blob: f25423d4ec479e546514639ef89e8ecdc6cec355 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.container;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.proto.HddsProtos;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdds.scm.container.replication.ContainerReplicaCount;
import java.util.Set;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.proto.HddsProtos.NodeOperationalState.DECOMMISSIONED;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.proto.HddsProtos.NodeOperationalState.DECOMMISSIONING;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.proto.HddsProtos.NodeOperationalState.ENTERING_MAINTENANCE;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hdds.protocol.proto.HddsProtos.NodeOperationalState.IN_MAINTENANCE;
* Immutable object that is created with a set of ContainerReplica objects and
* the number of in flight replica add and deletes, the container replication
* factor and the min count which must be available for maintenance. This
* information can be used to determine if the container is over or under
* replicated and also how many additional replicas need created or removed.
public class RatisContainerReplicaCount implements ContainerReplicaCount {
private int healthyCount;
private int decommissionCount;
private int maintenanceCount;
private final int inFlightAdd;
private final int inFlightDel;
private final int repFactor;
private final int minHealthyForMaintenance;
private final ContainerInfo container;
private final Set<ContainerReplica> replica;
public RatisContainerReplicaCount(ContainerInfo container,
Set<ContainerReplica> replica, int inFlightAdd,
int inFlightDelete, int replicationFactor,
int minHealthyForMaintenance) {
this.healthyCount = 0;
this.decommissionCount = 0;
this.maintenanceCount = 0;
this.inFlightAdd = inFlightAdd;
this.inFlightDel = inFlightDelete;
this.repFactor = replicationFactor;
this.replica = replica;
= Math.min(this.repFactor, minHealthyForMaintenance);
this.container = container;
for (ContainerReplica cr : this.replica) {
HddsProtos.NodeOperationalState state =
if (state == DECOMMISSIONED || state == DECOMMISSIONING) {
} else if (state == IN_MAINTENANCE || state == ENTERING_MAINTENANCE) {
} else {
public int getHealthyCount() {
return healthyCount;
public int getDecommissionCount() {
return decommissionCount;
public int getMaintenanceCount() {
return maintenanceCount;
public int getReplicationFactor() {
return repFactor;
public ContainerInfo getContainer() {
return container;
public Set<ContainerReplica> getReplicas() {
return replica;
public String toString() {
return "Container State: " + container.getState() +
" Replica Count: " + replica.size() +
" Healthy Count: " + healthyCount +
" Decommission Count: " + decommissionCount +
" Maintenance Count: " + maintenanceCount +
" inFlightAdd Count: " + inFlightAdd +
" inFightDel Count: " + inFlightDel +
" ReplicationFactor: " + repFactor +
" minMaintenance Count: " + minHealthyForMaintenance;
* Calculates the delta of replicas which need to be created or removed
* to ensure the container is correctly replicated when considered inflight
* adds and deletes.
* When considering inflight operations, it is assumed any operation will
* fail. However, to consider the worst case and avoid data loss, we always
* assume a delete will succeed and and add will fail. In this way, we will
* avoid scheduling too many deletes which could result in dataloss.
* Decisions around over-replication are made only on healthy replicas,
* ignoring any in maintenance and also any inflight adds. InFlight adds are
* ignored, as they may not complete, so if we have:
* And then schedule a delete, we could end up under-replicated (add fails,
* delete completes). It is better to let the inflight operations complete
* and then deal with any further over or under replication.
* For maintenance replicas, assuming replication factor 3, and minHealthy
* 2, it is possible for all 3 hosts to be put into maintenance, leaving the
* following (H = healthy, M = maintenance):
* H, H, M, M, M
* Even though we are tracking 5 replicas, this is not over replicated as we
* ignore the maintenance copies. Later, the replicas could look like:
* H, H, H, H, M
* At this stage, the container is over replicated by 1, so one replica can be
* removed.
* For containers which have replication factor healthy replica, we ignore any
* inflight add or deletes, as they may fail. Instead, wait for them to
* complete and then deal with any excess or deficit.
* For under replicated containers we do consider inflight add and delete to
* avoid scheduling more adds than needed. There is additional logic around
* containers with maintenance replica to ensure minHealthyForMaintenance
* replia are maintained.
* @return Delta of replicas needed. Negative indicates over replication and
* containers should be removed. Positive indicates over replication
* and zero indicates the containers has replicationFactor healthy
* replica
public int additionalReplicaNeeded() {
int delta = missingReplicas();
if (delta < 0) {
// Over replicated, so may need to remove a container. Do not consider
// inFlightAdds, as they may fail, but do consider inFlightDel which
// will reduce the over-replication if it completes.
// Note this could make the delta positive if there are too many in flight
// deletes, which will result in an additional being scheduled.
return delta + inFlightDel;
} else {
// May be under or perfectly replicated.
// We must consider in flight add and delete when calculating the new
// containers needed, but we bound the lower limit at zero to allow
// inflight operations to complete before handling any potential over
// replication
return Math.max(0, delta - inFlightAdd + inFlightDel);
* Returns the count of replicas which need to be created or removed to
* ensure the container is perfectly replicate. Inflight operations are not
* considered here, but the logic to determine the missing or excess counts
* for maintenance is present.
* Decisions around over-replication are made only on healthy replicas,
* ignoring any in maintenance. For example, if we have:
* H, H, H, M, M
* This will not be consider over replicated until one of the Maintenance
* replicas moves to Healthy.
* If the container is perfectly replicated, zero will be return.
* If it is under replicated a positive value will be returned, indicating
* how many replicas must be added.
* If it is over replicated a negative value will be returned, indicating now
* many replicas to remove.
* @return Zero if the container is perfectly replicated, a positive value
* for under replicated and a negative value for over replicated.
private int missingReplicas() {
int delta = repFactor - healthyCount;
if (delta < 0) {
// Over replicated, so may need to remove a container.
return delta;
} else if (delta > 0) {
// May be under-replicated, depending on maintenance.
delta = Math.max(0, delta - maintenanceCount);
int neededHealthy =
Math.max(0, minHealthyForMaintenance - healthyCount);
delta = Math.max(neededHealthy, delta);
return delta;
} else { // delta == 0
// We have exactly the number of healthy replicas needed.
return delta;
* Return true if the container is sufficiently replicated. Decommissioning
* and Decommissioned containers are ignored in this check, assuming they will
* eventually be removed from the cluster.
* This check ignores inflight additions, as those replicas have not yet been
* created and the create could fail for some reason.
* The check does consider inflight deletes as there may be 3 healthy replicas
* now, but once the delete completes it will reduce to 2.
* We also assume a replica in Maintenance state cannot be removed, so the
* pending delete would affect only the healthy replica count.
* @return True if the container is sufficiently replicated and False
* otherwise.
public boolean isSufficientlyReplicated() {
return missingReplicas() + inFlightDel <= 0;
* Return true is the container is over replicated. Decommission and
* maintenance containers are ignored for this check.
* The check ignores inflight additions, as they may fail, but it does
* consider inflight deletes, as they would reduce the over replication when
* they complete.
* @return True if the container is over replicated, false otherwise.
public boolean isOverReplicated() {
return missingReplicas() + inFlightDel < 0;
* Returns true is there are no replicas of the container available, ie the
* set of container replicas has zero entries.
* @return true if there are no replicas, false otherwise.
public boolean isUnrecoverable() {
return getReplicas().isEmpty();