blob: 00c8fdbf3fb4ea36e6f24dc83e18d1403e14e20d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* These .proto interfaces are private and unstable.
* Please see
* for what changes are allowed for a *unstable* .proto interface.
option java_package = "org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "StorageContainerDatanodeProtocolProtos";
option java_generic_services = true;
option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true;
package hadoop.hdds;
import "hdds.proto";
message SCMDatanodeRequest {
required Type cmdType = 1; // Type of the command
optional string traceID = 2;
optional SCMVersionRequestProto getVersionRequest = 3;
optional SCMRegisterRequestProto registerRequest = 4;
optional SCMHeartbeatRequestProto sendHeartbeatRequest = 5;
message SCMDatanodeResponse {
required Type cmdType = 1; // Type of the command
optional string traceID = 2;
optional bool success = 3 [default = true];
optional string message = 4;
required Status status = 5;
optional SCMVersionResponseProto getVersionResponse = 6;
optional SCMRegisteredResponseProto registerResponse = 7;
optional SCMHeartbeatResponseProto sendHeartbeatResponse = 8;
enum Type {
GetVersion = 1;
Register = 2;
SendHeartbeat = 3;
enum Status {
OK = 1;
ERROR = 2;
* Request for version info of the software stack on the server.
message SCMVersionRequestProto {}
* Generic response that is send to a version request. This allows keys to be
* added on the fly and protocol to remain stable.
message SCMVersionResponseProto {
required uint32 softwareVersion = 1;
repeated hadoop.hdds.KeyValue keys = 2;
message SCMRegisterRequestProto {
required DatanodeDetailsProto datanodeDetails = 1;
required NodeReportProto nodeReport = 2;
required ContainerReportsProto containerReport = 3;
required PipelineReportsProto pipelineReports = 4;
* Datanode ID returned by the SCM. This is similar to name node
* registeration of a datanode.
message SCMRegisteredResponseProto {
enum ErrorCode {
success = 1;
errorNodeNotPermitted = 2;
required ErrorCode errorCode = 1;
required string datanodeUUID = 2;
required string clusterID = 3;
optional SCMNodeAddressList addressList = 4;
optional string hostname = 5;
optional string ipAddress = 6;
optional string networkName = 7;
optional string networkLocation = 8;
* This message is send by data node to indicate that it is alive or it is
* registering with the node manager.
message SCMHeartbeatRequestProto {
required DatanodeDetailsProto datanodeDetails = 1;
optional NodeReportProto nodeReport = 2;
optional ContainerReportsProto containerReport = 3;
repeated IncrementalContainerReportProto incrementalContainerReport = 4;
repeated CommandStatusReportsProto commandStatusReports = 5;
optional ContainerActionsProto containerActions = 6;
optional PipelineActionsProto pipelineActions = 7;
optional PipelineReportsProto pipelineReports = 8;
* A group of commands for the datanode to execute
message SCMHeartbeatResponseProto {
required string datanodeUUID = 1;
repeated SCMCommandProto commands = 2;
message SCMNodeAddressList {
repeated string addressList = 1;
* This message is send along with the heart beat to report datanode
* storage utilization to SCM.
message NodeReportProto {
repeated StorageReportProto storageReport = 1;
repeated MetadataStorageReportProto metadataStorageReport = 2;
message StorageReportProto {
required string storageUuid = 1;
required string storageLocation = 2;
optional uint64 capacity = 3 [default = 0];
optional uint64 scmUsed = 4 [default = 0];
optional uint64 remaining = 5 [default = 0];
optional StorageTypeProto storageType = 6 [default = DISK];
optional bool failed = 7 [default = false];
message MetadataStorageReportProto {
required string storageLocation = 1;
optional StorageTypeProto storageType = 2 [default = DISK];
* Types of recognized storage media.
enum StorageTypeProto {
DISK = 1;
SSD = 2;
message ContainerReportsProto {
repeated ContainerReplicaProto reports = 1;
message IncrementalContainerReportProto {
repeated ContainerReplicaProto report = 1;
message ContainerReplicaProto {
enum State {
OPEN = 1;
required int64 containerID = 1;
required State state = 2;
optional int64 size = 3;
optional int64 used = 4;
optional int64 keyCount = 5;
optional int64 readCount = 6;
optional int64 writeCount = 7;
optional int64 readBytes = 8;
optional int64 writeBytes = 9;
optional string finalhash = 10;
optional int64 deleteTransactionId = 11;
optional uint64 blockCommitSequenceId = 12;
optional string originNodeId = 13;
message CommandStatusReportsProto {
repeated CommandStatus cmdStatus = 1;
message CommandStatus {
enum Status {
required int64 cmdId = 1;
required Status status = 2 [default = PENDING];
required SCMCommandProto.Type type = 3;
optional string msg = 4;
optional ContainerBlocksDeletionACKProto blockDeletionAck = 5;
message ContainerActionsProto {
repeated ContainerAction containerActions = 1;
message ContainerAction {
enum Action {
CLOSE = 1;
enum Reason {
required int64 containerID = 1;
required Action action = 2;
optional Reason reason = 3;
message PipelineReport {
required PipelineID pipelineID = 1;
required bool isLeader = 2;
optional uint64 bytesWritten = 3;
message PipelineReportsProto {
repeated PipelineReport pipelineReport = 1;
message PipelineActionsProto {
repeated PipelineAction pipelineActions = 1;
message ClosePipelineInfo {
enum Reason {
required PipelineID pipelineID = 1;
optional Reason reason = 3;
optional string detailedReason = 4;
message PipelineAction {
enum Action {
CLOSE = 1;
* Action will be used to identify the correct pipeline action.
