blob: c50daa724dad1a745a184b4f333df86c064c6932 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test ozone admin container command
Library BuiltIn
Resource ../commonlib.robot
Test Timeout 5 minutes
Suite Setup Create test data
*** Variables ***
${SCM} scm
*** Keywords ***
Create test data
Run Keyword if '${SECURITY_ENABLED}' == 'true' Kinit test user testuser testuser.keytab
Execute ozone freon ockg -n1 -t1 -p container
Container is closed
[arguments] ${container}
${output} = Execute ozone admin container info "${container}"
Should contain ${output} CLOSED
*** Test Cases ***
Create container
${output} = Execute ozone admin container create
Should contain ${output} is created
${container} = Execute echo "${output}" | grep 'is created' | cut -f2 -d' '
Set Suite Variable ${CONTAINER} ${container}
List containers
${output} = Execute ozone admin container list
Should contain ${output} OPEN
List containers with explicit host
${output} = Execute ozone admin container list --scm ${SCM}
Should contain ${output} OPEN
List containers with container state
${output} = Execute ozone admin container list --state=CLOSED
Should Not contain ${output} OPEN
List containers with replication factor ONE
${output} = Execute ozone admin container list -t RATIS -r ONE
Should Not contain ${output} THREE
List containers with replication factor THREE
${output} = Execute ozone admin container list -t RATIS -r THREE
Should Not contain ${output} ONE
Container info
${output} = Execute ozone admin container info "${CONTAINER}"
Should contain ${output} Container id: ${CONTAINER}
Should contain ${output} Pipeline id
Should contain ${output} Datanodes
Verbose container info
${output} = Execute ozone admin --verbose container info "${CONTAINER}"
Should contain ${output} Pipeline Info
List containers as JSON
${output} = Execute ozone admin container info "${CONTAINER}" --json | jq -r '.'
Should contain ${output} containerInfo
Should contain ${output} pipeline
Should contain ${output} replicas
Should contain ${output} writePipelineID
Report containers as JSON
${output} = Execute ozone admin container report --json | jq -r '.'
Should contain ${output} reportTimeStamp
Should contain ${output} stats
Should contain ${output} samples
Close container
${container} = Execute ozone admin container list --state OPEN | jq -r 'select(.replicationConfig.replicationFactor == "THREE") | .containerID' | head -1
Execute ozone admin container close "${container}"
${output} = Execute ozone admin container info "${container}"
Should contain ${output} CLOS
Wait until keyword succeeds 1min 10sec Container is closed ${container}
Incomplete command
${output} = Execute And Ignore Error ozone admin container
Should contain ${output} Incomplete command
Should contain ${output} list
Should contain ${output} info
Should contain ${output} create
Should contain ${output} close
Should contain ${output} report
Should contain ${output} upgrade
#List containers on unknown host
# ${output} = Execute And Ignore Error ozone admin --verbose container list --scm unknown-host
# Should contain ${output} Invalid host name
Cannot close container without admin privilege
Requires admin privilege ozone admin container close "${CONTAINER}"
Cannot create container without admin privilege
Requires admin privilege ozone admin container create
Reset user
Run Keyword if '${SECURITY_ENABLED}' == 'true' Kinit test user testuser testuser.keytab