blob: de9c8c056f0a36cef5ab0ce01c880afc00de52f6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openwhisk.common
import java.time.{Clock, Duration, Instant}
import akka.event.Logging.{DebugLevel, InfoLevel, LogLevel, WarningLevel}
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.RawHeader
import spray.json._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.ConfigKeys
import pureconfig._
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.tracing.WhiskTracerProvider
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.WhiskInstants._
import scala.util.Try
* A transaction id for tracking operations in the system that are specific to a request.
* An instance of TransactionId is implicitly received by all logging methods. The actual
* metadata is stored indirectly in the referenced meta object.
case class TransactionId private (meta: TransactionMetadata) extends AnyVal {
def root = findRoot(meta)
def id =
override def toString = meta.toString
def toHeader = RawHeader(TransactionId.generatorConfig.header,
* Method to count events.
* @param from Reference, where the method was called from.
* @param marker A LogMarkerToken. They are defined in <code>LoggingMarkers</code>.
* @param message An additional message to be written into the log, together with the other information.
* @param logLevel The Loglevel, the message should have. Default is <code>InfoLevel</code>.
def mark(from: AnyRef, marker: LogMarkerToken, message: => String = "", logLevel: LogLevel = DebugLevel)(
implicit logging: Logging) = {
if (TransactionId.metricsLog) {
// marker received with a debug level will be emitted on info level
logging.emit(InfoLevel, this, from, createMessageWithMarker(message, LogMarker(marker, deltaToStart)))
} else {
logging.emit(logLevel, this, from, message)
* Method to start taking time of an action in the code. It returns a <code>StartMarker</code> which has to be
* passed into the <code>finished</code>-method.
* @param from Reference, where the method was called from.
* @param marker A LogMarkerToken. They are defined in <code>LoggingMarkers</code>.
* @param message An additional message to be written into the log, together with the other information.
* @param logLevel The Loglevel, the message should have. Default is <code>InfoLevel</code>.
* @return startMarker that has to be passed to the finished or failed method to calculate the time difference.
def started(from: AnyRef, marker: LogMarkerToken, message: => String = "", logLevel: LogLevel = DebugLevel)(
implicit logging: Logging): StartMarker = {
if (TransactionId.metricsLog) {
// marker received with a debug level will be emitted on info level
logging.emit(InfoLevel, this, from, createMessageWithMarker(message, LogMarker(marker, deltaToStart)))
} else {
logging.emit(logLevel, this, from, message)
//tracing support
WhiskTracerProvider.tracer.startSpan(marker, this)
StartMarker(, marker)
* Method to stop taking time of an action in the code. The time the method used will be written into a log message.
* @param from Reference, where the method was called from.
* @param startMarker <code>StartMarker</code> returned by a <code>starting</code> method.
* @param message An additional message to be written into the log, together with the other information.
* @param logLevel The Loglevel, the message should have. Default is <code>InfoLevel</code>.
* @param endTime Manually set the timestamp of the end. By default it is NOW.
def finished(from: AnyRef,
startMarker: StartMarker,
message: => String = "",
logLevel: LogLevel = DebugLevel,
endTime: Instant = logging: Logging) = {
val endMarker = startMarker.startMarker.asFinish
val deltaToEnd = deltaToMarker(startMarker, endTime)
if (TransactionId.metricsLog) {
if (logLevel <= InfoLevel) message else "",
LogMarker(endMarker, deltaToStart, Some(deltaToEnd))))
} else {
logging.emit(logLevel, this, from, message)
MetricEmitter.emitHistogramMetric(endMarker, deltaToEnd)
//tracing support
* Method to stop taking time of an action in the code that failed. The time the method used will be written into a log message.
* @param from Reference, where the method was called from.
* @param startMarker <code>StartMarker</code> returned by a <code>starting</code> method.
* @param message An additional message to be written into the log, together with the other information.
* @param logLevel The <code>LogLevel</code> the message should have. Default is <code>WarningLevel</code>.
def failed(from: AnyRef, startMarker: StartMarker, message: => String = "", logLevel: LogLevel = WarningLevel)(
implicit logging: Logging) = {
val endMarker = startMarker.startMarker.asError
val deltaToEnd = deltaToMarker(startMarker)
if (TransactionId.metricsLog) {
createMessageWithMarker(message, LogMarker(endMarker, deltaToStart, Some(deltaToEnd))))
} else {
logging.emit(logLevel, this, from, message)
MetricEmitter.emitHistogramMetric(endMarker, deltaToEnd)
//tracing support
WhiskTracerProvider.tracer.error(this, message)
* Calculates the time between now and the beginning of the transaction.
def deltaToStart = Duration.between(meta.start,
* Calculates the time between now and the startMarker that was returned by <code>starting</code>.
* @param startMarker <code>StartMarker</code> returned by a <code>starting</code> method.
* @param endTime Manually set the endtime. By default it is NOW.
def deltaToMarker(startMarker: StartMarker, endTime: Instant = =
Duration.between(startMarker.start, endTime).toMillis
def hasParent = meta.parent.isDefined
* Formats log message to include marker.
* @param message: The log message without the marker
* @param marker: The marker to add to the message
private def createMessageWithMarker(message: String, marker: LogMarker): String = s"$message $marker"
* Find root transaction metadata
private def findRoot(meta: TransactionMetadata): TransactionMetadata =
meta.parent match {
case Some(parent) => findRoot(parent)
case _ => meta
def serialize = TransactionId.serdes.write(this).compactPrint
* The StartMarker which includes the <code>LogMarkerToken</code> and the start-time.
