blob: 2bf6ee398124c76eba0eee7479dbe49ea0d6ab86 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* <p>
* <p>
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.fs.ozone;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.crypto.key.KeyProvider;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockLocation;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileAlreadyExistsException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.annotation.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.client.ReplicationFactor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.client.ReplicationType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.conf.ConfigurationSource;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.conf.OzoneConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.DatanodeDetails;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.OFSPath;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.OmUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.OzoneConfigKeys;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.client.ObjectStore;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.client.OzoneBucket;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.client.OzoneClient;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.client.OzoneClientFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.client.OzoneKey;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.client.OzoneVolume;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.client.protocol.ClientProtocol;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import static org.apache.hadoop.ozone.OzoneConsts.OZONE_URI_DELIMITER;
import static
import static
import static
import static
* Basic Implementation of the RootedOzoneFileSystem calls.
* <p>
* This is the minimal version which doesn't include any statistics.
* <p>
* For full featured version use RootedOzoneClientAdapterImpl.
public class BasicRootedOzoneClientAdapterImpl
implements OzoneClientAdapter {
static final Logger LOG =
private OzoneClient ozoneClient;
private ObjectStore objectStore;
private ClientProtocol proxy;
private ReplicationType replicationType;
private ReplicationFactor replicationFactor;
private boolean securityEnabled;
private int configuredDnPort;
* Create new OzoneClientAdapter implementation.
* @throws IOException In case of a problem.
public BasicRootedOzoneClientAdapterImpl() throws IOException {
private static OzoneConfiguration createConf() {
ClassLoader contextClassLoader =
try {
return new OzoneConfiguration();
} finally {
public BasicRootedOzoneClientAdapterImpl(OzoneConfiguration conf)
throws IOException {
this(null, -1, conf);
public BasicRootedOzoneClientAdapterImpl(String omHost, int omPort,
ConfigurationSource hadoopConf) throws IOException {
ClassLoader contextClassLoader =
try {
OzoneConfiguration conf = OzoneConfiguration.of(hadoopConf);
if (omHost == null && OmUtils.isServiceIdsDefined(conf)) {
// When the host name or service id isn't given
// but is defined, declare failure.
// This is a safety precaution that prevents the client from
// accidentally failing over to an unintended OM.
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Service ID or host name must not"
+ " be omitted when is defined.");
if (omPort != -1) {
// When the port number is specified, perform the following check
if (OmUtils.isOmHAServiceId(conf, omHost)) {
// If omHost is a service id, it shouldn't use a port
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Port " + omPort +
" specified in URI but host '" + omHost + "' is a "
+ "logical (HA) OzoneManager and does not use port information.");
} else {
// When port number is not specified, read it from config
omPort = OmUtils.getOmRpcPort(conf);
SecurityConfig secConfig = new SecurityConfig(conf);
if (secConfig.isSecurityEnabled()) {
this.securityEnabled = true;
String replicationTypeConf =
int replicationCountConf = conf.getInt(OzoneConfigKeys.OZONE_REPLICATION,
if (OmUtils.isOmHAServiceId(conf, omHost)) {
// omHost is listed as one of the service ids in the config,
// thus we should treat omHost as omServiceId
this.ozoneClient =
OzoneClientFactory.getRpcClient(omHost, conf);
} else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(omHost) && omPort != -1) {
this.ozoneClient =
OzoneClientFactory.getRpcClient(omHost, omPort, conf);
} else {
this.ozoneClient =
objectStore = ozoneClient.getObjectStore();
proxy = objectStore.getClientProxy();
this.replicationType = ReplicationType.valueOf(replicationTypeConf);
this.replicationFactor = ReplicationFactor.valueOf(replicationCountConf);
this.configuredDnPort = conf.getInt(
} finally {
OzoneBucket getBucket(OFSPath ofsPath, boolean createIfNotExist)
throws IOException {
return getBucket(ofsPath.getVolumeName(), ofsPath.getBucketName(),
* Get OzoneBucket object to operate in.
* Optionally create volume and bucket if not found.
