blob: 87710ea01156c38ad2edd34e8d903603a108db52 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.ozone.client;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.conf.ConfigurationSource;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.StorageType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.client.ReplicationFactor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.client.ReplicationType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.client.HddsClientUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.OzoneConfigKeys;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.client.protocol.ClientProtocol;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.OzoneAcl;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
* A class that encapsulates OzoneBucket.
public class OzoneBucket extends WithMetadata {
* The proxy used for connecting to the cluster and perform
* client operations.
private final ClientProtocol proxy;
* Name of the volume in which the bucket belongs to.
private final String volumeName;
* Name of the bucket.
private final String name;
* Default replication factor to be used while creating keys.
private final ReplicationFactor defaultReplication;
* Default replication type to be used while creating keys.
private final ReplicationType defaultReplicationType;
* Type of storage to be used for this bucket.
private StorageType storageType;
* Bucket Version flag.
private Boolean versioning;
* Cache size to be used for listKey calls.
private int listCacheSize;
* Creation time of the bucket.
private Instant creationTime;
* Bucket Encryption key name if bucket encryption is enabled.
private String encryptionKeyName;
private OzoneObj ozoneObj;
private OzoneBucket(ConfigurationSource conf, String volumeName,
String bucketName, ReplicationFactor defaultReplication,
ReplicationType defaultReplicationType, ClientProtocol proxy) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(proxy, "Client proxy is not set.");
this.volumeName = volumeName; = bucketName;
if (defaultReplication == null) {
this.defaultReplication = ReplicationFactor.valueOf(conf.getInt(
} else {
this.defaultReplication = defaultReplication;
if (defaultReplicationType == null) {
this.defaultReplicationType = ReplicationType.valueOf(conf.get(
} else {
this.defaultReplicationType = defaultReplicationType;
this.proxy = proxy;
this.ozoneObj = OzoneObjInfo.Builder.newBuilder()
public OzoneBucket(ConfigurationSource conf, ClientProtocol proxy,
String volumeName, String bucketName, StorageType storageType,
Boolean versioning, long creationTime, Map<String, String> metadata,
String encryptionKeyName) {
this(conf, volumeName, bucketName, null, null, proxy);
this.storageType = storageType;
this.versioning = versioning;
this.listCacheSize = HddsClientUtils.getListCacheSize(conf);
this.creationTime = Instant.ofEpochMilli(creationTime);
this.metadata = metadata;
this.encryptionKeyName = encryptionKeyName;
* Constructs OzoneBucket instance.
* @param conf Configuration object.
* @param proxy ClientProtocol proxy.
* @param volumeName Name of the volume the bucket belongs to.
* @param bucketName Name of the bucket.
* @param storageType StorageType of the bucket.
* @param versioning versioning status of the bucket.
* @param creationTime creation time of the bucket.
public OzoneBucket(ConfigurationSource conf, ClientProtocol proxy,
String volumeName, String bucketName, StorageType storageType,
Boolean versioning, long creationTime, Map<String, String> metadata) {
this(conf, volumeName, bucketName, null, null, proxy);
this.storageType = storageType;
this.versioning = versioning;
this.listCacheSize = HddsClientUtils.getListCacheSize(conf);
this.creationTime = Instant.ofEpochMilli(creationTime);
this.metadata = metadata;
OzoneBucket(String volumeName, String name,
ReplicationFactor defaultReplication,
ReplicationType defaultReplicationType, StorageType storageType,
Boolean versioning, long creationTime) {
this.proxy = null;
this.volumeName = volumeName; = name;
this.defaultReplication = defaultReplication;
this.defaultReplicationType = defaultReplicationType;
this.storageType = storageType;
this.versioning = versioning;
this.creationTime = Instant.ofEpochMilli(creationTime);
this.ozoneObj = OzoneObjInfo.Builder.newBuilder()
* Returns Volume Name.
* @return volumeName
public String getVolumeName() {
return volumeName;
* Returns Bucket Name.
* @return bucketName
public String getName() {
return name;
* Returns ACL's associated with the Bucket.
* @return acls
public List<OzoneAcl> getAcls() throws IOException {
return proxy.getAcl(ozoneObj);
* Returns StorageType of the Bucket.
* @return storageType
public StorageType getStorageType() {
return storageType;
* Returns Versioning associated with the Bucket.
* @return versioning
public Boolean getVersioning() {
return versioning;
* Returns creation time of the Bucket.
* @return creation time of the bucket
public Instant getCreationTime() {
return creationTime;
* Return the bucket encryption key name.
* @return the bucket encryption key name
public String getEncryptionKeyName() {
return encryptionKeyName;
* Adds ACLs to the Bucket.
* @param addAcl ACL to be added
* @return true - if acl is successfully added, false if acl already exists
* for the bucket.
