blob: 06288a03e7f609e7d389e0d9c257b8c561824875 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.ozone.client.protocol;
import org.apache.hadoop.crypto.key.KeyProvider;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.StorageType;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.OzoneAcl;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.client.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.client.OzoneQuota;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.client.ReplicationFactor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.client.ReplicationType;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.protocol.proto.OzoneManagerProtocolProtos.OMRoleInfo;
* An implementer of this interface is capable of connecting to Ozone Cluster
* and perform client operations. The protocol used for communication is
* determined by the implementation class specified by
* property <code>ozone.client.protocol</code>. The build-in implementation
* includes: {@link org.apache.hadoop.ozone.client.rpc.RpcClient} for RPC and
* {@link} for REST.
@KerberosInfo(serverPrincipal = OMConfigKeys.OZONE_OM_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL_KEY)
public interface ClientProtocol {
* List of OM node Ids and their Ratis server roles.
* @return List of OM server roles
* @throws IOException
List<OMRoleInfo> getOmRoleInfos() throws IOException;
* Creates a new Volume.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @throws IOException
void createVolume(String volumeName)
throws IOException;
* Creates a new Volume with properties set in VolumeArgs.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @param args Properties to be set for the Volume
* @throws IOException
void createVolume(String volumeName, VolumeArgs args)
throws IOException;
* Sets the owner of volume.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @param owner to be set for the Volume
* @return true if operation succeeded, false if specified user is
* already the owner.
* @throws IOException
boolean setVolumeOwner(String volumeName, String owner) throws IOException;
* Set Volume Quota.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @param quota Quota to be set for the Volume
* @throws IOException
void setVolumeQuota(String volumeName, OzoneQuota quota)
throws IOException;
* Returns {@link OzoneVolume}.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @return {@link OzoneVolume}
* @throws IOException
* */
OzoneVolume getVolumeDetails(String volumeName)
throws IOException;
* Checks if a Volume exists and the user with a role specified has access
* to the Volume.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @param acl requested acls which needs to be checked for access
* @return Boolean - True if the user with a role can access the volume.
* This is possible for owners of the volume and admin users
* @throws IOException
boolean checkVolumeAccess(String volumeName, OzoneAcl acl)
throws IOException;
* Deletes an empty Volume.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @throws IOException
void deleteVolume(String volumeName) throws IOException;
* Lists all volumes in the cluster that matches the volumePrefix,
* size of the returned list depends on maxListResult. If volume prefix
* is null, returns all the volumes. The caller has to make multiple calls
* to read all volumes.
* @param volumePrefix Volume prefix to match
* @param prevVolume Starting point of the list, this volume is excluded
* @param maxListResult Max number of volumes to return.
* @return {@code List<OzoneVolume>}
* @throws IOException
List<OzoneVolume> listVolumes(String volumePrefix, String prevVolume,
int maxListResult)
throws IOException;
* Lists all volumes in the cluster that are owned by the specified
* user and matches the volumePrefix, size of the returned list depends on
* maxListResult. If the user is null, return volumes owned by current user.
* If volume prefix is null, returns all the volumes. The caller has to make
* multiple calls to read all volumes.
* @param user User Name
* @param volumePrefix Volume prefix to match
* @param prevVolume Starting point of the list, this volume is excluded
* @param maxListResult Max number of volumes to return.
* @return {@code List<OzoneVolume>}
* @throws IOException
List<OzoneVolume> listVolumes(String user, String volumePrefix,
String prevVolume, int maxListResult)
throws IOException;
* Creates a new Bucket in the Volume.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @param bucketName Name of the Bucket
* @throws IOException
void createBucket(String volumeName, String bucketName)
throws IOException;
* Creates a new Bucket in the Volume, with properties set in BucketArgs.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @param bucketName Name of the Bucket
* @param bucketArgs Bucket Arguments
* @throws IOException
void createBucket(String volumeName, String bucketName,
BucketArgs bucketArgs)
throws IOException;
* Enables or disables Bucket Versioning.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @param bucketName Name of the Bucket
* @param versioning True to enable Versioning, False to disable.
