blob: cf8cb264cc8670f949244830bd62a8141bf9aa6b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package whisk.common
import java.time.{Clock, Instant, ZoneId}
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import akka.event.Logging._
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter
import kamon.Kamon
import whisk.core.entity.ControllerInstanceId
trait Logging {
* Prints a message on DEBUG level
* @param from Reference, where the method was called from.
* @param message Message to write to the log if not empty
def debug(from: AnyRef, message: => String)(implicit id: TransactionId = TransactionId.unknown) = {
if (id.meta.extraLogging) {
emit(InfoLevel, id, from, message)
} else {
emit(DebugLevel, id, from, message)
* Prints a message on INFO level
* @param from Reference, where the method was called from.
* @param message Message to write to the log if not empty
def info(from: AnyRef, message: => String)(implicit id: TransactionId = TransactionId.unknown) = {
emit(InfoLevel, id, from, message)
* Prints a message on WARN level
* @param from Reference, where the method was called from.
* @param message Message to write to the log if not empty
def warn(from: AnyRef, message: => String)(implicit id: TransactionId = TransactionId.unknown) = {
emit(WarningLevel, id, from, message)
* Prints a message on ERROR level
* @param from Reference, where the method was called from.
* @param message Message to write to the log if not empty
def error(from: AnyRef, message: => String)(implicit id: TransactionId = TransactionId.unknown) = {
emit(ErrorLevel, id, from, message)
* Prints a message to the output.
* @param loglevel The level to log on
* @param id <code>TransactionId</code> to include in the log
* @param from Reference, where the method was called from.
* @param message Message to write to the log if not empty
protected[common] def emit(loglevel: LogLevel, id: TransactionId, from: AnyRef, message: => String)
* Implementation of Logging, that uses Akka logging.
class AkkaLogging(loggingAdapter: LoggingAdapter) extends Logging {
def emit(loglevel: LogLevel, id: TransactionId, from: AnyRef, message: => String) = {
if (loggingAdapter.isEnabled(loglevel)) {
val logmsg: String = message // generates the message
if (logmsg.nonEmpty) { // log it only if its not empty
val name = if (from.isInstanceOf[String]) from else Logging.getCleanSimpleClassName(from.getClass)
loggingAdapter.log(loglevel, s"[$id] [$name] $logmsg")
* Implementaion of Logging, that uses the output stream.
class PrintStreamLogging(outputStream: PrintStream = Console.out) extends Logging {
override def emit(loglevel: LogLevel, id: TransactionId, from: AnyRef, message: => String) = {
val now =
val time = Emitter.timeFormat.format(now)
val name = if (from.isInstanceOf[String]) from else Logging.getCleanSimpleClassName(from.getClass)
val level = loglevel match {
case DebugLevel => "DEBUG"
case InfoLevel => "INFO"
case WarningLevel => "WARN"
case ErrorLevel => "ERROR"
val logMessage = Seq(message).collect {
case msg if msg.nonEmpty =>
msg.split('\n').map(_.trim).mkString(" ")
val parts = Seq(s"[$time]", s"[$level]", s"[$id]") ++ Seq(s"[$name]") ++ logMessage
outputStream.println(parts.mkString(" "))
* A triple representing the timestamp relative to which the elapsed time was computed,
* typically for a TransactionId, the elapsed time in milliseconds and a string containing
* the given marker token.
* @param token the LogMarkerToken that should be defined in LoggingMarkers
* @param deltaToTransactionStart the time difference between now and the start of the Transaction
* @param deltaToMarkerStart if this is an end marker, this is the time difference to the start marker
case class LogMarker(token: LogMarkerToken, deltaToTransactionStart: Long, deltaToMarkerStart: Option[Long] = None) {
override def toString() = {
val parts = Seq(LogMarker.keyword, token.toStringWithSubAction, deltaToTransactionStart) ++ deltaToMarkerStart
"[" + parts.mkString(":") + "]"
object LogMarker {
val keyword = "marker"
/** Convenience method for parsing log markers in unit tests. */
def parse(s: String) = {
val logmarker = raw"\[${keyword}:([^\s:]+):(\d+)(?::(\d+))?\]".r.unanchored
val logmarker(token, deltaToTransactionStart, deltaToMarkerStart) = s
LogMarker(LogMarkerToken.parse(token), deltaToTransactionStart.toLong, Option(deltaToMarkerStart).map(_.toLong))
private object Logging {
* Given a class object, return its simple name less the trailing dollar sign.
def getCleanSimpleClassName(clz: Class[_]) = {
val simpleName = clz.getSimpleName
if (simpleName.endsWith("$")) simpleName.dropRight(1)
else simpleName
private object Emitter {
val timeFormat = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'").withZone(ZoneId.of("UTC"))
* Used to record log message and make a metric name.
* @param component Component like invoker, controller, and docker. It is defined in LoggingMarkers.
* @param action Action of the component.
* @param state State of the action.
