blob: d8d08fbf869a55208fa7a44bdbb24d1f7d843340 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* <p/>
* <p/>
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.orc.impl.reader;
import org.apache.orc.DataReader;
import org.apache.orc.EncryptionAlgorithm;
import org.apache.orc.OrcFile;
import org.apache.orc.OrcProto;
import org.apache.orc.StripeInformation;
import org.apache.orc.TypeDescription;
import org.apache.orc.impl.BufferChunk;
import org.apache.orc.impl.BufferChunkList;
import org.apache.orc.impl.CryptoUtils;
import org.apache.orc.impl.InStream;
import org.apache.orc.impl.OrcIndex;
import org.apache.orc.impl.RecordReaderUtils;
import org.apache.orc.impl.StreamName;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* This class handles parsing the stripe information and handling the necessary
* filtering and selection.
* It supports:
* <ul>
* <li>column projection</li>
* <li>row group selection</li>
* <li>encryption</li>
* </ul>
public class StripePlanner {
// global information
private final TypeDescription schema;
private final OrcFile.WriterVersion version;
private final OrcProto.ColumnEncoding[] encodings;
private final ReaderEncryption encryption;
private final DataReader dataReader;
private final boolean ignoreNonUtf8BloomFilter;
private final long maxBufferSize;
// specific to the current stripe
private String writerTimezone;
private long currentStripeId;
private long originalStripeId;
private Map<StreamName, StreamInformation> streams = new HashMap<>();
// the index streams sorted by offset
private final List<StreamInformation> indexStreams = new ArrayList<>();
// the data streams sorted by offset
private final List<StreamInformation> dataStreams = new ArrayList<>();
private final OrcProto.Stream.Kind[] bloomFilterKinds;
// does each column have a null stream?
private final boolean[] hasNull;
* Create a stripe parser.
* @param schema the file schema
* @param encryption the encryption information
* @param dataReader the underlying data reader
* @param version the file writer version
* @param ignoreNonUtf8BloomFilter ignore old non-utf8 bloom filters
* @param maxBufferSize the largest single buffer to use
public StripePlanner(TypeDescription schema,
ReaderEncryption encryption,
DataReader dataReader,
OrcFile.WriterVersion version,
boolean ignoreNonUtf8BloomFilter,
long maxBufferSize) {
this.schema = schema;
this.version = version;
encodings = new OrcProto.ColumnEncoding[schema.getMaximumId()+1];
this.encryption = encryption;
this.dataReader = dataReader;
this.ignoreNonUtf8BloomFilter = ignoreNonUtf8BloomFilter;
bloomFilterKinds = new OrcProto.Stream.Kind[schema.getMaximumId() + 1];
hasNull = new boolean[schema.getMaximumId() + 1];
this.maxBufferSize = maxBufferSize;
public StripePlanner(StripePlanner old) {
this(old.schema, old.encryption, old.dataReader, old.version,
old.ignoreNonUtf8BloomFilter, old.maxBufferSize);
* Parse a new stripe. Resets the current stripe state.
* @param stripe the new stripe
* @param columnInclude an array with true for each column to read
* @return this for method chaining
public StripePlanner parseStripe(StripeInformation stripe,
boolean[] columnInclude) throws IOException {
OrcProto.StripeFooter footer = dataReader.readStripeFooter(stripe);
currentStripeId = stripe.getStripeId();
originalStripeId = stripe.getEncryptionStripeId();
writerTimezone = footer.getWriterTimezone();
buildEncodings(footer, columnInclude);
findStreams(stripe.getOffset(), footer, columnInclude);
// figure out whether each column has null values in this stripe
Arrays.fill(hasNull, false);
for(StreamInformation stream: dataStreams) {
if (stream.kind == OrcProto.Stream.Kind.PRESENT) {
hasNull[stream.column] = true;
return this;
* Read the stripe data from the file.
* @param index null for no row filters or the index for filtering
* @param rowGroupInclude null for all of the rows or an array with boolean
* for each row group in the current stripe.
* @param forceDirect should direct buffers be created?
* @return the buffers that were read
public BufferChunkList readData(OrcIndex index,
boolean[] rowGroupInclude,
boolean forceDirect) throws IOException {
BufferChunkList chunks = (index == null || rowGroupInclude == null)
? planDataReading() : planPartialDataReading(index, rowGroupInclude);
dataReader.readFileData(chunks, forceDirect);
return chunks;
public String getWriterTimezone() {
return writerTimezone;
* Get the stream for the given name.
* It is assumed that the name does <b>not</b> have the encryption set,
* because the TreeReader's don't know if they are reading encrypted data.
* Assumes that readData has already been called on this stripe.
* @param name the column/kind of the stream
* @return a new stream with the options set correctly
public InStream getStream(StreamName name) throws IOException {
StreamInformation stream = streams.get(name);
return stream == null ? null
: InStream.create(name, stream.firstChunk, stream.offset, stream.length,
getStreamOptions(stream.column, stream.kind));
* Release all of the buffers for the current stripe.
public void clearStreams() {
if (dataReader.isTrackingDiskRanges()) {
for (StreamInformation stream : indexStreams) {
for (StreamInformation stream : dataStreams) {
* Get the stream options for a stream in a stripe.