* @throws IOException
void setBucketVersioning(String volumeName, String bucketName,
Boolean versioning)
throws IOException;
* Sets the Storage Class of a Bucket.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @param bucketName Name of the Bucket
* @param storageType StorageType to be set
* @throws IOException
void setBucketStorageType(String volumeName, String bucketName,
StorageType storageType)
throws IOException;
* Deletes a bucket if it is empty.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @param bucketName Name of the Bucket
* @throws IOException
void deleteBucket(String volumeName, String bucketName)
throws IOException;
* True if the bucket exists and user has read access
* to the bucket else throws Exception.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @param bucketName Name of the Bucket
* @throws IOException
void checkBucketAccess(String volumeName, String bucketName)
throws IOException;
* Returns {@link OzoneBucket}.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @param bucketName Name of the Bucket
* @return {@link OzoneBucket}
* @throws IOException
OzoneBucket getBucketDetails(String volumeName, String bucketName)
throws IOException;
* Returns the List of Buckets in the Volume that matches the bucketPrefix,
* size of the returned list depends on maxListResult. The caller has to make
* multiple calls to read all volumes.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @param bucketPrefix Bucket prefix to match
* @param prevBucket Starting point of the list, this bucket is excluded
* @param maxListResult Max number of buckets to return.
* @return {@code List<OzoneBucket>}
* @throws IOException
List<OzoneBucket> listBuckets(String volumeName, String bucketPrefix,
String prevBucket, int maxListResult)
throws IOException;
* Writes a key in an existing bucket.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @param bucketName Name of the Bucket
* @param keyName Name of the Key
* @param size Size of the data
* @param metadata custom key value metadata
* @return {@link OzoneOutputStream}
OzoneOutputStream createKey(String volumeName, String bucketName,
String keyName, long size, ReplicationType type,
ReplicationFactor factor,
Map<String, String> metadata)
throws IOException;
* Reads a key from an existing bucket.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @param bucketName Name of the Bucket
* @param keyName Name of the Key
* @return {@link OzoneInputStream}
* @throws IOException
OzoneInputStream getKey(String volumeName, String bucketName, String keyName)
throws IOException;
* Deletes an existing key.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @param bucketName Name of the Bucket
* @param keyName Name of the Key
* @throws IOException
void deleteKey(String volumeName, String bucketName, String keyName)
throws IOException;
* Renames an existing key within a bucket.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @param bucketName Name of the Bucket
* @param fromKeyName Name of the Key to be renamed
* @param toKeyName New name to be used for the Key
* @throws IOException
void renameKey(String volumeName, String bucketName, String fromKeyName,
String toKeyName) throws IOException;
* Returns list of Keys in {Volume/Bucket} that matches the keyPrefix,
* size of the returned list depends on maxListResult. The caller has
* to make multiple calls to read all keys.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @param bucketName Name of the Bucket
* @param keyPrefix Bucket prefix to match
* @param prevKey Starting point of the list, this key is excluded
* @param maxListResult Max number of buckets to return.
* @return {@code List<OzoneKey>}
* @throws IOException
List<OzoneKey> listKeys(String volumeName, String bucketName,
String keyPrefix, String prevKey, int maxListResult)
throws IOException;
* List trash allows the user to list the keys that were marked as deleted,
* but not actually deleted by Ozone Manager. This allows a user to recover
* keys within a configurable window.
* @param volumeName - The volume name, which can also be a wild card
* using '*'.
* @param bucketName - The bucket name, which can also be a wild card
* using '*'.
* @param startKeyName - List keys from a specific key name.
* @param keyPrefix - List keys using a specific prefix.
* @param maxKeys - The number of keys to be returned. This must be below
* the cluster level set by admins.
* @return The list of keys that are deleted from the deleted table.
