blob: 8092ad8f0bda57c4a4104c22a6646cbbf302ab66 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.entitlement
import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
import scala.collection.immutable.Set
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Success
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes.Forbidden
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes.TooManyRequests
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entitlement.Privilege.ACTIVATE
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entitlement.Privilege.REJECT
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.{Logging, TransactionId, UserEvents}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.WhiskConfig
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.connector.{EventMessage, Metric}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.controller.RejectRequest
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.loadBalancer.{LoadBalancer, ShardingContainerPoolBalancer}
import org.apache.openwhisk.http.ErrorResponse
import org.apache.openwhisk.http.Messages
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.connector.MessagingProvider
import org.apache.openwhisk.spi.SpiLoader
import org.apache.openwhisk.spi.Spi
object types {
type Entitlements = TrieMap[(Subject, String), Set[Privilege]]
* Resource is a type that encapsulates details relevant to identify a specific resource.
* It may be an entire collection, or an element in a collection.
* @param namespace the namespace the resource resides in
* @param collection the collection (e.g., actions, triggers) identifying a resource
* @param entity an optional entity name that identifies a specific item in the collection
* @param env an optional environment to bind to the resource during an activation
protected[core] case class Resource(namespace: EntityPath,
collection: Collection,
entity: Option[String],
env: Option[Parameters] = None) {
def parent: String = collection.path + EntityPath.PATHSEP + namespace
def id: String = parent + + _).getOrElse("")
def fqname: String = namespace.asString + + _).getOrElse("")
override def toString: String = id
trait EntitlementSpiProvider extends Spi {
def instance(config: WhiskConfig, loadBalancer: LoadBalancer, instance: ControllerInstanceId)(
implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem,
logging: Logging): EntitlementProvider
protected[core] object EntitlementProvider {
val requiredProperties = Map(
WhiskConfig.actionInvokePerMinuteLimit -> null,
WhiskConfig.actionInvokeConcurrentLimit -> null,
WhiskConfig.triggerFirePerMinuteLimit -> null)
* A trait that implements entitlements to resources. It performs checks for CRUD and Acivation requests.
* This is where enforcement of activation quotas takes place, in additional to basic authorization.
protected[core] abstract class EntitlementProvider(
config: WhiskConfig,
loadBalancer: LoadBalancer,
controllerInstance: ControllerInstanceId)(implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem, logging: Logging) {
private implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext = actorSystem.dispatcher
* Allows 20% of additional requests on top of the limit to mitigate possible unfair round-robin loadbalancing between
* controllers
private def overcommit(clusterSize: Int) = if (clusterSize > 1) 1.2 else 1
private def dilateLimit(limit: Int): Int = Math.ceil(limit.toDouble * overcommit(loadBalancer.clusterSize)).toInt
* Calculates a possibly dilated limit relative to the current user.
* @param defaultLimit the default limit across the whole system
* @param user the user to apply that limit to
* @return a calculated limit
private def calculateLimit(defaultLimit: Int, overrideLimit: Identity => Option[Int])(user: Identity): Int = {
val absoluteLimit = overrideLimit(user).getOrElse(defaultLimit)
* Calculates a limit which applies only to this instance individually.
* The state needed to correctly check this limit is not shared between all instances, which want to check that
* limit, so it needs to be divided between the parties who want to perform that check.
* @param defaultLimit the default limit across the whole system
* @param user the user to apply that limit to
* @return a calculated limit
private def calculateIndividualLimit(defaultLimit: Int, overrideLimit: Identity => Option[Int])(
user: Identity): Int = {
val limit = calculateLimit(defaultLimit, overrideLimit)(user)
if (limit == 0) {
} else {
// Edge case: Iff the divided limit is < 1 no loadbalancer would allow an action to be executed, thus we range
// bound to at least 1
(limit / loadBalancer.clusterSize).max(1)
private val invokeRateThrottler =
new RateThrottler(
"actions per minute",
calculateIndividualLimit(config.actionInvokePerMinuteLimit.toInt, _.limits.invocationsPerMinute))
private val triggerRateThrottler =
new RateThrottler(
"triggers per minute",
calculateIndividualLimit(config.triggerFirePerMinuteLimit.toInt, _.limits.firesPerMinute))
private val activationThrottleCalculator = loadBalancer match {
// This loadbalancer applies sharding and does not share any state
case _: ShardingContainerPoolBalancer => calculateIndividualLimit _
// Activation relevant data is shared by all other loadbalancers
case _ => calculateLimit _
private val concurrentInvokeThrottler =
new ActivationThrottler(
activationThrottleCalculator(config.actionInvokeConcurrentLimit.toInt, _.limits.concurrentInvocations))
private val messagingProvider = SpiLoader.get[MessagingProvider]
protected val eventProducer = messagingProvider.getProducer(this.config)
* Grants a subject the right to access a resources.