* @throws IOException
public boolean addAcls(OzoneAcl addAcl) throws IOException {
return proxy.addAcl(ozoneObj, addAcl);
* Removes ACLs from the bucket.
* @return true - if acl is successfully removed, false if acl to be
* removed does not exist for the bucket.
* @throws IOException
public boolean removeAcls(OzoneAcl removeAcl) throws IOException {
return proxy.removeAcl(ozoneObj, removeAcl);
* Sets/Changes the storage type of the bucket.
* @param newStorageType Storage type to be set
* @throws IOException
public void setStorageType(StorageType newStorageType) throws IOException {
proxy.setBucketStorageType(volumeName, name, newStorageType);
storageType = newStorageType;
* Enable/Disable versioning of the bucket.
* @param newVersioning
* @throws IOException
public void setVersioning(Boolean newVersioning) throws IOException {
proxy.setBucketVersioning(volumeName, name, newVersioning);
versioning = newVersioning;
* Creates a new key in the bucket, with default replication type RATIS and
* with replication factor THREE.
* @param key Name of the key to be created.
* @param size Size of the data the key will point to.
* @return OzoneOutputStream to which the data has to be written.
* @throws IOException
public OzoneOutputStream createKey(String key, long size)
throws IOException {
return createKey(key, size, defaultReplicationType, defaultReplication,
new HashMap<>());
* Creates a new key in the bucket.
* @param key Name of the key to be created.
* @param size Size of the data the key will point to.
* @param type Replication type to be used.
* @param factor Replication factor of the key.
* @return OzoneOutputStream to which the data has to be written.
* @throws IOException
public OzoneOutputStream createKey(String key, long size,
ReplicationType type,
ReplicationFactor factor,
Map<String, String> keyMetadata)
throws IOException {
return proxy
.createKey(volumeName, name, key, size, type, factor, keyMetadata);
* Reads an existing key from the bucket.
* @param key Name of the key to be read.
* @return OzoneInputStream the stream using which the data can be read.
* @throws IOException
public OzoneInputStream readKey(String key) throws IOException {
return proxy.getKey(volumeName, name, key);
* Returns information about the key.
* @param key Name of the key.
* @return OzoneKeyDetails Information about the key.
* @throws IOException
public OzoneKeyDetails getKey(String key) throws IOException {
return proxy.getKeyDetails(volumeName, name, key);
* Returns Iterator to iterate over all keys in the bucket.
* The result can be restricted using key prefix, will return all
* keys if key prefix is null.
* @param keyPrefix Bucket prefix to match
* @return {@code Iterator<OzoneKey>}
public Iterator<? extends OzoneKey> listKeys(String keyPrefix) {
return listKeys(keyPrefix, null);
* Returns Iterator to iterate over all keys after prevKey in the bucket.
* If prevKey is null it iterates from the first key in the bucket.
* The result can be restricted using key prefix, will return all
* keys if key prefix is null.
* @param keyPrefix Bucket prefix to match
* @param prevKey Keys will be listed after this key name
* @return {@code Iterator<OzoneKey>}
public Iterator<? extends OzoneKey> listKeys(String keyPrefix,
String prevKey) {
return new KeyIterator(keyPrefix, prevKey);
* Deletes key from the bucket.
* @param key Name of the key to be deleted.
* @throws IOException
public void deleteKey(String key) throws IOException {
proxy.deleteKey(volumeName, name, key);
public void renameKey(String fromKeyName, String toKeyName)
throws IOException {
proxy.renameKey(volumeName, name, fromKeyName, toKeyName);
* Initiate multipart upload for a specified key.
* @param keyName
* @param type
* @param factor
* @return OmMultipartInfo
* @throws IOException
public OmMultipartInfo initiateMultipartUpload(String keyName,
ReplicationType type,
ReplicationFactor factor)
throws IOException {
return proxy.initiateMultipartUpload(volumeName, name, keyName, type,
* Initiate multipart upload for a specified key, with default replication
* type RATIS and with replication factor THREE.
* @param key Name of the key to be created.
* @return OmMultipartInfo.
* @throws IOException
public OmMultipartInfo initiateMultipartUpload(String key)
throws IOException {
return initiateMultipartUpload(key, defaultReplicationType,
* Create a part key for a multipart upload key.
* @param key
* @param size
* @param partNumber
* @param uploadID
* @return OzoneOutputStream
* @throws IOException
public OzoneOutputStream createMultipartKey(String key, long size,
int partNumber, String uploadID)
throws IOException {
return proxy.createMultipartKey(volumeName, name, key, size, partNumber,
* Complete Multipart upload. This will combine all the parts and make the
* key visible in ozone.
