blob: 20a48d1bfe555826dfdf8e038a5639f8b6ce57cb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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package org.apache.openwhisk.core.containerpool.kubernetes.test
import java.time.{Instant, ZoneId}
import akka.NotUsed
import{Flow, Sink, Source}
import akka.util.ByteString
import common.TimingHelpers
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.Future
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import common.{StreamLogging, WskActorSystem}
import spray.json._
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.LoggingMarkers._
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.LogMarker
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.TransactionId
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.containerpool._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.containerpool.kubernetes._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.containerpool.docker._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.{ActivationResponse, ByteSize}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.size._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.ActivationResponse.ContainerResponse
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.ActivationResponse.Timeout
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.size._
import org.apache.openwhisk.http.Messages
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.containerpool.docker.test.DockerContainerTests._
import scala.collection.{immutable, mutable}
* Unit tests for ContainerPool schedule
class KubernetesContainerTests
extends FlatSpec
with Matchers
with MockFactory
with StreamLogging
with BeforeAndAfterEach
with WskActorSystem
with TimingHelpers {
import KubernetesClientTests.TestKubernetesClient
import KubernetesContainerTests._
override def beforeEach() = {
implicit val materializer: ActorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer()
def instantDT(instant: Instant): Instant = Instant.from(instant.atZone(ZoneId.of("GMT+0")))
val Epoch = Instant.EPOCH
val EpochDateTime = instantDT(Epoch)
/** Transforms chunked JsObjects into formatted strings */
val toFormattedString: Flow[ByteString, String, NotUsed] =
val commandTimeout = 500.milliseconds
def await[A](f: Future[A], timeout: FiniteDuration = commandTimeout) = Await.result(f, timeout)
/** Reads logs into memory and awaits them */
def awaitLogs(source: Source[ByteString, Any], timeout: FiniteDuration = commandTimeout): Vector[String] =
Await.result(source.via(toFormattedString).runWith(Sink.seq[String]), timeout).toVector
val containerId = ContainerId("id")
* Constructs a testcontainer with overridden IO methods. Results of the override can be provided
* as parameters.
def kubernetesContainer(id: ContainerId = containerId, addr: ContainerAddress = ContainerAddress("ip"))(
ccRes: Future[RunResult] =
Future.successful(RunResult(intervalOf(1.millisecond), Right(ContainerResponse(true, "", None)))),
awaitLogs: FiniteDuration = 2.seconds)(implicit kubernetes: KubernetesApi): KubernetesContainer = {
new KubernetesContainer(id, addr,, "docker://" + id.asString) {
override protected def callContainer(
path: String,
body: JsObject,
timeout: FiniteDuration,
concurrent: Int,
retry: Boolean = false)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[RunResult] = {
override protected val waitForLogs = awaitLogs
behavior of "KubernetesContainer"
implicit val transid = TransactionId.testing
val parameters = Map(
"--cap-drop" -> Set("NET_RAW", "NET_ADMIN"),
"--ulimit" -> Set("nofile=1024:1024"),
"--pids-limit" -> Set("1024"))
it should "create a new instance" in {
implicit val kubernetes = new TestKubernetesClient
val image = "image"
val userProvidedImage = false
val environment = Map("test" -> "hi")
val labels = Map("invoker" -> "0")
val name = "my_Container(1)"
val container = KubernetesContainer.create(
transid = transid,
image = image,
userProvidedImage = userProvidedImage,
environment = environment,
labels = labels,
name = name)
kubernetes.runs should have size 1
kubernetes.rms should have size 0
val (testName, testImage, testEnv, testLabel) = kubernetes.runs.head
testName shouldBe "my-container1"
testImage shouldBe image
testEnv shouldBe environment
testLabel shouldBe labels
it should "pull a user provided image before creating the container" in {
implicit val kubernetes = new TestKubernetesClient
val container =
KubernetesContainer.create(transid = transid, name = "name", image = "image", userProvidedImage = true)
kubernetes.runs should have size 1
kubernetes.rms should have size 0
it should "provide a proper error if run fails for blackbox containers" in {
implicit val kubernetes = new TestKubernetesClient {
override def run(
name: String,
image: String,
memory: ByteSize = 256.MB,
env: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
labels: Map[String, String] = Map.empty)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[KubernetesContainer] = {
Future.failed(ProcessUnsuccessfulException(ExitStatus(1), "", ""))
val container =
KubernetesContainer.create(transid = transid, name = "name", image = "image", userProvidedImage = true)
a[WhiskContainerStartupError] should be thrownBy await(container)
kubernetes.runs should have size 0
kubernetes.rms should have size 1
it should "destroy a container via Kubernetes" in {
implicit val kubernetes = stub[KubernetesApi]
val id = ContainerId("id")
val container = new KubernetesContainer(id, ContainerAddress("ip"), "", "docker://foo")
(kubernetes.rm(_: KubernetesContainer)(_: TransactionId)).verify(container, transid)
* Only tests for quite simple cases. Disambiguation of errors is delegated to ActivationResponse
* and so are the tests for those.