* @param createIfNotExist Set this to true if the caller is a write operation
* in order to create the volume and bucket.
* @throws IOException Exceptions other than OMException with result code
private OzoneBucket getBucket(String volumeStr, String bucketStr,
boolean createIfNotExist) throws IOException {
if (bucketStr.isEmpty()) {
// throw FileNotFoundException in this case to make Hadoop common happy
throw new FileNotFoundException(
"getBucket: Invalid argument: given bucket string is empty.");
OzoneBucket bucket;
try {
bucket = proxy.getBucketDetails(volumeStr, bucketStr);
} catch (OMException ex) {
// Note: always create bucket if volumeStr matches "tmp" so -put works
if (createIfNotExist) {
// Note: getBucketDetails always throws BUCKET_NOT_FOUND, even if
// the volume doesn't exist.
if (ex.getResult().equals(BUCKET_NOT_FOUND)) {
OzoneVolume volume;
try {
volume = proxy.getVolumeDetails(volumeStr);
} catch (OMException getVolEx) {
if (getVolEx.getResult().equals(VOLUME_NOT_FOUND)) {
// Volume doesn't exist. Create it
try {
} catch (OMException newVolEx) {
// Ignore the case where another client created the volume
if (!newVolEx.getResult().equals(VOLUME_ALREADY_EXISTS)) {
throw newVolEx;
} else {
throw getVolEx;
// Try get volume again
volume = proxy.getVolumeDetails(volumeStr);
// Create the bucket
try {
} catch (OMException newBucEx) {
// Ignore the case where another client created the bucket
if (!newBucEx.getResult().equals(BUCKET_ALREADY_EXISTS)) {
throw newBucEx;
// Try get bucket again
bucket = proxy.getBucketDetails(volumeStr, bucketStr);
} else {
throw ex;
return bucket;
public short getDefaultReplication() {
return (short) replicationFactor.getValue();
public void close() throws IOException {
public InputStream readFile(String pathStr) throws IOException {
incrementCounter(Statistic.OBJECTS_READ, 1);
OFSPath ofsPath = new OFSPath(pathStr);
String key = ofsPath.getKeyName();
try {
OzoneBucket bucket = getBucket(ofsPath, false);
return bucket.readFile(key).getInputStream();
} catch (OMException ex) {
if (ex.getResult() == OMException.ResultCodes.FILE_NOT_FOUND
|| ex.getResult() == OMException.ResultCodes.NOT_A_FILE) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(
ex.getResult().name() + ": " + ex.getMessage());
} else {
throw ex;
protected void incrementCounter(Statistic objectsRead, long count) {
//noop: Use RootedOzoneClientAdapterImpl which supports statistics.
public OzoneFSOutputStream createFile(String pathStr, short replication,
boolean overWrite, boolean recursive) throws IOException {
incrementCounter(Statistic.OBJECTS_CREATED, 1);
OFSPath ofsPath = new OFSPath(pathStr);
if (ofsPath.isRoot() || ofsPath.isVolume() || ofsPath.isBucket()) {
throw new IOException("Cannot create file under root or volume.");
String key = ofsPath.getKeyName();
try {
// Hadoop CopyCommands class always sets recursive to true
OzoneBucket bucket = getBucket(ofsPath, recursive);
OzoneOutputStream ozoneOutputStream = null;
if (replication == ReplicationFactor.ONE.getValue()
|| replication == ReplicationFactor.THREE.getValue()) {
ReplicationFactor clientReplication = ReplicationFactor
ozoneOutputStream = bucket.createFile(key, 0, replicationType,
clientReplication, overWrite, recursive);
} else {
ozoneOutputStream = bucket.createFile(key, 0, replicationType,
replicationFactor, overWrite, recursive);
return new OzoneFSOutputStream(ozoneOutputStream.getOutputStream());
} catch (OMException ex) {
if (ex.getResult() == OMException.ResultCodes.FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS
|| ex.getResult() == OMException.ResultCodes.NOT_A_FILE) {
throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(
ex.getResult().name() + ": " + ex.getMessage());
} else {
throw ex;
public void renameKey(String key, String newKeyName) throws IOException {
throw new IOException("OFS doesn't support renameKey, use rename instead.");
* Rename a path into another.
