blob: 5a31855cd7d2171602b91f496bbd0c427cd763ae [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package whisk.http
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.util.Try
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCode
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes.Forbidden
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes.NotFound
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.MediaType
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport.sprayJsonMarshaller
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.StandardRoute
import spray.json._
import whisk.common.TransactionId
import whisk.core.entity.SizeError
import whisk.core.entity.ByteSize
import whisk.core.entity.Exec
import whisk.core.entity.ExecMetaDataBase
import whisk.core.entity.ActivationId
object Messages {
/** Standard message for reporting resource conflicts. */
val conflictMessage = "Concurrent modification to resource detected."
* Standard message for reporting resource conformance error when trying to access
* a resource from a different collection.
val conformanceMessage = "Resource by this name exists but is not in this collection."
val corruptedEntity = "Resource is corrupted and cannot be read."
* Standard message for reporting deprecated runtimes.
def runtimeDeprecated(e: Exec) =
s"The '${e.kind}' runtime is no longer supported. You may read and delete but not update or invoke this action."
* Standard message for reporting deprecated runtimes.
def runtimeDeprecated(e: ExecMetaDataBase) =
s"The '${e.kind}' runtime is no longer supported. You may read and delete but not update or invoke this action."
/** Standard message for resource not found. */
val resourceDoesNotExist = "The requested resource does not exist."
def resourceDoesntExist(value: String) = s"The requested resource '$value' does not exist."
/** Standard message for too many activation requests within a rolling time window. */
def tooManyRequests(count: Int, allowed: Int) =
s"Too many requests in the last minute (count: $count, allowed: $allowed)."
/** Standard message for too many concurrent activation requests within a time window. */
def tooManyConcurrentRequests(count: Int, allowed: Int) =
s"Too many concurrent requests in flight (count: $count, allowed: $allowed)."
/** System overload message. */
val systemOverloaded = "System is overloaded, try again later."
/** Standard message when supplied authkey is not authorized for an operation. */
val notAuthorizedtoOperateOnResource = "The supplied authentication is not authorized to access this resource."
def notAuthorizedtoAccessResource(value: String) =
s"The supplied authentication is not authorized to access '$value'."
/** Standard error message for malformed fully qualified entity names. */
val malformedFullyQualifiedEntityName =
"The fully qualified name of the entity must contain at least the namespace and the name of the entity."
def entityNameTooLong(error: SizeError) = {
s"${error.field} longer than allowed: ${} > ${error.allowed.toBytes}."
val entityNameIllegal = "The name of the entity contains illegal characters."
val namespaceIllegal = "The namespace contains illegal characters."
/** Standard error for malformed activation id. */
val activationIdIllegal = "The activation id is not valid."
def activationIdLengthError(error: SizeError) = {
s"${error.field} length is ${} but must be ${error.allowed.toBytes}."
/** Error messages for sequence actions. */
val sequenceIsTooLong = "Too many actions in the sequence."
val sequenceNoComponent = "No component specified for the sequence."
val sequenceIsCyclic = "Sequence may not refer to itself."
val sequenceComponentNotFound = "Sequence component does not exist."
/** Error message for packages. */
val bindingDoesNotExist = "Binding references a package that does not exist."
val packageCannotBecomeBinding = "Resource is a package and cannot be converted into a binding."
val bindingCannotReferenceBinding = "Cannot bind to another package binding."
val requestedBindingIsNotValid = "Cannot bind to a resource that is not a package."
val notAllowedOnBinding = "Operation not permitted on package binding."
def packageNameIsReserved(name: String) = s"Package name '$name' is reserved."
/** Error messages for triggers */
def triggerWithInactiveRule(rule: String, action: String) = {
s"Rule '$rule' is inactive, action '$action' was not activated."
/** Error messages for sequence activations. */
def sequenceRetrieveActivationTimeout(id: ActivationId) =
s"Timeout reached when retrieving activation $id for sequence component."
val sequenceActivationFailure = "Sequence failed."
/** Error messages for compositions. */
val compositionIsTooLong = "Too many actions in the composition."
val compositionActivationFailure = "Activation failure during composition."
def compositionActivationTimeout(id: ActivationId) =
s"Timeout reached when retrieving activation $id during composition."
def compositionComponentInvalid(value: JsValue) =
s"Failed to parse action name from json value $value during composition."
def compositionComponentNotFound(name: String) =
s"Failed to resolve action with name '$name' during composition."
def compositionComponentNotAccessible(name: String) =
s"Failed entitlement check for action with name '$name' during composition."
/** Error messages for bad requests where parameters do not conform. */
val parametersNotAllowed = "Request defines parameters that are not allowed (e.g., reserved properties)."
def invalidTimeout(max: FiniteDuration) = s"Timeout must be number of milliseconds up to ${max.toMillis}."
