blob: c5de2b758f3b578cbb19150fdd244333c0d60b92 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
# license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
# This playbook prepares all target hosts for Openwhisk installation.
# It will create the docker user and establish ssh keys.
# It will install all necessary packages to run Openwhisk playbooks.
# In addition it will also install docker on the target hosts
# If the docker user and ansible ssh user differ, use the following
# Set -e ansible_ssh_pass=xxx -e ansible_become_pass=xxx -e ansible_user=yyy when executing this playbook.
# xxx == passwd of a user that can become root or root passwd
# yyy == user that can become root or root itself
# Note that the user and passwd needs to be the same on all systems.
# Also you need to have sshpass installed.
# (apt-get for ubuntu, for mac: brew install
- hosts: all:!ansible
- whiskhost
- docker
- prereq