blob: b8fbe19fee3caabe5bc3abbeec0bcfdf036c3843 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.ozone.client;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.conf.ConfigurationSource;
import org.apache.hadoop.crypto.key.KeyProvider;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.conf.OzoneConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.client.HddsClientUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.tracing.TracingUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.OzoneAcl;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.client.protocol.ClientProtocol;
* ObjectStore class is responsible for the client operations that can be
* performed on Ozone Object Store.
public class ObjectStore {
* The proxy used for connecting to the cluster and perform
* client operations.
// TODO: remove rest api and client
private final ClientProtocol proxy;
* Cache size to be used for listVolume calls.
private int listCacheSize;
private String s3VolumeName;
* Creates an instance of ObjectStore.
* @param conf Configuration object.
* @param proxy ClientProtocol proxy.
public ObjectStore(ConfigurationSource conf, ClientProtocol proxy) {
this.proxy = TracingUtil.createProxy(proxy, ClientProtocol.class, conf);
this.listCacheSize = HddsClientUtils.getListCacheSize(conf);
this.s3VolumeName = HddsClientUtils.getS3VolumeName(conf);
protected ObjectStore() {
// For the unit test
OzoneConfiguration conf = new OzoneConfiguration();
this.s3VolumeName = HddsClientUtils.getS3VolumeName(conf);
proxy = null;
public ClientProtocol getClientProxy() {
return proxy;
* Creates the volume with default values.
* @param volumeName Name of the volume to be created.
* @throws IOException
public void createVolume(String volumeName) throws IOException {
* Creates the volume.
* @param volumeName Name of the volume to be created.
* @param volumeArgs Volume properties.
* @throws IOException
public void createVolume(String volumeName, VolumeArgs volumeArgs)
throws IOException {
proxy.createVolume(volumeName, volumeArgs);
* Creates an S3 bucket inside Ozone manager and creates the mapping needed
* to access via both S3 and Ozone.
* @param bucketName - S3 bucket Name.
* @throws IOException - On failure, throws an exception like Bucket exists.
public void createS3Bucket(String bucketName) throws
IOException {
OzoneVolume volume = getVolume(s3VolumeName);
public OzoneBucket getS3Bucket(String bucketName) throws IOException {
return getVolume(s3VolumeName).getBucket(bucketName);
* Deletes an s3 bucket and removes mapping of Ozone volume/bucket.
* @param bucketName - S3 Bucket Name.
* @throws IOException in case the bucket cannot be deleted.
public void deleteS3Bucket(String bucketName) throws IOException {
try {
OzoneVolume volume = getVolume(s3VolumeName);
} catch (OMException ex) {
if (ex.getResult() == OMException.ResultCodes.VOLUME_NOT_FOUND) {
throw new OMException(OMException.ResultCodes.BUCKET_NOT_FOUND);
} else {
throw ex;
* Returns the volume information.
* @param volumeName Name of the volume.
* @return OzoneVolume
* @throws IOException
public OzoneVolume getVolume(String volumeName) throws IOException {
OzoneVolume volume = proxy.getVolumeDetails(volumeName);
return volume;
public S3SecretValue getS3Secret(String kerberosID) throws IOException {
return proxy.getS3Secret(kerberosID);
* Returns Iterator to iterate over all the volumes in object store.
* The result can be restricted using volume prefix, will return all
* volumes if volume prefix is null.
* @param volumePrefix Volume prefix to match
* @return {@code Iterator<OzoneVolume>}
public Iterator<? extends OzoneVolume> listVolumes(String volumePrefix)
throws IOException {
return listVolumes(volumePrefix, null);
* Returns Iterator to iterate over all the volumes after prevVolume in object
* store. If prevVolume is null it iterates from the first volume.
* The result can be restricted using volume prefix, will return all
* volumes if volume prefix is null.
* @param volumePrefix Volume prefix to match
* @param prevVolume Volumes will be listed after this volume name
* @return {@code Iterator<OzoneVolume>}
public Iterator<? extends OzoneVolume> listVolumes(String volumePrefix,
String prevVolume) throws IOException {
return new VolumeIterator(null, volumePrefix, prevVolume);
* Returns Iterator to iterate over the list of volumes after prevVolume owned
* by a specific user. The result can be restricted using volume prefix, will
* return all volumes if volume prefix is null. If user is not null, returns
* the volume of current user.
