blob: fcc78099a8a9a6cd07f48cfacb4f2d384de09069 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# limitations under the License.
*** Settings ***
Documentation Ozonefs test
Library OperatingSystem
Resource ../commonlib.robot
Test Timeout 5 minutes
*** Variables ***
*** Test Cases ***
Create volume and bucket
Execute ozone sh volume create o3://om/fstest --quota 100TB
Execute ozone sh volume create o3://om/fstest2 --quota 100TB
Execute ozone sh bucket create o3://om/fstest/bucket1
Execute ozone sh bucket create o3://om/fstest/bucket2
Execute ozone sh bucket create o3://om/fstest2/bucket3
Check volume from ozonefs
${result} = Execute ozone sh volume list
Should contain ${result} fstest
Should contain ${result} fstest2
Should Match Regexp ${result} "admin" : "(hadoop|testuser\/scm@EXAMPLE\.COM)"
${result} = Execute ozone fs -ls o3fs://bucket1.fstest/
Run ozoneFS tests
Execute ozone fs -mkdir -p o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir/deep
${result} = Execute ozone sh key list o3://om/fstest/bucket1 | jq -r '.name'
Should contain ${result} testdir/deep
Execute ozone fs -copyFromLocal NOTICE.txt o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir/deep/
${result} = Execute ozone sh key list o3://om/fstest/bucket1 | jq -r '.name'
Should contain ${result} NOTICE.txt
${result} = Execute ozone sh key info o3://om/fstest/bucket1/testdir/deep/NOTICE.txt | jq -r '.replicationFactor'
Should Be Equal ${result} 3
Execute ozone fs -put NOTICE.txt o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir/deep/PUTFILE.txt
${result} = Execute ozone sh key list o3://om/fstest/bucket1 | jq -r '.name'
Should contain ${result} PUTFILE.txt
${result} = Execute ozone fs -ls o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir/deep/
Should contain ${result} NOTICE.txt
Should contain ${result} PUTFILE.txt
Execute ozone fs -mv o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir/deep/NOTICE.txt o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir/deep/MOVED.TXT
${result} = Execute ozone sh key list o3://om/fstest/bucket1 | jq -r '.name'
Should contain ${result} MOVED.TXT
Should not contain ${result} NOTICE.txt
Execute ozone fs -mkdir -p o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir/deep/subdir1
Execute ozone fs -cp o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir/deep/MOVED.TXT o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir/deep/subdir1/NOTICE.txt
${result} = Execute ozone sh key list o3://om/fstest/bucket1 | jq -r '.name'
Should contain ${result} subdir1/NOTICE.txt
${result} = Execute ozone fs -ls o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir/deep/subdir1/
Should contain ${result} NOTICE.txt
Execute ozone fs -cat o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir/deep/subdir1/NOTICE.txt
Should not contain ${result} Failed
Execute ozone fs -rm o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir/deep/subdir1/NOTICE.txt
${result} = Execute ozone sh key list o3://om/fstest/bucket1 | jq -r '.name'
Should not contain ${result} NOTICE.txt
${result} = Execute ozone fs -rmdir o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir/deep/subdir1/
${result} = Execute ozone sh key list o3://om/fstest/bucket1 | jq -r '.name'
Should not contain ${result} subdir1
Execute ozone fs -touch o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir/TOUCHFILE.txt
${result} = Execute ozone sh key list o3://om/fstest/bucket1 | jq -r '.name'
Should contain ${result} TOUCHFILE.txt
Execute ozone fs -rm -r o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir/
${result} = Execute ozone sh key list o3://om/fstest/bucket1 | jq -r '.name'
Should not contain ${result} testdir
Execute rm -Rf /tmp/localdir1
Execute mkdir /tmp/localdir1
Execute cp NOTICE.txt /tmp/localdir1/LOCAL.txt
Execute ozone fs -mkdir -p o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir1
Execute ozone fs -copyFromLocal /tmp/localdir1 o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir1/
Execute ozone fs -put NOTICE.txt o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir1/NOTICE.txt
${result} = Execute ozone fs -ls -R o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir1/
Should contain ${result} localdir1/LOCAL.txt
Should contain ${result} testdir1/NOTICE.txt
Execute ozone fs -mkdir -p o3fs://bucket2.fstest/testdir2
Execute ozone fs -mkdir -p o3fs://bucket3.fstest2/testdir3
Execute ozone fs -cp o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir1/localdir1 o3fs://bucket2.fstest/testdir2/
Execute ozone fs -cp o3fs://bucket1.fstest/testdir1/localdir1 o3fs://bucket3.fstest2/testdir3/
Execute ozone sh key put o3://om/fstest/bucket1/KEY.txt NOTICE.txt
${result} = Execute ozone fs -ls o3fs://bucket1.fstest/KEY.txt
Should contain ${result} KEY.txt
${rc} ${result} = Run And Return Rc And Output ozone fs -copyFromLocal NOTICE.txt o3fs://bucket1.fstest/KEY.txt
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 1
Should contain ${result} File exists
Execute rm -Rf /tmp/GET.txt
Execute ozone fs -get o3fs://bucket1.fstest/KEY.txt /tmp/GET.txt
Execute ls -l /tmp/GET.txt
${rc} ${result} = Run And Return Rc And Output ozone fs -ls o3fs://abcde.pqrs/
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 1
Should Match Regexp ${result} (Check access operation failed)|(Volume pqrs is not found)