* In OFS, the parameters for rename are no longer key path, but effectively
* full path containing volume and bucket. Therefore, the method name
* renameKey becomes misleading if continued to be used.
* @param path Source path
* @param newPath Target path
* @throws IOException
public void rename(String path, String newPath) throws IOException {
incrementCounter(Statistic.OBJECTS_RENAMED, 1);
OFSPath ofsPath = new OFSPath(path);
OFSPath ofsNewPath = new OFSPath(newPath);
// Check path and newPathName are in the same volume and same bucket.
// This should have been checked in BasicRootedOzoneFileSystem#rename
// already via regular call path unless bypassed.
if (!ofsPath.isInSameBucketAs(ofsNewPath)) {
throw new IOException("Can't rename a key to a different bucket.");
OzoneBucket bucket = getBucket(ofsPath, false);
String key = ofsPath.getKeyName();
String newKey = ofsNewPath.getKeyName();
bucket.renameKey(key, newKey);
* Package-private helper function to reduce calls to getBucket().
* @param bucket Bucket to operate in.
* @param path Existing key path.
* @param newPath New key path.
* @throws IOException IOException from bucket.renameKey().
void rename(OzoneBucket bucket, String path, String newPath)
throws IOException {
incrementCounter(Statistic.OBJECTS_RENAMED, 1);
OFSPath ofsPath = new OFSPath(path);
OFSPath ofsNewPath = new OFSPath(newPath);
// No same-bucket policy check here since this call path is controlled
String key = ofsPath.getKeyName();
String newKey = ofsNewPath.getKeyName();
bucket.renameKey(key, newKey);
* Helper method to create an directory specified by key name in bucket.
* @param pathStr path to be created as directory
* @return true if the key is created, false otherwise
public boolean createDirectory(String pathStr) throws IOException {
LOG.trace("creating dir for path: {}", pathStr);
incrementCounter(Statistic.OBJECTS_CREATED, 1);
OFSPath ofsPath = new OFSPath(pathStr);
if (ofsPath.getVolumeName().isEmpty()) {
// Volume name unspecified, invalid param, return failure
return false;
if (ofsPath.getBucketName().isEmpty()) {
// Create volume only
return true;
String keyStr = ofsPath.getKeyName();
try {
OzoneBucket bucket = getBucket(ofsPath, true);
// Empty keyStr here indicates only volume and bucket is
// given in pathStr, so getBucket above should handle the creation
// of volume and bucket. We won't feed empty keyStr to
// bucket.createDirectory as that would be a NPE.
if (keyStr != null && keyStr.length() > 0) {
} catch (OMException e) {
if (e.getResult() == OMException.ResultCodes.FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(e.getMessage());
throw e;
return true;
* Helper method to delete an object specified by key name in bucket.
* @param path path to a key to be deleted
* @return true if the key is deleted, false otherwise
public boolean deleteObject(String path) {
LOG.trace("issuing delete for path to key: {}", path);
incrementCounter(Statistic.OBJECTS_DELETED, 1);
OFSPath ofsPath = new OFSPath(path);
String keyName = ofsPath.getKeyName();
if (keyName.length() == 0) {
return false;
try {
OzoneBucket bucket = getBucket(ofsPath, false);
return true;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
LOG.error("delete key failed " + ioe.getMessage());
return false;
* Helper function to check if the list of key paths are in the same volume
* and same bucket.
private boolean areInSameBucket(List<String> keyNameList) {
if (keyNameList.isEmpty()) {
return true;
String firstKeyPath = keyNameList.get(0);
final String volAndBucket = new OFSPath(firstKeyPath).getNonKeyPath();
// return true only if all key paths' volume and bucket in the list match
// the first element's
return ->
new OFSPath(p).getNonKeyPath().equals(volAndBucket));
* Helper method to delete an object specified by key name in bucket.
* Only supports deleting keys in the same bucket in one call.