* @param user the subject to grant right to
* @param right the privilege to grant the subject
* @param resource the resource to grant the subject access to
* @return a promise that completes with true iff the subject is granted the right to access the requested resource
protected[core] def grant(user: Identity, right: Privilege, resource: Resource)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Boolean]
* Revokes a subject the right to access a resources.
* @param user the subject to revoke right to
* @param right the privilege to revoke the subject
* @param resource the resource to revoke the subject access to
* @return a promise that completes with true iff the subject is revoked the right to access the requested resource
protected[core] def revoke(user: Identity, right: Privilege, resource: Resource)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Boolean]
* Checks if a subject is entitled to a resource because it was granted the right explicitly.
* @param user the subject to check rights for
* @param right the privilege the subject is requesting
* @param resource the resource the subject requests access to
* @return a promise that completes with true iff the subject is permitted to access the request resource
protected def entitled(user: Identity, right: Privilege, resource: Resource)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Boolean]
* Checks action activation rate throttles for an identity.
* @param user the identity to check rate throttles for
* @return a promise that completes with success iff the user is within their activation quota
protected[core] def checkThrottles(user: Identity)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Unit] = {
logging.debug(this, s"checking user '${user.subject}' has not exceeded activation quota")
checkThrottleOverload(Future.successful(invokeRateThrottler.check(user)), user)
.flatMap(_ => checkThrottleOverload(concurrentInvokeThrottler.check(user), user))
* Checks action activation rate throttles for an identity.
* @param user the identity to check rate throttles for
* @param right the privilege the subject is requesting
* @param resources the set of resource the subject requests access to
* @return a promise that completes with success iff the user is within their activation quota
protected[core] def checkThrottles(user: Identity, right: Privilege, resources: Set[Resource])(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Unit] = {
checkUserThrottle(user, right, resources).flatMap(_ => checkConcurrentUserThrottle(user, right, resources))
private val kindRestrictor = {
import pureconfig._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.ConfigKeys
case class AllowedKinds(whitelist: Option[Set[String]] = None)
val allowedKinds = loadConfigOrThrow[AllowedKinds](ConfigKeys.runtimes)
* Checks if an action kind is allowed for a given subject.
* @param user the identity to check for restrictions
* @param exec the action executable details
* @return a promise that completes with success iff the user's action kind is allowed
protected[core] def check(user: Identity, exec: Option[Exec])(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Unit] = {
.map {
case e =>
if (kindRestrictor.check(user, e.kind)) {
} else {
RejectRequest(Forbidden, Some(ErrorResponse(Messages.notAuthorizedtoActionKind(e.kind), transid))))
* Checks if a subject has the right to access a specific resource. The entitlement may be implicit,
* that is, inferred based on namespaces that a subject belongs to and the namespace of the
* resource for example, or explicit. The implicit check is computed here. The explicit check
* is delegated to the service implementing this interface.
* NOTE: do not use this method to check a package binding because this method does not allow
* for a continuation to check that both the binding and the references package are both either
* implicitly or explicitly granted. Instead, resolve the package binding first and use the alternate
* method which authorizes a set of resources.
* @param user the subject to check rights for
* @param right the privilege the subject is requesting (applies to the entire set of resources)
* @param resource the resource the subject requests access to
* @return a promise that completes with success iff the subject is permitted to access the requested resource
protected[core] def check(user: Identity, right: Privilege, resource: Resource)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Unit] = check(user, right, Set(resource))
* Constructs a RejectRequest containing the forbidden resources.
* @param resources resources forbidden to access
* @return a RejectRequest with the appropriate message
private def unauthorizedOn(resources: Set[Resource])(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
Messages.notAuthorizedtoAccessResource(", ")),
* Checks if a subject has the right to access a set of resources. The entitlement may be implicit,
* that is, inferred based on namespaces that a subject belongs to and the namespace of the
* resource for example, or explicit. The implicit check is computed here. The explicit check
* is delegated to the service implementing this interface.
* @param user the subject identity to check rights for
* @param right the privilege the subject is requesting (applies to the entire set of resources)
* @param resources the set of resources the subject requests access to
* @param noThrottle ignore throttle limits
* @return a promise that completes with success iff the subject is permitted to access all of the requested resources
protected[core] def check(user: Identity, right: Privilege, resources: Set[Resource], noThrottle: Boolean = false)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Unit] = {
val subject = user.subject
val entitlementCheck: Future[Unit] = if (user.rights.contains(right)) {
if (resources.nonEmpty) {
logging.debug(this, s"checking user '$subject' has privilege '$right' for '${resources.mkString(", ")}'")
val throttleCheck = if (noThrottle) Future.successful(()) else checkThrottles(user, right, resources)
.flatMap(_ => checkPrivilege(user, right, resources))
.flatMap(checkedResources => {
val failedResources = checkedResources.filterNot(_._2)
if (failedResources.isEmpty) Future.successful(())
else Future.failed(unauthorizedOn(
} else Future.successful(())
} else if (right != REJECT) {
s"supplied authkey for user '$subject' does not have privilege '$right' for '${resources.mkString(", ")}'")
} else {
entitlementCheck andThen {
case Success(rs) =>
logging.debug(this, "authorized")
case Failure(r: RejectRequest) =>
logging.debug(this, s"not authorized: $r")
case Failure(t) =>
logging.error(this, s"failed while checking entitlement: ${t.getMessage}")
* NOTE: explicit grants do not work with package bindings because this method does not allow
* for a continuation to check that both the binding and the references package are both either
* implicitly or explicitly granted. Instead, the given resource set should include both the binding
* and the referenced package.