it should "initialize a container" in {
implicit val kubernetes = stub[KubernetesApi]
val initTimeout = 1.second
val interval = intervalOf(1.millisecond)
val container = kubernetesContainer() {
Future.successful(RunResult(interval, Right(ContainerResponse(true, "", None))))
val initInterval = container.initialize(JsObject.empty, initTimeout, 1)
await(initInterval, initTimeout) shouldBe interval
// assert the starting log is there
val start = LogMarker.parse(logLines.head)
start.token shouldBe INVOKER_ACTIVATION_INIT
// assert the end log is there
val end = LogMarker.parse(logLines.last)
end.token shouldBe INVOKER_ACTIVATION_INIT.asFinish
end.deltaToMarkerStart shouldBe Some(interval.duration.toMillis)
it should "properly deal with a timeout during initialization" in {
implicit val kubernetes = stub[KubernetesApi]
val initTimeout = 1.second
val interval = intervalOf(initTimeout + 1.nanoseconds)
val container = kubernetesContainer() {
Future.successful(RunResult(interval, Left(Timeout(new Throwable()))))
val init = container.initialize(JsObject.empty, initTimeout, 1)
val error = the[InitializationError] thrownBy await(init, initTimeout)
error.interval shouldBe interval
error.response.statusCode shouldBe ActivationResponse.DeveloperError
// assert the finish log is there
val end = LogMarker.parse(logLines.last)
end.token shouldBe INVOKER_ACTIVATION_INIT.asFinish
* Only tests for quite simple cases. Disambiguation of errors is delegated to ActivationResponse
* and so are the tests for those.
it should "run a container" in {
implicit val kubernetes = stub[KubernetesApi]
val interval = intervalOf(1.millisecond)
val result = JsObject.empty
val container = kubernetesContainer() {
Future.successful(RunResult(interval, Right(ContainerResponse(true, result.compactPrint, None))))
val runResult =, JsObject.empty, 1.second, 1)
await(runResult) shouldBe (interval, ActivationResponse.success(Some(result)))
// assert the starting log is there
val start = LogMarker.parse(logLines.head)
start.token shouldBe INVOKER_ACTIVATION_RUN
// assert the end log is there
val end = LogMarker.parse(logLines.last)
end.token shouldBe INVOKER_ACTIVATION_RUN.asFinish
end.deltaToMarkerStart shouldBe Some(interval.duration.toMillis)
it should "properly deal with a timeout during run" in {
implicit val kubernetes = stub[KubernetesApi]
val runTimeout = 1.second
val interval = intervalOf(runTimeout + 1.nanoseconds)
val container = kubernetesContainer() {
Future.successful(RunResult(interval, Left(Timeout(new Throwable()))))
val runResult =, JsObject.empty, runTimeout, 1)
await(runResult) shouldBe (interval, ActivationResponse.developerError(
Messages.timedoutActivation(runTimeout, false)))
// assert the finish log is there
val end = LogMarker.parse(logLines.last)
end.token shouldBe INVOKER_ACTIVATION_RUN.asFinish
it should "read a simple log with sentinel" in {
val expectedLogEntry = TypedLogLine(currentTsp, "stdout", "This is a log entry.")
