blob: fe90515a3d57dbf22d2f898462603734bed45ae6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity
import pureconfig._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import spray.json._
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.{ConfigKeys, WhiskConfig}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.Attachments._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.Attachments.Attached._
import fastparse._, NoWhitespace._
* Reads manifest of supported runtimes from configuration file and stores
* a representation of each runtime which is used for serialization and
* deserialization. This singleton must be initialized.
protected[core] object ExecManifest {
* Required properties to initialize this singleton via WhiskConfig.
protected[core] def requiredProperties = Map(WhiskConfig.runtimesManifest -> null)
* Reads runtimes manifest from WhiskConfig and initializes the
* singleton Runtime instance.
* @param config a valid configuration
* @param manifestOverride an optional inline manifest (used for testing)
* @return the manifest if initialized successfully, or an failure
protected[core] def initialize(config: WhiskConfig, manifestOverride: Option[String] = None): Try[Runtimes] = {
val rmc = loadConfigOrThrow[RuntimeManifestConfig](ConfigKeys.runtimes)
val mf = Try(manifestOverride.getOrElse(config.runtimesManifest).parseJson.asJsObject).flatMap(runtimes(_, rmc))
mf.foreach(m => manifest = Some(m))
* Gets existing runtime manifests.
* @return singleton Runtimes instance previous initialized from WhiskConfig
* @throws IllegalStateException if singleton was not previously initialized
protected[core] def runtimesManifest: Runtimes = {
manifest.getOrElse {
throw new IllegalStateException("Runtimes manifest is not initialized.")
private var manifest: Option[Runtimes] = None
* @param config a configuration object as JSON
* @return Runtimes instance
protected[entity] def runtimes(config: JsObject, runtimeManifestConfig: RuntimeManifestConfig): Try[Runtimes] = Try {
val runtimes = config.fields
.map(_.convertTo[Map[String, Set[RuntimeManifest]]].map {
case (name, versions) =>
RuntimeFamily(name, { mf =>
val img = ImageName(, mf.image.registry, mf.image.prefix, mf.image.tag)
mf.copy(image = img)
val blackbox = config.fields
.map(_.convertTo[Set[ImageName]].map { image =>
ImageName(, image.registry, image.prefix, image.tag)
val bypassPullForLocalImages = runtimeManifestConfig.bypassPullForLocalImages
.flatMap {
case true => runtimeManifestConfig.localImagePrefix
case false => None
Runtimes(runtimes.getOrElse(Set.empty), blackbox.getOrElse(Set.empty), bypassPullForLocalImages)
* Misc options related to runtime manifests.
* @param bypassPullForLocalImages if true, allow images with a prefix that matches localImagePrefix
* to skip docker pull on invoker even if the image is not part of the blackbox set;
* this is useful for testing with local images that aren't published to the runtimes registry
* @param localImagePrefix image prefix for bypassPullForLocalImages
protected[core] case class RuntimeManifestConfig(bypassPullForLocalImages: Option[Boolean] = None,
localImagePrefix: Option[String] = None)
* A runtime manifest describes the "exec" runtime support.
* @param kind the name of the kind e.g., nodejs:6
* @param deprecated true iff the runtime is deprecated (allows get/delete but not create/update/invoke)
* @param default true iff the runtime is the default kind for its family (nodejs:default -> nodejs:6)
* @param attached true iff the source is an attachments (not inlined source)
* @param requireMain true iff main entry point is not optional
* @param sentinelledLogs true iff the runtime generates stdout/stderr log sentinels after an activation
* @param image optional image name, otherwise inferred via fixed mapping (remove colons and append 'action')
* @param stemCells optional list of stemCells to be initialized by invoker per kind
protected[core] case class RuntimeManifest(kind: String,
image: ImageName,
deprecated: Option[Boolean] = None,
default: Option[Boolean] = None,
attached: Option[Attached] = None,
requireMain: Option[Boolean] = None,
sentinelledLogs: Option[Boolean] = None,
stemCells: Option[List[StemCell]] = None)
* A stemcell configuration read from the manifest for a container image to be initialized by the container pool.
