blob: 704d26bdeccefc99a111b0dcd49c63b41c9beb14 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.hadoop.ozone.recon.codegen;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.conf.Config;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.conf.ConfigGroup;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.conf.ConfigTag;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.conf.ConfigType;
* The configuration class for the Recon SQL DB.
@ConfigGroup(prefix = "ozone.recon.sql.db")
public class ReconSqlDbConfig {
@Config(key = "driver",
type = ConfigType.STRING,
defaultValue = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver",
tags = {ConfigTag.STORAGE, ConfigTag.RECON, ConfigTag.OZONE},
description = "Recon SQL DB driver class. Defaults to Derby."
private String driverClass;
public String getDriverClass() {
return driverClass;
public void setDriverClass(String driverClass) {
this.driverClass = driverClass;
@Config(key = "jdbc.url",
type = ConfigType.STRING,
defaultValue = "jdbc:derby:${ozone.recon.db.dir}/ozone_recon_derby.db",
tags = {ConfigTag.STORAGE, ConfigTag.RECON, ConfigTag.OZONE},
description = "Ozone Recon SQL database jdbc url."
private String jdbcUrl;
public String getJdbcUrl() {
return jdbcUrl;
public void setJdbcUrl(String jdbcUrl) {
this.jdbcUrl = jdbcUrl;
@Config(key = "username",
type = ConfigType.STRING,
defaultValue = "",
tags = {ConfigTag.STORAGE, ConfigTag.RECON, ConfigTag.OZONE},
description = "Ozone Recon SQL database username."
private String username;
public String getUsername() {
return username;
public void setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;
@Config(key = "password",
type = ConfigType.STRING,
defaultValue = "",
tags = {ConfigTag.STORAGE, ConfigTag.RECON, ConfigTag.OZONE},
description = "Ozone Recon SQL database password."
private String password;
public String getPassword() {
return password;
public void setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;
@Config(key = "auto.commit",
type = ConfigType.BOOLEAN,
defaultValue = "false",
tags = {ConfigTag.STORAGE, ConfigTag.RECON, ConfigTag.OZONE},
description = "Sets the Ozone Recon database connection property of " +
"auto-commit to true/false."
private boolean autoCommit;
public boolean isAutoCommit() {
return autoCommit;
public void setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit) {
this.autoCommit = autoCommit;
@Config(key = "conn.timeout",
type = ConfigType.TIME,
defaultValue = "30000ms",
tags = {ConfigTag.STORAGE, ConfigTag.RECON, ConfigTag.OZONE},
description = "Sets time in milliseconds before call to getConnection " +
"is timed out."
private long connectionTimeout;
public long getConnectionTimeout() {
return connectionTimeout;
public void setConnectionTimeout(long connectionTimeout) {
this.connectionTimeout = connectionTimeout;
@Config(key = "",
type = ConfigType.INT,
defaultValue = "5",
tags = {ConfigTag.STORAGE, ConfigTag.RECON, ConfigTag.OZONE},
description = "The max active connections to the SQL database."
private int maxActiveConnections;
public int getMaxActiveConnections() {
return maxActiveConnections;
public void setMaxActiveConnections(int maxActiveConnections) {
this.maxActiveConnections = maxActiveConnections;
@Config(key = "conn.max.age",
type = ConfigType.TIME, timeUnit = SECONDS,
defaultValue = "1800s",
tags = {ConfigTag.STORAGE, ConfigTag.RECON, ConfigTag.OZONE},
description = "Sets maximum time a connection can be active in seconds."
private long connectionMaxAge;
public long getConnectionMaxAge() {
return connectionMaxAge;
public void setConnectionMaxAge(long connectionMaxAge) {
this.connectionMaxAge = connectionMaxAge;
@Config(key = "conn.idle.max.age",
type = ConfigType.TIME, timeUnit = SECONDS,
defaultValue = "3600s",
tags = {ConfigTag.STORAGE, ConfigTag.RECON, ConfigTag.OZONE},
description = "Sets maximum time to live for idle connection in seconds."
private long connectionIdleMaxAge;
public long getConnectionIdleMaxAge() {
return connectionIdleMaxAge;
public void setConnectionIdleMaxAge(long connectionIdleMaxAge) {
this.connectionIdleMaxAge = connectionIdleMaxAge;
@Config(key = "conn.idle.test.period",
type = ConfigType.TIME, timeUnit = SECONDS,
defaultValue = "60s",
tags = {ConfigTag.STORAGE, ConfigTag.RECON, ConfigTag.OZONE},
description = "Sets maximum time to live for idle connection in seconds."
private long connectionIdleTestPeriod;
public long getConnectionIdleTestPeriod() {
return connectionIdleTestPeriod;
public void setConnectionIdleTestPeriod(long connectionIdleTestPeriod) {
this.connectionIdleTestPeriod = connectionIdleTestPeriod;
@Config(key = "conn.idle.test",
type = ConfigType.STRING,
defaultValue = "SELECT 1",
tags = {ConfigTag.STORAGE, ConfigTag.RECON, ConfigTag.OZONE},
description = "The query to send to the DB to maintain keep-alives and " +
"test for dead connections."
private String idleTestQuery;
public String getIdleTestQuery() {
return idleTestQuery;
public void setIdleTestQuery(String idleTestQuery) {
this.idleTestQuery = idleTestQuery;
@Config(key = "jooq.dialect",
type = ConfigType.STRING,
defaultValue = "DERBY",
tags = {ConfigTag.STORAGE, ConfigTag.RECON, ConfigTag.OZONE},
description = "Recon internally uses Jooq to talk to its SQL DB. By " +
"default, we support Derby and Sqlite out of the box. Please refer " +
"to" +
".jooq/org/jooq/SQLDialect.html to specify different dialect."
private String sqlDbDialect;
public String getSqlDbDialect() {
return sqlDbDialect;
public void setSqlDbDialect(String sqlDbDialect) {
this.sqlDbDialect = sqlDbDialect;
* Class to hold config keys related to Recon SQL DB.
public static class ConfigKeys {
public static final String OZONE_RECON_SQL_DB_JDBC_URL =