blob: b62c45cad445dc7cbf1edd8a4e9f6b36d9c6c987 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.memory
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ContentType, Uri}
import{Sink, Source}
import akka.util.ByteString
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.{Logging, LoggingMarkers, TransactionId}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.ConfigKeys
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.StoreUtils._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.database._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.Attachments.Attached
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.size._
import org.apache.openwhisk.http.Messages
import pureconfig._
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, DeserializationException, JsObject, JsString, RootJsonFormat}
import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
object MemoryArtifactStoreProvider extends ArtifactStoreProvider {
private val stores = new TrieMap[String, MemoryArtifactStore[_]]()
override def makeStore[D <: DocumentSerializer: ClassTag](useBatching: Boolean)(
implicit jsonFormat: RootJsonFormat[D],
docReader: DocumentReader,
actorSystem: ActorSystem,
logging: Logging,
materializer: ActorMaterializer): ArtifactStore[D] = {
def makeArtifactStore[D <: DocumentSerializer: ClassTag](attachmentStore: AttachmentStore)(
implicit jsonFormat: RootJsonFormat[D],
docReader: DocumentReader,
actorSystem: ActorSystem,
logging: Logging,
materializer: ActorMaterializer): ArtifactStore[D] = {
val classTag = implicitly[ClassTag[D]]
val (dbName, handler, viewMapper) = handlerAndMapper(classTag)
val inliningConfig = loadConfigOrThrow[InliningConfig](ConfigKeys.db)
val storeFactory = () => new MemoryArtifactStore(dbName, handler, viewMapper, inliningConfig, attachmentStore)
stores.getOrElseUpdate(dbName, storeFactory.apply()).asInstanceOf[ArtifactStore[D]]
def purgeAll(): Unit = stores.clear()
private def handlerAndMapper[D](entityType: ClassTag[D])(
implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem,
logging: Logging,
materializer: ActorMaterializer): (String, DocumentHandler, MemoryViewMapper) = {
entityType.runtimeClass match {
case x if x == classOf[WhiskEntity] =>
("whisks", WhisksHandler, WhisksViewMapper)
case x if x == classOf[WhiskActivation] =>
("activations", ActivationHandler, ActivationViewMapper)
case x if x == classOf[WhiskAuth] =>
("subjects", SubjectHandler, SubjectViewMapper)
* In-memory ArtifactStore implementation to enable test setups without requiring a running CouchDB instance
* It also serves as a canonical example of how an ArtifactStore can implemented with all the support for CRUD
* operations and Queries etc
class MemoryArtifactStore[DocumentAbstraction <: DocumentSerializer](dbName: String,
documentHandler: DocumentHandler,
viewMapper: MemoryViewMapper,
val inliningConfig: InliningConfig,
val attachmentStore: AttachmentStore)(
implicit system: ActorSystem,
val logging: Logging,
jsonFormat: RootJsonFormat[DocumentAbstraction],
val materializer: ActorMaterializer,
docReader: DocumentReader)
extends ArtifactStore[DocumentAbstraction]
with DefaultJsonProtocol
with DocumentProvider
with AttachmentSupport[DocumentAbstraction] {, s"Created MemoryStore for [$dbName]")
override protected[core] implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher
private val artifacts = new TrieMap[String, Artifact]
private val _id = "_id"
private val _rev = "_rev"
val attachmentScheme: String = attachmentStore.scheme
override protected[database] def put(d: DocumentAbstraction)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[DocInfo] = {
val asJson = d.toDocumentRecord
val id = asJson.fields(_id).convertTo[String].trim
require(!id.isEmpty, "document id must be defined")
val (oldRev, newRev) = computeRevision(asJson)
val docinfoStr = s"id: $id, rev: ${oldRev.getOrElse("null")}"
val start = transid.started(this, LoggingMarkers.DATABASE_SAVE, s"[PUT] '$dbName' saving document: '$docinfoStr'")
val updated = Artifact(id, newRev, asJson)
val t = Try[DocInfo] {
oldRev match {
case Some(rev) =>
val existing = Artifact(id, rev, asJson)
if (artifacts.replace(id, existing, updated)) {
} else {
throw DocumentConflictException("conflict on 'put'")
case None =>
artifacts.putIfAbsent(id, updated) match {
case Some(_) => throw DocumentConflictException("conflict on 'put'")
case None => updated.docInfo
val f = Future.fromTry(t)
f.onComplete {
case Success(_) => transid.finished(this, start, s"[PUT] '$dbName' completed document: '$docinfoStr'")
case Failure(_: DocumentConflictException) =>
transid.finished(this, start, s"[PUT] '$dbName', document: '$docinfoStr'; conflict.")
case Failure(_) =>
reportFailure(f, start, failure => s"[PUT] '$dbName' internal error, failure: '${failure.getMessage}'")
override protected[database] def del(doc: DocInfo)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Boolean] = {
val start = transid.started(this, LoggingMarkers.DATABASE_DELETE, s"[DEL] '$dbName' deleting document: '$doc'")
val t = Try[Boolean] {
if (artifacts.remove(, Artifact(doc))) {
transid.finished(this, start, s"[DEL] '$dbName' completed document: '$doc'")
} else if (artifacts.contains( {
//Indicates that document exist but revision does not match
transid.finished(this, start, s"[DEL] '$dbName', document: '$doc'; conflict.")
throw DocumentConflictException("conflict on 'delete'")
} else {
transid.finished(this, start, s"[DEL] '$dbName', document: '$doc'; not found.")