val logSrc = logSource(expectedLogEntry, appendSentinel = true)
implicit val kubernetes = new TestKubernetesClient {
override def logs(container: KubernetesContainer, sinceTime: Option[Instant], waitForSentinel: Boolean)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Source[TypedLogLine, Any] = {
logCalls += ((, sinceTime))
val container = kubernetesContainer(id = containerId)()
// Read with tight limit to verify that no truncation occurs TODO: Need to figure out how to handle this with the Source-based kubernetes logs
val processedLogs = awaitLogs(container.logs(limit = 4096.B, waitForSentinel = true))
kubernetes.logCalls should have size 1
val (id, sinceTime) = kubernetes.logCalls(0)
id shouldBe containerId
sinceTime shouldBe None
processedLogs should have size 1
processedLogs shouldBe Vector(expectedLogEntry.rawString)
it should "read a simple log without sentinel" in {
val expectedLogEntry = TypedLogLine(currentTsp, "stdout", "This is a log entry.")
val logSrc = logSource(expectedLogEntry, appendSentinel = false)
implicit val kubernetes = new TestKubernetesClient {
override def logs(container: KubernetesContainer, sinceTime: Option[Instant], waitForSentinel: Boolean)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Source[TypedLogLine, Any] = {
logCalls += ((, sinceTime))
val container = kubernetesContainer(id = containerId)()
// Read without tight limit so that the full read result is processed
val processedLogs = awaitLogs(container.logs(limit = 1.MB, waitForSentinel = false))
kubernetes.logCalls should have size 1
val (id, sinceTime) = kubernetes.logCalls(0)
id shouldBe containerId
sinceTime shouldBe None
processedLogs should have size 1
processedLogs shouldBe Vector(expectedLogEntry.rawString)
it should "fail log reading if error occurs during file reading" in {
implicit val kubernetes = new TestKubernetesClient {
override def logs(container: KubernetesContainer, sinceTime: Option[Instant], waitForSentinel: Boolean)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Source[TypedLogLine, Any] = {
logCalls += ((, sinceTime))
Source.failed(new IOException)
val container = kubernetesContainer()()
an[IOException] should be thrownBy awaitLogs(container.logs(limit = 1.MB, waitForSentinel = true))
kubernetes.logCalls should have size 1
val (id, sinceTime) = kubernetes.logCalls(0)
id shouldBe containerId
sinceTime shouldBe None
it should "read two consecutive logs with sentinel" in {
val firstLog = TypedLogLine(Instant.EPOCH, "stdout", "This is the first log.")
val secondLog = TypedLogLine(Instant.EPOCH.plusSeconds(1l), "stderr", "This is the second log.")
val logSources = mutable.Queue(logSource(firstLog, true), logSource(secondLog, true))
implicit val kubernetes = new TestKubernetesClient {
override def logs(container: KubernetesContainer, sinceTime: Option[Instant], waitForSentinel: Boolean)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Source[TypedLogLine, Any] = {
logCalls += ((, sinceTime))
val container = kubernetesContainer()()
// Read without tight limit so that the full read result is processed
val processedFirstLog = awaitLogs(container.logs(limit = 1.MB, waitForSentinel = true))
val processedSecondLog = awaitLogs(container.logs(limit = 1.MB, waitForSentinel = true))
kubernetes.logCalls should have size 2
val (_, sinceTime1) = kubernetes.logCalls(0)
sinceTime1 shouldBe None
val (_, sinceTime2) = kubernetes.logCalls(1)
sinceTime2 shouldBe Some(EpochDateTime) // second read should start behind the first line
processedFirstLog should have size 1
processedFirstLog shouldBe Vector(firstLog.rawString)
processedSecondLog should have size 1
processedSecondLog shouldBe Vector(secondLog.rawString)
it should "eventually terminate even if no sentinels can be found" in {
val expectedLog = TypedLogLine(currentTsp, "stdout", s"This is log entry.")