required Action action = 1;
optional ClosePipelineInfo closePipeline = 2;
* These are commands returned by SCM for to the datanode to execute.
message SCMCommandProto {
enum Type {
reregisterCommand = 1;
deleteBlocksCommand = 2;
closeContainerCommand = 3;
deleteContainerCommand = 4;
replicateContainerCommand = 5;
createPipelineCommand = 6;
closePipelineCommand = 7;
// TODO: once we start using protoc 3.x, refactor this message using "oneof"
required Type commandType = 1;
optional ReregisterCommandProto reregisterCommandProto = 2;
optional DeleteBlocksCommandProto deleteBlocksCommandProto = 3;
optional CloseContainerCommandProto closeContainerCommandProto = 4;
optional DeleteContainerCommandProto deleteContainerCommandProto = 5;
optional ReplicateContainerCommandProto replicateContainerCommandProto = 6;
optional CreatePipelineCommandProto createPipelineCommandProto = 7;
optional ClosePipelineCommandProto closePipelineCommandProto = 8;
* SCM informs a datanode to register itself again.
* With recieving this command, datanode will transit to REGISTER state.
message ReregisterCommandProto {}
// HB response from SCM, contains a list of block deletion transactions.
message DeleteBlocksCommandProto {
repeated DeletedBlocksTransaction deletedBlocksTransactions = 1;
required int64 cmdId = 3;
// The deleted blocks which are stored in deletedBlock.db of scm.
// We don't use BlockID because this only contians multiple localIDs
// of the same containerID.
message DeletedBlocksTransaction {
required int64 txID = 1;
required int64 containerID = 2;
repeated int64 localID = 3;
// the retry time of sending deleting command to datanode.
required int32 count = 4;
// ACK message datanode sent to SCM, contains the result of
// block deletion transactions.
message ContainerBlocksDeletionACKProto {
message DeleteBlockTransactionResult {
required int64 txID = 1;
required int64 containerID = 2;
required bool success = 3;
repeated DeleteBlockTransactionResult results = 1;
required string dnId = 2;
This command asks the datanode to close a specific container.
message CloseContainerCommandProto {
required int64 containerID = 1;
required PipelineID pipelineID = 2;
// cmdId will be removed
required int64 cmdId = 3;
// Force will be used when closing a container out side of ratis.
optional bool force = 4 [default = false];
This command asks the datanode to delete a specific container.
message DeleteContainerCommandProto {
required int64 containerID = 1;
required int64 cmdId = 2;
required bool force = 3 [default = false];
This command asks the datanode to replicate a container from specific sources.
message ReplicateContainerCommandProto {
required int64 containerID = 1;
repeated DatanodeDetailsProto sources = 2;
required int64 cmdId = 3;
This command asks the datanode to create a pipeline.
message CreatePipelineCommandProto {
required PipelineID pipelineID = 1;
required ReplicationType type = 2;
required ReplicationFactor factor = 3;
repeated DatanodeDetailsProto datanode = 4;
required int64 cmdId = 5;
This command asks the datanode to close a pipeline.
message ClosePipelineCommandProto {
required PipelineID pipelineID = 1;
required int64 cmdId = 2;
* Protocol used from a datanode to StorageContainerManager.
* Please see the request and response messages for details of the RPC calls.
* Here is a simple state diagram that shows how a datanode would boot up and
* communicate with SCM.
* -----------------------
* | Start |
* ---------- ------------
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* ----------v-------------
* | Searching for SCM ------------
* ---------- ------------- |
* | |
* | |
* | ----------v-------------
* | | Register if needed |
* | ----------- ------------
* | |
* v |
* ----------- ---------------- |
* --------- Heartbeat state <--------
* | --------^-------------------
* | |
* | |
* | |
* | |
* | |
* | |
* | |
* ------------------
* Here is how this protocol is used by the datanode. When a datanode boots up
* it moves into a stated called SEARCHING_SCM. In this state datanode is
* trying to establish communication with the SCM. The address of the SCMs are
* retrieved from the configuration information.
* In the SEARCHING_SCM state, only rpc call made by datanode is a getVersion
* call to SCM. Once any of the SCMs reply, datanode checks if it has a local
* persisted datanode ID. If it has this means that this datanode is already
* registered with some SCM. If this file is not found, datanode assumes that
* it needs to do a registration.
* If registration is need datanode moves into REGISTER state. It will
* send a register call with DatanodeDetailsProto data structure and presist
* that info.
* The response to the command contains clusterID. This information is
* also persisted by the datanode and moves into heartbeat state.
* Once in the heartbeat state, datanode sends heartbeats and container reports
* to SCM and process commands issued by SCM until it is shutdown.
service StorageContainerDatanodeProtocolService {
//Message sent from Datanode to SCM as a heartbeat.
rpc submitRequest (SCMDatanodeRequest) returns (SCMDatanodeResponse);