blob: b59aa3b3fee69a42f4253d41cb4dc72249379973 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
# license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
mode: deploy
prompt_user: true
openwhisk_home: "{{ lookup('env', 'OPENWHISK_HOME') | default(playbook_dir ~ '/..', true) }}"
openwhisk_cli_home: "{{ lookup('env', 'OPENWHISK_CLI') | default(openwhisk_home ~ '/../incubator-openwhisk-cli', true) }}"
openwhisk_build_dir: "{{ openwhisk_home }}/build"
exclude_logs_from: []
# This whisk_api_localhost_name_default is used to configure nginx to permit vanity URLs for web actions
# for local deployment. For a public deployment, the specific environment group vars should define
# whisk_api_host_name; this is available to actions and hence must resolve from inside an action container
# specific to the deployment (i.e., it may be an IP address rather than a hostname in some cases).
# For a local deployment, use whisk_api_localhost_name. For a deployment which requires
# different name resolution between the whisk_api_host_name and the whisk_api_local_host_name, both should
# be defined so that the nginx configuration for the server name reflects the public facing naming (of the
# edge router) even if it is different from the API host available to the actions. The precedence order for
# configuring nginx and the SSL certificate generation is:
# whisk_api_localhost_name (first)
# whisk_api_host_name (second)
# whisk_api_localhost_name_default (last)
whisk_api_localhost_name_default: "localhost"
# Type of your environment.
# If you want to deploy everything on your local machine use 'local'.
# If you use a docker-machine on a mac use 'docker-machine'
# If you want to deploy Openwhisk to other machines use 'distributed'
type: "{{ environment_type | default('local') }}"
hosts_dir: "{{ inventory_dir | default(env_hosts_dir) }}"
date: "{{ansible_date_time.iso8601}}"
# configuration parameters related to support runtimes (see whisk.core.entity.ExecManifest for schema of the manifest).
# briefly the parameters are:
# runtimes_registry: optional registry (with trailing slack) where to pull docker images from for runtimes and backbox images
# skip_pull_runtimes: this will skip pulling the images to the invoker (images must exist there somehow)
# runtimes_manifest: set of language runtime families grouped by language (e.g., nodejs, python) and blackbox images to pre-pull
# runtimes_bypass_pull_for_local_images: optional, if true, allow images with a prefix that matches
# {{ runtimes_local_image_prefix }} to skip docker pull in invoker even if the image is not part of the blackbox set
runtimesManifest: "{{ runtimes_manifest | default(lookup('file', openwhisk_home ~ '/ansible/files/runtimes.json') | from_json) }}"
invocationsPerMinute: "{{ limit_invocations_per_minute | default(60) }}"
concurrentInvocations: "{{ limit_invocations_concurrent | default(30) }}"
concurrentInvocationsSystem: "{{ limit_invocations_concurrent_system | default(5000) }}"
firesPerMinute: "{{ limit_fires_per_minute | default(60) }}"
sequenceMaxLength: "{{ limit_sequence_max_length | default(50) }}"
# port means outer port
become: "{{ controller_dir_become | default(false) }}"
confdir: "{{ config_root_dir }}/controller"
basePort: 10001
heap: "{{ controller_heap | default('2g') }}"
arguments: "{{ controller_arguments | default('') }}"
blackboxFraction: "{{ controller_blackbox_fraction | default(0.10) }}"
instances: "{{ groups['controllers'] | length }}"
localBookkeeping: "{{ controller_local_bookkeeping | default('false') }}"
provider: cluster
basePort: 8000
host: "{{ groups['controllers'] | map('extract', hostvars, 'ansible_host') | list }}"
bindPort: 2551
# at this moment all controllers are seed nodes
seedNodes: "{{ groups['controllers'] | map('extract', hostvars, 'ansible_host') | list }}"
spi: "{{ controller_loadbalancer_spi | default('') }}"
loglevel: "{{ controller_loglevel | default(whisk_loglevel) | default('INFO') }}"
protocol: "{{ controllerProtocolForSetup }}"
cn: openwhisk-controllers
cert: "{{ controller_ca_cert | default('controller-openwhisk-server-cert.pem') }}"
key: "{{ controller_key | default('controller-openwhisk-server-key.pem') }}"
clientAuth: "{{ controller_client_auth | default('true') }}"
storeFlavor: PKCS12
password: "{{ controllerKeystorePassword }}"
path: "/conf/{{ controllerKeystoreName }}"