* @param key
* @param uploadID
* @param partsMap
* @return OmMultipartUploadCompleteInfo
* @throws IOException
public OmMultipartUploadCompleteInfo completeMultipartUpload(String key,
String uploadID, Map<Integer, String> partsMap) throws IOException {
return proxy.completeMultipartUpload(volumeName, name, key, uploadID,
* Abort multipart upload request.
* @param keyName
* @param uploadID
* @throws IOException
public void abortMultipartUpload(String keyName, String uploadID) throws
IOException {
proxy.abortMultipartUpload(volumeName, name, keyName, uploadID);
* Returns list of parts of a multipart upload key.
* @param keyName
* @param uploadID
* @param partNumberMarker
* @param maxParts
* @return OzoneMultipartUploadPartListParts
public OzoneMultipartUploadPartListParts listParts(String keyName,
String uploadID, int partNumberMarker, int maxParts) throws IOException {
// As at most we can have 10000 parts for a key, not using iterator. If
// needed, it can be done later. So, if we send 10000 as max parts at
// most in a single rpc call, we return 0.6 mb, by assuming each part
// size as 60 bytes (ignored the replication type size during calculation)
return proxy.listParts(volumeName, name, keyName, uploadID,
partNumberMarker, maxParts);
* OzoneFS api to get file status for an entry.
* @param keyName Key name
* @throws OMException if file does not exist
* if bucket does not exist
* @throws IOException if there is error in the db
* invalid arguments
public OzoneFileStatus getFileStatus(String keyName) throws IOException {
return proxy.getOzoneFileStatus(volumeName, name, keyName);
* Ozone FS api to create a directory. Parent directories if do not exist
* are created for the input directory.
* @param keyName Key name
* @throws OMException if any entry in the path exists as a file
* if bucket does not exist
* @throws IOException if there is error in the db
* invalid arguments
public void createDirectory(String keyName) throws IOException {
proxy.createDirectory(volumeName, name, keyName);
* OzoneFS api to creates an input stream for a file.
* @param keyName Key name
* @throws OMException if given key is not found or it is not a file
* if bucket does not exist
* @throws IOException if there is error in the db
* invalid arguments
public OzoneInputStream readFile(String keyName) throws IOException {
return proxy.readFile(volumeName, name, keyName);
* OzoneFS api to creates an output stream for a file.
* @param keyName Key name
* @param overWrite if true existing file at the location will be overwritten
* @param recursive if true file would be created even if parent directories
* do not exist
* @throws OMException if given key is a directory
* if file exists and isOverwrite flag is false
* if an ancestor exists as a file
* if bucket does not exist
* @throws IOException if there is error in the db
* invalid arguments
public OzoneOutputStream createFile(String keyName, long size,
ReplicationType type, ReplicationFactor factor, boolean overWrite,
boolean recursive) throws IOException {
return proxy
.createFile(volumeName, name, keyName, size, type, factor, overWrite,
* List the status for a file or a directory and its contents.
* @param keyName Absolute path of the entry to be listed
* @param recursive For a directory if true all the descendants of a
* particular directory are listed
* @param startKey Key from which listing needs to start. If startKey exists
* its status is included in the final list.
* @param numEntries Number of entries to list from the start key
* @return list of file status
public List<OzoneFileStatus> listStatus(String keyName, boolean recursive,
String startKey, long numEntries) throws IOException {
return proxy
.listStatus(volumeName, name, keyName, recursive, startKey, numEntries);
* Return with the list of the in-flight multipart uploads.
* @param prefix Optional string to filter for the selected keys.
public OzoneMultipartUploadList listMultipartUploads(String prefix)
throws IOException {
return proxy.listMultipartUploads(volumeName, getName(), prefix);
* An Iterator to iterate over {@link OzoneKey} list.
private class KeyIterator implements Iterator<OzoneKey> {
private String keyPrefix = null;
private Iterator<OzoneKey> currentIterator;
private OzoneKey currentValue;
* Creates an Iterator to iterate over all keys after prevKey in the bucket.
* If prevKey is null it iterates from the first key in the bucket.
* The returned keys match key prefix.
* @param keyPrefix
KeyIterator(String keyPrefix, String prevKey) {
this.keyPrefix = keyPrefix;
this.currentValue = null;
this.currentIterator = getNextListOfKeys(prevKey).iterator();
public boolean hasNext() {
if(!currentIterator.hasNext() && currentValue != null) {
currentIterator = getNextListOfKeys(currentValue.getName()).iterator();
return currentIterator.hasNext();
public OzoneKey next() {
if(hasNext()) {
currentValue =;
return currentValue;
throw new NoSuchElementException();
* Gets the next set of key list using proxy.
* @param prevKey
* @return {@code List<OzoneKey>}
private List<OzoneKey> getNextListOfKeys(String prevKey) {
try {
return proxy.listKeys(volumeName, name, keyPrefix, prevKey,
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);