* @param user User Name
* @param volumePrefix Volume prefix to match
* @param prevVolume Volumes will be listed after this volume name
* @return {@code Iterator<OzoneVolume>}
public Iterator<? extends OzoneVolume> listVolumesByUser(String user,
String volumePrefix, String prevVolume)
throws IOException {
if(Strings.isNullOrEmpty(user)) {
user = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().getUserName();
return new VolumeIterator(user, volumePrefix, prevVolume);
* Deletes the volume.
* @param volumeName Name of the volume.
* @throws IOException
public void deleteVolume(String volumeName) throws IOException {
public KeyProvider getKeyProvider() throws IOException {
return proxy.getKeyProvider();
public URI getKeyProviderUri() throws IOException {
return proxy.getKeyProviderUri();
* An Iterator to iterate over {@link OzoneVolume} list.
private class VolumeIterator implements Iterator<OzoneVolume> {
private String user = null;
private String volPrefix = null;
private Iterator<OzoneVolume> currentIterator;
private OzoneVolume currentValue;
* Creates an Iterator to iterate over all volumes after
* prevVolume of the user. If prevVolume is null it iterates from the
* first volume. The returned volumes match volume prefix.
* @param user user name
* @param volPrefix volume prefix to match
VolumeIterator(String user, String volPrefix, String prevVolume) {
this.user = user;
this.volPrefix = volPrefix;
this.currentValue = null;
this.currentIterator = getNextListOfVolumes(prevVolume).iterator();
public boolean hasNext() {
if (!currentIterator.hasNext() && currentValue != null) {
currentIterator = getNextListOfVolumes(currentValue.getName())
return currentIterator.hasNext();
public OzoneVolume next() {
if(hasNext()) {
currentValue =;
return currentValue;
throw new NoSuchElementException();
* Returns the next set of volume list using proxy.
* @param prevVolume previous volume, this will be excluded from the result
* @return {@code List<OzoneVolume>}
private List<OzoneVolume> getNextListOfVolumes(String prevVolume) {
try {
//if user is null, we do list of all volumes.
if(user != null) {
return proxy.listVolumes(user, volPrefix, prevVolume, listCacheSize);
return proxy.listVolumes(volPrefix, prevVolume, listCacheSize);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Get a valid Delegation Token.
* @param renewer the designated renewer for the token
* @return Token<OzoneDelegationTokenSelector>
* @throws IOException
public Token<OzoneTokenIdentifier> getDelegationToken(Text renewer)
throws IOException {
return proxy.getDelegationToken(renewer);
* Renew an existing delegation token.
* @param token delegation token obtained earlier
* @return the new expiration time
* @throws IOException
public long renewDelegationToken(Token<OzoneTokenIdentifier> token)
throws IOException {
return proxy.renewDelegationToken(token);
* Cancel an existing delegation token.
* @param token delegation token
* @throws IOException
public void cancelDelegationToken(Token<OzoneTokenIdentifier> token)
throws IOException {
* @return canonical service name of ozone delegation token.
public String getCanonicalServiceName() {
return proxy.getCanonicalServiceName();
* Add acl for Ozone object. Return true if acl is added successfully else
* false.
* @param obj Ozone object for which acl should be added.
* @param acl ozone acl to be added.
* @return true if acl is added successfully, else false.
* @throws IOException if there is error.
* */
public boolean addAcl(OzoneObj obj, OzoneAcl acl) throws IOException {
return proxy.addAcl(obj, acl);
* Remove acl for Ozone object. Return true if acl is removed successfully
* else false.
* @param obj Ozone object.
* @param acl Ozone acl to be removed.
* @return true if acl is added successfully, else false.
* @throws IOException if there is error.
public boolean removeAcl(OzoneObj obj, OzoneAcl acl) throws IOException {
return proxy.removeAcl(obj, acl);
* Acls to be set for given Ozone object. This operations reset ACL for given
* object to list of ACLs provided in argument.
* @param obj Ozone object.
* @param acls List of acls.
* @return true if acl is added successfully, else false.
* @throws IOException if there is error.
public boolean setAcl(OzoneObj obj, List<OzoneAcl> acls) throws IOException {
return proxy.setAcl(obj, acls);
* Returns list of ACLs for given Ozone object.
* @param obj Ozone object.
* @return true if acl is added successfully, else false.
* @throws IOException if there is error.
public List<OzoneAcl> getAcl(OzoneObj obj) throws IOException {
return proxy.getAcl(obj);