blob: 6987fb5bc8e53f5152fa5dc06358ba453000ba12 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
# license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
# This playbook deploys Openwhisk Controllers.
- hosts: controllers
# host_group - usually "{{ groups['...'] }}" where '...' is what was used
# for 'hosts' above. The hostname of each host will be looked up in this
# group to assign a zero-based index. That index will be used in concert
# with 'name_prefix' below to assign a host/container name.
host_group: "{{ groups['controllers'] }}"
# name_prefix - a unique prefix for this set of controllers. The prefix
# will be used in combination with an index (determined using
# 'host_group' above) to name host/controllers.
name_prefix: "controller"
# controller_index_base - the deployment process allocates host docker
# ports to individual controllers based on their indices. This is an
# additional offset to prevent collisions between different controller
# groups. Usually 0 if only one group is being deployed, otherwise
# something like "{{ groups['firstcontrollergroup']|length }}"
controller_index_base: 0
# select which additional capabilities (from the controller role) need
# to be added to the controller. Plugin will override default
# configuration settings. (Plugins are found in the
# 'roles/controller/tasks' directory for now.)
# Join an akka cluster rather than running standalone akka
- "join_akka_cluster"
- controller