# keystore and truststore are the same as long as controller and nginx share the certificate
password: "{{ controllerKeystorePassword }}"
path: "/conf/{{ controllerKeystoreName }}"
extraEnv: "{{ controller_extraEnv | default({}) }}"
# move controller protocol outside to not evaluate controller variables during execution of setup.yml
controllerProtocolForSetup: "{{ controller_protocol | default('https') }}"
controllerKeystoreName: "{{ controllerKeyPrefix }}openwhisk-keystore.p12"
controllerKeyPrefix: "controller-"
controllerKeystorePassword: openwhisk
basePortController: 15000
rmiBasePortController: 16000
basePortInvoker: 17000
rmiBasePortInvoker: 18000
user: "{{ jmxuser | default('jmxuser') }}"
pass: "{{ jmxuser | default('jmxpass') }}"
jvmCommonArgs: ""
enabled: "{{ jmxremote_enabled | default('true') }}"
header: "{{ transactions_header | default('X-Request-ID') }}"
confdir: "{{ config_root_dir }}/registry"
client_authentication: required
name: kafka-keystore.jks
password: openwhisk
protocol: "{{ kafka_protocol_for_setup }}"
port: 9072
advertisedPort: 9093
port: 8093
heap: "{{ kafka_heap | default('1g') }}"
replicationFactor: "{{ kafka_replicationFactor | default((groups['kafkas']|length)|int) }}"
# adapt this param for production deployments depending on the number of kafka consumers
networkThreads: "{{ kafka_network_threads | default(3) }}"
kafka_connect_string: "{% set ret = [] %}\
{% for host in groups['kafkas'] %}\
{{ ret.append( hostvars[host].ansible_host + ':' + ((kafka.advertisedPort+loop.index-1)|string) ) }}\
{% endfor %}\
{{ ret | join(',') }}"
kafka_protocol_for_setup: "{{ kafka_protocol | default('PLAINTEXT') }}"
version: 3.4
port: 2181
zookeeper_connect_string: "{% set ret = [] %}\
{% for host in groups['zookeepers'] %}\
{{ ret.append( hostvars[host].ansible_host + ':' + ((zookeeper.port+loop.index-1)|string) ) }}\
{% endfor %}\
{{ ret | join(',') }}"
invokerHostnameFromMap: "{{ groups['invokers'] | map('extract', hostvars, 'ansible_host') | list | first }}"
invokerHostname: "{{ invokerHostnameFromMap | default(inventory_hostname) }}"
become: "{{ invoker_dir_become | default(false) }}"
confdir: "{{ config_root_dir }}/invoker"
port: 12001
heap: "{{ invoker_heap | default('2g') }}"
arguments: "{{ invoker_arguments | default('') }}"
numcore: 2
coreshare: 2
busyThreshold: "{{ invoker_busy_threshold | default(16) }}"
instances: "{{ groups['invokers'] | length }}"
# Specify if it is allowed to deploy more than 1 invoker on a single machine.
allowMultipleInstances: "{{ invoker_allow_multiple_instances | default(false) }}"
# Specify if it should use docker-runc or docker to pause/unpause containers
useRunc: "{{ invoker_use_runc | default(true) }}"
become: "{{ invoker_docker_become | default(false) }}"
loglevel: "{{ invoker_loglevel | default(whisk_loglevel) | default('INFO') }}"
jvmArgs: "{% if inventory_hostname in groups['invokers'] %}
{{ jmx.jvmCommonArgs }} -Djava.rmi.server.hostname={{ invokerHostname }}{{ jmx.rmiBasePortInvoker + groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}{{ jmx.basePortInvoker + groups['invokers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}
{% endif %}"
extraEnv: "{{ invoker_extraEnv | default({}) }}"
spi: "{{ userLogs_spi | default('whisk.core.containerpool.logging.DockerToActivationLogStoreProvider') }}"
confdir: "{{ config_root_dir }}/nginx"
become: "{{ nginx_dir_become | default(false) }}"
version: "{{ nginx_version | default('1.13') }}"
http: 80
api: 443
adminportal: 8443
path: "{{ openwhisk_home }}/ansible/roles/nginx/files"
cert: "openwhisk-server-cert.pem"
key: "openwhisk-server-key.pem"
password_enabled: false
password_file: "ssl.pass"
client_ca_cert: "{{ openwhisk_client_ca_cert | default('openwhisk-client-ca-cert.pem') }}"
verify_client: "{{ nginx_ssl_verify_client | default('off') }}"
router: "{{ nginx_wpn_router | default('1') }}"
special_users: "{{ nginx_special_users | default('[]') }}"
# These are the variables to define all database relevant settings.
# The authKeys are the users, that are initially created to use OpenWhisk.
# The keys are stored in ansible/files and will be inserted into the authentication databse.
# The key db.whisk.actions is the name of the database where all artifacts of the user are stored. These artifacts are actions, triggers, rules and packages.
