blob: e4b02cd93616ce40dedd91fa0dc942a338fbc5ef [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* <p>
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package org.apache.ozone.erasurecode;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.conf.ConfigurationSource;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.conf.OzoneConfiguration;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
* Test base of common utilities for tests not only raw coders but also block
* coders.
@SuppressWarnings({"checkstyle:VisibilityModifier", "checkstyle:HiddenField"})
public abstract class TestCoderBase {
protected static final Random RAND = new Random();
private static int fixedDataGenerator = 0;
protected boolean allowDump = true;
protected int numDataUnits;
protected int numParityUnits;
protected int baseChunkSize = 1024;
// Indexes of erased data units.
protected int[] erasedDataIndexes = new int[]{0};
// Indexes of erased parity units.
protected int[] erasedParityIndexes = new int[]{0};
// Data buffers are either direct or on-heap, for performance the two cases
// may go to different coding implementations.
protected boolean usingDirectBuffer = true;
protected boolean usingFixedData = true;
protected byte[][] fixedData;
private int chunkSize = baseChunkSize;
private BufferAllocator allocator;
private byte[] zeroChunkBytes;
private boolean startBufferWithZero = true;
// Using this the generated data can be repeatable across multiple calls to
// encode(), in order for troubleshooting.
private ConfigurationSource conf;
protected int getChunkSize() {
return chunkSize;
protected void setChunkSize(int chunkSize) {
this.chunkSize = chunkSize;
this.zeroChunkBytes = new byte[chunkSize]; // With ZERO by default
protected byte[] getZeroChunkBytes() {
return zeroChunkBytes;
protected void prepareBufferAllocator(boolean usingSlicedBuffer) {
if (usingSlicedBuffer) {
int roughEstimationSpace =
chunkSize * (numDataUnits + numParityUnits) * 10;
allocator = new BufferAllocator.SlicedBufferAllocator(usingDirectBuffer,
} else {
allocator = new BufferAllocator.SimpleBufferAllocator(usingDirectBuffer);
protected boolean isAllowDump() {
return allowDump;
* Prepare before running the case.
* @param usingFixedData Using fixed or pre-generated data to test instead of
* generating data
protected void prepare(ConfigurationSource conf,
int numDataUnits,
int numParityUnits,
int[] erasedDataIndexes,
int[] erasedParityIndexes,
boolean usingFixedData) {
this.conf = conf != null ? conf : new OzoneConfiguration();
this.numDataUnits = numDataUnits;
this.numParityUnits = numParityUnits;
this.erasedDataIndexes = erasedDataIndexes != null ?
erasedDataIndexes : new int[]{0};
this.erasedParityIndexes = erasedParityIndexes != null ?
erasedParityIndexes : new int[]{0};
this.usingFixedData = usingFixedData;
if (usingFixedData) {
* Prepare before running the case.
* @param conf
* @param numDataUnits
* @param numParityUnits
* @param erasedDataIndexes
* @param erasedParityIndexes
protected void prepare(ConfigurationSource conf, int numDataUnits,
int numParityUnits, int[] erasedDataIndexes,
int[] erasedParityIndexes) {
prepare(conf, numDataUnits, numParityUnits, erasedDataIndexes,
erasedParityIndexes, false);
* Prepare before running the case.
* @param numDataUnits
* @param numParityUnits
* @param erasedDataIndexes
* @param erasedParityIndexes
protected void prepare(
int numDataUnits,
int numParityUnits,
int[] erasedDataIndexes,
int[] erasedParityIndexes) {
prepare(null, numDataUnits, numParityUnits, erasedDataIndexes,
erasedParityIndexes, false);
* Get the conf the test.
* @return configuration
protected ConfigurationSource getConf() {
return this.conf;
* Compare and verify if erased chunks are equal to recovered chunks.
* @param erasedChunks
* @param recoveredChunks
protected void compareAndVerify(ECChunk[] erasedChunks,
ECChunk[] recoveredChunks) {
byte[][] erased = toArrays(erasedChunks);
byte[][] recovered = toArrays(recoveredChunks);
boolean result = Arrays.deepEquals(erased, recovered);
if (!result) {
assertTrue("Decoding and comparing failed.", result);
* Adjust and return erased indexes altogether, including erased data indexes
* and parity indexes.