* Each item in the given list should be the String of an OFS path:
* e.g. ofs://om/vol1/buck1/k1
* @param keyNameList key name list to be deleted
* @return true if the key deletion is successful, false otherwise
public boolean deleteObjects(List<String> keyNameList) {
if (keyNameList.size() == 0) {
return true;
// Sanity check. Support only deleting a list of keys in the same bucket
if (!areInSameBucket(keyNameList)) {
LOG.error("Deleting keys from different buckets in a single batch "
+ "is not supported.");
return false;
try {
OFSPath firstKeyPath = new OFSPath(keyNameList.get(0));
OzoneBucket bucket = getBucket(firstKeyPath, false);
return deleteObjects(bucket, keyNameList);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
LOG.error("delete key failed: {}", ioe.getMessage());
return false;
* Package-private helper function to reduce calls to getBucket().
* This will be faster than the public variant of the method since this
* doesn't verify the same-bucket condition.
* @param bucket Bucket to operate in.
* @param keyNameList key name list to be deleted.
* @return true if operation succeeded, false on IOException.
boolean deleteObjects(OzoneBucket bucket, List<String> keyNameList) {
List<String> keyList =
.map(p -> new OFSPath(p).getKeyName())
try {
incrementCounter(Statistic.OBJECTS_DELETED, keyNameList.size());
return true;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
LOG.error("delete key failed: {}", ioe.getMessage());
return false;
public FileStatusAdapter getFileStatus(String path, URI uri,
Path qualifiedPath, String userName) throws IOException {
incrementCounter(Statistic.OBJECTS_QUERY, 1);
OFSPath ofsPath = new OFSPath(path);
String key = ofsPath.getKeyName();
if (ofsPath.isRoot()) {
return getFileStatusAdapterForRoot(uri);
if (ofsPath.isVolume()) {
OzoneVolume volume = objectStore.getVolume(ofsPath.getVolumeName());
return getFileStatusAdapterForVolume(volume, uri);
try {
OzoneBucket bucket = getBucket(ofsPath, false);
OzoneFileStatus status = bucket.getFileStatus(key);
return toFileStatusAdapter(status, userName, uri, qualifiedPath,
} catch (OMException e) {
if (e.getResult() == OMException.ResultCodes.FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(key + ": No such file or directory!");
} else if (e.getResult() == OMException.ResultCodes.BUCKET_NOT_FOUND) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(key + ": Bucket doesn't exist!");
throw e;
* Get trash roots for current user or all users.
* Note:
* 1. When allUsers flag is false, this only returns the trash roots for
* those that the current user has access to.
* 2. Also it is not particularly efficient to use this API when there are
* a lot of volumes and buckets as the client has to iterate through all
* buckets in all volumes.
* @param allUsers return trashRoots of all users if true, used by emptier
* @param fs Pointer to the current OFS FileSystem
* @return
public Collection<FileStatus> getTrashRoots(boolean allUsers,
BasicRootedOzoneFileSystem fs) {
List<FileStatus> ret = new ArrayList<>();
try {
Iterator<? extends OzoneVolume> iterVol;
String username = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().getUserName();
if (allUsers) {
iterVol = objectStore.listVolumes("");
} else {
iterVol = objectStore.listVolumesByUser(username, "", "");
while (iterVol.hasNext()) {
OzoneVolume volume =;
Path volumePath = new Path(OZONE_URI_DELIMITER, volume.getName());
Iterator<? extends OzoneBucket> bucketIter = volume.listBuckets("");
while (bucketIter.hasNext()) {
OzoneBucket bucket =;
Path bucketPath = new Path(volumePath, bucket.getName());
Path trashRoot = new Path(bucketPath, FileSystem.TRASH_PREFIX);
if (allUsers) {
if (fs.exists(trashRoot)) {
for (FileStatus candidate : fs.listStatus(trashRoot)) {
if (fs.exists(candidate.getPath()) && candidate.isDirectory()) {
} else {
Path userTrash = new Path(trashRoot, username);
if (fs.exists(userTrash) &&
fs.getFileStatus(userTrash).isDirectory()) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
LOG.warn("Can't get all trash roots", ex);
return Collections.emptyList();
return ret;
public Iterator<BasicKeyInfo> listKeys(String pathStr) throws IOException {
incrementCounter(Statistic.OBJECTS_LIST, 1);
OFSPath ofsPath = new OFSPath(pathStr);
String key = ofsPath.getKeyName();
OzoneBucket bucket;
try {
bucket = getBucket(ofsPath, false);
} catch (IOException ex) {
// return an empty list on error
return new IteratorAdapter(Collections.emptyIterator());
return new IteratorAdapter(bucket.listKeys(key));
* Helper for OFS listStatus on root.
