blob: 621a10e2f19ead9854395168c76b6ae9e1bce1f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.controller.actions
import java.time.{Clock, Instant}
import akka.event.Logging.InfoLevel
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import spray.json._
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.tracing.WhiskTracerProvider
import org.apache.openwhisk.common.{Logging, LoggingMarkers, TransactionId, UserEvents}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.connector.{ActivationMessage, EventMessage, MessagingProvider}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.controller.WhiskServices
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.{ActivationStore, NoDocumentException, UserContext}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entitlement.{Resource, _}
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.ActivationResponse.ERROR_FIELD
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity._
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.size.SizeInt
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.types.EntityStore
import org.apache.openwhisk.http.Messages._
import org.apache.openwhisk.spi.SpiLoader
import org.apache.openwhisk.utils.ExecutionContextFactory.FutureExtensions
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.ConfigKeys
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.containerpool.Interval
import scala.collection.mutable.Buffer
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future, Promise}
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
import pureconfig._
protected[actions] trait PrimitiveActions {
/** The core collections require backend services to be injected in this trait. */
services: WhiskServices =>
/** An actor system for timed based futures. */
protected implicit val actorSystem: ActorSystem
/** An execution context for futures. */
protected implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext
protected implicit val logging: Logging
* The index of the active ack topic, this controller is listening for.
* Typically this is also the instance number of the controller
protected val activeAckTopicIndex: ControllerInstanceId
/** Database service to CRUD actions. */
protected val entityStore: EntityStore
/** Database service to get activations. */
protected val activationStore: ActivationStore
/** Message producer. This is needed to write user-metrics. */
private val messagingProvider = SpiLoader.get[MessagingProvider]
private val producer = messagingProvider.getProducer(services.whiskConfig)
/** A method that knows how to invoke a sequence of actions. */
protected[actions] def invokeSequence(
user: Identity,
action: WhiskActionMetaData,
components: Vector[FullyQualifiedEntityName],
payload: Option[JsObject],
waitForOutermostResponse: Option[FiniteDuration],
cause: Option[ActivationId],
topmost: Boolean,
atomicActionsCount: Int)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[(Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation], Int)]
* A method that knows how to invoke a single primitive action or a composition.
* A composition is a kind of sequence of actions that is dynamically computed.
* The execution of a composition is triggered by the invocation of a conductor action.
* A conductor action is an executable action with a truthy "conductor" annotation.
* Sequences cannot be compositions: the "conductor" annotation on a sequence has no effect.
* A conductor action may either return a final result or a triplet { action, params, state }.
* In the latter case, the specified component action is invoked on the specified params object.
* Upon completion of this action the conductor action is reinvoked with a payload that combines
* the output of the action with the state returned by the previous conductor invocation.
* The composition result is the result of the final conductor invocation in the chain of invocations.
* The trace of a composition obeys the grammar: conductorInvocation(componentInvocation conductorInvocation)*
* The activation records for a composition and its components mimic the activation records of sequences.
* They include the same "topmost", "kind", and "causedBy" annotations with the same semantics.
* The activation record for a composition also includes a specific annotation "conductor" with value true.
protected[actions] def invokeSingleAction(
user: Identity,
action: ExecutableWhiskActionMetaData,
payload: Option[JsObject],
waitForResponse: Option[FiniteDuration],
cause: Option[ActivationId])(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]] = {
if (action.annotations.isTruthy(WhiskActivation.conductorAnnotation)) {
invokeComposition(user, action, payload, waitForResponse, cause)
} else {
invokeSimpleAction(user, action, payload, waitForResponse, cause)
* A method that knows how to invoke a single primitive action.
* Posts request to the loadbalancer. If the loadbalancer accepts the requests with an activation id,
* then wait for the result of the activation if necessary.
* Cause is populated only for actions that were invoked as a result of a sequence activation or a composition.
* For actions that are enclosed in a sequence and are activated as a result of the sequence activation, the cause
* contains the activation id of the immediately enclosing sequence.
* e.g.,: s -> a, x, c and x -> c (x and s are sequences, a, b, c atomic actions)
* cause for a, x, c is the activation id of s
* cause for c is the activation id of x
* cause for s is not defined
* For actions that are enclosed in a composition and are activated as a result of the composition activation,
* the cause contains the activation id of the immediately enclosing composition.
