blob: 887637223ac69fbdef422d6d32064ad48be8eb9b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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#include "BloomFilter.hh"
#include "Murmur3.hh"
namespace orc {
constexpr uint64_t BITS_OF_LONG = 64;
constexpr uint8_t SHIFT_6_BITS = 6;
constexpr uint8_t SHIFT_3_BITS = 3;
static bool isLittleEndian() {
static union {
uint32_t i;
char c[4];
} num = {0x01020304};
return num.c[0] == 4;
* Implementation of BitSet
BitSet::BitSet(uint64_t numBits) {
data_.resize(static_cast<size_t>(ceil(static_cast<double>(numBits) / BITS_OF_LONG)), 0);
BitSet::BitSet(const uint64_t* bits, uint64_t numBits) {
// caller should make sure numBits is multiple of 64
data_.resize(numBits >> SHIFT_6_BITS, 0);
memcpy(, bits, numBits >> SHIFT_3_BITS);
void BitSet::set(uint64_t index) {
data_[index >> SHIFT_6_BITS] |= (1ULL << (index % BITS_OF_LONG));
bool BitSet::get(uint64_t index) {
return (data_[index >> SHIFT_6_BITS] & (1ULL << (index % BITS_OF_LONG))) != 0;
uint64_t BitSet::bitSize() {
return data_.size() << SHIFT_6_BITS;
void BitSet::merge(const BitSet& other) {
if (data_.size() != other.data_.size()) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "BitSet must be of equal length (" << data_.size() << " != " << other.data_.size()
<< ")";
throw std::logic_error(ss.str());
for (size_t i = 0; i != data_.size(); i++) {
data_[i] |= other.data_[i];
void BitSet::clear() {
memset(, 0, sizeof(uint64_t) * data_.size());
const uint64_t* BitSet::getData() const {
bool BitSet::operator==(const BitSet& other) const {
return data_ == other.data_;
* Helper functions
void checkArgument(bool expression, const std::string& message) {
if (!expression) {
throw std::logic_error(message);
int32_t optimalNumOfHashFunctions(uint64_t expectedEntries, uint64_t numBits) {
double n = static_cast<double>(expectedEntries);
return std::max<int32_t>(
1, static_cast<int32_t>(std::round(static_cast<double>(numBits) / n * std::log(2.0))));
int32_t optimalNumOfBits(uint64_t expectedEntries, double fpp) {
double n = static_cast<double>(expectedEntries);
return static_cast<int32_t>(-n * std::log(fpp) / (std::log(2.0) * std::log(2.0)));
// We use the trick mentioned in "Less Hashing, Same Performance:
// Building a Better Bloom Filter" by Kirsch From abstract
// 'only two hash functions are necessary to effectively implement
// a Bloom filter without any loss in the asymptotic false positive
// probability'
// Lets split up 64-bit hashcode into two 32-bit hash codes and employ
// the technique mentioned in the above paper
inline uint64_t getBytesHash(const char* data, int64_t length) {
if (data == nullptr) {
return Murmur3::NULL_HASHCODE;
return Murmur3::hash64(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(data), static_cast<uint32_t>(length));
* Implementation of BloomFilter
BloomFilterImpl::BloomFilterImpl(uint64_t expectedEntries, double fpp) {
checkArgument(expectedEntries > 0, "expectedEntries should be > 0");
checkArgument(fpp > 0.0 && fpp < 1.0, "False positive probability should be > 0.0 & < 1.0");
uint64_t nb = static_cast<uint64_t>(optimalNumOfBits(expectedEntries, fpp));
// make 'mNumBits' multiple of 64
numBits_ = nb + (BITS_OF_LONG - (nb % BITS_OF_LONG));
numHashFunctions_ = optimalNumOfHashFunctions(expectedEntries, numBits_);
bitSet_.reset(new BitSet(numBits_));
void BloomFilterImpl::addBytes(const char* data, int64_t length) {
uint64_t hash64 = getBytesHash(data, length);
void BloomFilterImpl::addLong(int64_t data) {
bool BloomFilterImpl::testBytes(const char* data, int64_t length) const {
uint64_t hash64 = getBytesHash(data, length);
return testHash(static_cast<int64_t>(hash64));
bool BloomFilterImpl::testLong(int64_t data) const {
return testHash(getLongHash(data));
uint64_t BloomFilterImpl::sizeInBytes() const {
return getBitSize() >> SHIFT_3_BITS;
uint64_t BloomFilterImpl::getBitSize() const {
return bitSet_->bitSize();
int32_t BloomFilterImpl::getNumHashFunctions() const {
return numHashFunctions_;
#if defined(__clang__)
#if defined(__GNUC__)
// caller should make sure input proto::BloomFilter is valid since
// no check will be performed in the following constructor
BloomFilterImpl::BloomFilterImpl(const proto::BloomFilter& bloomFilter) {
numHashFunctions_ = static_cast<int32_t>(bloomFilter.num_hash_functions());
const std::string& bitsetStr = bloomFilter.utf8bitset();
numBits_ = bitsetStr.size() << SHIFT_3_BITS;
checkArgument(numBits_ % BITS_OF_LONG == 0, "numBits should be multiple of 64!");
const uint64_t* bitset = reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(;
if (isLittleEndian()) {
bitSet_.reset(new BitSet(bitset, numBits_));
} else {
std::vector<uint64_t> longs(numBits_ >> SHIFT_6_BITS);
for (size_t i = 0; i != longs.size(); ++i) {
// convert little-endian to big-endian
const uint64_t src = bitset[i];
uint64_t& dst = longs[i];
for (size_t bit = 0; bit != 64; bit += 8) {
dst |= (((src & (0xFFu << bit)) >> bit) << (56 - bit));
bitSet_.reset(new BitSet(, numBits_));
void BloomFilterImpl::addDouble(double data) {
bool BloomFilterImpl::testDouble(double data) const {
return testLong(reinterpret_cast<int64_t&>(data));
void BloomFilterImpl::addHash(int64_t hash64) {
int32_t hash1 = static_cast<int32_t>(hash64 & 0xffffffff);
// In Java codes, we use "hash64 >>> 32" which is an unsigned shift op.