private List<FileStatusAdapter> listStatusRoot(
boolean recursive, String startPath, long numEntries,
URI uri, Path workingDir, String username) throws IOException {
OFSPath ofsStartPath = new OFSPath(startPath);
// list volumes
Iterator<? extends OzoneVolume> iter = objectStore.listVolumesByUser(
username, null, ofsStartPath.getVolumeName());
List<FileStatusAdapter> res = new ArrayList<>();
while (iter.hasNext() && res.size() < numEntries) {
OzoneVolume volume =;
res.add(getFileStatusAdapterForVolume(volume, uri));
if (recursive) {
String pathStrNextVolume = volume.getName();
res.addAll(listStatus(pathStrNextVolume, recursive, startPath,
numEntries - res.size(), uri, workingDir, username));
return res;
* Helper for OFS listStatus on a volume.
private List<FileStatusAdapter> listStatusVolume(String volumeStr,
boolean recursive, String startPath, long numEntries,
URI uri, Path workingDir, String username) throws IOException {
OFSPath ofsStartPath = new OFSPath(startPath);
// list buckets in the volume
OzoneVolume volume = objectStore.getVolume(volumeStr);
UserGroupInformation ugi =
String owner = ugi.getShortUserName();
String group = getGroupName(ugi);
Iterator<? extends OzoneBucket> iter =
volume.listBuckets(null, ofsStartPath.getBucketName());
List<FileStatusAdapter> res = new ArrayList<>();
while (iter.hasNext() && res.size() < numEntries) {
OzoneBucket bucket =;
res.add(getFileStatusAdapterForBucket(bucket, uri, owner, group));
if (recursive) {
String pathStrNext = volumeStr + OZONE_URI_DELIMITER + bucket.getName();
res.addAll(listStatus(pathStrNext, recursive, startPath,
numEntries - res.size(), uri, workingDir, username));
return res;
* OFS listStatus implementation.
* @param pathStr Path for the listStatus to operate on.
* This takes an absolute path from OFS root.
* @param recursive Set to true to get keys inside subdirectories.
* @param startPath Start path of next batch of result for continuation.
* This takes an absolute path from OFS root. e.g.
* /volumeA/bucketB/dirC/fileD
* Note startPath can optionally begin with uri, e.g.
* when uri=ofs://svc1
* startPath=ofs://svc1/volumeA/bucketB/dirC/fileD
* will be accepted, but NOT startPath=ofs://svc2/volumeA/...
* @param numEntries Number of maximum entries in the batch.
* @param uri URI of OFS root.
* Used in making the return path qualified.
* @param workingDir Working directory.
* Used in making the return path qualified.
* @param username User name.
* Used in making the return path qualified.
* @return A list of FileStatusAdapter.
* @throws IOException Bucket exception or FileNotFoundException.
public List<FileStatusAdapter> listStatus(String pathStr, boolean recursive,
String startPath, long numEntries, URI uri,
Path workingDir, String username) throws IOException {
incrementCounter(Statistic.OBJECTS_LIST, 1);
// Remove authority from startPath if it exists
if (startPath.startsWith(uri.toString())) {
try {
startPath = new URI(startPath).getPath();
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
throw new IOException(ex);
// Note: startPath could still have authority at this point if it's
// authority doesn't match uri. This is by design. In this case,
// OFSPath initializer will error out.
// The goal is to refuse processing startPaths from other authorities.