* @param subAction more specific identifier for "action", like `runc.resume`
* @param tags tags can be used for whatever granularity you might need.
case class LogMarkerToken(component: String,
action: String,
state: String,
subAction: Option[String] = None,
tags: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) {
override def toString = component + "_" + action + "_" + state
def toStringWithSubAction = => component + "_" + action + "." + sa + "_" + state).getOrElse(toString)
def asFinish = copy(state = LoggingMarkers.finish)
def asError = copy(state = LoggingMarkers.error)
object LogMarkerToken {
def parse(string: String) = {
// Per convention the components are guaranteed to not contain '_'
// thus it's safe to split at '_' to get the components
val Array(component, action, state) = string.split('_')
val (generalAction, subAction) = action.split('.').toList match {
case Nil => throw new IllegalArgumentException("LogMarkerToken malformed")
case a :: Nil => (a, None)
case a :: s :: _ => (a, Some(s))
LogMarkerToken(component, generalAction, state, subAction)
object MetricEmitter {
val metrics = Kamon.metrics
def emitCounterMetric(token: LogMarkerToken): Unit = {
if (TransactionId.metricsKamon) {
if (TransactionId.metricsKamonTags) {
.counter(token.toString, token.tags)
} else {
def emitHistogramMetric(token: LogMarkerToken, value: Long): Unit = {
if (TransactionId.metricsKamon) {
if (TransactionId.metricsKamonTags) {
.histogram(token.toString, token.tags)
} else {
object LoggingMarkers {
val start = "start"
val finish = "finish"
val error = "error"
val count = "count"
private val controller = "controller"
private val invoker = "invoker"
private val database = "database"
private val activation = "activation"
private val kafka = "kafka"
private val loadbalancer = "loadbalancer"
* Controller related markers
def CONTROLLER_STARTUP(id: String) = LogMarkerToken(controller, s"startup$id", count)
// Time of the activation in controller until it is delivered to Kafka
val CONTROLLER_ACTIVATION = LogMarkerToken(controller, activation, start)
val CONTROLLER_ACTIVATION_BLOCKING = LogMarkerToken(controller, "blockingActivation", start)
// Time that is needed load balance the activation
val CONTROLLER_LOADBALANCER = LogMarkerToken(controller, loadbalancer, start)
// Time that is needed to produce message in kafka
val CONTROLLER_KAFKA = LogMarkerToken(controller, kafka, start)
* Invoker related markers
def INVOKER_STARTUP(i: Int) = LogMarkerToken(invoker, s"startup$i", count)
// Check invoker healthy state from loadbalancer
val LOADBALANCER_INVOKER_OFFLINE = LogMarkerToken(loadbalancer, "invokerOffline", count)
val LOADBALANCER_INVOKER_UNHEALTHY = LogMarkerToken(loadbalancer, "invokerUnhealthy", count)
val LOADBALANCER_ACTIVATION_START = LogMarkerToken(loadbalancer, "activations", count)
def LOADBALANCER_ACTIVATIONS_INFLIGHT(controllerInstance: ControllerInstanceId) =
LogMarkerToken(loadbalancer + controllerInstance.asString, "activationsInflight", count)
// Time that is needed to execute the action
val INVOKER_ACTIVATION_RUN = LogMarkerToken(invoker, "activationRun", start)
// Time that is needed to init the action
val INVOKER_ACTIVATION_INIT = LogMarkerToken(invoker, "activationInit", start)
// Time needed to collect the logs
val INVOKER_COLLECT_LOGS = LogMarkerToken(invoker, "collectLogs", start)
// Time in invoker
val INVOKER_ACTIVATION = LogMarkerToken(invoker, activation, start)
def INVOKER_DOCKER_CMD(cmd: String) = LogMarkerToken(invoker, "docker", start, Some(cmd), Map("cmd" -> cmd))
def INVOKER_RUNC_CMD(cmd: String) = LogMarkerToken(invoker, "runc", start, Some(cmd), Map("cmd" -> cmd))
def INVOKER_KUBECTL_CMD(cmd: String) = LogMarkerToken(invoker, "kubectl", start, Some(cmd), Map("cmd" -> cmd))
def INVOKER_CONTAINER_START(containerState: String) =
LogMarkerToken(invoker, "containerStart", count, Some(containerState), Map("containerState" -> containerState))
// Kafka related markers
def KAFKA_QUEUE(topic: String) = LogMarkerToken(kafka, topic, count)
def KAFKA_MESSAGE_DELAY(topic: String) = LogMarkerToken(kafka, topic, start, Some("delay"))
* General markers
val DATABASE_CACHE_HIT = LogMarkerToken(database, "cacheHit", count)
val DATABASE_CACHE_MISS = LogMarkerToken(database, "cacheMiss", count)
val DATABASE_SAVE = LogMarkerToken(database, "saveDocument", start)
val DATABASE_BULK_SAVE = LogMarkerToken(database, "saveDocumentBulk", start)
val DATABASE_DELETE = LogMarkerToken(database, "deleteDocument", start)
val DATABASE_GET = LogMarkerToken(database, "getDocument", start)
val DATABASE_QUERY = LogMarkerToken(database, "queryView", start)
val DATABASE_ATT_GET = LogMarkerToken(database, "getDocumentAttachment", start)
val DATABASE_ATT_SAVE = LogMarkerToken(database, "saveDocumentAttachment", start)
val DATABASE_ATT_DELETE = LogMarkerToken(database, "deleteDocumentAttachment", start)
val DATABASE_ATTS_DELETE = LogMarkerToken(database, "deleteDocumentAttachments", start)
val DATABASE_BATCH_SIZE = LogMarkerToken(database, "batchSize", count)