* @throws IOException
List<RepeatedOmKeyInfo> listTrash(String volumeName, String bucketName,
String startKeyName, String keyPrefix,
int maxKeys)
throws IOException;
* Recover trash allows the user to recover keys that were marked as deleted,
* but not actually deleted by Ozone Manager.
* @param volumeName - The volume name.
* @param bucketName - The bucket name.
* @param keyName - The key user want to recover.
* @param destinationBucket - The bucket user want to recover to.
* @return The result of recovering operation is success or not.
* @throws IOException
boolean recoverTrash(String volumeName, String bucketName, String keyName,
String destinationBucket) throws IOException;
* Get OzoneKey.
* @param volumeName Name of the Volume
* @param bucketName Name of the Bucket
* @param keyName Key name
* @return {@link OzoneKey}
* @throws IOException
OzoneKeyDetails getKeyDetails(String volumeName, String bucketName,
String keyName)
throws IOException;
* Close and release the resources.
void close() throws IOException;
* Initiate Multipart upload.
* @param volumeName
* @param bucketName
* @param keyName
* @param type
* @param factor
* @return {@link OmMultipartInfo}
* @throws IOException
OmMultipartInfo initiateMultipartUpload(String volumeName, String
bucketName, String keyName, ReplicationType type, ReplicationFactor
factor) throws IOException;
* Create a part key for a multipart upload key.
* @param volumeName
* @param bucketName
* @param keyName
* @param size
* @param partNumber
* @param uploadID
* @return OzoneOutputStream
* @throws IOException
OzoneOutputStream createMultipartKey(String volumeName, String bucketName,
String keyName, long size,
int partNumber, String uploadID)
throws IOException;
* Complete Multipart upload. This will combine all the parts and make the
* key visible in ozone.
* @param volumeName
* @param bucketName
* @param keyName
* @param uploadID
* @param partsMap
* @return OmMultipartUploadCompleteInfo
* @throws IOException
OmMultipartUploadCompleteInfo completeMultipartUpload(String volumeName,
String bucketName, String keyName, String uploadID,
Map<Integer, String> partsMap) throws IOException;
* Abort Multipart upload request for the given key with given uploadID.
* @param volumeName
* @param bucketName
* @param keyName
* @param uploadID
* @throws IOException
void abortMultipartUpload(String volumeName,
String bucketName, String keyName, String uploadID) throws IOException;
* Returns list of parts of a multipart upload key.
* @param volumeName
* @param bucketName
* @param keyName
* @param uploadID
* @param partNumberMarker - returns parts with part number which are greater
* than this partNumberMarker.
* @param maxParts
* @return OmMultipartUploadListParts
OzoneMultipartUploadPartListParts listParts(String volumeName,
String bucketName, String keyName, String uploadID, int partNumberMarker,
int maxParts) throws IOException;
* Return with the inflight multipart uploads.
OzoneMultipartUploadList listMultipartUploads(String volumename,
String bucketName, String prefix) throws IOException;
* Get a valid Delegation Token.
* @param renewer the designated renewer for the token
* @return Token<OzoneDelegationTokenSelector>
* @throws IOException
Token<OzoneTokenIdentifier> getDelegationToken(Text renewer)
throws IOException;
* Renew an existing delegation token.
* @param token delegation token obtained earlier
* @return the new expiration time
* @throws IOException
long renewDelegationToken(Token<OzoneTokenIdentifier> token)
throws IOException;
* Cancel an existing delegation token.
* @param token delegation token
* @throws IOException
void cancelDelegationToken(Token<OzoneTokenIdentifier> token)
throws IOException;
* returns S3 Secret given kerberos user.
* @param kerberosID
* @return S3SecretValue
* @throws IOException
S3SecretValue getS3Secret(String kerberosID) throws IOException;
OMFailoverProxyProvider getOMProxyProvider();
* Get KMS client provider.
* @return KMS client provider.