/** Error messages for activations. */
val abnormalInitialization = "The action did not initialize and exited unexpectedly."
val abnormalRun = "The action did not produce a valid response and exited unexpectedly."
val memoryExhausted = "The action exhausted its memory and was aborted."
val docsNotAllowedWithCount = "The parameter 'docs' is not permitted with 'count'."
def badNameFilter(value: String) = s"Parameter may be a 'simple' name or 'package-name/simple' name: $value"
def badEpoch(value: String) = s"Parameter is not a valid value for epoch seconds: $value"
/** Error message for size conformance. */
def entityTooBig(error: SizeError) = {
s"${error.field} larger than allowed: ${} > ${error.allowed.toBytes} bytes."
def listLimitOutOfRange(collection: String, value: Int, max: Int) = {
s"The value '$value' is not in the range of 0 to $max for $collection."
def listSkipOutOfRange(collection: String, value: Int) = {
s"The value '$value' is not greater than or equal to 0 for $collection."
def argumentNotInteger(collection: String, value: String) = s"The value '$value' is not an integer for $collection."
def truncateLogs(limit: ByteSize) = {
s"Logs were truncated because the total bytes size exceeds the limit of ${limit.toBytes} bytes."
val logFailure = "There was an issue while collecting your logs. Data might be missing."
/** Error for meta api. */
val propertyNotFound = "Response does not include requested property."
def invalidMedia(m: MediaType) = s"Response is not valid '${m.value}'."
def contentTypeExtensionNotSupported(extensions: Set[String]) = {
s"""Extension must be specified and one of ${extensions.mkString("[", ", ", "]")}."""
val unsupportedContentType = """Content type is not supported."""
def unsupportedContentType(m: MediaType) = s"""Content type '${m.value}' is not supported."""
val errorExtractingRequestBody = "Failed extracting request body."
val responseNotReady = "Response not yet ready."
val httpUnknownContentType = "Response did not specify a known content-type."
val httpContentTypeError = "Response type in header did not match generated content type."
val errorProcessingRequest = "There was an error processing your request."
def invalidInitResponse(actualResponse: String) = {
"The action failed during initialization" + {
Option(actualResponse) filter { _.nonEmpty } map { s =>
s": $s"
} getOrElse "."
def invalidRunResponse(actualResponse: String) = {
"The action did not produce a valid JSON response" + {
Option(actualResponse) filter { _.nonEmpty } map { s =>
s": $s"
} getOrElse "."
def truncatedResponse(length: ByteSize, maxLength: ByteSize): String = {
s"The action produced a response that exceeded the allowed length: ${length.toBytes} > ${maxLength.toBytes} bytes."
def truncatedResponse(trunk: String, length: ByteSize, maxLength: ByteSize): String = {
s"${truncatedResponse(length, maxLength)} The truncated response was: $trunk"
def timedoutActivation(timeout: Duration, init: Boolean) = {
s"The action exceeded its time limits of ${timeout.toMillis} milliseconds" + {
if (!init) "." else " during initialization."
val namespacesBlacklisted = "The action was not invoked due to a blacklisted namespace."
val actionRemovedWhileInvoking = "Action could not be found or may have been deleted."
val actionMismatchWhileInvoking = "Action version is not compatible and cannot be invoked."
val actionFetchErrorWhileInvoking = "Action could not be fetched."
/** Indicates that the image could not be pulled. */
def imagePullError(image: String) = s"Failed to pull container image '$image'."
/** Indicates that the container for the action could not be started. */
val resourceProvisionError = "Failed to provision resources to run the action."
/** Replaces rejections with Json object containing cause and transaction id. */
case class ErrorResponse(error: String, code: TransactionId)
object ErrorResponse extends Directives with DefaultJsonProtocol {
def terminate(status: StatusCode, error: String)(implicit transid: TransactionId,
jsonPrinter: JsonPrinter): StandardRoute = {
terminate(status, Option(error) filter { _.trim.nonEmpty } map { e =>
Some(ErrorResponse(e.trim, transid))
} getOrElse None)
def terminate(status: StatusCode, error: Option[ErrorResponse] = None, asJson: Boolean = true)(
implicit transid: TransactionId,
jsonPrinter: JsonPrinter): StandardRoute = {
val errorResponse = error getOrElse response(status)
if (asJson) {
complete(status, errorResponse)
} else {
complete(status, s"${errorResponse.error} (code: ${errorResponse.code})")
def response(status: StatusCode)(implicit transid: TransactionId): ErrorResponse = status match {
case NotFound => ErrorResponse(Messages.resourceDoesNotExist, transid)
case Forbidden => ErrorResponse(Messages.notAuthorizedtoOperateOnResource, transid)
case _ => ErrorResponse(status.defaultMessage, transid)
implicit val serializer = new RootJsonFormat[ErrorResponse] {
def write(er: ErrorResponse) = JsObject("error" -> er.error.toJson, "code" ->
def read(v: JsValue) =
Try {
v.asJsObject.getFields("error", "code") match {
case Seq(JsString(error), JsString(code)) =>
ErrorResponse(error, TransactionId(code))
case Seq(JsString(error)) =>
ErrorResponse(error, TransactionId.unknown)
} getOrElse deserializationError("error response malformed")