* @param count the number of stemcell containers to create
* @param memory the max memory this stemcell will allocate
protected[entity] case class StemCell(count: Int, memory: ByteSize) {
require(count > 0, "count must be positive")
* An image name for an action refers to the container image canonically as
* "prefix/name[:tag]" e.g., "openwhisk/python3action:latest".
protected[core] case class ImageName(name: String,
registry: Option[String] = None,
prefix: Option[String] = None,
tag: Option[String] = None) {
* The actual name of the image for an action kind resolved by registry setting.
def resolveImageName(systemRegistry: Option[String] = None): String = {
val r = Option(registry.getOrElse(systemRegistry.getOrElse((""))))
.map { reg =>
if (reg.endsWith("/")) reg else reg + "/"
val p = prefix.filter(_.nonEmpty).map(_ + "/").getOrElse("")
val t = tag.filter(_.nonEmpty).map(":" + _).getOrElse("")
r + p + name + t
* Overrides equals to allow match on undefined tag or when tag is latest
* in this or that.
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case ImageName(n, r, p, t) =>
name == n && registry == r && p == prefix && (t == tag || {
val thisTag = tag.getOrElse(ImageName.defaultImageTag)
val thatTag = t.getOrElse(ImageName.defaultImageTag)
thisTag == thatTag
case _ => false
protected[core] object ImageName {
private val defaultImageTag = "latest"
// docker image name grammar, taken from:
// Grammar
// reference := name [ ":" tag ] [ "@" digest ]
// name := [domain '/'] path-component ['/' path-component]*
// domain := domain-component ['.' domain-component]* [':' port-number]
// domain-component := /([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])/
// port-number := /[0-9]+/
// path-component := alpha-numeric [separator alpha-numeric]*
// alpha-numeric := /[a-z0-9]+/
// separator := /[_.]|__|[-]*/
// tag := /[\w][\w.-]{0,127}/
// digest := digest-algorithm ":" digest-hex
// digest-algorithm := digest-algorithm-component [ digest-algorithm-separator digest-algorithm-component ]*
// digest-algorithm-separator := /[+.-_]/
// digest-algorithm-component := /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*/
// digest-hex := /[0-9a-fA-F]{32,}/ ; At least 128 bit digest value
private def lowercaseLetters[_: P] = P(CharIn("a-z"))
private def uppercaseLetters[_: P] = P(CharIn("a-Z"))
private def letters[_: P] = P(lowercaseLetters | uppercaseLetters)
private def digits[_: P] = P(CharIn("0-9"))
private def alphaNumeric[_: P] = P(lowercaseLetters | digits)
private def alphaNumericWithUpper[_: P] = P(letters | digits)
private def word[_: P] = P(alphaNumericWithUpper | "_")
private def digestHex[_: P] = P(digits | CharIn("a-fA-F")).rep(32)
private def digestAlgorithmComponent[_: P] = P(letters ~ alphaNumericWithUpper.rep)
private def digestAlgorithmSeperator[_: P] = P("+" | "." | "-" | "_")
private def digestAlgorithm[_: P] = P(digestAlgorithmComponent.rep(min = 1, sep = digestAlgorithmSeperator))
private def digest[_: P] = P(digestAlgorithm ~ ":" ~ digestHex)
private def tag[_: P] = P(word ~ (word | "." | "-").rep(max = 127))
private def separator[_: P] = P("_" | "." | "__" | "-".rep)
private def pathComponent[_: P] = P(alphaNumeric.rep(min = 1, sep = separator))
private def portNumber[_: P] = P(digits.rep(1))
// FIXME: this is not correct yet. It accepts "-" as the beginning and end of a domain
private def domainComponent[_: P] = P(alphaNumericWithUpper | "-").rep
private def domain[_: P] =
.rep(min = 2, sep = ".") ~ (":" ~ portNumber).?) | (domainComponent.rep(min = 1, sep = ".") ~ ":" ~ portNumber))
private def name[_: P] = P((domain.! ~ "/").? ~ pathComponent.!.rep(min = 1, sep = "/"))
private def reference[_: P] = P(Start ~ name ~ (":" ~ tag.!).? ~ ("@" ~ digest.!).? ~ End)
* Constructs an ImageName from a string. This method checks that the image name conforms
* to the Docker naming. As a result, failure to deserialize a string will throw an exception
* which fails the Try. Callers could use this to short-circuit operations (CRUD or activation).