// So we cast hash64 to uint64_t here for an unsigned right shift.
int32_t hash2 = static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<uint64_t>(hash64) >> 32);
for (int32_t i = 1; i <= numHashFunctions_; ++i) {
int32_t combinedHash = hash1 + i * hash2;
// hashcode should be positive, flip all the bits if it's negative
if (combinedHash < 0) {
combinedHash = ~combinedHash;
uint64_t pos = static_cast<uint64_t>(combinedHash) % numBits_;
bool BloomFilterImpl::testHash(int64_t hash64) const {
int32_t hash1 = static_cast<int32_t>(hash64 & 0xffffffff);
// In Java codes, we use "hash64 >>> 32" which is an unsigned shift op.
// So we cast hash64 to uint64_t here for an unsigned right shift.
int32_t hash2 = static_cast<int32_t>(static_cast<uint64_t>(hash64) >> 32);
for (int32_t i = 1; i <= numHashFunctions_; ++i) {
int32_t combinedHash = hash1 + i * hash2;
// hashcode should be positive, flip all the bits if it's negative
if (combinedHash < 0) {
combinedHash = ~combinedHash;
uint64_t pos = static_cast<uint64_t>(combinedHash) % numBits_;
if (!bitSet_->get(pos)) {
return false;
return true;
void BloomFilterImpl::merge(const BloomFilterImpl& other) {
if (numBits_ != other.numBits_ || numHashFunctions_ != other.numHashFunctions_) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "BloomFilters are not compatible for merging: "
<< "this: numBits:" << numBits_ << ",numHashFunctions:" << numHashFunctions_
<< ", that: numBits:" << other.numBits_ << ",numHashFunctions:" << other.numHashFunctions_;
throw std::logic_error(ss.str());
void BloomFilterImpl::reset() {
void BloomFilterImpl::serialize(proto::BloomFilter& bloomFilter) const {
// According to ORC standard, the encoding is a sequence of bytes with
// a little endian encoding in the utf8bitset field.
if (isLittleEndian()) {
// bytes are already organized in little endian; thus no conversion needed
const char* bitset = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(bitSet_->getData());
bloomFilter.set_utf8bitset(bitset, sizeInBytes());
} else {
std::vector<uint64_t> bitset(sizeInBytes() / sizeof(uint64_t), 0);
const uint64_t* longs = bitSet_->getData();
for (size_t i = 0; i != bitset.size(); ++i) {
uint64_t& dst = bitset[i];
const uint64_t src = longs[i];
// convert big-endian to little-endian
for (size_t bit = 0; bit != 64; bit += 8) {
dst |= (((src & (0xFFu << bit)) >> bit) << (56 - bit));
bloomFilter.set_utf8bitset(, sizeInBytes());
bool BloomFilterImpl::operator==(const BloomFilterImpl& other) const {
return numBits_ == other.numBits_ && numHashFunctions_ == other.numHashFunctions_ &&
*bitSet_ == *other.bitSet_;
BloomFilter::~BloomFilter() {
std::unique_ptr<BloomFilter> BloomFilterUTF8Utils::deserialize(
const proto::Stream_Kind& streamKind, const proto::ColumnEncoding& encoding,
const proto::BloomFilter& bloomFilter) {
// only BLOOM_FILTER_UTF8 is supported
if (streamKind != proto::Stream_Kind_BLOOM_FILTER_UTF8) {
return nullptr;
// make sure we don't use unknown encodings or original timestamp encodings
if (!encoding.has_bloom_encoding() || encoding.bloom_encoding() != 1) {
return nullptr;
// make sure all required fields exist
if (!bloomFilter.has_num_hash_functions() || !bloomFilter.has_utf8bitset()) {
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<BloomFilterImpl>(bloomFilter);
} // namespace orc