OFSPath ofsPath = new OFSPath(pathStr);
if (ofsPath.isRoot()) {
return listStatusRoot(
recursive, startPath, numEntries, uri, workingDir, username);
OFSPath ofsStartPath = new OFSPath(startPath);
if (ofsPath.isVolume()) {
String startBucket = ofsStartPath.getBucketName();
return listStatusVolume(ofsPath.getVolumeName(),
recursive, startBucket, numEntries, uri, workingDir, username);
String keyName = ofsPath.getKeyName();
// Internally we need startKey to be passed into bucket.listStatus
String startKey = ofsStartPath.getKeyName();
try {
OzoneBucket bucket = getBucket(ofsPath, false);
List<OzoneFileStatus> statuses = bucket
.listStatus(keyName, recursive, startKey, numEntries);
// Note: result in statuses above doesn't have volume/bucket path since
// they are from the server.
String ofsPathPrefix = ofsPath.getNonKeyPath();
List<FileStatusAdapter> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (OzoneFileStatus status : statuses) {
result.add(toFileStatusAdapter(status, username, uri, workingDir,
return result;
} catch (OMException e) {
if (e.getResult() == OMException.ResultCodes.FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(e.getMessage());
throw e;
public Token<OzoneTokenIdentifier> getDelegationToken(String renewer)
throws IOException {
if (!securityEnabled) {
return null;
Token<OzoneTokenIdentifier> token = ozoneClient.getObjectStore()
.getDelegationToken(renewer == null ? null : new Text(renewer));
return token;
public ObjectStore getObjectStore() {
return objectStore;
public KeyProvider getKeyProvider() throws IOException {
return objectStore.getKeyProvider();
public URI getKeyProviderUri() throws IOException {
return objectStore.getKeyProviderUri();
public String getCanonicalServiceName() {
return objectStore.getCanonicalServiceName();
* Ozone Delegation Token Renewer.
public static class Renewer extends TokenRenewer {
//Ensure that OzoneConfiguration files are loaded before trying to use
// the renewer.
static {
public Text getKind() {
return OzoneTokenIdentifier.KIND_NAME;
public boolean handleKind(Text kind) {
return getKind().equals(kind);
public boolean isManaged(Token<?> token) throws IOException {
return true;
public long renew(Token<?> token, Configuration conf)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
Token<OzoneTokenIdentifier> ozoneDt =
(Token<OzoneTokenIdentifier>) token;
OzoneClient ozoneClient =
return ozoneClient.getObjectStore().renewDelegationToken(ozoneDt);
public void cancel(Token<?> token, Configuration conf)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
Token<OzoneTokenIdentifier> ozoneDt =
(Token<OzoneTokenIdentifier>) token;
OzoneClient ozoneClient =
* Adapter to convert OzoneKey to a safe and simple Key implementation.
public static class IteratorAdapter implements Iterator<BasicKeyInfo> {
private Iterator<? extends OzoneKey> original;
public IteratorAdapter(Iterator<? extends OzoneKey> listKeys) {
this.original = listKeys;
public boolean hasNext() {
return original.hasNext();
public BasicKeyInfo next() {
OzoneKey next =;
if (next == null) {
return null;
} else {
return new BasicKeyInfo(
private FileStatusAdapter toFileStatusAdapter(OzoneFileStatus status,
String owner, URI defaultUri, Path workingDir, String ofsPathPrefix) {
OmKeyInfo keyInfo = status.getKeyInfo();
short replication = (short) keyInfo.getFactor().getNumber();
return new FileStatusAdapter(
new Path(ofsPathPrefix + OZONE_URI_DELIMITER + keyInfo.getKeyName())
.makeQualified(defaultUri, workingDir),
status.isDirectory() ? (short) 00777 : (short) 00666,
* Helper method to get List of BlockLocation from OM Key info.
* @param fileStatus Ozone key file status.
