blob: 74a3c95a8624b3c0414617b45ba70abebf7923c7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
*** Settings ***
Library Collections
Resource ../commonlib.robot
Resource ../ozone-lib/shell.robot
*** Variables ***
${ENDPOINT_URL} http://s3g:9878
${BUCKET} generated
${KEY_NAME} key1
*** Keywords ***
Execute AWSS3APICli
[Arguments] ${command}
${output} = Execute aws s3api --endpoint-url ${ENDPOINT_URL} ${command}
[return] ${output}
Execute AWSS3APICli and checkrc
[Arguments] ${command} ${expected_error_code}
${output} = Execute and checkrc aws s3api --endpoint-url ${ENDPOINT_URL} ${command} ${expected_error_code}
[return] ${output}
Execute AWSS3Cli
[Arguments] ${command}
${output} = Execute aws s3 --endpoint-url ${ENDPOINT_URL} ${command}
[return] ${output}
Install aws cli
${rc} ${output} = Run And Return Rc And Output which aws
Return From Keyword If '${rc}' == '0'
${rc} ${output} = Run And Return Rc And Output which apt-get
Run Keyword if '${rc}' == '0' Install aws cli s3 debian
${rc} ${output} = Run And Return Rc And Output yum --help
Run Keyword if '${rc}' == '0' Install aws cli s3 centos
Install aws cli s3 centos
Execute sudo -E yum install -y awscli
Install aws cli s3 debian
Execute sudo -E apt-get install -y awscli
Setup v2 headers
Set Environment Variable AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID ANYID
Setup v4 headers
Run Keyword if '${SECURITY_ENABLED}' == 'true' Kinit test user testuser testuser.keytab
Run Keyword if '${SECURITY_ENABLED}' == 'true' Setup secure v4 headers
Run Keyword if '${SECURITY_ENABLED}' == 'false' Setup dummy credentials for S3
Setup secure v4 headers
${result} = Execute ozone s3 getsecret ${OM_HA_PARAM}
${accessKey} = Get Regexp Matches ${result} (?<=awsAccessKey=).*
# Use a valid user that are created in the Docket image Ex: testuser if it is not a secure cluster
${accessKey} = Get Variable Value ${accessKey} testuser
${secret} = Get Regexp Matches ${result} (?<=awsSecret=).*
${accessKey} = Set Variable ${accessKey[0]}
${secret} = Set Variable ${secret[0]}
Execute aws configure set default.s3.signature_version s3v4
Execute aws configure set aws_access_key_id ${accessKey}
Execute aws configure set aws_secret_access_key ${secret}
Execute aws configure set region us-west-1
Setup dummy credentials for S3
Execute aws configure set default.s3.signature_version s3v4
Execute aws configure set aws_access_key_id dlfknslnfslf
Execute aws configure set aws_secret_access_key dlfknslnfslf
Execute aws configure set region us-west-1
Generate Ozone String
${randStr} = Generate Random String 10 [NUMBERS]
[Return] ozone-test-${randStr}
Create bucket
${postfix} = Generate Ozone String
${bucket} = Set Variable bucket-${postfix}
Create bucket with name ${bucket}
[Return] ${bucket}
Create bucket with name
[Arguments] ${bucket}
${result} = Execute AWSS3APICli create-bucket --bucket ${bucket}
Should contain ${result} Location
Should contain ${result} ${bucket}
Setup s3 tests
Run Keyword Generate random prefix
Run Keyword Install aws cli
Run Keyword if '${OZONE_S3_SET_CREDENTIALS}' == 'true' Setup v4 headers
${BUCKET} = Run Keyword if '${BUCKET}' == 'generated' Create bucket
... ELSE Set Variable ${BUCKET}
Set Suite Variable ${BUCKET}
Run Keyword if '${BUCKET}' == 'link' Setup links for S3 tests
Run Keyword if '${BUCKET}' == 'encrypted' Create encrypted bucket
Run Keyword if '${BUCKET}' == 'erasure' Create EC bucket
Setup links for S3 tests
${exists} = Bucket Exists o3://${OM_SERVICE_ID}/s3v/link
Return From Keyword If ${exists}
Execute ozone sh volume create o3://${OM_SERVICE_ID}/legacy
Execute ozone sh bucket create o3://${OM_SERVICE_ID}/legacy/source-bucket
Create link link
Create encrypted bucket
Return From Keyword if '${SECURITY_ENABLED}' == 'false'
${exists} = Bucket Exists o3://${OM_SERVICE_ID}/s3v/encrypted
Return From Keyword If ${exists}
Execute ozone sh bucket create -k ${KEY_NAME} o3://${OM_SERVICE_ID}/s3v/encrypted
Create link
[arguments] ${bucket}
Execute ozone sh bucket link o3://${OM_SERVICE_ID}/legacy/source-bucket o3://${OM_SERVICE_ID}/s3v/${bucket}
[return] ${bucket}
Create EC bucket
${exists} = Bucket Exists o3://${OM_SERVICE_ID}/s3v/erasure
Return From Keyword If ${exists}
Execute ozone sh bucket create --replication rs-3-2-1024k --type EC o3://${OM_SERVICE_ID}/s3v/erasure
Generate random prefix
${random} = Generate Ozone String
Set Suite Variable ${PREFIX} ${random}
Perform Multipart Upload
[arguments] ${bucket} ${key} @{files}
${result} = Execute AWSS3APICli create-multipart-upload --bucket ${bucket} --key ${key}
${upload_id} = Execute and checkrc echo '${result}' | jq -r '.UploadId' 0
@{etags} = Create List
FOR ${i} ${file} IN ENUMERATE @{files}
${part} = Evaluate ${i} + 1
${result} = Execute AWSS3APICli upload-part --bucket ${bucket} --key ${key} --part-number ${part} --body ${file} --upload-id ${upload_id}
${etag} = Execute echo '${result}' | jq -r '.ETag'
Append To List ${etags} {ETag=${etag},PartNumber=${part}}
${parts} = Catenate SEPARATOR=, @{etags}
Execute AWSS3APICli complete-multipart-upload --bucket ${bucket} --key ${key} --upload-id ${upload_id} --multipart-upload 'Parts=[${parts}]'
Verify Multipart Upload
[arguments] ${bucket} ${key} @{files}
${random} = Generate Ozone String
Execute AWSS3APICli get-object --bucket ${bucket} --key ${key} /tmp/verify${random}
${tmp} = Catenate @{files}
Execute cat ${tmp} > /tmp/original${random}
Compare files /tmp/original${random} /tmp/verify${random}