* @param user the identity invoking the action
* @param action the action to invoke
* @param payload the dynamic arguments for the activation
* @param waitForResponse if not empty, wait upto specified duration for a response (this is used for blocking activations)
* @param cause the activation id that is responsible for this invoke/activation
* @param transid a transaction id for logging
* @return a promise that completes with one of the following successful cases:
* Right(WhiskActivation) if waiting for a response and response is ready within allowed duration,
* Left(ActivationId) if not waiting for a response, or allowed duration has elapsed without a result ready
* or these custom failures:
* RequestEntityTooLarge if the message is too large to to post to the message bus
private def invokeSimpleAction(
user: Identity,
action: ExecutableWhiskActionMetaData,
payload: Option[JsObject],
waitForResponse: Option[FiniteDuration],
cause: Option[ActivationId])(implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]] = {
// merge package parameters with action (action parameters supersede), then merge in payload
val args = action.parameters merge payload
val activationId = activationIdFactory.make()
val startActivation = transid.started(
logLevel = InfoLevel)
val startLoadbalancer =
transid.started(this, LoggingMarkers.CONTROLLER_LOADBALANCER, s"action activation id: ${activationId}")
val message = ActivationMessage(
FullyQualifiedEntityName(action.namespace,, Some(action.version), action.binding),
activationId, // activation id created here
cause = cause,
val postedFuture = loadBalancer.publish(action, message)
postedFuture andThen {
case Success(_) => transid.finished(this, startLoadbalancer)
case Failure(e) => transid.failed(this, startLoadbalancer, e.getMessage)
} flatMap { activeAckResponse =>
// is caller waiting for the result of the activation?
.map { timeout =>
// yes, then wait for the activation response from the message bus
// (known as the active response or active ack)
waitForActivationResponse(user, message.activationId, timeout, activeAckResponse)
.getOrElse {
// no, return the activation id
} andThen {
case Success(_) => transid.finished(this, startActivation)
case Failure(e) => transid.failed(this, startActivation, e.getMessage)
* Mutable cumulative accounting of what happened during the execution of a composition.
* Compositions are aborted if the number of action invocations exceeds a limit.
* The permitted max is n component invocations plus 2n+1 conductor invocations (where n is the actionSequenceLimit).
* The max is chosen to permit a sequence with up to n primitive actions.
* A sequence invocation counts as one invocation irrespective of the number of action invocations in the sequence.
* If one component of a composition is also a composition, the caller and callee share the same accounting object.
* The counts are shared between callers and callees so the limit applies globally.
* @param components the current count of component actions already invoked
* @param conductors the current count of conductor actions already invoked
private case class CompositionAccounting(var components: Int = 0, var conductors: Int = 0)
* A mutable session object to keep track of the execution of one composition.
* The session object is not shared between callers and callees.
* @param activationId the activationId for the composition (ie the activation record for the composition)
* @param start the start time for the composition
* @param action the conductor action responsible for the execution of the composition
* @param cause the cause of the composition (activationId of the enclosing sequence or composition if any)
* @param duration the "user" time so far executing the composition (sum of durations for
* all actions invoked so far which is different from the total time spent executing the composition)
* @param maxMemory the maximum memory annotation observed so far for the conductor action and components
* @param state the json state object to inject in the parameter object of the next conductor invocation
* @param accounting the global accounting object used to abort compositions requiring too many action invocations
* @param logs a mutable buffer that is appended with new activation ids as the composition unfolds
* (in contrast with sequences, the logs of a hierarchy of compositions is not flattened)
private case class Session(activationId: ActivationId,
start: Instant,
action: ExecutableWhiskActionMetaData,
cause: Option[ActivationId],
var duration: Long,
var maxMemory: ByteSize,
var state: Option[JsObject],
accounting: CompositionAccounting,
logs: Buffer[ActivationId])
* A method that knows how to invoke a composition.
* The method instantiates the session object for the composition and invokes the conductor action.
* It waits for the activation response, synthesizes the activation record and writes it to the datastore.
* It distinguishes nested, blocking and non-blocking invokes, returning either the activation or the activation id.
