blob: b0e97553e3e862bdab76fe19f4d0349d94c97df9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* <p>
* <p>
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSExceptionMessages;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.client.BlockID;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.client.ECReplicationConfig;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.client.StandaloneReplicationConfig;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.DatanodeDetails;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.proto.HddsProtos;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.XceiverClientFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.pipeline.Pipeline;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.pipeline.PipelineID;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.function.Function;
* Class to read data from an EC Block Group.
public class ECBlockInputStream extends BlockExtendedInputStream {
private static final Logger LOG =
private final ECReplicationConfig repConfig;
private final int ecChunkSize;
private final long stripeSize;
private final BlockInputStreamFactory streamFactory;
private final boolean verifyChecksum;
private final XceiverClientFactory xceiverClientFactory;
private final Function<BlockID, Pipeline> refreshFunction;
private final OmKeyLocationInfo blockInfo;
private final DatanodeDetails[] dataLocations;
private final BlockExtendedInputStream[] blockStreams;
private final int maxLocations;
private long position = 0;
private boolean closed = false;
private boolean seeked = false;
protected OmKeyLocationInfo getBlockInfo() {
return blockInfo;
protected ECReplicationConfig getRepConfig() {
return repConfig;
protected DatanodeDetails[] getDataLocations() {
return dataLocations;
protected long getStripeSize() {
return stripeSize;
* Returns the number of available data locations, taking account of the
* expected number of locations. Eg, if the block is less than 1 EC chunk,
* we only expect 1 data location. If it is between 1 and 2 chunks, we expect
* there to be 2 locations, and so on.
* @param expectedLocations The maximum number of allowed data locations,
* depending on the block size.
* @return The number of available data locations.
protected int availableDataLocations(int expectedLocations) {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < repConfig.getData() && i < expectedLocations; i++) {
if (dataLocations[i] != null) {
return count;
protected int availableParityLocations() {
int count = 0;
for (int i = repConfig.getData();
i < repConfig.getData() + repConfig.getParity(); i++) {
if (dataLocations[i] != null) {
return count;
public ECBlockInputStream(ECReplicationConfig repConfig,
OmKeyLocationInfo blockInfo, boolean verifyChecksum,
XceiverClientFactory xceiverClientFactory, Function<BlockID,
Pipeline> refreshFunction, BlockInputStreamFactory streamFactory) {
this.repConfig = repConfig;
this.ecChunkSize = repConfig.getEcChunkSize();
this.verifyChecksum = verifyChecksum;
this.blockInfo = blockInfo;
this.streamFactory = streamFactory;
this.xceiverClientFactory = xceiverClientFactory;
this.refreshFunction = refreshFunction;
this.maxLocations = repConfig.getData() + repConfig.getParity();
this.dataLocations = new DatanodeDetails[repConfig.getRequiredNodes()];
this.blockStreams =
new BlockExtendedInputStream[repConfig.getRequiredNodes()];
this.stripeSize = (long)ecChunkSize * repConfig.getData();
public synchronized boolean hasSufficientLocations() {
// The number of locations needed is a function of the EC Chunk size. If the
// block length is <= the chunk size, we should only have location 1. If it
// is greater than the chunk size but less than chunk_size * 2, then we must
// have two locations. If it is greater than chunk_size * data_num, then we
// must have all data_num locations.
// We only consider data locations here.
int expectedDataBlocks = calculateExpectedDataBlocks(repConfig);
return expectedDataBlocks == availableDataLocations(expectedDataBlocks);
protected int calculateExpectedDataBlocks(ECReplicationConfig rConfig) {
return ECBlockInputStreamProxy.expectedDataLocations(rConfig, getLength());
* Using the current position, returns the index of the blockStream we should
* be reading from. This is the index in the internal array holding the
* stream reference. The block group index will be one greater than this.
* @return
protected int currentStreamIndex() {
return (int)((position / ecChunkSize) % repConfig.getData());
* Uses the current position and ecChunkSize to determine which of the
* internal block streams the next read should come from. Also opens the
* stream if it has not been opened already.
* @return BlockInput stream to read from.
protected BlockExtendedInputStream getOrOpenStream(int locationIndex) {
BlockExtendedInputStream stream = blockStreams[locationIndex];
if (stream == null) {
// To read an EC block, we create a STANDALONE pipeline that contains the
// single location for the block index we want to read. The EC blocks are
// indexed from 1 to N, however the data locations are stored in the
// dataLocations array indexed from zero.
Pipeline pipeline = Pipeline.newBuilder()
OmKeyLocationInfo blkInfo = new OmKeyLocationInfo.Builder()
.setLength(internalBlockLength(locationIndex + 1))
stream = streamFactory.create(
blkInfo, pipeline,
blockInfo.getToken(), verifyChecksum, xceiverClientFactory,
blockStreams[locationIndex] = stream;
return stream;
* Returns the length of the Nth block in the block group, taking account of a
* potentially partial last stripe. Note that the internal block index is
* numbered starting from 1.