* @return erased indexes altogether
protected int[] getErasedIndexesForDecoding() {
int[] erasedIndexesForDecoding =
new int[erasedDataIndexes.length + erasedParityIndexes.length];
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < erasedDataIndexes.length; i++) {
erasedIndexesForDecoding[idx++] = erasedDataIndexes[i];
for (int i = 0; i < erasedParityIndexes.length; i++) {
erasedIndexesForDecoding[idx++] = erasedParityIndexes[i] + numDataUnits;
return erasedIndexesForDecoding;
* Return input chunks for decoding, which is dataChunks + parityChunks.
* @param dataChunks
* @param parityChunks
* @return
protected ECChunk[] prepareInputChunksForDecoding(ECChunk[] dataChunks,
ECChunk[] parityChunks) {
ECChunk[] inputChunks = new ECChunk[numDataUnits + numParityUnits];
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numDataUnits; i++) {
inputChunks[idx++] = dataChunks[i];
for (int i = 0; i < numParityUnits; i++) {
inputChunks[idx++] = parityChunks[i];
return inputChunks;
* Erase some data chunks to test the recovering of them. As they're erased,
* we don't need to read them and will not have the buffers at all, so just
* set them as null.
* @param dataChunks
* @param parityChunks
* @return clone of erased chunks
protected ECChunk[] backupAndEraseChunks(ECChunk[] dataChunks,
ECChunk[] parityChunks) {
ECChunk[] toEraseChunks = new ECChunk[erasedDataIndexes.length +
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < erasedDataIndexes.length; i++) {
toEraseChunks[idx++] = dataChunks[erasedDataIndexes[i]];
dataChunks[erasedDataIndexes[i]] = null;
for (int i = 0; i < erasedParityIndexes.length; i++) {
toEraseChunks[idx++] = parityChunks[erasedParityIndexes[i]];
parityChunks[erasedParityIndexes[i]] = null;
return toEraseChunks;
* Erase data from the specified chunks, just setting them as null.
* @param chunks
protected void eraseDataFromChunks(ECChunk[] chunks) {
for (int i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
chunks[i] = null;
protected void markChunks(ECChunk[] chunks) {
for (int i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
if (chunks[i] != null) {
protected void restoreChunksFromMark(ECChunk[] chunks) {
for (int i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
if (chunks[i] != null) {
* Clone chunks along with copying the associated data. It respects how the
* chunk buffer is allocated, direct or non-direct. It avoids affecting the
* original chunk buffers.
* @param chunks
* @return
protected ECChunk[] cloneChunksWithData(ECChunk[] chunks) {
ECChunk[] results = new ECChunk[chunks.length];
for (int i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
results[i] = cloneChunkWithData(chunks[i]);
return results;
* Clone chunk along with copying the associated data. It respects how the
* chunk buffer is allocated, direct or non-direct. It avoids affecting the
* original chunk.
* @param chunk
* @return a new chunk
protected ECChunk cloneChunkWithData(ECChunk chunk) {
if (chunk == null) {
return null;
ByteBuffer srcBuffer = chunk.getBuffer();
byte[] bytesArr = new byte[srcBuffer.remaining()];
srcBuffer.get(bytesArr, 0, bytesArr.length);
ByteBuffer destBuffer = allocateOutputBuffer(bytesArr.length);
int pos = destBuffer.position();
return new ECChunk(destBuffer);
* Allocate a chunk for output or writing.
* @return
protected ECChunk allocateOutputChunk() {
ByteBuffer buffer = allocateOutputBuffer(chunkSize);
return new ECChunk(buffer);
* Allocate a buffer for output or writing. It can prepare for two kinds of
* data buffers: one with position as 0, the other with position > 0
* @return a buffer ready to write chunkSize bytes from current position
protected ByteBuffer allocateOutputBuffer(int bufferLen) {
* When startBufferWithZero, will prepare a buffer as:---------------
* otherwise, the buffer will be like: ___TO--BE--WRITTEN___,
* and in the beginning, dummy data are prefixed, to simulate a buffer of
* position > 0.
int startOffset = startBufferWithZero ? 0 : 11; // 11 is arbitrary
int allocLen = startOffset + bufferLen + startOffset;
ByteBuffer buffer = allocator.allocate(allocLen);
buffer.limit(startOffset + bufferLen);
fillDummyData(buffer, startOffset);
startBufferWithZero = !startBufferWithZero;
return buffer;
* Prepare data chunks for each data unit, by generating random data.
