blob: e358ea213e135ddf54d063aaf165df71ae6f77a5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test ozone shell CLI usage
Library OperatingSystem
Resource ../commonlib.robot
Test Setup Run Keyword if '${SECURITY_ENABLED}' == 'true' Kinit test user testuser testuser.keytab
Test Timeout 2 minute
Suite Setup Generate prefix
*** Variables ***
${prefix} generated
*** Keywords ***
Generate prefix
${random} = Generate Random String 5 [NUMBERS]
Set Suite Variable ${prefix} ${random}
*** Test Cases ***
RpcClient with port
Test ozone shell o3:// om:9862 ${prefix}-rpcwoport
RpcClient volume acls
Test Volume Acls o3:// om:9862 ${prefix}-rpcwoport2
RpcClient bucket acls
Test Bucket Acls o3:// om:9862 ${prefix}-rpcwoport2
RpcClient key acls
Test Key Acls o3:// om:9862 ${prefix}-rpcwoport2
RpcClient without host
Test ozone shell o3:// ${EMPTY} ${prefix}-rpcwport
RpcClient without scheme
Test ozone shell ${EMPTY} ${EMPTY} ${prefix}-rpcwoscheme
*** Keywords ***
Test ozone shell
[arguments] ${protocol} ${server} ${volume}
${result} = Execute And Ignore Error ozone sh volume info ${protocol}${server}/${volume}
Should contain ${result} VOLUME_NOT_FOUND
${result} = Execute ozone sh volume create ${protocol}${server}/${volume} --quota 100TB
Should not contain ${result} Failed
${result} = Execute ozone sh volume list ${protocol}${server}/ | jq -r '. | select(.name=="${volume}")'
Should contain ${result} creationTime
${result} = Execute ozone sh volume list | jq -r '. | select(.name=="${volume}")'
Should contain ${result} creationTime
# TODO: Disable updating the owner, acls should be used to give access to other user.
Execute ozone sh volume update ${protocol}${server}/${volume} --quota 10TB
# ${result} = Execute ozone sh volume info ${protocol}${server}/${volume} | jq -r '. | select(.volumeName=="${volume}") | .owner | .name'
# Should Be Equal ${result} bill
${result} = Execute ozone sh volume info ${protocol}${server}/${volume} | jq -r '. | select(.name=="${volume}") | .quota'
Should Be Equal ${result} 10995116277760
Execute ozone sh bucket create ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket info ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1 | jq -r '. | select(.name=="bb1") | .storageType'
Should Be Equal ${result} DISK
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket list ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/ | jq -r '. | select(.name=="bb1") | .volumeName'
Should Be Equal ${result} ${volume}
Run Keyword Test key handling ${protocol} ${server} ${volume}
Execute ozone sh bucket delete ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1
Execute ozone sh volume delete ${protocol}${server}/${volume}
Test Volume Acls
[arguments] ${protocol} ${server} ${volume}
Execute ozone sh volume create ${protocol}${server}/${volume}
${result} = Execute ozone sh volume getacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume}
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \".*\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"ALL\" .
${result} = Execute ozone sh volume addacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume} -a user:superuser1:rwxy[DEFAULT]
${result} = Execute ozone sh volume getacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume}
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1*\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"DEFAULT\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"READ\", \"WRITE\", \"READ_ACL\", \"WRITE_ACL\" .
${result} = Execute ozone sh volume removeacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume} -a user:superuser1:xy
${result} = Execute ozone sh volume getacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume}
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"DEFAULT\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"READ\", \"WRITE\", \"READ_ACL\", \"WRITE_ACL\" .
${result} = Execute ozone sh volume setacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume} -al user:superuser1:rwxy,group:superuser1:a,user:testuser/scm@EXAMPLE.COM:rwxyc,group:superuser1:a[DEFAULT]
${result} = Execute ozone sh volume getacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume}
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1*\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"DEFAULT\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"READ\", \"WRITE\", \"READ_ACL\", \"WRITE_ACL\" .
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"GROUP\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"DEFAULT\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"ALL\" .
Test Bucket Acls
[arguments] ${protocol} ${server} ${volume}
Execute ozone sh bucket create ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket getacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \".*\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"ALL\" .
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket addacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1 -a user:superuser1:rwxy
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket getacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1*\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"READ\", \"WRITE\", \"READ_ACL\", \"WRITE_ACL\"
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket removeacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1 -a user:superuser1:xy
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket getacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"READ\", \"WRITE\"
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket setacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1 -al user:superuser1:rwxy,group:superuser1:a,user:testuser/scm@EXAMPLE.COM:rwxyc,group:superuser1:a[DEFAULT]
${result} = Execute ozone sh bucket getacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1*\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"READ\", \"WRITE\", \"READ_ACL\", \"WRITE_ACL\"
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"GROUP\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"DEFAULT\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"ALL\" .
Test key handling
[arguments] ${protocol} ${server} ${volume}
Execute ozone sh key put ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1/key1 /opt/hadoop/NOTICE.txt
Execute rm -f /tmp/NOTICE.txt.1
Execute ozone sh key get ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1/key1 /tmp/NOTICE.txt.1
Execute diff -q /opt/hadoop/NOTICE.txt /tmp/NOTICE.txt.1
${result} = Execute And Ignore Error ozone sh key get ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1/key1 /tmp/NOTICE.txt.1
Should Contain ${result} NOTICE.txt.1 exists
${result} = Execute ozone sh key get --force ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1/key1 /tmp/NOTICE.txt.1
Should Not Contain ${result} NOTICE.txt.1 exists
${result} = Execute ozone sh key info ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1/key1 | jq -r '. | select(.name=="key1")'
Should contain ${result} creationTime
${result} = Execute ozone sh key list ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1 | jq -r '. | select(.name=="key1") | .name'
Should Be Equal ${result} key1
Execute ozone sh key rename ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1 key1 key2
${result} = Execute ozone sh key list ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1 | jq -r '.name'
Should Be Equal ${result} key2
Execute ozone sh key delete ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1/key2
Test key Acls
[arguments] ${protocol} ${server} ${volume}
Execute ozone sh key put ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1/key2 /opt/hadoop/NOTICE.txt
${result} = Execute ozone sh key getacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1/key2
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \".*\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"ALL\" .
${result} = Execute ozone sh key addacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1/key2 -a user:superuser1:rwxy
${result} = Execute ozone sh key getacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1/key2
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"READ\", \"WRITE\", \"READ_ACL\", \"WRITE_ACL\"
${result} = Execute ozone sh key removeacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1/key2 -a user:superuser1:xy
${result} = Execute ozone sh key getacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1/key2
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"READ\", \"WRITE\"
${result} = Execute ozone sh key setacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1/key2 -al user:superuser1:rwxy,group:superuser1:a,user:testuser/scm@EXAMPLE.COM:rwxyc
${result} = Execute ozone sh key getacl ${protocol}${server}/${volume}/bb1/key2
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"USER\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"READ\", \"WRITE\", \"READ_ACL\", \"WRITE_ACL\"
Should Match Regexp ${result} \"type\" : \"GROUP\",\n.*\"name\" : \"superuser1\",\n.*\"aclScope\" : \"ACCESS\",\n.*\"aclList\" : . \"ALL\" .