* @param column the column we are reading
* @param kind the stream kind we are reading
* @return a new stream options to read the given column
private InStream.StreamOptions getStreamOptions(int column,
OrcProto.Stream.Kind kind
) throws IOException {
ReaderEncryptionVariant variant = encryption.getVariant(column);
InStream.StreamOptions compression = dataReader.getCompressionOptions();
if (variant == null) {
return compression;
} else {
EncryptionAlgorithm algorithm = variant.getKeyDescription().getAlgorithm();
byte[] iv = new byte[algorithm.getIvLength()];
Key key = variant.getStripeKey(currentStripeId);
CryptoUtils.modifyIvForStream(column, kind, originalStripeId).accept(iv);
return new InStream.StreamOptions(compression)
.withEncryption(algorithm, key, iv);
public OrcProto.ColumnEncoding getEncoding(int column) {
return encodings[column];
private void buildEncodings(OrcProto.StripeFooter footer,
boolean[] columnInclude) {
for(int c=0; c < encodings.length; ++c) {
if (columnInclude == null || columnInclude[c]) {
ReaderEncryptionVariant variant = encryption.getVariant(c);
if (variant == null) {
encodings[c] = footer.getColumns(c);
} else {
int subColumn = c - variant.getRoot().getId();
encodings[c] = footer.getEncryption(variant.getVariantId())
* For each stream, decide whether to include it in the list of streams.
* @param offset the position in the file for this stream
* @param columnInclude which columns are being read
* @param stream the stream to consider
* @param variant the variant being read
* @return the offset for the next stream
private long handleStream(long offset,
boolean[] columnInclude,
OrcProto.Stream stream,
ReaderEncryptionVariant variant) {
int column = stream.getColumn();
if (stream.hasKind()) {
OrcProto.Stream.Kind kind = stream.getKind();
if (kind == OrcProto.Stream.Kind.ENCRYPTED_INDEX ||
kind == OrcProto.Stream.Kind.ENCRYPTED_DATA) {
// Ignore the placeholders that shouldn't count toward moving the
// offsets.
return 0;
if (columnInclude[column] && encryption.getVariant(column) == variant) {
// Ignore any broken bloom filters unless the user forced us to use
// them.
if (kind != OrcProto.Stream.Kind.BLOOM_FILTER ||
!ignoreNonUtf8BloomFilter ||
version)) {
// record what kind of bloom filters we are using
if (kind == OrcProto.Stream.Kind.BLOOM_FILTER_UTF8 ||
kind == OrcProto.Stream.Kind.BLOOM_FILTER) {
bloomFilterKinds[column] = kind;
StreamInformation info =
new StreamInformation(kind, column, offset, stream.getLength());
switch (StreamName.getArea(kind)) {
case DATA:
case INDEX:
streams.put(new StreamName(column, kind), info);
return stream.getLength();
* Find the complete list of streams.
* @param streamStart the starting offset of streams in the file
* @param footer the footer for the stripe
* @param columnInclude which columns are being read
private void findStreams(long streamStart,
OrcProto.StripeFooter footer,
boolean[] columnInclude) throws IOException {
long currentOffset = streamStart;
Arrays.fill(bloomFilterKinds, null);
for(OrcProto.Stream stream: footer.getStreamsList()) {
currentOffset += handleStream(currentOffset, columnInclude, stream, null);
// Add the encrypted streams that we are using
for(ReaderEncryptionVariant variant: encryption.getVariants()) {
int variantId = variant.getVariantId();
OrcProto.StripeEncryptionVariant stripeVariant =
for(OrcProto.Stream stream: stripeVariant.getStreamsList()) {
currentOffset += handleStream(currentOffset, columnInclude, stream, variant);
* Read and parse the indexes for the current stripe.
* @param sargColumns the columns we can use bloom filters for
* @param output an OrcIndex to reuse
* @return the indexes for the required columns
public OrcIndex readRowIndex(boolean[] sargColumns,
OrcIndex output) throws IOException {
int typeCount = schema.getMaximumId() + 1;
if (output == null) {
output = new OrcIndex(new OrcProto.RowIndex[typeCount],
new OrcProto.Stream.Kind[typeCount],
new OrcProto.BloomFilterIndex[typeCount]);
System.arraycopy(bloomFilterKinds, 0, output.getBloomFilterKinds(), 0,
BufferChunkList ranges = planIndexReading(sargColumns);
dataReader.readFileData(ranges, false);
OrcProto.RowIndex[] indexes = output.getRowGroupIndex();
OrcProto.BloomFilterIndex[] blooms = output.getBloomFilterIndex();
for(StreamInformation stream: indexStreams) {
int column = stream.column;
if (stream.firstChunk != null) {
CodedInputStream data = InStream.createCodedInputStream(InStream.create(
"index", stream.firstChunk, stream.offset,
stream.length, getStreamOptions(column, stream.kind)));
switch (stream.kind) {
indexes[column] = OrcProto.RowIndex.parseFrom(data);
if (sargColumns != null && sargColumns[column]) {
blooms[column] = OrcProto.BloomFilterIndex.parseFrom(data);
return output;
private void addChunk(BufferChunkList list, StreamInformation stream,
long offset, long length) {
while (length > 0) {
long thisLen = Math.min(length, maxBufferSize);
BufferChunk chunk = new BufferChunk(offset, (int) thisLen);
if (stream.firstChunk == null) {
stream.firstChunk = chunk;
offset += thisLen;
length -= thisLen;
* Plans the list of disk ranges that the given stripe needs to read the
* indexes. All of the positions are relative to the start of the stripe.
