blob: a6f68d2662326bfb3e8e869c0163d43c3becf4ad [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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"""This module transform properties into different format"""
def render_yaml(yaml_root, prefix=""):
"""render yaml"""
result = ""
if isinstance(yaml_root, dict):
if prefix:
result += "\n"
for key in yaml_root:
result += "{}{}: {}".format(prefix, key, render_yaml(
yaml_root[key], prefix + " "))
elif isinstance(yaml_root, list):
result += "\n"
for item in yaml_root:
result += prefix + " - " + render_yaml(item, prefix + " ")
result += "{}\n".format(yaml_root)
return result
def to_yaml(content):
"""transform to yaml"""
props = process_properties(content)
keys = props.keys()
yaml_props = {}
for key in keys:
parts = key.split(".")
node = yaml_props
prev_part = None
parent_node = {}
for part in parts[:-1]:
if part.isdigit():
if isinstance(node, dict):
parent_node[prev_part] = []
node = parent_node[prev_part]
while len(node) <= int(part):
parent_node = node
node = node[int(node)]
if part not in node:
node[part] = {}
parent_node = node
node = node[part]
prev_part = part
if parts[-1].isdigit():
if isinstance(node, dict):
parent_node[prev_part] = []
node = parent_node[prev_part]
node[parts[-1]] = props[key]
return render_yaml(yaml_props)
def to_yml(content):
"""transform to yml"""
return to_yaml(content)
def to_properties(content):
"""transform to properties"""
result = ""
props = process_properties(content)
for key, val in props.items():
result += "{}: {}\n".format(key, val)
return result
def to_env(content):
"""transform to environment variables"""
result = ""
props = process_properties(content)
for key, val in props.items():
result += "{}={}\n".format(key, val)
return result
def to_sh(content):
"""transform to shell"""
result = ""
props = process_properties(content)
for key, val in props.items():
result += "export {}=\"{}\"\n".format(key, val)
return result
def to_cfg(content):
"""transform to config"""
result = ""
props = process_properties(content)
for key, val in props.items():
result += "{}={}\n".format(key, val)
return result
def to_conf(content):
"""transform to configuration"""
result = ""
props = process_properties(content)
for key, val in props.items():
result += "export {}={}\n".format(key, val)
return result
def to_xml(content):
"""transform to xml"""
result = "<configuration>\n"
props = process_properties(content)
for key in props:
result += "<property><name>{0}</name><value>{1}</value></property>\n". \
format(key, props[key])
result += "</configuration>"
return result
def process_properties(content, sep=': ', comment_char='#'):
Read the file passed as parameter as a properties file.
props = {}
for line in content.split("\n"):
sline = line.strip()
if sline and not sline.startswith(comment_char):
key_value = sline.split(sep)
key = key_value[0].strip()
value = sep.join(key_value[1:]).strip().strip('"')
props[key] = value
return props