* @param user the identity invoking the action
* @param action the conductor action to invoke for the composition
* @param payload the dynamic arguments for the activation
* @param waitForResponse if not empty, wait upto specified duration for a response (this is used for blocking activations)
* @param cause the activation id that is responsible for this invoke/activation
* @param accounting the accounting object for the caller if any
* @param transid a transaction id for logging
* @return a promise that completes with one of the following successful cases:
* Right(WhiskActivation) if waiting for a response and response is ready within allowed duration,
* Left(ActivationId) if not waiting for a response, or allowed duration has elapsed without a result ready
private def invokeComposition(user: Identity,
action: ExecutableWhiskActionMetaData,
payload: Option[JsObject],
waitForResponse: Option[FiniteDuration],
cause: Option[ActivationId],
accounting: Option[CompositionAccounting] = None)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]] = {
val session = Session(
activationId = activationIdFactory.make(),
start =,
duration = 0,
maxMemory = action.limits.memory.megabytes MB,
state = None,
accounting = accounting.getOrElse(CompositionAccounting()), // share accounting with caller
logs = Buffer.empty), s"invoking composition $action topmost ${cause.isEmpty} activationid '${session.activationId}'")
val response: Future[Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]] =
invokeConductor(user, payload, session, transid).map(response =>
Right(completeActivation(user, session, response, waitForResponse.isDefined)))
// is caller waiting for the result of the activation?
.map(_ => response) // ignore waitForResponse when not topmost
// blocking invoke, wait until timeout, Future.successful(Left(session.activationId)))))
// no, return the session id
* A method that knows how to handle a conductor invocation.
* This method prepares the payload and invokes the conductor action.
* It parses the result and extracts the name of the next component action if any.
* It either invokes the desired component action or completes the composition invocation.
* It also checks the invocation counts against the limits.
* @param user the identity invoking the action
* @param payload the dynamic arguments for the activation
* @param session the session object for this composition
* @param parentTid a parent transaction id
private def invokeConductor(user: Identity,
payload: Option[JsObject],
session: Session,
parentTid: TransactionId): Future[ActivationResponse] = {
implicit val transid: TransactionId = TransactionId.childOf(parentTid)
if (session.accounting.conductors > 2 * actionSequenceLimit) {
// composition is too long
} else {
// inject state into payload if any
val params = session.state
.map(state => Some(JsObject(payload.getOrElse(JsObject.empty).fields ++ state.fields)))
// invoke conductor action
session.accounting.conductors += 1
val activationResponse =
action = session.action,
payload = params,
waitForResponse = Some(session.action.limits.timeout.duration + 1.minute), // wait for result
cause = Some(session.activationId)) // cause is session id
waitForActivation(user, session, activationResponse).flatMap {
case Left(response) => // unsuccessful invocation, return error response
case Right(activation) => // successful invocation
val result = activation.resultAsJson
// extract params from result, auto boxing result if not a dictionary
val params = result.fields.get(WhiskActivation.paramsField).map {
case obj: JsObject => obj
case value => JsObject(WhiskActivation.valueField -> value)
// update session state, auto boxing state if not a dictionary
session.state = result.fields.get(WhiskActivation.stateField).map {
case obj: JsObject => obj
case value => JsObject(WhiskActivation.stateField -> value)
// extract next action from result and invoke
result.fields.get(WhiskActivation.actionField) match {
case None =>
// no next action, end composition execution, return to caller
Future.successful(ActivationResponse(activation.response.statusCode, Some(params.getOrElse(result))))
case Some(next) =>
FullyQualifiedEntityName.resolveName(next, match {
case Some(fqn) if session.accounting.components < actionSequenceLimit =>
tryInvokeNext(user, fqn, params, session, transid)
case Some(_) => // composition is too long
payload = Some(JsObject(ERROR_FIELD -> JsString(compositionIsTooLong))),
session = session,
case None => // parsing failure
payload = Some(JsObject(ERROR_FIELD -> JsString(compositionComponentInvalid(next)))),
session = session,
* Checks if the user is entitled to invoke the next action and invokes it.