* @param start the time when the startMarker was set
* @param startMarker the LogMarkerToken which defines the start event
case class StartMarker(start: Instant, startMarker: LogMarkerToken)
* The transaction metadata encapsulates important properties about a transaction.
* @param id the transaction identifier; it is positive for client requests,
* negative for system operation and zero when originator is not known
* @param start the timestamp when the request processing commenced
* @param extraLogging enables logging, if set to true
protected case class TransactionMetadata(id: String,
start: Instant,
extraLogging: Boolean = false,
parent: Option[TransactionMetadata] = None) {
override def toString = s"#tid_$id"
case class MetricConfig(prometheusEnabled: Boolean,
kamonEnabled: Boolean,
kamonTagsEnabled: Boolean,
logsEnabled: Boolean)
object TransactionId {
val metricConfig = loadConfigOrThrow[MetricConfig](ConfigKeys.metrics)
// get the metric parameters directly from the environment since WhiskConfig can not be instantiated here
val metricsKamon: Boolean = metricConfig.kamonEnabled
val metricsKamonTags: Boolean = metricConfig.kamonTagsEnabled
val metricsLog: Boolean = metricConfig.logsEnabled
val generatorConfig = loadConfigOrThrow[TransactionGeneratorConfig](ConfigKeys.transactions)
val systemPrefix = "sid_"
val unknown = TransactionId(systemPrefix + "unknown")
val testing = TransactionId(systemPrefix + "testing") // Common id for for unit testing
val invoker = TransactionId(systemPrefix + "invoker") // Invoker startup/shutdown or GC activity
val invokerHealthManager = TransactionId(systemPrefix + "invokerHealthManager") // Invoker startup/shutdown or GC activity
def invokerHealthActivation = TransactionId(systemPrefix + "invokerHealthActivation") // Invoker health activation
val invokerWarmup = TransactionId(systemPrefix + "invokerWarmup") // Invoker warmup thread that makes stem-cell containers
val invokerColdstart = TransactionId(systemPrefix + "invokerColdstart") //Invoker cold start thread
val invokerNanny = TransactionId(systemPrefix + "invokerNanny") // Invoker nanny thread
val dispatcher = TransactionId(systemPrefix + "dispatcher") // Kafka message dispatcher
val loadbalancer = TransactionId(systemPrefix + "loadbalancer") // Loadbalancer thread
val invokerHealth = TransactionId(systemPrefix + "invokerHealth") // Invoker supervision
val controller = TransactionId(systemPrefix + "controller") // Controller startup
val dbBatcher = TransactionId(systemPrefix + "dbBatcher") // Database batcher
val actionHealthPing = TransactionId(systemPrefix + "actionHealth")
var containerCreation = TransactionId(systemPrefix + "containerCreation")
var containerDeletion = TransactionId(systemPrefix + "containerDeletion")
val warmUp = TransactionId(systemPrefix + "warmUp")
private val dict = ('A' to 'Z') ++ ('a' to 'z') ++ ('0' to '9')
def apply(tid: String, extraLogging: Boolean = false): TransactionId = {
val now =
TransactionId(TransactionMetadata(tid, now, extraLogging))
def childOf(parentTid: TransactionId): TransactionId = {
val now =
val tid = generateTid()
TransactionId(TransactionMetadata(tid, now, parentTid.meta.extraLogging, Some(parentTid.meta)))
def generateTid(): String = {
val sb = new StringBuilder
for (_ <- 1 to 32) sb.append(dict(util.Random.nextInt(dict.length)))
implicit val serdes = new RootJsonFormat[TransactionId] {
private def writeMetadata(meta: TransactionMetadata): JsArray = {
val base = Vector(JsString(, JsNumber(meta.start.toEpochMilli))
val extraLogging = if (meta.extraLogging) Vector(JsBoolean(meta.extraLogging)) else Vector.empty
val parent = meta.parent match {
case Some(p) => Vector(writeMetadata(p))
case _ => Vector.empty
JsArray(base ++ extraLogging ++ parent)
private def readMetadata(value: JsValue): Option[TransactionMetadata] = {
Try {
value match {
case JsArray(Vector(JsString(id), JsNumber(start))) =>
Some(TransactionMetadata(id, Instant.ofEpochMilli(start.longValue), false))
case JsArray(Vector(JsString(id), JsNumber(start), JsBoolean(extraLogging))) =>
Some(TransactionMetadata(id, Instant.ofEpochMilli(start.longValue), extraLogging))
case JsArray(Vector(JsString(id), JsNumber(start), JsBoolean(extraLogging), parent)) =>
Some(TransactionMetadata(id, Instant.ofEpochMilli(start.longValue), extraLogging, readMetadata(parent)))
case JsArray(Vector(JsString(id), JsNumber(start), parent)) =>
Some(TransactionMetadata(id, Instant.ofEpochMilli(start.longValue), false, readMetadata(parent)))
} getOrElse Option.empty
def write(t: TransactionId): JsArray = writeMetadata(t.meta)
def read(value: JsValue): TransactionId = readMetadata(value).map(meta => TransactionId(meta)).getOrElse(unknown)
case class TransactionGeneratorConfig(header: String) {
val lowerCaseHeader = header.toLowerCase //to cache the lowercase version of the header name