* @param bloomFilterColumns true for the columns (indexed by file columns) that
* we need bloom filters for
* @return a list of merged disk ranges to read
private BufferChunkList planIndexReading(boolean[] bloomFilterColumns) {
BufferChunkList result = new BufferChunkList();
for(StreamInformation stream: indexStreams) {
switch (stream.kind) {
addChunk(result, stream, stream.offset, stream.length);
if (bloomFilterColumns[stream.column] &&
bloomFilterKinds[stream.column] == stream.kind) {
addChunk(result, stream, stream.offset, stream.length);
return result;
* Plans the list of disk ranges that the given stripe needs to read the
* data.
* @return a list of merged disk ranges to read
private BufferChunkList planDataReading() {
BufferChunkList result = new BufferChunkList();
for(StreamInformation stream: dataStreams) {
addChunk(result, stream, stream.offset, stream.length);
return result;
static boolean hadBadBloomFilters(TypeDescription.Category category,
OrcFile.WriterVersion version) {
switch(category) {
case STRING:
case CHAR:
return !version.includes(OrcFile.WriterVersion.HIVE_12055);
// fixed by ORC-101, but ORC-101 changed stream kind to BLOOM_FILTER_UTF8
return true;
return !version.includes(OrcFile.WriterVersion.ORC_135);
return false;
private static boolean hasSomeRowGroups(boolean[] includedRowGroups) {
for(boolean include: includedRowGroups) {
if (include) {
return true;
return false;
* Plan the ranges of the file that we need to read given the list of
* columns and row groups.
* @param index the index to use for offsets
* @param includedRowGroups which row groups are needed
* @return the list of disk ranges that will be loaded
private BufferChunkList planPartialDataReading(OrcIndex index,
@NotNull boolean[] includedRowGroups) {
BufferChunkList result = new BufferChunkList();
if (hasSomeRowGroups(includedRowGroups)) {
InStream.StreamOptions compression = dataReader.getCompressionOptions();
boolean isCompressed = compression.getCodec() != null;
int bufferSize = compression.getBufferSize();
OrcProto.RowIndex[] rowIndex = index.getRowGroupIndex();
for (StreamInformation stream : dataStreams) {
if (RecordReaderUtils.isDictionary(stream.kind, encodings[stream.column])) {
addChunk(result, stream, stream.offset, stream.length);
} else {
int column = stream.column;
OrcProto.RowIndex ri = rowIndex[column];
TypeDescription.Category kind = schema.findSubtype(column).getCategory();
long alreadyRead = 0;
for (int group = 0; group < includedRowGroups.length; ++group) {
if (includedRowGroups[group]) {
// find the last group that is selected
int endGroup = group;
while (endGroup < includedRowGroups.length - 1 &&
includedRowGroups[endGroup + 1]) {
endGroup += 1;
int posn = RecordReaderUtils.getIndexPosition(
encodings[stream.column].getKind(), kind, stream.kind,
isCompressed, hasNull[column]);
long start = Math.max(alreadyRead,
stream.offset + (group == 0 ? 0 : ri.getEntry(group).getPositions(posn)));
long end = stream.offset;
if (endGroup == includedRowGroups.length - 1) {
end += stream.length;
} else {
long nextGroupOffset = ri.getEntry(endGroup + 1).getPositions(posn);
end += RecordReaderUtils.estimateRgEndOffset(isCompressed,
bufferSize, false, nextGroupOffset, stream.length);
if (alreadyRead < end) {
addChunk(result, stream, start, end - start);
alreadyRead = end;
group = endGroup;
return result;
public static class StreamInformation {
public final OrcProto.Stream.Kind kind;
public final int column;
public final long offset;
public final long length;
public BufferChunk firstChunk;
public StreamInformation(OrcProto.Stream.Kind kind, int column, long offset, long length) {
this.kind = kind;
this.column = column;
this.offset = offset;
this.length = length;
void releaseBuffers(DataReader reader) {
long end = offset + length;
BufferChunk ptr = firstChunk;
while (ptr != null && ptr.getOffset() < end) {
ByteBuffer buffer = ptr.getData();
if (buffer != null) {
ptr = (BufferChunk);