# The key db.whisk.activation is the name of the database where all activations are stored.
# The key db.whisk.auth is the name of the authentication database where all keys of all users are stored.
# The db_prefix is defined for each environment on its own. The CouchDb credentials are also defined for each environment on its own.
instances: "{{ groups['db'] | length }}"
- guest
- whisk.system
actions: "{{ db_prefix }}whisks"
activations: "{{ db_prefix }}activations"
auth: "{{ db_prefix }}subjects"
api: 9000
api_secure: 443
mgmt: 9001
version: 0.9.10
version: 3.2
port: 6379
version: 4.4.0-31
version: 2.1
# The user to install docker for. Defaults to the ansible user if not set. This will be the user who is able to run
# docker commands on a machine setup with prereq_build.yml
prefix: "{{ docker_image_prefix | default('whisk') }}"
tag: "{{ docker_image_tag | default('latest') }}"
version: 1.12.0-0~trusty
storagedriver: overlay
port: 4243
policy: always
retries: 10
delay: 10
become: "{{ sdk_dir_become | default(false) }}"
path: "{{ openwhisk_home }}/bin/wsk"
become: "{{ cli_dir_become | default(false) }}"
# The default name space is /whisk.system. The catalog namespace must begin with a slash "/".
catalog_namespace: "/whisk.system"
# The catalog_auth_key is used to determine the secret key to authenticate the openwhisk service.
# The value for this variable can be set to either the secret key itself or the file, which
# saves the secret key.
# By default, we take the key from {{ openwhisk_home }}/ansible/files/auth.whisk.system.
catalog_auth_key: "{{ openwhisk_home }}/ansible/files/auth.whisk.system"
# The catalog_repos is used to specify all the catalog names and repository URLs,
# so that openwhisk knows where to download the catalog and install them. The key
# specifies the catalog name and the url saves the URL of the repository. The location
# specifies the location to save the code of the catalog. The version specifies the hash
# of the commit to be cloned. If it is omit or set to HEAD, the latest commit will be
# selected. The repo_update specifies whether to retrieve new revisions from the origin
# repository and the default value is yes, meaning that it will retrieve the new
# revisions. The keys url and location are mandatory and the keys version and repo_update
# are optional. To add a new repository, please follow the template by adding:
# catalog_repos:
# ...
# <catalog-name>:
# url: <URL of repository>, mandatory.
# location: <local location to save the catalog>, mandatory.
# version: <hash of the commit>, optional, default to HEAD.
# repo_update: <whether to retrieve new revisions from the origin repository>,
# optional, default to no. Yes means to retrieve the new revisions, and
# no means not to retrieve the new revisions.
# Set the local location as the same level as openwhisk home, but it can be changed.
location: "{{ openwhisk_home }}/../openwhisk-catalog"
version: "HEAD"
repo_update: "no"
# The openwhisk_cli is used to determine how to install the OpenWhisk CLI. The
# installation_mode can be specified into two modes: remote and local.
# The mode remote means to download the available binaries from the releases page
# of the official openwhisk cli repository. The mode local means to build the binaries
# locally in a directory and get them from the local directory. The default value
# for openwhisk is local.
# The name specifies the package name of the binaries in remote mode.
# The dest_name specifies the package name of the binaries in Nginx in remote mode.
# The location specifies the official website where Openwhisk CLI is hosted in
# remote mode or location to save the binaries of the OpenWhisk CLI in local mode.
openwhisk_cli_tag: "{{ cli_tag | default(lookup('ini', 'git_tag section=openwhisk-cli file=' ~ openwhisk_home ~ '/ansible/files/package-versions.ini')) }}"
installation_mode: "{{ cli_installation_mode | default(lookup('env', 'OPENWHISK_CLI_MODE')) | default('remote', true) }}"
archive_name: OpenWhisk_CLI
name: "{{ nginx.confdir }}/cli/go/download"
become: "{{ cli_dir_become | default(false) }}"
location: "{{ openwhisk_cli_home }}/build"
location: "{{ openwhisk_cli_tag }}"
# Controls access to log directories
become: "{{ logs_dir_become | default(false) }}"
# Metrics Configuration
enabled: "{{ metrics_log | default(true) }}"
enabled: "{{ metrics_kamon | default(false) }}"
tags: "{{ metrics_kamon_tags | default(false) }}"
host: "{{ metrics_kamon_statsd_host | default('') }}"
port: "{{ metrics_kamon_statsd_port | default('8125') }}"
user_events: "{{ user_events_enabled | default(false) }}"