition and definition levels
/// is the same as of the number of values read for max_definition_level == 1.
/// In the case of max_definition_level > 1, the repetition and definition
/// levels are larger than the values but the values include the null entries
/// with definition_level == (max_definition_level - 1).
/// To fully exhaust a row group, you must read batches until the number of
/// values read reaches the number of stored values according to the metadata.
/// @param batch_size the number of levels to read
/// @param[out] def_levels The Parquet definition levels, output has
/// the length levels_read.
/// @param[out] rep_levels The Parquet repetition levels, output has
/// the length levels_read.
/// @param[out] values The values in the lowest nested level including
/// spacing for nulls on the lowest levels; output has the length
/// values_read.
/// @param[out] valid_bits Memory allocated for a bitmap that indicates if
/// the row is null or on the maximum definition level. For performance
/// reasons the underlying buffer should be able to store 1 bit more than
/// required. If this requires an additional byte, this byte is only read
/// but never written to.
/// @param valid_bits_offset The offset in bits of the valid_bits where the
/// first relevant bit resides.
/// @param[out] levels_read The number of repetition/definition levels that were read.
/// @param[out] values_read The number of values read, this includes all
/// non-null entries as well as all null-entries on the lowest level
/// (i.e. definition_level == max_definition_level - 1)
/// @param[out] null_count The number of nulls on the lowest levels.
/// (i.e. (values_read - null_count) is total number of non-null entries)
int64_t ReadBatchSpaced(int batch_size, int16_t* def_levels, int16_t* rep_levels,
T* values, uint8_t* valid_bits, int64_t valid_bits_offset, int64_t* levels_read,
int64_t* values_read, int64_t* null_count);
// Skip reading levels
// Returns the number of levels skipped
int64_t Skip(int64_t num_rows_to_skip);
typedef Decoder<DType> DecoderType;
// Advance to the next data page
virtual bool ReadNewPage();
// Read up to batch_size values from the current data page into the
// pre-allocated memory T*
// @returns: the number of values read into the out buffer
int64_t ReadValues(int64_t batch_size, T* out);
// Read up to batch_size values from the current data page into the
// pre-allocated memory T*, leaving spaces for null entries according
// to the def_levels.
// @returns: the number of values read into the out buffer
int64_t ReadValuesSpaced(int64_t batch_size, T* out, int null_count,
uint8_t* valid_bits, int64_t valid_bits_offset);
// Map of encoding type to the respective decoder object. For example, a
// column chunk's data pages may include both dictionary-encoded and
// plain-encoded data.
std::unordered_map<int, std::shared_ptr<DecoderType>> decoders_;
void ConfigureDictionary(const DictionaryPage* page);
DecoderType* current_decoder_;
template <typename DType>
inline int64_t TypedColumnReader<DType>::ReadValues(int64_t batch_size, T* out) {
int64_t num_decoded = current_decoder_->Decode(out, batch_size);
return num_decoded;
template <typename DType>
inline int64_t TypedColumnReader<DType>::ReadValuesSpaced(int64_t batch_size, T* out,
int null_count, uint8_t* valid_bits, int64_t valid_bits_offset) {
return current_decoder_->DecodeSpaced(
out, batch_size, null_count, valid_bits, valid_bits_offset);
template <typename DType>
inline int64_t TypedColumnReader<DType>::ReadBatch(int batch_size, int16_t* def_levels,
int16_t* rep_levels, T* values, int64_t* values_read) {
// HasNext invokes ReadNewPage
if (!HasNext()) {
*values_read = 0;
return 0;
// TODO(wesm): keep reading data pages until batch_size is reached, or the
// row group is finished
batch_size = std::min(batch_size, num_buffered_values_ - num_decoded_values_);
int64_t num_def_levels = 0;
int64_t num_rep_levels = 0;
int64_t values_to_read = 0;
// If the field is required and non-repeated, there are no definition levels
if (descr_->max_definition_level() > 0 && def_levels) {
num_def_levels = ReadDefinitionLevels(batch_size, def_levels);
// TODO(wesm): this tallying of values-to-decode can be performed with better
// cache-efficiency if fused with the level decoding.
