blob: 58aa0e62d2ca07556e1cd46cc4b5cea9ce08fcc5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.client;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.annotation.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.container.common.helpers.ContainerWithPipeline;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.container.ContainerInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.pipeline.Pipeline;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.datanode.proto.ContainerProtos
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.proto.HddsProtos;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* The interface to call into underlying container layer.
* Written as interface to allow easy testing: implement a mock container layer
* for standalone testing of CBlock API without actually calling into remote
* containers. Actual container layer can simply re-implement this.
* NOTE this is temporarily needed class. When SCM containers are full-fledged,
* this interface will likely be removed.
public interface ScmClient extends Closeable {
* Creates a Container on SCM and returns the pipeline.
* @return ContainerInfo
* @throws IOException
ContainerWithPipeline createContainer(String owner) throws IOException;
* Gets a container by Name -- Throws if the container does not exist.
* @param containerId - Container ID
* @return Pipeline
* @throws IOException
ContainerInfo getContainer(long containerId) throws IOException;
* Gets a container by Name -- Throws if the container does not exist.
* @param containerId - Container ID
* @return ContainerWithPipeline
* @throws IOException
ContainerWithPipeline getContainerWithPipeline(long containerId)
throws IOException;
* Close a container.
* @param containerId - ID of the container.
* @throws IOException
void closeContainer(long containerId) throws IOException;
* Deletes an existing container.
* @param containerId - ID of the container.
* @param pipeline - Pipeline that represents the container.
* @param force - true to forcibly delete the container.
* @throws IOException
void deleteContainer(long containerId, Pipeline pipeline, boolean force)
throws IOException;
* Deletes an existing container.
* @param containerId - ID of the container.
* @param force - true to forcibly delete the container.
* @throws IOException
void deleteContainer(long containerId, boolean force) throws IOException;
* Lists a range of containers and get their info.
* @param startContainerID start containerID.
* @param count count must be {@literal >} 0.
* @return a list of pipeline.
* @throws IOException
List<ContainerInfo> listContainer(long startContainerID,
int count) throws IOException;
* Read meta data from an existing container.
* @param containerID - ID of the container.
* @param pipeline - Pipeline where the container is located.
* @return ContainerInfo
* @throws IOException
ContainerDataProto readContainer(long containerID, Pipeline pipeline)
throws IOException;
* Read meta data from an existing container.
* @param containerID - ID of the container.
* @return ContainerInfo
* @throws IOException
ContainerDataProto readContainer(long containerID)
throws IOException;
* Gets the container size -- Computed by SCM from Container Reports.
* @param containerID - ID of the container.
* @return number of bytes used by this container.
* @throws IOException
long getContainerSize(long containerID) throws IOException;
* Creates a Container on SCM and returns the pipeline.
* @param type - Replication Type.
* @param replicationFactor - Replication Factor
* @return ContainerInfo
* @throws IOException - in case of error.
ContainerWithPipeline createContainer(HddsProtos.ReplicationType type,
HddsProtos.ReplicationFactor replicationFactor,
String owner) throws IOException;
* Returns a set of Nodes that meet a query criteria. Passing null for opState
* or nodeState acts like a wild card, returning all nodes in that state.
* @param opState - Operational State of the node, eg IN_SERVICE,
* @param nodeState - Health of the nodeCriteria that we want the node to
* have, eg HEALTHY, STALE etc
* @param queryScope - Query scope - Cluster or pool.
* @param poolName - if it is pool, a pool name is required.
* @return A set of nodes that meet the requested criteria.
* @throws IOException
List<HddsProtos.Node> queryNode(HddsProtos.NodeOperationalState opState,
HddsProtos.NodeState nodeState, HddsProtos.QueryScope queryScope,
String poolName) throws IOException;
* Allows a list of hosts to be decommissioned. The hosts are identified
* by their hostname and optionally port in the format
* @param hosts A list of hostnames, optionally with port
* @throws IOException
void decommissionNodes(List<String> hosts) throws IOException;
* Allows a list of hosts in maintenance or decommission states to be placed
* back in service. The hosts are identified by their hostname and optionally
* port in the format
* @param hosts A list of hostnames, optionally with port
* @throws IOException
void recommissionNodes(List<String> hosts) throws IOException;
* Place the list of datanodes into maintenance mode. If a non-zero endDtm
* is passed, the hosts will automatically exit maintenance mode after the
* given time has passed. Passing an end time of zero means the hosts will
* remain in maintenance indefinitely.
* The hosts are identified by their hostname and optionally port in the
* format
* @param hosts A list of hostnames, optionally with port
* @param endHours The number of hours from now which maintenance will end or
* zero if maintenance must be manually ended.
* @throws IOException
void startMaintenanceNodes(List<String> hosts, int endHours)
throws IOException;
* Creates a specified replication pipeline.
* @param type - Type
* @param factor - Replication factor
* @param nodePool - Set of machines.
* @throws IOException
Pipeline createReplicationPipeline(HddsProtos.ReplicationType type,
HddsProtos.ReplicationFactor factor, HddsProtos.NodePool nodePool)
throws IOException;
* Returns the list of active Pipelines.
* @return list of Pipeline
* @throws IOException in case of any exception
List<Pipeline> listPipelines() throws IOException;
* Returns a pipeline with ID, if present.
* @return pipeline
* @throws IOException in case of exception
Pipeline getPipeline(HddsProtos.PipelineID pipelineID) throws IOException;
* Activates the pipeline given a pipeline ID.
* @param pipelineID PipelineID to activate.
* @throws IOException In case of exception while activating the pipeline
void activatePipeline(HddsProtos.PipelineID pipelineID) throws IOException;
* Deactivates the pipeline given a pipeline ID.
* @param pipelineID PipelineID to deactivate.
* @throws IOException In case of exception while deactivating the pipeline
void deactivatePipeline(HddsProtos.PipelineID pipelineID) throws IOException;
* Closes the pipeline given a pipeline ID.
* @param pipelineID PipelineID to close.
* @throws IOException In case of exception while closing the pipeline
void closePipeline(HddsProtos.PipelineID pipelineID) throws IOException;
* Check if SCM is in safe mode.
* @return Returns true if SCM is in safe mode else returns false.
* @throws IOException
boolean inSafeMode() throws IOException;
* Get the safe mode status of all rules.
* @return map of rule statuses.
* @throws IOException
Map<String, Pair<Boolean, String>> getSafeModeRuleStatuses()
throws IOException;
* Force SCM out of safe mode.
* @return returns true if operation is successful.
* @throws IOException
boolean forceExitSafeMode() throws IOException;
* Start ReplicationManager.
void startReplicationManager() throws IOException;
* Stop ReplicationManager.
void stopReplicationManager() throws IOException;
* Returns ReplicationManager status.
* @return True if ReplicationManager is running, false otherwise.
boolean getReplicationManagerStatus() throws IOException;
* Get usage information of datanode by ipaddress or uuid.
* @param ipaddress datanode ipaddress String
* @param uuid datanode uuid String
* @return List of DatanodeUsageInfo. Each element contains info such as
* capacity, SCMused, and remaining space.
* @throws IOException
List<HddsProtos.DatanodeUsageInfo> getDatanodeUsageInfo(String ipaddress,
String uuid)
throws IOException;