protected def checkPrivilege(user: Identity, right: Privilege, resources: Set[Resource])(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Set[(Resource, Boolean)]] = {
// check the default namespace first, bypassing additional checks if permitted
val defaultNamespaces = Set(
implicit val es: EntitlementProvider = this
Future.sequence { { resource =>
resource.collection.implicitRights(user, defaultNamespaces, right, resource) flatMap {
case true => Future.successful(resource -> true)
case false =>
logging.debug(this, "checking explicit grants")
entitled(user, right, resource).flatMap(b => Future.successful(resource -> b))
* Limits activations if subject exceeds their own limits.
* If the requested right is an activation, the set of resources must contain an activation of an action or filter to be throttled.
* While it is possible for the set of resources to contain more than one action or trigger, the plurality is ignored and treated
* as one activation since these should originate from a single macro resources (e.g., a sequence).
* @param user the subject identity to check rights for
* @param right the privilege, if ACTIVATE then check quota else return None
* @param resources the set of resources must contain at least one resource that can be activated else return None
* @return future completing successfully if user is below limits else failing with a rejection
private def checkUserThrottle(user: Identity, right: Privilege, resources: Set[Resource])(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Unit] = {
if (right == ACTIVATE) {
if (resources.exists(_.collection.path == Collection.ACTIONS)) {
checkThrottleOverload(Future.successful(invokeRateThrottler.check(user)), user)
} else if (resources.exists(_.collection.path == Collection.TRIGGERS)) {
checkThrottleOverload(Future.successful(triggerRateThrottler.check(user)), user)
} else Future.successful(())
} else Future.successful(())
* Limits activations if subject exceeds limit of concurrent invocations.
* If the requested right is an activation, the set of resources must contain an activation of an action to be throttled.
* While it is possible for the set of resources to contain more than one action, the plurality is ignored and treated
* as one activation since these should originate from a single macro resources (e.g., a sequence).
* @param user the subject identity to check rights for
* @param right the privilege, if ACTIVATE then check quota else return None
* @param resources the set of resources must contain at least one resource that can be activated else return None
* @return future completing successfully if user is below limits else failing with a rejection
private def checkConcurrentUserThrottle(user: Identity, right: Privilege, resources: Set[Resource])(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Unit] = {
if (right == ACTIVATE && resources.exists(_.collection.path == Collection.ACTIONS)) {
checkThrottleOverload(concurrentInvokeThrottler.check(user), user)
} else Future.successful(())
private def checkThrottleOverload(throttle: Future[RateLimit], user: Identity)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Unit] = {
throttle.flatMap { limit =>
val userId = user.namespace.uuid
if (limit.ok) {
limit match {
case c: ConcurrentRateLimit => {
val metric =
Metric("ConcurrentInvocations", c.count + 1)
case _ => // ignore
} else {, s"'${}' has exceeded its throttle limit, ${limit.errorMsg}")
val metric = Metric(limit.limitName, 1)
Future.failed(RejectRequest(TooManyRequests, limit.errorMsg))
* A trait to consolidate gathering of referenced entities for various types.
* Current entities that refer to others: action sequences, rules, and package bindings.
trait ReferencedEntities {
* Gathers referenced resources for types knows to refer to others.
* This is usually done on a PUT request, hence the types are not one of the
* canonical datastore types. Hence this method accepts Any reference but is
* only defined for WhiskPackagePut, WhiskRulePut, and SequenceExec.
* It is plausible to lift these disambiguation below to a new trait which is
* implemented by these types - however this will require exposing the Resource
* type outside of the controller which is not yet desirable (although this could
* cause further consolidation of the WhiskEntity and Resource types).
* @return Set of Resource instances if there are referenced entities.
def referencedEntities(reference: Any): Set[Resource] = {
reference match {
case WhiskPackagePut(Some(binding), _, _, _, _) =>
Set(Resource(binding.namespace.toPath, Collection(Collection.PACKAGES), Some(
case r: WhiskRulePut =>
val triggerResource = { t =>
Resource(t.path, Collection(Collection.TRIGGERS), Some(
val actionResource = r.action map { a =>
Resource(a.path, Collection(Collection.ACTIONS), Some(
Set(triggerResource, actionResource).flatten
case e: SequenceExec => { c =>
Resource(c.path, Collection(Collection.ACTIONS), Some(
case e: SequenceExecMetaData => { c =>
Resource(c.path, Collection(Collection.ACTIONS), Some(
case _ => Set.empty