val rawLog = toLogs(expectedLog, appendSentinel = false)
rawLog should have size 1
implicit val kubernetes = new TestKubernetesClient {
override def logs(container: KubernetesContainer, sinceTime: Option[Instant], waitForSentinel: Boolean)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Source[TypedLogLine, Any] = {
logCalls += ((, sinceTime))
// "Fakes" an infinite source with only 1 entry
Source.tick(0.milliseconds, 10.seconds, rawLog.head)
val waitForLogs = 100.milliseconds
val container = kubernetesContainer()(awaitLogs = waitForLogs)
// Read without tight limit so that the full read result is processed
val (interval, processedLog) = durationOf(awaitLogs(container.logs(limit = 1.MB, waitForSentinel = true)))
interval.toMillis should (be >= waitForLogs.toMillis and be < (waitForLogs * 2).toMillis)
kubernetes.logCalls should have size 1
/* processedLog should have size expectedLog.length
processedLog shouldBe*/
it should "include an incomplete warning if sentinels have not been found only if we wait for sentinels" in {
val expectedLogEntry =
TypedLogLine(currentTsp, "stdout", "This is a log entry.")
implicit val kubernetes = new TestKubernetesClient {
override def logs(container: KubernetesContainer, sinceTime: Option[Instant], waitForSentinel: Boolean)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Source[TypedLogLine, Any] = {
logCalls += ((, sinceTime))
logSource(Seq(expectedLogEntry, expectedLogEntry), appendSentinel = false)
val waitForLogs = 100.milliseconds
val container = kubernetesContainer()(awaitLogs = waitForLogs)
// Read with tight limit to verify that no truncation occurs
val processedLogs = awaitLogs(container.logs(limit = 4096.B, waitForSentinel = true))
kubernetes.logCalls should have size 1
val (id, sinceTime) = kubernetes.logCalls(0)
id shouldBe containerId
sinceTime shouldBe None
processedLogs should have size 3
processedLogs(0) shouldBe expectedLogEntry.rawString
processedLogs(1) shouldBe expectedLogEntry.rawString
processedLogs(2) should include(Messages.logFailure)
val processedLogsFalse = awaitLogs(container.logs(limit = 4096.B, waitForSentinel = false))
processedLogsFalse should have size 2
processedLogsFalse(0) shouldBe expectedLogEntry.rawString
processedLogsFalse(1) shouldBe expectedLogEntry.rawString
it should "strip sentinel lines if it waits or doesn't wait for them" in {
val expectedLogEntry =
TypedLogLine(currentTsp, "stdout", "This is a log entry.")
implicit val kubernetes = new TestKubernetesClient {
override def logs(container: KubernetesContainer, sinceTime: Option[Instant], waitForSentinel: Boolean)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Source[TypedLogLine, Any] = {
logCalls += ((, sinceTime))
logSource(expectedLogEntry, appendSentinel = true)
val container = kubernetesContainer(id = containerId)()
val processedLogs = awaitLogs(container.logs(limit = 1.MB, waitForSentinel = true))
processedLogs should have size 1
processedLogs(0) shouldBe expectedLogEntry.rawString
val processedLogsFalse = awaitLogs(container.logs(limit = 1.MB, waitForSentinel = false))
processedLogsFalse should have size 1
processedLogsFalse(0) shouldBe expectedLogEntry.rawString
def currentTsp: Instant =
object KubernetesContainerTests {
def logSource(logLine: TypedLogLine, appendSentinel: Boolean): Source[TypedLogLine, Any] =
logSource(Seq(logLine), appendSentinel)
def logSource(logs: Seq[TypedLogLine], appendSentinel: Boolean): Source[TypedLogLine, Any] =
Source(toLogs(logs, appendSentinel).to[immutable.Seq])
def toLogs(logLine: TypedLogLine, appendSentinel: Boolean): Seq[TypedLogLine] =
toLogs(Seq(logLine), appendSentinel)
def toLogs(log: Seq[TypedLogLine], appendSentinel: Boolean): Seq[TypedLogLine] =
if (appendSentinel) {
val lastTime = { case TypedLogLine(time, _, _) => time }.getOrElse(Instant.EPOCH)
log :+
TypedLogLine(lastTime, "stderr", s"${Container.ACTIVATION_LOG_SENTINEL}") :+
TypedLogLine(lastTime, "stdout", s"${Container.ACTIVATION_LOG_SENTINEL}")
} else {
implicit class TypedLogHelper(log: TypedLogLine) {
import KubernetesClient.formatK8STimestamp
def rawString: String = "%s %s: %s".format(formatK8STimestamp(log.time).get.trim,, log.log)