for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_def_levels; ++i) {
if (def_levels[i] == descr_->max_definition_level()) { ++values_to_read; }
} else {
// Required field, read all values
values_to_read = batch_size;
// Not present for non-repeated fields
if (descr_->max_repetition_level() > 0 && rep_levels) {
num_rep_levels = ReadRepetitionLevels(batch_size, rep_levels);
if (def_levels && num_def_levels != num_rep_levels) {
throw ParquetException("Number of decoded rep / def levels did not match");
*values_read = ReadValues(values_to_read, values);
int64_t total_values = std::max(num_def_levels, *values_read);
num_decoded_values_ += total_values;
return total_values;
inline void DefinitionLevelsToBitmap(const int16_t* def_levels, int64_t num_def_levels,
int16_t max_definition_level, int64_t* values_read, int64_t* null_count,
uint8_t* valid_bits, int64_t valid_bits_offset) {
int byte_offset = valid_bits_offset / 8;
int bit_offset = valid_bits_offset % 8;
uint8_t bitset = valid_bits[byte_offset];
for (int i = 0; i < num_def_levels; ++i) {
if (def_levels[i] == max_definition_level) {
bitset |= (1 << bit_offset);
} else if (def_levels[i] == (max_definition_level - 1)) {
bitset &= ~(1 << bit_offset);
*null_count += 1;
} else {
if (bit_offset == 8) {
bit_offset = 0;
valid_bits[byte_offset] = bitset;
// TODO: Except for the last byte, this shouldn't be needed
bitset = valid_bits[byte_offset];
if (bit_offset != 0) { valid_bits[byte_offset] = bitset; }
*values_read = (bit_offset + byte_offset * 8 - valid_bits_offset);
template <typename DType>
inline int64_t TypedColumnReader<DType>::ReadBatchSpaced(int batch_size,
int16_t* def_levels, int16_t* rep_levels, T* values, uint8_t* valid_bits,
int64_t valid_bits_offset, int64_t* levels_read, int64_t* values_read,
int64_t* null_count_out) {
// HasNext invokes ReadNewPage
if (!HasNext()) {
*levels_read = 0;
*values_read = 0;
*null_count_out = 0;
return 0;
int64_t total_values;
// TODO(wesm): keep reading data pages until batch_size is reached, or the
// row group is finished
batch_size = std::min(batch_size, num_buffered_values_ - num_decoded_values_);
// If the field is required and non-repeated, there are no definition levels
if (descr_->max_definition_level() > 0) {
int64_t num_def_levels = ReadDefinitionLevels(batch_size, def_levels);
// Not present for non-repeated fields
if (descr_->max_repetition_level() > 0) {
int64_t num_rep_levels = ReadRepetitionLevels(batch_size, rep_levels);
if (num_def_levels != num_rep_levels) {
throw ParquetException("Number of decoded rep / def levels did not match");
int64_t null_count = 0;
if (descr_->schema_node()->is_required()) {
// Node is required so there are no null entries on the lowest nesting level.
int values_to_read = 0;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_def_levels; ++i) {
if (def_levels[i] == descr_->max_definition_level()) { ++values_to_read; }
total_values = ReadValues(values_to_read, values);
for (int64_t i = 0; i < total_values; i++) {
::arrow::BitUtil::SetBit(valid_bits, valid_bits_offset + i);
*values_read = total_values;
} else {
int16_t max_definition_level = descr_->max_definition_level();
DefinitionLevelsToBitmap(def_levels, num_def_levels, max_definition_level,
values_read, &null_count, valid_bits, valid_bits_offset);
total_values = ReadValuesSpaced(
*values_read, values, null_count, valid_bits, valid_bits_offset);
*levels_read = num_def_levels;
*null_count_out = null_count;
} else {
// Required field, read all values
total_values = ReadValues(batch_size, values);
for (int64_t i = 0; i < total_values; i++) {
::arrow::BitUtil::SetBit(valid_bits, valid_bits_offset + i);
*null_count_out = 0;
*levels_read = total_values;
num_decoded_values_ += *levels_read;
return total_values;
template <typename DType>
inline int64_t TypedColumnReader<DType>::Skip(int64_t num_rows_to_skip) {
int64_t rows_to_skip = num_rows_to_skip;
while (HasNext() && rows_to_skip > 0) {
// If the number of rows to skip is more than the number of undecoded values, skip the
// Page.
if (rows_to_skip > (num_buffered_values_ - num_decoded_values_)) {
rows_to_skip -= num_buffered_values_ - num_decoded_values_;
num_decoded_values_ = num_buffered_values_;
} else {
// We need to read this Page
// Jump to the right offset in the Page
int64_t batch_size = 1024; // ReadBatch with a smaller memory footprint
int64_t values_read = 0;
std::shared_ptr<PoolBuffer> vals = AllocateBuffer(
this->pool_, batch_size * type_traits<DType::type_num>::value_byte_size);
std::shared_ptr<PoolBuffer> def_levels =
AllocateBuffer(this->pool_, batch_size * sizeof(int16_t));
std::shared_ptr<PoolBuffer> rep_levels =
AllocateBuffer(this->pool_, batch_size * sizeof(int16_t));
do {
batch_size = std::min(batch_size, rows_to_skip);
values_read =
ReadBatch(batch_size, reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(def_levels->mutable_data()),
reinterpret_cast<T*>(vals->mutable_data()), &values_read);
rows_to_skip -= values_read;
} while (values_read > 0 && rows_to_skip > 0);
return num_rows_to_skip - rows_to_skip;
typedef TypedColumnReader<BooleanType> BoolReader;
typedef TypedColumnReader<Int32Type> Int32Reader;
typedef TypedColumnReader<Int64Type> Int64Reader;
typedef TypedColumnReader<Int96Type> Int96Reader;
typedef TypedColumnReader<FloatType> FloatReader;
typedef TypedColumnReader<DoubleType> DoubleReader;
typedef TypedColumnReader<ByteArrayType> ByteArrayReader;
typedef TypedColumnReader<FLBAType> FixedLenByteArrayReader;
extern template class PARQUET_EXPORT TypedColumnReader<BooleanType>;
extern template class PARQUET_EXPORT TypedColumnReader<Int32Type>;
extern template class PARQUET_EXPORT TypedColumnReader<Int64Type>;
extern template class PARQUET_EXPORT TypedColumnReader<Int96Type>;
extern template class PARQUET_EXPORT TypedColumnReader<FloatType>;
extern template class PARQUET_EXPORT TypedColumnReader<DoubleType>;
extern template class PARQUET_EXPORT TypedColumnReader<ByteArrayType>;
extern template class PARQUET_EXPORT TypedColumnReader<FLBAType>;
} // namespace parquet