* @return
protected ECChunk[] prepareDataChunksForEncoding() {
if (usingFixedData) {
ECChunk[] chunks = new ECChunk[numDataUnits];
for (int i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
chunks[i] = makeChunkUsingData(fixedData[i]);
return chunks;
return generateDataChunks();
private ECChunk makeChunkUsingData(byte[] data) {
ECChunk chunk = allocateOutputChunk();
ByteBuffer buffer = chunk.getBuffer();
int pos = buffer.position();
buffer.put(data, 0, chunkSize);
return chunk;
private ECChunk[] generateDataChunks() {
ECChunk[] chunks = new ECChunk[numDataUnits];
for (int i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
chunks[i] = generateDataChunk();
return chunks;
private void prepareFixedData() {
// We may load test data from a resource, or just generate randomly.
// The generated data will be used across subsequent encode/decode calls.
this.fixedData = new byte[numDataUnits][];
for (int i = 0; i < numDataUnits; i++) {
fixedData[i] = generateFixedData(baseChunkSize * 2);
* Generate data chunk by making random data.
* @return
protected ECChunk generateDataChunk() {
ByteBuffer buffer = allocateOutputBuffer(chunkSize);
int pos = buffer.position();
return new ECChunk(buffer);
* Fill len of dummy data in the buffer at the current position.
* @param buffer
* @param len
protected void fillDummyData(ByteBuffer buffer, int len) {
byte[] dummy = new byte[len];
protected byte[] generateData(int len) {
byte[] buffer = new byte[len];
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
buffer[i] = (byte) RAND.nextInt(256);
return buffer;
protected byte[] generateFixedData(int len) {
byte[] buffer = new byte[len];
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
buffer[i] = (byte) fixedDataGenerator++;
if (fixedDataGenerator == 256) {
fixedDataGenerator = 0;
return buffer;
* Prepare parity chunks for encoding, each chunk for each parity unit.
* @return
protected ECChunk[] prepareParityChunksForEncoding() {
ECChunk[] chunks = new ECChunk[numParityUnits];
for (int i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
chunks[i] = allocateOutputChunk();
return chunks;
* Prepare output chunks for decoding, each output chunk for each erased
* chunk.
* @return
protected ECChunk[] prepareOutputChunksForDecoding() {
ECChunk[] chunks = new ECChunk[erasedDataIndexes.length +
for (int i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
chunks[i] = allocateOutputChunk();
return chunks;
* Convert an array of this chunks to an array of byte array.
* Note the chunk buffers are not affected.
* @param chunks
* @return an array of byte array
protected byte[][] toArrays(ECChunk[] chunks) {
byte[][] bytesArr = new byte[chunks.length][];
for (int i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
if (chunks[i] != null) {
bytesArr[i] = chunks[i].toBytesArray();
return bytesArr;
* Dump all the settings used in the test case if isAllowingVerboseDump
* is enabled.
protected void dumpSetting() {
if (allowDump) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Erasure coder test settings:\n");
sb.append(" numDataUnits=").append(numDataUnits);
sb.append(" numParityUnits=").append(numParityUnits);
sb.append(" chunkSize=").append(chunkSize).append("\n");
sb.append(" erasedDataIndexes=").
sb.append(" erasedParityIndexes=").
sb.append(" usingDirectBuffer=").append(usingDirectBuffer);
sb.append(" allowVerboseDump=").append(allowDump);
* Dump chunks prefixed with a header if isAllowingVerboseDump is enabled.
protected void dumpChunks(String header, ECChunk[] chunks) {
if (allowDump) {
DumpUtil.dumpChunks(header, chunks);
* Make some chunk messy or not correct any more.
protected void corruptSomeChunk(ECChunk[] chunks) {
int idx = new Random().nextInt(chunks.length);
ByteBuffer buffer = chunks[idx].getBuffer();
if (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
buffer.position(buffer.position() + 1);