blob: d331438a76d097afb8c5a33fc59f0adb24b5ce1e [file] [log] [blame]
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*** Settings ***
Documentation Smoke test to test preparing OMs in an OM HA cluster.
Library OperatingSystem
Library String
Library BuiltIn
Resource ../commonlib.robot
Test Timeout 5 minutes
Test Setup Run Keyword if '${SECURITY_ENABLED}' == 'true' Kinit test user testuser testuser.keytab
Suite Setup Create Specific OM data for prepare
*** Keywords ***
Create Specific OM data for prepare
# Freon data to make sure there are a reasonable number of transactions in the system.
Execute ozone freon rk --replication-type=RATIS --num-of-volumes 1 --num-of-buckets 1 --num-of-keys 100
${random} = Generate Random String 5 [NUMBERS]
Set Suite Variable ${volume_name} ${random}-volume-for-prepare
Set Suite Variable ${bucket_name} ${random}-bucket-for-prepare
Execute ozone sh volume create /${volume_name}
Execute ozone sh bucket create /${volume_name}/${bucket_name}
Execute ozone sh key put /${volume_name}/${bucket_name}/prepare-key /opt/hadoop/NOTICE.txt
** Test Cases ***
Prepare Ozone Manager
${result} = Execute ozone admin om prepare -id=omservice
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3min 10sec Should contain ${result} OM Preparation successful!
Checks if the expected data is present in OM
${result} = Execute ozone sh key info /${volume_name}/${bucket_name}/prepare-key
Should contain ${result} \"name\" : \"prepare-key\"
Test write operation fails
${result} = Execute and checkrc ozone sh key put /${volume_name}/${bucket_name}/prepare-key2 /opt/hadoop/NOTICE.txt 255
Should contain ${result} OM is in prepare mode
Execute and checkrc ozone sh key info /${volume_name}/${bucket_name}/prepare-key2 255