* @throws IOException
KeyProvider getKeyProvider() throws IOException;
* Get KMS client provider uri.
* @return KMS client provider uri.
* @throws IOException
URI getKeyProviderUri() throws IOException;
* Get CanonicalServiceName for ozone delegation token.
* @return Canonical Service Name of ozone delegation token.
String getCanonicalServiceName();
* Get the Ozone File Status for a particular Ozone key.
* @param volumeName volume name.
* @param bucketName bucket name.
* @param keyName key name.
* @return OzoneFileStatus for the key.
* @throws OMException if file does not exist
* if bucket does not exist
* @throws IOException if there is error in the db
* invalid arguments
OzoneFileStatus getOzoneFileStatus(String volumeName, String bucketName,
String keyName) throws IOException;
* Creates directory with keyName as the absolute path for the directory.
* @param volumeName Volume name
* @param bucketName Bucket name
* @param keyName Absolute path for the directory
* @throws OMException if any entry in the path exists as a file
* if bucket does not exist
* @throws IOException if there is error in the db
* invalid arguments
void createDirectory(String volumeName, String bucketName, String keyName)
throws IOException;
* Creates an input stream for reading file contents.
* @param volumeName Volume name
* @param bucketName Bucket name
* @param keyName Absolute path of the file to be read
* @return Input stream for reading the file
* @throws OMException if any entry in the path exists as a file
* if bucket does not exist
* @throws IOException if there is error in the db
* invalid arguments
OzoneInputStream readFile(String volumeName, String bucketName,
String keyName) throws IOException;
* Creates an output stream for writing to a file.
* @param volumeName Volume name
* @param bucketName Bucket name
* @param keyName Absolute path of the file to be written
* @param size Size of data to be written
* @param type Replication Type
* @param factor Replication Factor
* @param overWrite if true existing file at the location will be overwritten
* @param recursive if true file would be created even if parent directories
* do not exist
* @return Output stream for writing to the file
* @throws OMException if given key is a directory
* if file exists and isOverwrite flag is false
* if an ancestor exists as a file
* if bucket does not exist
* @throws IOException if there is error in the db
* invalid arguments
OzoneOutputStream createFile(String volumeName, String bucketName,
String keyName, long size, ReplicationType type, ReplicationFactor factor,
boolean overWrite, boolean recursive) throws IOException;
* List the status for a file or a directory and its contents.
* @param volumeName Volume name
* @param bucketName Bucket name
* @param keyName Absolute path of the entry to be listed
* @param recursive For a directory if true all the descendants of a
* particular directory are listed
* @param startKey Key from which listing needs to start. If startKey exists
* its status is included in the final list.
* @param numEntries Number of entries to list from the start key
* @return list of file status
List<OzoneFileStatus> listStatus(String volumeName, String bucketName,
String keyName, boolean recursive, String startKey, long numEntries)
throws IOException;
* Add acl for Ozone object. Return true if acl is added successfully else
* false.
* @param obj Ozone object for which acl should be added.
* @param acl ozone acl to be added.
* @throws IOException if there is error.
* */
boolean addAcl(OzoneObj obj, OzoneAcl acl) throws IOException;
* Remove acl for Ozone object. Return true if acl is removed successfully
* else false.
* @param obj Ozone object.
* @param acl Ozone acl to be removed.
* @throws IOException if there is error.
* */
boolean removeAcl(OzoneObj obj, OzoneAcl acl) throws IOException;
* Acls to be set for given Ozone object. This operations reset ACL for
* given object to list of ACLs provided in argument.
* @param obj Ozone object.
* @param acls List of acls.
* @throws IOException if there is error.
* */
boolean setAcl(OzoneObj obj, List<OzoneAcl> acls) throws IOException;
* Returns list of ACLs for given Ozone object.
* @param obj Ozone object.
* @throws IOException if there is error.
* */
List<OzoneAcl> getAcl(OzoneObj obj) throws IOException;