// for compatibility
throw NoDocumentException("not found on 'delete'")
val f = Future.fromTry(t)
reportFailure(f, start, failure => s"[DEL] '$dbName' internal error, doc: '$doc', failure: '${failure.getMessage}'")
override protected[database] def get[A <: DocumentAbstraction](doc: DocInfo,
attachmentHandler: Option[(A, Attached) => A] = None)(
implicit transid: TransactionId,
ma: Manifest[A]): Future[A] = {
val start = transid.started(this, LoggingMarkers.DATABASE_GET, s"[GET] '$dbName' finding document: '$doc'")
require(doc != null, "doc undefined")
val t = Try[A] {
artifacts.get( match {
case Some(a) =>
//Revision matching is enforced in deserilization logic
transid.finished(this, start, s"[GET] '$dbName' completed: found document '$doc'")
deserialize[A, DocumentAbstraction](doc, a.doc)
case _ =>
transid.finished(this, start, s"[GET] '$dbName', document: '$doc'; not found.")
// for compatibility
throw NoDocumentException("not found on 'get'")
val f = Future.fromTry(t).recoverWith {
case _: DeserializationException => throw DocumentUnreadable(Messages.corruptedEntity)
reportFailure(f, start, failure => s"[GET] '$dbName' internal error, doc: '$doc', failure: '${failure.getMessage}'")
override protected[core] def query(table: String,
startKey: List[Any],
endKey: List[Any],
skip: Int,
limit: Int,
includeDocs: Boolean,
descending: Boolean,
reduce: Boolean,
stale: StaleParameter)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[List[JsObject]] = {
require(!(reduce && includeDocs), "reduce and includeDocs cannot both be true")
require(!reduce, "Reduce scenario not supported") //TODO Investigate reduce
require(skip >= 0, "skip should be non negative")
require(limit >= 0, "limit should be non negative")
val Array(ddoc, viewName) = table.split("/")
val start = transid.started(this, LoggingMarkers.DATABASE_QUERY, s"[QUERY] '$dbName' searching '$table")
val s = artifacts.toStream
.filter(a => viewMapper.filter(ddoc, viewName, startKey, endKey, a.doc, a.computed))
val sorted = viewMapper.sort(ddoc, viewName, descending, s)
val out = if (limit > 0) sorted.slice(skip, skip + limit) else sorted.drop(skip)
val realIncludeDocs = includeDocs | documentHandler.shouldAlwaysIncludeDocs(ddoc, viewName)
val r = { js =>
val f = Future.sequence(r).map(_.flatten)
f.foreach(_ => transid.finished(this, start, s"[QUERY] '$dbName' completed: matched ${out.size}"))
reportFailure(f, start, failure => s"[QUERY] '$dbName' internal error, failure: '${failure.getMessage}'")
override protected[core] def count(table: String,
startKey: List[Any],
endKey: List[Any],
skip: Int,
stale: StaleParameter)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Long] = {
val f =
query(table, startKey, endKey, skip, limit = 0, includeDocs = false, descending = true, reduce = false, stale)
override protected[core] def readAttachment[T](doc: DocInfo, attached: Attached, sink: Sink[ByteString, Future[T]])(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[T] = {
val name = attached.attachmentName
val start = transid.started(
s"[ATT_GET] '$dbName' finding attachment '$name' of document '$doc'")
val attachmentUri = Uri(name)
if (isInlined(attachmentUri)) {
} else {
val storedName = attachmentUri.path.toString()
val f = attachmentStore.readAttachment(, storedName, sink)
f.foreach(_ =>
transid.finished(this, start, s"[ATT_GET] '$dbName' completed: found attachment '$name' of document '$doc'"))
override protected[core] def deleteAttachments[T](doc: DocInfo)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Boolean] = {
override protected[database] def putAndAttach[A <: DocumentAbstraction](
d: A,
update: (A, Attached) => A,
contentType: ContentType,
docStream: Source[ByteString, _],
oldAttachment: Option[Attached])(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[(DocInfo, Attached)] = {
attachToExternalStore(d, update, contentType, docStream, oldAttachment, attachmentStore)
override def shutdown(): Unit = {
override protected[database] def get(id: DocId)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Option[JsObject]] = {
val start = transid.started(this, LoggingMarkers.DATABASE_GET, s"[GET] '$dbName' finding document: '$id'")
val t = Try {
artifacts.get( match {
case Some(a) =>
transid.finished(this, start, s"[GET] '$dbName' completed: found document '$id'")
case _ =>
transid.finished(this, start, s"[GET] '$dbName', document: '$id'; not found.")
val f = Future.fromTry(t)
reportFailure(f, start, failure => s"[GET] '$dbName' internal error, doc: '$id', failure: '${failure.getMessage}'")
private def computeRevision(js: JsObject): (Option[String], String) = {
js.fields.get(_rev) match {
case Some(JsString(r)) => (Some(r), digest(js))
case _ => (None, digest(js))
private def digest(js: JsObject) = {
val jsWithoutRev = transform(js, Seq.empty, Seq(_rev))
val md = emptyDigest()
//Use curried case class to allow equals support only for id and rev
//This allows us to implement atomic replace and remove which check
//for id,rev equality only
private case class Artifact(id: String, rev: String)(val doc: JsObject, val computed: JsObject) {
def docInfo = DocInfo(DocId(id), DocRevision(rev.toString))
private object Artifact {
def apply(id: String, rev: String, doc: JsObject): Artifact = {
val docWithRev = transform(doc, Seq((_rev, Some(JsString(rev)))))
Artifact(id, rev)(docWithRev, documentHandler.computedFields(doc))
def apply(info: DocInfo): Artifact = {
Artifact(, info.rev.rev)(JsObject.empty, JsObject.empty)