* @param user the subject
* @param fqn the name of the action
* @param params parameters for the action
* @param session the session for the current activation
* @return promise for the eventual activation
private def tryInvokeNext(user: Identity,
fqn: FullyQualifiedEntityName,
params: Option[JsObject],
session: Session,
parentTid: TransactionId): Future[ActivationResponse] = {
implicit val transid: TransactionId = TransactionId.childOf(parentTid)
val resource = Resource(fqn.path, Collection(Collection.ACTIONS), Some(
.check(user, Privilege.ACTIVATE, Set(resource), noThrottle = true)
.flatMap { _ =>
// successful entitlement check
.resolveActionAndMergeParameters(entityStore, fqn)
.flatMap {
case next =>
// successful resolution
invokeComponent(user, action = next, payload = params, session)
.recoverWith {
case _ =>
// resolution failure
payload = Some(JsObject(ERROR_FIELD -> JsString(compositionComponentNotFound(fqn.asString)))),
session = session,
.recoverWith {
case _ =>
// failed entitlement check
payload = Some(JsObject(ERROR_FIELD -> JsString(compositionComponentNotAccessible(fqn.asString)))),
session = session,
* A method that knows how to handle a component invocation.
* This method distinguishes primitive actions, sequences, and compositions.
* The conductor action is reinvoked after the successful invocation of the component.
* @param user the identity invoking the action
* @param action the component action to invoke
* @param payload the dynamic arguments for the activation
* @param session the session object for this composition
* @param transid a transaction id for logging
private def invokeComponent(user: Identity, action: WhiskActionMetaData, payload: Option[JsObject], session: Session)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[ActivationResponse] = {
val exec = action.toExecutableWhiskAction
val activationResponse: Future[Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]] = exec match {
case Some(action) if action.annotations.isTruthy(WhiskActivation.conductorAnnotation) => // composition
// invokeComposition will increase the invocation counts
waitForResponse = None, // not topmost, hence blocking, no need for timeout
cause = Some(session.activationId),
accounting = Some(session.accounting))
case Some(action) => // primitive action
session.accounting.components += 1
waitForResponse = Some(action.limits.timeout.duration + 1.minute),
cause = Some(session.activationId))
case None => // sequence
session.accounting.components += 1
val SequenceExecMetaData(components) = action.exec
waitForOutermostResponse = None,
cause = Some(session.activationId),
topmost = false,
atomicActionsCount = 0).map(r => r._1)
waitForActivation(user, session, activationResponse).flatMap {
case Left(response) => // unsuccessful invocation, return error response
case Right(activation) => // reinvoke conductor on component result
invokeConductor(user, payload = Some(activation.resultAsJson), session = session, transid)
* Waits for a response from a conductor of component action invocation.
* Handles internal errors (activation failure or timeout).
* Logs the activation id and updates the duration and max memory for the session.
* Returns the activation record if successful, the error response if not.
* @param user the identity invoking the action
* @param session the session object for this composition
* @param activationResponse the future activation to wait on
* @param transid a transaction id for logging
private def waitForActivation(user: Identity,
session: Session,
activationResponse: Future[Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]])(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Either[ActivationResponse, WhiskActivation]] = {
.map {
case Left(activationId) => // invocation timeout
session.logs += activationId
case Right(activation) => // successful invocation
session.logs += activation.activationId
// activation.duration should be defined but this is not reflected by the type so be defensive
// end - start is a sensible default but not the correct value for sequences and compositions
session.duration += activation.duration.getOrElse(activation.end.toEpochMilli - activation.start.toEpochMilli)
activation.annotations.get("limits").foreach { limitsAnnotation =>
limitsAnnotation.asJsObject.getFields("memory") match {
case Seq(JsNumber(memory)) =>
session.maxMemory = Math.max(session.maxMemory.toMB.toInt, memory.toInt) MB
.recover { // invocation failure
case _ => Left(ActivationResponse.whiskError(compositionActivationFailure))
* Creates an activation for a composition and writes it back to the datastore.
* Returns the activation.