* Internal container names use the proper constructor directly.
def fromString(s: String): Try[ImageName] = {
parse(s, reference(_)) match {
case Parsed.Success((registry, imagePathParts, imageTag, _), _) =>
// imagePathParts has at least one element per the parser above
val prefix = (imagePathParts.dropRight(1)).mkString("/")
val imageName = imagePathParts.last
Success(ImageName(imageName, registry, if (prefix.nonEmpty) Some(prefix) else None, imageTag))
case Parsed.Failure(_, _, _) =>
Failure(DeserializationException("could not parse image name"))
* A runtime family manifest is a collection of runtimes grouped by a family (e.g., swift with versions swift:2 and swift:3).
* @param name runtime family
* @version set of runtime manifests
protected[entity] case class RuntimeFamily(name: String, versions: Set[RuntimeManifest])
* A collection of runtime families.
* @param runtimes set of supported runtime families
* @param blackboxImages set of blackbox container images
* @param bypassPullForLocalImages container image prefix that is exempted from docker pull operations
protected[core] case class Runtimes(runtimes: Set[RuntimeFamily],
blackboxImages: Set[ImageName],
bypassPullForLocalImages: Option[String]) {
val knownContainerRuntimes: Set[String] = runtimes.flatMap(
val manifests: Map[String, RuntimeManifest] = {
runtimes.flatMap { { m =>
m.kind -> m
def skipDockerPull(image: ImageName): Boolean = {
blackboxImages.contains(image) ||
image.prefix.flatMap(p => == p)).getOrElse(false)
def toJson: JsObject = {
.map { family => -> {
case rt =>
"kind" -> rt.kind.toJson,
"image" -> rt.image.resolveImageName().toJson,
"deprecated" -> rt.deprecated.getOrElse(false).toJson,
"default" -> rt.default.getOrElse(false).toJson,
"attached" -> rt.attached.isDefined.toJson,
"requireMain" -> rt.requireMain.getOrElse(false).toJson)
def resolveDefaultRuntime(kind: String): Option[RuntimeManifest] = {
kind match {
case defaultSplitter(family) => defaultRuntimes.get(family).flatMap(manifests.get(_))
case _ => manifests.get(kind)
* Collects all runtimes for which there is a stemcell configuration defined
* @return list of runtime manifests with stemcell configurations
def stemcells: Map[RuntimeManifest, List[StemCell]] = {
.flatMap {
case (_, m) => -> _)
private val defaultRuntimes: Map[String, String] = { { family =>
family.versions.filter(_.default.exists(identity)).toList match {
case Nil if family.versions.size == 1 => -> family.versions.head.kind
case Nil => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"${} has multiple versions, but no default.")
case d :: Nil => -> d.kind
case ds =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Found more than one default for ${}: ${ds.mkString(",")}.")
private val defaultSplitter = "([a-z0-9]+):default".r
protected[entity] implicit val imageNameSerdes: RootJsonFormat[ImageName] = jsonFormat4(ImageName.apply)
protected[entity] implicit val stemCellSerdes: RootJsonFormat[StemCell] = {
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.size.serdes
protected[entity] implicit val runtimeManifestSerdes: RootJsonFormat[RuntimeManifest] = jsonFormat8(RuntimeManifest)