* @param index - Index number of the internal block, starting from 1
* @return
protected long internalBlockLength(int index) {
long lastStripe = blockInfo.getLength() % stripeSize;
long blockSize = (blockInfo.getLength() - lastStripe) / repConfig.getData();
long lastCell = lastStripe / ecChunkSize + 1;
long lastCellLength = lastStripe % ecChunkSize;
if (index > repConfig.getData()) {
// Its a parity block and their size is driven by the size of the
// first block of the block group. All parity blocks have the same size
// as block_1.
index = 1;
if (index < lastCell) {
return blockSize + ecChunkSize;
} else if (index == lastCell) {
return blockSize + lastCellLength;
} else {
return blockSize;
private void setBlockLocations(Pipeline pipeline) {
for (DatanodeDetails node : pipeline.getNodes()) {
int index = pipeline.getReplicaIndex(node);
addBlockLocation(index, node);
private void addBlockLocation(int index, DatanodeDetails location) {
if (index > maxLocations) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("The index " + index + " is greater "
+ "than the EC Replication Config (" + repConfig + ")");
dataLocations[index - 1] = location;
protected long blockLength() {
return blockInfo.getLength();
protected long remaining() {
return blockLength() - position;
* Read from the internal BlockInputStreams one EC cell at a time into the
* strategy buffer. This call may read from several internal BlockInputStreams
* if there is sufficient space in the buffer.
* @param strategy
* @return
* @throws IOException
protected synchronized int readWithStrategy(ByteReaderStrategy strategy)
throws IOException {
Preconditions.checkArgument(strategy != null);
if (remaining() == 0) {
return EOF;
int totalRead = 0;
while (strategy.getTargetLength() > 0 && remaining() > 0) {
try {
int currentIndex = currentStreamIndex();
BlockExtendedInputStream stream = getOrOpenStream(currentIndex);
int read = readFromStream(stream, strategy);
totalRead += read;
position += read;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new BadDataLocationException(
dataLocations[currentStreamIndex()], ioe);
return totalRead;
public synchronized long getRemaining() {
return blockInfo.getLength() - position;
public synchronized long getLength() {
return blockInfo.getLength();
public BlockID getBlockID() {
return blockInfo.getBlockID();
protected void seekStreamIfNecessary(BlockExtendedInputStream stream,
long partialChunkSize) throws IOException {
if (seeked) {
// Seek on the underlying streams is performed lazily, as there is a
// possibility a read after a seek may only read a small amount of data.
// Once this block stream has been seeked, we always check the position,
// but in the usual case, where there are no seeks at all, we don't need
// to do this extra work.
long basePosition = (position / stripeSize) * (long)ecChunkSize;
long streamPosition = basePosition + partialChunkSize;
if (streamPosition != stream.getPos()) {
// This ECBlockInputStream has been seeked, so the underlying
// block stream is no longer at the correct position. Therefore we need
// to seek it too.;
* Read the most allowable amount of data from the current stream. This
* ensures we don't read past the end of an EC cell or the overall block
* group length.
* @param stream Stream to read from
* @param strategy The ReaderStrategy to read data into
* @return
* @throws IOException
private int readFromStream(BlockExtendedInputStream stream,
ByteReaderStrategy strategy)
throws IOException {
long partialPosition = position % ecChunkSize;
seekStreamIfNecessary(stream, partialPosition);
long ecLimit = ecChunkSize - partialPosition;
// Free space in the buffer to read into
long bufLimit = strategy.getTargetLength();
// How much we can read, the lower of the EC Cell, buffer and overall block
// remaining.
int expectedRead = (int)Math.min(Math.min(ecLimit, bufLimit), remaining());
int actualRead = strategy.readFromBlock(stream, expectedRead);
if (actualRead == -1) {
// The Block Stream reached EOF, but we did not expect it to, so the block
// might be corrupt.
throw new IOException("Expected to read " + expectedRead + " but got EOF"
+ " from blockGroup " + stream.getBlockID() + " index "
+ currentStreamIndex() + 1);
return actualRead;
* Verify that the input stream is open.
* @throws IOException if the connection is closed.
private void checkOpen() throws IOException {
if (closed) {
throw new IOException(
": " + FSExceptionMessages.STREAM_IS_CLOSED + " Block: "
+ blockInfo.getBlockID());
public synchronized void close() {
closed = true;
protected synchronized void closeStreams() {
for (int i = 0; i < blockStreams.length; i++) {
if (blockStreams[i] != null) {
try {
blockStreams[i] = null;
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Failed to close stream {}", blockStreams[i], e);
// If the streams have been closed outside of a close() call, then it may
// be due to freeing resources. If they are reopened, then we will need to
// seek the stream to its expected position when the next read is attempted.
seeked = true;
public synchronized void unbuffer() {
for (BlockExtendedInputStream stream : blockStreams) {
if (stream != null) {
public synchronized void seek(long pos) throws IOException {
if (pos < 0 || pos >= getLength()) {
if (pos == 0) {
// It is possible for length and pos to be zero in which case
// seek should return instead of throwing exception
throw new EOFException(
"EOF encountered at pos: " + pos + " for block: "
+ blockInfo.getBlockID());
position = pos;
seeked = true;
public synchronized long getPos() {
return position;
protected synchronized void setPos(long pos) {
position = pos;
public synchronized boolean seekToNewSource(long l) throws IOException {
return false;