blob: eee042add3ce577b9a00804911439e9179093e95 [file] [log] [blame]
These scripts are useful for building and testing on different versions of
ORC is currently supported on:
* CentOS 6, 7, and 8
* Debian 8, 9, and 10
* Ubuntu 14, 16, and 18
To test against all of the Linux OSes against Apache's master branch:
1. cd docker
2. ./ apache master
Using 'local' as the owner will cause the scripts to use the local repository.
The scripts are:
1. *owner* *branch* - test the given owner's branch on all OSes
2. *owner* *branch* *os* - test the owner's branch on one OS
3. - rebuild all of the base images without the image cache
A base image for each OS is built using:
1. cd docker/$os
2. docker build -t orc-$os .
To clean up docker:
1. docker container prune
2. docker image prune