private def completeActivation(user: Identity,
session: Session,
response: ActivationResponse,
blockingComposition: Boolean)(implicit transid: TransactionId): WhiskActivation = {
val context = UserContext(user)
// compute max memory
val sequenceLimits = Parameters(
ActionLimits(session.action.limits.timeout, MemoryLimit(session.maxMemory), session.action.limits.logs).toJson)
// set causedBy if not topmost
val causedBy = { _ =>
Parameters(WhiskActivation.causedByAnnotation, JsString(Exec.SEQUENCE))
// set waitTime for conductor action
val waitTime = {
Interval(transid.meta.start, session.start).duration.toMillis.toJson)
// set binding if invoked action is in a package binding
val binding = => Parameters(WhiskActivation.bindingAnnotation, JsString(f.asString)))
val end =
// create the whisk activation
val activation = WhiskActivation(
namespace =,
name =,
activationId = session.activationId,
start = session.start,
end = end,
cause = session.cause,
response = response,
logs = ActivationLogs(,
version = session.action.version,
publish = false,
annotations = Parameters(WhiskActivation.topmostAnnotation, JsBoolean(session.cause.isEmpty)) ++
Parameters(WhiskActivation.pathAnnotation, JsString(session.action.fullyQualifiedName(false).asString)) ++
Parameters(WhiskActivation.kindAnnotation, JsString(Exec.SEQUENCE)) ++
Parameters(WhiskActivation.conductorAnnotation, JsTrue) ++
causedBy ++ waitTime ++ binding ++
duration = Some(session.duration))
if (UserEvents.enabled) {
EventMessage.from(activation, s"controller${activeAckTopicIndex.asString}", user.namespace.uuid) match {
case Success(msg) => UserEvents.send(producer, msg)
case Failure(t) => logging.warn(this, s"activation event was not sent: $t")
activationStore.storeAfterCheck(activation, blockingComposition, None, context)(transid, notifier = None, logging)
* Waits for a response from the message bus (e.g., Kafka) containing the result of the activation. This is the fast path
* used for blocking calls where only the result of the activation is needed. This path is called active acknowledgement
* or active ack.
* While waiting for the active ack, periodically poll the datastore in case there is a failure in the fast path delivery
* which could happen if the connection from an invoker to the message bus is disrupted, or if the publishing of the response
* fails because the message is too large.
private def waitForActivationResponse(user: Identity,
activationId: ActivationId,
totalWaitTime: FiniteDuration,
activeAckResponse: Future[Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]])(
implicit transid: TransactionId): Future[Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]] = {
val context = UserContext(user)
val result = Promise[Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]]
val docid = new DocId(WhiskEntity.qualifiedName(, activationId))
logging.debug(this, s"action activation will block for result upto $totalWaitTime")
// 1. Wait for the active-ack to happen. Either immediately resolve the promise or poll the database quickly
// in case of an incomplete active-ack (record too large for example).
activeAckResponse.foreach {
case Right(activation) => result.trySuccess(Right(activation))
case _ if (controllerActivationConfig.pollingFromDb) =>
pollActivation(docid, context, result, i => 1.seconds + (2.seconds * i), maxRetries = 4)
case Left(activationId) =>
result.trySuccess(Left(activationId)) // complete the future immediately if it's configured to not poll db for blocking activations
if (controllerActivationConfig.pollingFromDb) {
// 2. Poll the database slowly in case the active-ack never arrives
pollActivation(docid, context, result, _ => 15.seconds)
// 3. Timeout forces a fallback to activationId
val timeout = actorSystem.scheduler.scheduleOnce(totalWaitTime)(result.trySuccess(Left(activationId)))
result.future.andThen {
case _ => timeout.cancel()
* Polls the database for an activation.
* Does not use Future composition because an early exit is wanted, once any possible external source resolved the
* Promise.
* @param docid the docid to poll for
* @param result promise to resolve on result. Is also used to abort polling once completed.
private def pollActivation(docid: DocId,
context: UserContext,
result: Promise[Either[ActivationId, WhiskActivation]],
wait: Int => FiniteDuration,
retries: Int = 0,
maxRetries: Int = Int.MaxValue)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Unit = {
if (!result.isCompleted && retries < maxRetries) {
val schedule = actorSystem.scheduler.scheduleOnce(wait(retries)) {
activationStore.get(ActivationId(docid.asString), context).onComplete {
case Success(activation) =>
s"retrieved activation for blocking invocation via DB polling",
logLevel = InfoLevel)
case Failure(_: NoDocumentException) => pollActivation(docid, context, result, wait, retries + 1, maxRetries)
case Failure(t: Throwable) => result.tryFailure(t)
// Halt the schedule if the result is provided during one execution
result.future.onComplete(_ => schedule.cancel())
/** Max atomic action count allowed for sequences */
private lazy val actionSequenceLimit = whiskConfig.actionSequenceLimit.toInt
protected val controllerActivationConfig =
case class ControllerActivationConfig(pollingFromDb: Boolean, maxWaitForBlockingActivation: FiniteDuration)