blob: 7e19d7d9cba3dd97990ba6f0ca44a93caafadd93 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
# license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
# This task will initialize the immortal DBs in the database account.
# This step is usually done only once per deployment.
- include_tasks: db/recreateDb.yml
dbName: "{{ db.whisk.auth }}"
forceRecreation: False
- include_tasks: db/recreateDoc.yml
dbName: "{{ db.whisk.auth }}"
doc: "{{ lookup('file', '{{ item }}') }}"
- "{{ openwhisk_home }}/ansible/files/auth_index.json"
- "{{ openwhisk_home }}/ansible/files/filter_design_document.json"
- "{{ openwhisk_home }}/ansible/files/namespace_throttlings_design_document_for_subjects_db.json"
- name: create necessary "auth" keys
include_tasks: db/recreateDoc.yml
key: "{{ lookup('file', 'files/auth.{{ item }}') }}"
dbName: "{{ db.whisk.auth }}"
doc: >
"_id": "{{ item }}",
"subject": "{{ item }}",
"namespaces": [{
"name": "{{ item }}",
"uuid": "{{ key.split(":")[0] }}",
"key": "{{ key.split(":")[1] }}"
with_items: "{{ db.authkeys }}"