* @return list of block locations.
private BlockLocation[] getBlockLocations(OzoneFileStatus fileStatus) {
if (fileStatus == null) {
return new BlockLocation[0];
OmKeyInfo keyInfo = fileStatus.getKeyInfo();
if (keyInfo == null || CollectionUtils.isEmpty(
keyInfo.getKeyLocationVersions())) {
return new BlockLocation[0];
List<OmKeyLocationInfoGroup> omKeyLocationInfoGroups =
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(omKeyLocationInfoGroups)) {
return new BlockLocation[0];
OmKeyLocationInfoGroup omKeyLocationInfoGroup =
BlockLocation[] blockLocations = new BlockLocation[
int i = 0;
long offsetOfBlockInFile = 0L;
for (OmKeyLocationInfo omKeyLocationInfo :
omKeyLocationInfoGroup.getBlocksLatestVersionOnly()) {
List<String> hostList = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> nameList = new ArrayList<>();
.forEach(dn -> {
int port = dn.getPort(
if (port == 0) {
port = configuredDnPort;
nameList.add(dn.getHostName() + ":" + port);
String[] hosts = hostList.toArray(new String[hostList.size()]);
String[] names = nameList.toArray(new String[nameList.size()]);
BlockLocation blockLocation = new BlockLocation(
names, hosts, offsetOfBlockInFile,
offsetOfBlockInFile += omKeyLocationInfo.getLength();
blockLocations[i++] = blockLocation;
return blockLocations;
* Helper function to get the primary group name from a UGI.
* @param ugi UserGroupInformation
* @return String of the primary group name, empty String on exception.
private static String getGroupName(UserGroupInformation ugi) {
try {
return ugi.getPrimaryGroupName();
} catch (IOException ignored) {
return "";
* Generate a FileStatusAdapter for a volume.
* @param ozoneVolume OzoneVolume object
* @param uri Full URI to OFS root.
* @return FileStatusAdapter for a volume.
private static FileStatusAdapter getFileStatusAdapterForVolume(
OzoneVolume ozoneVolume, URI uri) {
String pathStr = uri.toString() +
OZONE_URI_DELIMITER + ozoneVolume.getName();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("getFileStatusAdapterForVolume: ozoneVolume={}, pathStr={}",
ozoneVolume.getName(), pathStr);
Path path = new Path(pathStr);
UserGroupInformation ugi =
String owner = ugi.getShortUserName();
String group = getGroupName(ugi);
return new FileStatusAdapter(0L, path, true, (short)0, 0L,
ozoneVolume.getCreationTime().getEpochSecond() * 1000, 0L,
owner, group, path,
new BlockLocation[0]
* Generate a FileStatusAdapter for a bucket.
* @param ozoneBucket OzoneBucket object.
* @param uri Full URI to OFS root.
* @param owner Owner of the parent volume of the bucket.
* @param group Group of the parent volume of the bucket.
* @return FileStatusAdapter for a bucket.
private static FileStatusAdapter getFileStatusAdapterForBucket(
OzoneBucket ozoneBucket, URI uri, String owner, String group) {
String pathStr = uri.toString() +
OZONE_URI_DELIMITER + ozoneBucket.getVolumeName() +
OZONE_URI_DELIMITER + ozoneBucket.getName();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("getFileStatusAdapterForBucket: ozoneBucket={}, pathStr={}",
ozoneBucket.getVolumeName() + OZONE_URI_DELIMITER +
ozoneBucket.getName(), pathStr);
Path path = new Path(pathStr);
return new FileStatusAdapter(0L, path, true, (short)0, 0L,
ozoneBucket.getCreationTime().getEpochSecond() * 1000, 0L,
owner, group, path, new BlockLocation[0]);
* Generate a FileStatusAdapter for OFS root.
* @param uri Full URI to OFS root.
* @return FileStatusAdapter for root.
private static FileStatusAdapter getFileStatusAdapterForRoot(URI uri) {
// Note that most fields are mimicked from HDFS FileStatus for root,
// except modification time, permission, owner and group.
Path path = new Path(uri.toString() + OZONE_URI_DELIMITER);
return new FileStatusAdapter(0L, path, true, (short)0, 0L,
System.currentTimeMillis(), 0L,
null, null, null, new BlockLocation[0]